The Aeneid (62 page)

Read The Aeneid Online

Authors: Virgil

BOOK: The Aeneid
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Chalcis 5H

Chaonia 4F

(Charybdis – whirlpool off Scylaceum)

(Cithaeron – mountain north of Athens)

Claros 5K

Clusium 2B

Corinth 5H

Corythus 2B

Crete 6HJK

(Crinisus – Sicilian river)

Cumae 3C

Cures 3B

(Cybelus – mountain near Corinth)

(Cynthus – mountain on Delos)

(Cyprus – island in Eastern Mediterranean)

Cythera 6H

Dacia 1GHJ

(Dahae – people east of Caspian)

Daunia 3D

Delos 5J

(Dicte – mountain in Crete)

(Dindymus – mountain in Phrygia)

Dodona 4F

Dolopians 4G

Donusa 5J

Drepanum 5B

Dryopes 4G

(Dulichium – island near Ithaca)

Elis 5G

Epirus 4F

(Erymanthus – mountain in Arcadia)

Eryx 5B

Etna 5C

Etruria 2AB, 3B

Euboea 5H

(Euphrates – river of Mesopotamia)

(Eurotas – Spartan river)

Forum Boarium

(Gaetulians – people of the Sahara)

(Garamantians – people of the Sahara)

(Garganus – mountain in Apulia)

(Geloni – Scythian people)

Getae 2HJ

Greatest Altar – see Ara Maxima

Gortyn 6J

Gryneum 4K

Gyaros 5J

(Haemus – mountain in Thrace)

(Hebrus – river in Thrace)

(Helicon – mountain in Boeotia)

Helorus 6C

(Hermus – river in Lydia)

(Hesperia – the Western Land, Italy)

(Homole – mountain in Thessaly)

(Hyrcanians – people near the Caspian Sea)

(Ida – mountain in Crete)

(Ida – mountain near Troy)

(Idalium – mountain in Cyprus)

(Ilium – Troy)

Ithaca 5F


Lacinium 5D

Larisa 4G

Latium 3B

(Laurentines – people on the coast of Latium)

Lavinium 3B

Lemnos 4J

Lerna 5H

Leucas 5F

Liburnia 1D

(Libya – land east of the Syrtes)

Liguria 1A

Lilybaeum 5B

Lipari 5C

Locri 5D


(Lycia – land on south coast of Asia Minor)

Lydia 5K

Lyrnessus 4K

Macedonia 3G

Maeonia 4K

(Maeotians – people on north shore of Caspian)

Malea 6H

Mantua 1A

(Marpessa – mountain on Paros)

Marsians 3C

(Massylians – people west of Carthage)

Mausoleum of Augustus

Megara 5H

Meliboea 4G

(Misenum – cape south of Cumae)

(Morini – Belgian people)

Mycenae 5H

Myconos 5J

Myrmidons 4G

(Nar – river in Umbria)

Narycum 5H

Naxos 5J

Nemea 5H

(Neritos – island near Ithaca)

Numidians – people west of Carthage

Oechalia 5G

(Oenotria – Italy)

Olearos 5J

(Orthrys – mountain in Thessaly)

(Ortygia – another name for Delos)

(Ortygia – island in the bay of Syracuse)

Pachynus 6C

(Pactolus – river in Lydia)

(Padus – one of the mouths of the river Po)

Palinurus 4C

Pallanteum 3B

(Pantagias – river in Sicily)

(Paphos – town in Cyprus)

Paros 5J

Parrhasia 5G

Patavium 1B

(Pelasgians – ancient north Aegean people)

Pelorus 5D

(Pergamum – Troy, strictly its citadel)

Petelia 4D

Pheneus 5G

(Phoenicia – land on eastern seaboard of Mediterranean)

Phrygia 4K

Plemyrium 6C

Praeneste 3B

Privernum 3B

Prochyta 4C

Pthia 5G

Rhoeteum 4J

Rutulians 3B

Sabines 3B

Salamis 5H

Sallentine Plains 4E

Same 5F

Samnium 3C

Samos 5K

Samothrace 3J


Scylaceum 5D

(Scythia – people north of Caspian)

Scyros 4H

Selinus 5B

(Shebans – Sabaeans, Arabian people)

(Sicanians – people who moved from Central Italy to Sicily)

(Sidon – Phoenician city)

Sila 5D

(Simois – Trojan river)

(Soracte – mountain in Etruria)

Strophades 5G

Syracuse 6C

Syrtes 6A

(Taburnus – mountain in Samnium)

Tarentum 4D

Tarpeian Rock

(Tetrica – mountain in Sabine country)

(Teucrians – Trojans)

Thapsus 6C

Thebes 5H

Thrace 2GHJ

Thymbra 4J

Tiber 2B

Tibur 3B

Timavus 1B

Tiryns 5H

(Trinacria – Sicily)

(Troad – the region around Troy)

Troy 4J

(Tuscans – Etruscans)

(Tyre – Phoenician city)

(Tyrrhenians – Etruscans)

Umbria 2B

(Velinus – lake in Sabine country)

(Vesulus – mountain in Liguria)

Volsci 3BC

(Xanthus – river in the Troad)

Zacynthus 5F

For lines 756–892
Appendix I

For lines 626–728
Appendix II

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