The Adonis of Weho (20 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: The Adonis of Weho
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“Last I knew he was screwing some barmaid in a pub in Ireland.”

Reese walked around the room, reaching his hand out to try and find Orion.

“Can’t you see him, Reese?”

“No. Who is it?”

“Where did you find this mortal?” Orion asked.

“He can see these.” Adonis flapped his wings.

“Yo. Dude,” Orion yelled to Reese. “You wanna see me?

Here. Look now.”

Adonis watched Reese for his reaction.

He jumped and backed up, reaching behind him as he did.

“He sees me now.” Orion smiled wickedly. “Look, man, I can’t keep Hera off your back. You’re on your own. The only one who can is your dad. You know that.”

Adonis did indeed. “When did you see Hera last?”

“She’s looking for you. She hit up everyone, even Aphrodite, to see where you were. If I can find you, so can she.”

Hearing a small sound, Adonis peered over his shoulder. Reese was curled up on the couch, looking intimidated.

“Right. Catch ya later, bro.” Orion bumped Adonis’ fist and vanished.


When the warrior in his living room vanished, Reese knew he was going crazy. Smith turned around to see him cowering. “My only hope is to wed. My father knows nothing is stronger than an oath. What’s it going to be, Reese?”

“Who was that?” Reese pointed.


“Like…” Reese gestured to the ceiling. “Like

Smith looked up and then appeared confused.

“The constellation? With the belt?”

“Oh. Yes. That Orion.” Smith stood in front of him. “His timing sucked. I lost my erection.” Smith flapped his soft cock at him.

Reese sat correctly on the sofa, his feet on the floor, and stared at his books lining the bookshelf. “I haven’t been able to write. I’m totally screwed up.”

Smith walked to the bookshelf and looked at the titles. “So many. Very impressive.”

Reese got lost on Smith’s ass and wings. How can he concentrate with
standing right before his eyes?

“Which do you recommend?” Smith thumbed through a paperback.


“Yes?” Smith looked up.

“I’ll marry you.”

The look on Smith’s face was worth all the bling in Smith Gold’s jewelry box.

Smith set the book back on the shelf and sauntered over.

“Make it official. Get on one knee.”

“You ole romantic you.” Reese walked around the coffee table, took Smith’s hand and knelt down in front of him.

“Smith Gold?”

“Yes, Reese Anderson?”

“Will you do me the honor of being my husband?”

“I will.”

Maybe it was being drunk on god spunk, or high on Pan’s weed, but Reese felt elated.

“Time to go ring shopping?” Smith smiled.

“Time to plan a trip to New York!” Reese picked Smith up off the floor and spun him around.

Chapter 15

Hoping to keep hidden from Hera for a little longer, Adonis curled up in Reese’s cozy, king-sized bed. Reese shut off the lights and crawled under the covers with him. The air was kept cool inside as the late summer day drew to a close. Adonis entangled his limbs with Reese’s and scooted closer so their bodies touched.

“Hello, husband-to-be.” Reese smiled affectionately.

“Hello, my mortal lover.”

“I didn’t think I was the marrying kind. Until you.” Reese brushed Adonis’ long hair back from his forehead.

“I always wanted to marry. Vows are meant not to be broken. All the gods know that.”

“You have my word.”

“Then that’s all the promise I need.” Adonis received his kiss.

“Why…” Adonis asked softly, “Why can’t we marry here?”

“We can have a civil ceremony, but not get married legally.”


“Don’t get me started on politics. I won’t sleep.” Reese shifted to his back and drew the light covers up his chest. Adonis caressed his lover’s abdomen, resting his head on Reese’s shoulder. “Rules banning love, rules banning marriage. Seems silly so much time is wasted on rules to stop nature.”

“You have no idea. Once you live with me permanently, you’ll see how messed up our world is.”

“No better or worse than the heavens, I’d imagine.” Adonis smoothed his hand down Reese’s stomach to his groin. “Oh!

Where’s your cock?”

“What?” Reese jolted and reached down.

“I’m kidding.” Adonis grabbed his semi-erect dick and pulled on it.

“That is not funny!”

“No, it’s not. But it is.”

“Get the fuck over here.” Reese cupped Adonis’ head and held it.

“Where am I going?” Adonis felt Reese’s cock thicken.

“Nowhere.” Reese closed his eyes and kissed him.

“Mm.” Adonis received the kiss happily. “No interruptions to our loving this time.”

“No. Hopefully not. So, after we’re married, we’re home free?” Reese shifted so he was lying on his side, his cock resting on Adonis’ hip.

“Yes. I am required to marry in…” He looked at his watch.

“Ten days.”

“That’s not a very long time to plan a wedding.” He bent his knee so Adonis could stroke between his legs.

“What do we need?”

“A hall, a caterer, flowers, photographer…”

Adonis rubbed under Reese’s balls, feeling the root of his cock was just as stiff as the rest. “Really? All that just to exchange vows of love?”

“Some people elope.”

“And that’s easier?”

“Yes, but. I don’t know. Don’t you want a big wedding?”

“Big? I’ll do anything you want.” Adonis held onto Reese’s balls, tugging them gently.

“On such short notice, I have no idea what we can do and can’t do.”

Adonis brought his own hand to his mouth and sucked his finger. Reese watched, his breathing growing deeper. He reached down and pushed his wet finger inside Reese’s ass. “I know what we can do without any notice.”

“Damn,” Reese said, laughing. “Love being your bottomboy.”

“Love? A word used so freely unless it’s said directly.”

Reese’s smile faded. He stared into Adonis’ eyes. “I do love you.”

“Do you?” Adonis felt his insides flutter. His wings copied the sensation, shivering.

“Best way I know of showing you?”

Adonis waited.

Reese rolled to his back, bent his knees, and spread his legs.

“Yes.” Adonis crawled over Reese, picking up each of Reese’s legs to rest on his shoulders. When Reese reached to his nightstand, Adonis bit back his objection. He waited impatiently as his cock was wrapped in rubber, then given a coating of slippery gel.

“Can I now?”

“Yup.” Reese wiped his hands on his thighs and directed Adonis’ cock towards his ass.

Not allowing the preparation to ruin his anticipation, Adonis drove his cock inside his husband-to-be and moaned, throwing back his head.


Was he crazy? Hell yeah.

He couldn’t even write this insanity into a novel. If he did he’d get letters and emails telling him that it would never happen in ‘real’ life.

No one knows a guy…with wings…and marries him in a week, do they? No!

Reese was knocked out of his thoughts by those huge white wings spreading out as Smith drew closer to a climax. He grabbed his own cock and jerked it in time with Smith’s thrusts, which were growing faster and deeper.

Even if you weren’t the god of desire, you are so fucking hot!

Reese’s cock thickened as he watched this glorious man with wings ride
to the stars. Two worlds colliding. Now two bodies were.

Reese’s dick throbbed and he arched his back as Adonis hit his sweet spot inside his ass. “Fuck! Fuck!” Reese fisted himself in a frenzy as Smith began gasping and hammering into him hard.

“More!” Reese was on the edge.

Smith held onto his legs and jammed his cock into him, making his insides burn and tingle. Reese opened his eyes to see those fiery blue irises lighting up like glowing sapphires. He fell off the edge and shot cum all over himself, continuing to jerk off as the waves of pleasure crested.

Smith thrust in a few more times, then stilled his hips. Hanging his head, Smith stared at the connection of their bodies as they both recuperated. “A thing of beauty.”

“You can say that again.” Reese kept his focus on Smith’s handsome features.

“I hate it when it ends.”


Smith backed up, pulling out and again looked with disdain at the condom.

“All right. Relax.” Reese removed it for him. “We’ll get tested and then no more rubbers, okay?”

“Tested.” Smith stood, following Reese to the bathroom.

“Yes. Tested.” Reese tossed out the condom and washed up at the sink.


“For?” Reese echoed and stared at Smith. “AIDS, STDs.”

That silly tilt of the head happened again.

“Never mind.” Reese dried his hands and returned to the bedroom, making sure things were straightened up before he climbed into bed.

Smith crawled under with him, and they held each other tight.

“Goodnight, husband-to-be.”

“Goodnight, husband-to-be.” Reese laughed and closed his eyes.


Reese woke up in the night. He felt the urge to pee, so he climbed out of bed and found his way in the dark to his bathroom. Without turning on the light, he raised the lid and reached to hold his cock. He couldn’t feel it. He grabbed his crotch and his finger fell into a slit. He panicked and touched his chest, feeling two mounds under his nipples.



Adonis woke up and reached out to defend himself against a wild boar. He flailed around until he heard Reese screaming. Turning to his side of the bed, he shook him, feeling his skin coated in sweat. “Reese! Wake up!”

Reese bolted upright and Adonis knew he’d had a terrible nightmare. “You are all right.” He rubbed his neck and back, feeling him drenched in perspiration.

In the dark Adonis could hear Reese rustling around.

“What? What did you dream?”

“Oh, thank fuck!”

“Reese? Tell me.”

“I dreamt she turned me into a woman.” Reese breathed loudly, as if gaining air.

Adonis reached under the covers, over Reese’s hand and he too felt the presence of a cock and testicles underneath. “It was a dream.”

Reese was slow to lie back down. But with urging, he did, resting on the pillows. “This is insane.”

“Come close.” Adonis embraced him, feeling his fear, smelling his scent of terror. “I have you.”

“But even you can’t protect me from her. From—”

“Don’t say her name!” Adonis put his hand over Reese’s mouth. “It’s like calling for a curse to arise.”

Reese hid his face in Adonis’ neck and hair. Adonis could feel him shaking. He wound his arms tighter around him and squeezed hard. Closing his eyes, Adonis wondered why anyone had to live like this, in fear of persecution and pain.
Why does it make a difference who I love?

That question could not stop entering Adonis’ mind.


By morning, Reese was worn out. Between the bad dreams and the anxiety over creating his own wedding by the end of the week, he was a shambles.

Smith’s eyes were open as he stared at the ceiling. Reese rolled over, propping his head up on his hand. “How long have you been awake?”

“Most of the night.”

“Me too.” Reese ran his index finger over Smith’s shoulder. Smith held it and kissed it, meeting his eyes. “We will fight, and we will win.”

“Yes.” Reese nodded, liking the affirmation.

“We have allies. Pan, Orion, Heath, Doug…”

“We do. And we can always go to gay media channels and social network groups for backup.”


“Gay…” Reese didn’t have the energy. “Never mind.” He dropped back on the pillows. “I need to begin planning our wedding.”

“Today. No time to waste. The sooner those vows are spoken the better.” Smith wriggled on his back. “And then these wings will vanish. Gods willing.”

“You think that’s all it will take? Standing at the altar and saying I do?”

“I do.” Smith smiled.

“Then I have to get busy. Do you mind if I invite my family?”

“Of course not. They approve of you marrying a man?”

“They do. I mean, they will, especially once they meet you.”

Reese enveloped Smith in his embrace.

Smith was about to kiss him when the room began to shake.

“Oh oh,” Smith looked up at the ceiling. “She has found me.”


Even Reese heard her shriek.

“Holy shit!” Reese shrank back and held the blanket under his chin.

Smith jumped out of bed, keeping his eye on the ceiling and taking up a fighting stance. “Get lost, Hera! Go find another son of Zeus to torture!”

Reese didn’t think it was a good idea for Smith to be antagonizing someone who can turn a man into a bird or a woman.

“You said marry!” Smith yelled, his fists clenched. “I shall marry the one I love!”

Reese panicked and felt the room tremble and a noise like a locomotive shaking the walls. As he watched, Smith’s wings spread wide, making him appear enormous and powerful. They may be chicken wings, but they looked like the span of an eagle on Smith. Then it appeared Smith was hit with something, for he flew backwards and slammed into the wall, crumbling to the floor.

“Smith!” Reese scrambled out of bed to help him. Something strong was holding him back. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t move to help Smith.

Smith was picked up like a ragdoll and once again battered against the wall.

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