The Abduction of Kelsey (3 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #non-con abduction erotica

BOOK: The Abduction of Kelsey
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“James!” Shock and panic bloomed into stark terror as James jerked her along through his kitchen and into the living room. He threw her roughly onto a sofa. Her other shoe fell to the carpet. Kelsey tried to slide from the sofa to the floor with an idea of scuttling away from him, but he was too fast for her.

He fell on top of her, one strong hand closing over her throat. He squeezed hard and she began to choke. She clawed at his hand with both of hers, but it was like pulling against iron. “James! No!” she tried to gasp, but it only came out as a squeak. She felt a steady, throbbing pressure building behind her face and her lungs ached for oxygen. Jesus god, was she going to die like this? Why? Why, why, why was this happening?

James released his grip just enough for her to draw a tremulous breath of air into her burning lungs, but he kept his hand around her throat. He unbuckled his pants with the other and pulled his cock out of his underwear. A new spurt of adrenaline hurtled through Kelsey as she realized what he must be intending, and she jerked and twisted hard in the man’s grip.

She brought one knee up hard into his groin. He grunted and fell away, giving her the chance to roll from the sofa. As she struggled to get to her feet, he fell on her again, this time flattening her on the carpet with the full weight of his body.

“You bitch!” he snarled.

Kelsey started to scream, but her cries were cut off abruptly by a hard hand clamping over her mouth and nose. James loomed over her, his eyes wild, spittle on his lips. “Shut up,” he hissed. “Shut the fuck up! You asked for this. You know you did. It could have been wonderful. We could have had it all.” His voice cracked and tears filled his eyes, but then his gaze hardened once more.

He kept her pinned beneath him as he jerked her skirt upward and ripped down her pantyhose and underwear. She struggled hard beneath him and managed to dislodge his hand from her mouth. Again operating off pure instinct, she closed her teeth on the side of his hand and bit down as hard she could.

James shouted, “Damn it to hell!” He backhanded her hard across the face and Kelsey gasped in shock and pain. Then he was on her again, pushing his hard, thick cock between her legs. His shaft was like a knife plunging into her and Kelsey screamed. James cut off her cries with his hand, which clamped again over her mouth and nose.

He groaned as he pushed deep inside her. “I didn’t want it like this, Kelsey,” he gasped into her ear. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” He pummeled her, his cock like a steel rod thrusting inside her. “This is your fault. Your fault. Your fault. Oh, god!” He stiffened suddenly and then jerked spasmodically for several long, painful seconds inside her.

Finally his hand loosened from her face and Kelsey was able to turn her head to the side. She gasped beneath the man’s deadweight. The air seemed thick and sticky and she found it hard to draw a breath. She realized she was crying in hiccupping, gulping little sobs. She tried to bring her hands to her face, but they remained pinned beneath James’ heavy, inert body.

Finally he rolled away onto the carpet beside her. Though she still felt as if she were swimming through Jell-O, Kelsey tried to scoot away, but James caught her. He pulled her into his arms as he lifted himself into a sitting position. She tried to struggle against him with an idea to sprint from the room, but her rubbery limbs refused to cooperate.

James was holding her now in a tight embrace from behind, his arms wrapped around her torso as she sat between his legs, her back against his chest. She felt him begin to shake behind her and a strange sound came from his mouth. It took her a moment to realize it was a stifled sob.

He nuzzled his face into the side of her neck. “Kelsey. Oh god, Kelsey. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I didn’t mean it. I swear.” He began to cry in earnest.

Goosebumps prickled Kelsey’s skin. James seemed to genuinely believe that she’d been into him—that they’d been flirting somehow at work and just biding their time until they could be together. The guy was out of his fucking mind. She had to get away from him, and fast.

Think of something,
she ordered herself. But her mind remained blank as a white slate.

James pulled himself up, hauling her upright with him as he stood. He was no longer crying, though Kelsey wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Her pussy felt bruised and torn, and she felt the bastard’s semen trickle down her leg. Rage bloomed in her brain, making her head throb.

Kelsey tried to twist in his grasp so she could face him. She willed her face into a smooth mask to hide the fury inside her. “James. You just had too much to drink. I get it. I just want to go home, okay? We’ll both forget this ever happened,” she lied. “Let’s just put this behind us, all right?”

Far, far behind us, once you’re in jail, you rat bastard.

James held her in place, not allowing her to face him. He pulled one of her arms behind her back and pulled it up hard. Kelsey cried out, wincing with pain. “I wish we could, baby,” he said, his voice suddenly hard. “But you and I both know what’s done is done.” His voice softened. “I’ll make it up to you, Kelsey. I swear I will.”

He kept her arm twisted behind her back, though he eased off a little as he began to propel her through the room. He walked her in this awkward way to the doorway of what she saw must be his bedroom. Flicking on the light, he guided her toward the bed and fell onto the mattress, dragging her down beside him.

He drew her into a tight embrace, curling himself around her as she lay on her back in a shocked stupor. After a few moments, her eyes began to focus on the walls of room and a chill of horror turned her blood to ice water. Every wall held photographs, some framed, some blown up to poster size, every single one of them of her.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.


Kelsey’s hair had come loose in the struggle and spread now across his pillow in a wild tumult of red, copper and gold, just like in his favorite fantasy, only now it was real! James inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he savored the moment. She smelled so good. A hint of perfume, the clean scent of soap, and beneath it the sharp, erotic tang of fear sweat. He couldn’t deny her fear turned him on. It made him feel powerful in a way that was new to him.

He flashed back to the wild look in her eyes when he’d had his hand clamped over her mouth. He hadn’t expected the fierce, intoxicating rush of power her fear had engendered. He couldn’t deny it—he’d loved the struggle—holding her down while he ripped at her clothing and pulled out his hard, hard cock. It was like an incredibly hot porn video, the kind he’d jerked off to a thousand times, except this one was starring James Bennett and the sexiest, most desirable woman alive.

He had fucked Kelsey Anne Rowan. He had come inside Kelsey’s hot, tight, perfect cunt. His cock stirred. He could fuck her again, right now, if he wanted to. And he wanted to. Oh god, did he ever. He growled and nuzzled his face against Kelsey’s neck, feeling like a caveman, operating off primal lust and basic instinct.

She yelped in fear as he did this and tried to pull away, but this only made him clutch her tighter to him. Again he experienced that perverse, wild rush of power that turned the blood in his veins to fire. She was so small beside him. He could feel her heart beating fast and hard. He reached into her torn blouse, slipping his hand into the cup of her bra. Her breast was so soft. Satin and cream. His heart ached with the sweetness of it as he squeezed.

Though he knew he should feel only remorse and abject shame, instead he felt alive! The tears he’d shed back in the living room would be his last. With those tears, he had washed away any regrets. What was done was done. There was no rewind button on life, no wiping out what had happened. He’d changed the path of both their lives inexorably and forever with one single, wild act of passion.

James had reinvented himself in that one moment of unfettered lust. He was a different man. The old James was gone, and good riddance. The new James Bennett was a man who
what he wanted—who claimed his woman with sheer, brute strength. Yes! James Matthew Bennett was now that man.

Kelsey belonged to him. Whatever he’d dreamed of or planned up to this moment no longer mattered. Kelsey was his and he could never let her go. With that one brutal, thrilling act he’d made her his own. His cock pulsed with excitement and he tightened his grip around her.

“James, please, let me go.”

“Shh.” James moved to kiss her mouth but Kelsey turned her head away and he caught only her ear. He reached for her face and pulled it back to his. Holding her by the chin, he kissed her lips, forcing his tongue between them. She whimpered against his mouth and tried to squirm away, but he only held her tighter.

“Kelsey, you have to stop struggling. Don’t you see? You’re mine now. I’ve claimed you. You belong to me.” His voice was deeper and stronger, and this pleased him. Did Kelsey notice the transformation? Did she realize she was lying with a new man? Did she feel his power? His passion?

“Ow! You’re hurting me. James, quit it. Please. Please, just let me go.” Kelsey began to cry, the sound ugly and guttural. Tears spurted from her eyes, which were squeezed tightly shut. Her mouth was open, the lips pulled down in an unflattering frown, and the tip of her pretty nose was reddening.

“Stop that,” James ordered, pushing away the remorse that threatened his newfound he-man persona. He shifted a little and loosened his hold on her. Kelsey at once tried to squirm away from him. This wouldn’t do. He couldn’t very well hold onto her all night long.

Restraints. He needed some kind of restraints to hold her down. He had some rope in the basement, but that was too far away. He reached for his tie, amazed he was still dressed, if somewhat disheveled. Kelsey was still dressed too, save for the stockings and panties he’d torn from her body.

His cock was throbbing. Still keeping Kelsey pinned to the bed with one leg, James reached for his necktie and pulled it free. Lifting himself over her, he straddled her chest and grabbed her arms by the wrists.

Kelsey tried to pull away, but she was no match for him. Within a minute he’d managed to knot the tie around her wrists. He jerked them upward toward the wrought iron headboard.

“No, no, no! Stop it! Let me go! Let me go!” Kelsey struggled and twisted, making it difficult for James to get the ends of the tie probably secured over the horizontal bar at the top of the headboard. Frustrated and angry, he smacked her cheek. Kelsey gasped, her eyes widening with shock and pain. James smacked her again on the other cheek and then continued his task, this time managing to knot the ends securely around the bar.

He jumped from the bed and moved quickly toward his closet. He grabbed two more ties and hurried back to the bed. He jerked Kelsey’s right leg toward the edge of the mattress. Working as quickly as he could, he wrapped and knotted one of the ties around her ankle and secured the other end to the bed frame.

He ran around to the other side of the bed, intent on doing the same with her other ankle. Though he pulled the leg wide, he realized the single tie wasn’t long enough to get her tied down properly. She was kicking her free leg and shouting.

Frustrated and annoyed, James ran back to the closet and grabbed a handful of ties this time, along with a pair of socks. Returning to the jerking, howling girl on the bed, he unrolled the socks and stuffed one of them into her open mouth, muffling her piercing cries. He wrapped a tie over her sock-filled mouth and reached back to knot it behind her head.

Pleased with his handiwork, he returned once more to the other side of the bed. By knotting two of the ties together, he was able to reach the bed frame. He secured the end of the tie there, knotting it and giving it a tug to make sure it would hold.

He stepped back from the bed, breathing hard as he drank in the sight of his Kelsey, bound and gagged on his bed. He had done that! He was the captor and Kelsey was his prize.

As he regarded her, he decided the business suit would have to go. It would have been better if he could have stripped her before he’d bound her, but no matter. He loped into the bathroom, yanked open a drawer and pulled out the pair of barber scissors he kept there.

Kelsey was jerking and struggling in her restraints when he returned to the bedroom. Racing back to the bed, James grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it taut. Her eyes were wild and rolling as he held up the scissors, and she mewled with fear. Silly girl—did she think he was going to cut her?

“Stay still, Kelsey,” James warned. “These scissors are sharp.”

She stopped her struggling, though she was trembling, her chest heaving. The fabric gave easily against the sharp scissor blades, and he quickly cut away the offending garment, revealing her naked form beneath.

James drew in his breath with awe and delight as he gazed at Kelsey’s spread pussy, the dark pink labia exposed beneath a tuft of downy auburn pubic hair. His cock throbbed. He would fuck her again. He would take his time and savor the moment. He would make love to her.

He put the scissors down on the bed and gripped the top of her already torn blouse. With a strong yank, he tore the blouse open, sending a small spray of buttons over the bed. The sleeves still hung on her extended arms but he was too eager to bare her breasts to worry about that now.

Grabbing the scissors, he carefully inserted the tip of one of the blades beneath the center of her bra. She squealed against her gag and jerked, nearly causing him to cut her. He tried again, this time getting the blade all the way under the bra between the luscious mounds of her breasts. He closed the scissors, cutting through the satin and lace with a satisfying snick, and the bra sprang free.

Oh god. Her breasts were even more beautiful than his endless fantasies. They were small and round, tipped with dark pink nipples the same color as her sweet cunt. Unable to resist, he leaned over her and drew one perfect nubbin into his mouth. He sucked it to a hard point and then teased it with his tongue. He released it, but only so he could suck the other one in kind.

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