Read The Act of Creation Online
Authors: Arthur Koestler
According to the best of my knowledge, the grimaces and contortions ofIn other words, the muscle-contractions of the smile, as the earliest
the corners of the mouth that characterize laughter appear first in
the satisfied and over-satiated nursling when he drowsily quits the
breast. . . . They are physical expressions of the determination to
take no more nourishment, an 'enough' so to speak, or rather a 'more
than enough'. . . . This primal sense of pleasurable saturation may
have provided the link between the smile -- that basic phenomenon
underlying laughter -- and its subsequent connection with other
pleasurable processes of de-tension. [8]
A thousand Edinburgh schoolchildren burst into laughter when DavidLet us try to understand what those brats found so funny. Firstly, there
Oistrakh, the Russian violinist, snapped a string while playing
Schubert's Fantasy in C Major during a recital of a city housing estate
yesterday. Their studious attention broke when Mr. Oistrakh -- guest
ofhonour at the Edinburgh Festival -- held up the violin and looked
with consternation at his accompanist. [9]
A pillow fight in the dormitoryThis ought to be enough to make one realize that laughter may be entirely
A girl friend tore her dress
I fell during skating
A dog came in during a lecture
A mispronounced word in rhetoric class
Being teased about my corpulence
Lizzie trying to do a fairy dance
My opponents in a bridge game bidding four spades when I held two aces
and the king, jack and five of spades
An article by a priest on the sex life of H. G. Wells. [10]
On the physiological level I suppose the problem is linked with the factA third alternative, which Huxley overlooked, is to laugh at
that we carry around with us a glandular system which was admirably well
adapted to life in the Paleolithic times but is not very well adapted to
life now. Thus we tend to produce more adrenalin than is good for us,
and we either suppress ourselves and turn destructive energies inwards
or else we do not suppress ourselves and we start hitting people. [12]