The Adonis of Weho (11 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: The Adonis of Weho
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“Will you watch over me?”

“Of course!” Heath laughed.

“Yes. Tell me where it is.”

“Santa Monica Boulevard. It’s where you first met us. Do you remember? Before we took you to the clothing store?”

“Yes. I do.”

“Call Reese. He’ll come.”

“I’ll call him.” Adonis looked at the phone. “Just push his ten numbers?”

“Dude! You crack me up!” Heath laughed. “Right, so be there out front at eight.”

“Another number. Eight.”

“Eight o’clock!”

“Yes! Time!” Adonis stared at his gold watch. “It’s six now, correct?”

“Yeah, thereabout.”

“Okay. See you at eight.”

“Bye,” Heath said.

Adonis waved at the phone and continued to eat. It made a strange buzzing sound so he pushed a few buttons until it stopped.

When he looked up, Maria was standing on the other side of the sliding door, her hands on her hips.

“The meal is good.” He pointed to it.

She frowned, her forehead furrowing.

“I like men. Don’t look at me that way.”

“You should have told your father.”

“He ravished Ganymede. He’s not one to judge.” Adonis ate another stuffed grape-leaf.

“How do you know he would not understand?”

“He may. Hera?” Adonis shook his head. “No way. She’ll force me to hard labor.”

The phone made a strange chiming noise. Adonis wiped his hands on a napkin and pushed buttons again. “Hello? Hello?” He kept waiting to hear something back.




“Finally.” Adonis looked to Maria to shrug but she had gone.

“It’s Reese.”

“Oh!” Adonis sat up and stared at his cock because this man’s voice made it react.

“Look, I’m sorry. For whatever you think I did today. I’m sorry.”

“Are you a god?”

“No. I’m just a guy from San Diego.”

Adonis blinked as he thought that comment over.

“Can I see you, Smith? I’m going crazy here.”

“Really? Crazy for me?” His cock began to swell.

“Yes. For you. About you.”

“I was going to ask you if you wanted to meet me at a club. At eight.”

“Sure. Which club?”

“The one on Santa Monica Boulevard.”

“There are several. Can you narrow it down?”

Adonis thought about it. “I’ll try. Let me see. It had a blue colored light surrounding the entrance. An open front from which the music came thundering out of…”

“Cheekers. I know the one.”

“The number on the clock dial I’ll be there for is eight.”

Adonis stared at his watch.

“Okay. Eight o’clock at Cheekers.”

Adonis waited. “Is something supposed to happen now?”

“I suppose we’re supposed to hang up.”

“Hang up.”

“Yes. You see the button on your phone with a red dot?”

Adonis looked at it. “I do.”

“If you push that, I’ll disconnect.”

“What if I don’t want you to go?”

Reese laughed. “Man, you are too cute.”

Adonis peeked at his groin again, his cock was growing very interested. A tap on the sliding glass door and a wag of her finger showed Maria knew what he was thinking.

Adonis waved her away. “I hope eight will be here soon.”

“Me too. Look. Smith. I won’t tell anyone about…”


“You know.”

“I know.” Adonis tilted his head in confusion.

“The wings,” Reese whispered it so Adonis had to lower closer to the phone that was on the table.

“Oh! No! Don’t tell anyone. Please! I’m humiliated by them. Are you kidding me?”

“I don’t know why. They are as spectacular as you are.”

“Huh? No! They are a curse!” Adonis’ cock deflated. “Stop before I change my mind.” Suspicion grew in him.

“I’ll shut up. See you later.”

“See you.” Adonis pushed the red dot. “Goodbye.” He waved.

Maria pounded her hand on the glass. “You will be punished. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“I like men!” Adonis threw up his hands. “Why is that so hard for everyone to fathom?” He waved his hands at her. “Go!


She walked away and Adonis ate more of the wonderful food, looking up over his shoulder as if Hera would indeed get wind of his preference and this task would come to a swift end. Chapter 8

Reese paced in front of the club. It was still light out and would be to nearly ten o’clock. Summer in LA. Most young men were scantily clad in short-shorts and muscle tees, sandals and bulging crotches.

He’d seen it all here in West Hollywood. Even if you had exotic tastes, you can find him here.


Reese spun around.

“You’re Reese!” A young man with spiky bleached blond hair and painted blue eyes pointed at him. Beside him was another young man in his twenties, with shaggy brown hair and dark eyes.

“And you are?”

“We’re Smith’s friends from the beach.”

“Right!” Reese reached out his hand and shook both of theirs. He didn’t dare ask them if they knew their friend had wings. But the temptation was painful.

“I’m Heath and this is my man, Doug.”

Reese nodded, looking for Smith anxiously.

“Why’d you freak out on him at the beach today?” Doug nudged him.

“Huh?” Reese backed up as men came and went in and out of the crowded club. “I didn’t freak out.”

“Ya did, man.” Heath nodded. “Ya got our buddy Smith all jumpy-like.”

“I didn’t mean to.” Reese put his hands into his pockets. He wore his tightest faded jeans and a black sleeveless shirt.

“Dude, how old are you?” Heath gave him a condescending glare.

Before Reese answered, a sensation like a vibration or a silent sonic reverberation seemed to hit the area. Everyone on the sidewalk spun around to look. Reese stood on his toes to see over the heads of the men loitering outside the club. There, in tight white cotton pants and a white V-neck T-shirt, was a masculine stud, strutting his stuff like a peacock.

“Dude…” Heath moaned.

“He is un-fucking-real,” Doug said slowly.

Reese’s mouth watered instantly.

In his sunglasses, his long hair blowing back from his face, and those spectacular white wings held high behind his back, was Smith. Every man in the area stopped what they were doing to ogle and drool. Cars screeched to a halt and horns honked, making the surroundings chaotic.

But nothing ruffled that man. Man? Creature? Whatever the hell he was.

The crowd of men parted as he walked by.

Reese felt as if Smith was moving in slow motion, like a vampire making his way to a kill, knowing just how superior he was.

“Holy shit.” Reese’s gaze swept up Smith’s body from his bulging crotch to his unbelievable masculine features and rich, thick brown hair.

Smith stopped in front of his friends and smiled. They just stared at him, mute.

“Hello?” He lowered his sunglasses and then his smile faded.

“No!” He grabbed Heath. “Do I look okay back there?” He spun around, wriggling his bottom.

Reese nearly choked in shock, seeing the white wings clearly. He bit his lip and waited.

Heath sensually cupped Smith’s ass and squeezed. “Dude, you have the best bubble butt in WeHo. Grrr!”

“Oh!” Smith spun around. He stared at Reese from over his dark glasses. “I won’t ask you.”

“Don’t.” Reese had no idea why he could see those white wings and no one else could. It was maddening.

“Then why are they all staring at me?” Smith checked his fly. Doug shook his head. “You’re an actor, Smith. They recognize you.”

“You’re an actor?” Reese felt confused.

“He’s got Tonys, Emmys, and Oscars…” Heath nodded his head. “Dude! You should see his pic standing with the Pittster!”

Reese looked at Smith again, trying to verify the information. He had never seen or heard of him before.

Smith shrugged as if the words were meaningless. “Do we go in? Or is the party out here?”

“We can go inside and sit on the patio.” Reese pointed to the outdoor area.

“Yes.” Smith nodded and walked to the club entrance. Reese was flabbergasted that only he could see those spectacular wings. They were so huge they couldn’t be missed.


A man was standing at the entrance, blocking the way. Adonis stared at him. “What do you want?”

“Ten bucks.” He held out his hand. “Cover.”

“Ten bucks? Like in male deer?” Adonis placed his hand over the man’s palm, covering it.

The bouncer looked at his friends. “Is he for real, man?”

Heath said, “That’s Smith Gold. Don’t you know who he is?

He’s a big movie star.”

The man took a closer look at him.

Adonis removed his sunglasses and shot him a dazzling grin.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you. Come in.”

“They’re with me.” Adonis pointed to his entourage.

“Of course.” He yelled to another man inside, “VIP seating!”

“In or out?”

“Out!” Doug replied, bumping fists with Heath.

Adonis looked back at Reese. He was upset to see Reese still intrigued with his wings. He thought they were over that hurdle. Obviously not.

They were shown to a private outdoor area inside a courtyard. It was far enough away from the noise so they didn’t have to shout to speak.

The second man gestured to a young handsome stud in black spandex shorts, white socks, black work boots, and a bowtie.

“This will be your private waiter, Jet.”

“Nice package,” Doug eyed Jet’s groin as he sat at the table for four.

“Thanks. What can I get you all?”

Adonis gave the young man a once-over. He was gleaming like a statue shined with olive oil, and not a hair stood on his chest, which was very rounded from working out. “He’s stunning.” He looked back at Reese. “Isn’t he stunning?”

Reese rested his elbows on the table. “If you go for all that young gym junkie thing.”

Jet touched Adonis under his chin flirtatiously. “Look who’s talking.”

Adonis noticed Reese’s back go rigid in jealousy. Adonis had seen jealousy kill many gods and men. In his opinion, jealousy was only good up to a point.

“What can I get you, gorgeous?” Jet licked his lips.

“All right.” Reese shook his head. “I’m sitting right here. He’s with me!”

Doug coughed into his hand and smiled at Heath.

“What will I have?” Adonis looked to the others. “What do you recommend? Something local.”



“Beer on tap.”

Adonis looked from Heath, to Doug, to Reese. He pointed to Reese. “Beerontap.”

“Which one?” Jet ran through the list.

Adonis pointed to Reese again. “Let him choose.”

Once they ordered and Jet left, Reese said, “He’s going to spit in my beer.”

“Ew.” Doug curled his nose in disgust.

“Stop.” Adonis shook his head. “Well. Here we all are. At eight.” He pointed to his watch. “In West Hollywood.” He twirled his finger around to indicate the area. “In a gay bar.”

“Dude!” Heath held up his hand and Doug slapped it. “With Smith Gold, superstar.”

“Don’t get carried away.” Adonis looked over at Reese.

“You’re in a bad mood. Why?”

“I’ve just got too many things on my mind.”

“We’re all ears.” Doug leaned his elbows on the table.

“Why’d you freak out at the beach? Just star-struck over our superstar?”

“Yes.” Reese glanced at Adonis.

“Told ya, dude.” Heath bobbed his head. “Nothing to worry about. It’s all cool.”

Jet returned with a tray. He set glasses down in front of everyone. “Appetizers on the house.” He placed a plate of shrimp and cocktail sauce on the table.

Adonis was still full from Maria’s meze. He held his belly as Jet placed plates, napkins and silverware around the table. Reese picked up his beer mug and eyed it suspiciously. Adonis took it from him and swapped mugs. “There.”

Reese seemed to be checking Jet for a reaction, but didn’t get one.

“Enjoy.” Jet smiled and left.

Doug and Heath dove into the shrimp. “You rock, Smith!”

“I rock.” Adonis knew that was a good thing, but still couldn’t understand why he was a rock. “Reese.”


Adonis waited until he got his attention. Adonis didn’t know what he expected from the man…if he was a man. And if he was

‘just a man’, why did he see the wings? He touched his cheek, as if brushing off a speck of dust. “What will I do with you?” He heard Heath and Doug snicker naughtily.

Reese glanced at the two young men and then stared back into Adonis’ eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I’m a little terrified.”

“That makes two of us.” Adonis glanced skyward.

All three men looked up.

“What?” Heath asked, eating another shrimp.

“Watch out for birds. I got shit on earlier.” Reese sipped his beer. “And a dead one fell out of the friggin sky.”

“They say getting shit on is good luck.” Doug peeled the shell of the shrimp and dipped it into the sauce.

“Yeah. Right.” Reese didn’t appear to agree.

“What do you do, dude?” Heath asked Reese.

“I write gay porn.”

Heath and Doug choked and laughed at his reply.

Adonis studied Reese. “You write what?”

“Gay porn. Romance. Erotica.”

“Eros.” Adonis pointed at him. “Eros—Erotica. Yes.”

“What stuff do you write?” Doug asked, sipping his cocktail.

“Like for gay porn movies?”

“No. Novels.”

Adonis smiled. “You write novels? Books?”

“I do. Tons of them.”

“What’s your author name?” Doug ate another shrimp. The two of them were polishing it off quickly.

“My real name. Reese Anderson.”

“I’m impressed.” Adonis touched Reese’s shoulder. “A scholar.”

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