Thawing Ava (15 page)

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Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Multicultural; Holidays; Contemporary

BOOK: Thawing Ava
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He lowered his head, and his gaze settled on her face. “Then give me your orgasm, honey. Come for me,” he demanded.

Ava let go. A shimmer started as feet flexed. The feeling seeped up her legs and swirled around her hips to travel up to her stomach. The sensation climbed into her chest, darting through her arms and her neck, until it rolled around her head. Her body tingled and burned as the heat filled her until she thought she’d burst. Too much, so much pleasure she swore she couldn’t take anymore. Tears slipped down her cheeks as the fire filled her blood. Her body felt inadequate to handle the awesome gift he had given her. The tension was just too great. Sounds she didn’t recognize filled the air. His name was a prayer on her lips as she chanted it over and over again. Her body shook, her arms quivered, her hands ached from gripping the bedspread. Her vaginal muscles contracted and rippled around the dildo. She shut her eyes, and she saw stars.

“Ava!” Brice cried out as he found his own release. Hot streams of his seed fell on her ass. The bed jostled as he moved. His arms encircled her waist, and he rolled her down onto the bed. She opened her eyes, but all she could do was gaze at him, speechless. Her brain was swathed in cotton; she was wrapped in a warm cloud as sparks continued to go off. He peppered her face with kisses.

“So beautiful, baby. I can’t wait to come inside you next time. Rest for a bit. Next round starts when I can breathe without panting.” He took her lips in a soft kiss that branded her mouth as his as he pulled the vibrator out of her oversensitive pussy. As much as it hurt now, she couldn’t wait for the next round. Maybe he’d turn the damn thing on and use the clit stimulator.

* * * *

Brice knew he was well and truly fucked. If he hadn’t been in deep shit before, he was in it now. His emotions switched from just wanting to be with her, getting to know her again, and fulfilling his sexual desire for her to something deeper. He’d known that he was attracted to her and that his emotions went beyond a need for friendship and companionship. After that Christmas so many years ago, he’d felt an emptiness that nothing could fill. Even his past sleeping around hadn’t been able to fill that space in his heart. He’d always suspected she was the missing piece, but he hadn’t guessed how right he was or how much being with her would mean to him. Brice no longer felt the chains of exhaustion holding him back. Mind clear and focused, his life looked better.

After watching her orgasm, he wanted to see more of that. He yearned to test out all the ways he could make her come. Brice needed to explore every craving she had or even thought of. But it was more than that. It wasn’t just about fulfilling her sexual desires; he desired to build her perfect kitchen. He’d even move from his apartment and buy a house just outside of town. Whatever she wanted, he’d give it to her. He would show that he could provide her everything she’d thought she’d get from that asshole, Perry, and things she hadn’t even dreamed of. Brice could see a wealth of emotion, thought, and desire in her and needed it all. He would absorb it and offer it back to her tenfold. He’d only ever felt this way about one other thing: hockey.

A new fire began in his belly. He had a hunger for both: his first love, hockey, and his woman. Ever since she’d stepped back into his life, he’d felt his focus return. Reintroducing hockey to her had opened his eyes to things he’d missed or had stopped noticing about the sport. In some respects, he felt like a kid falling in love with it all over again. Old grudges, all the aches and pains and anger had faded into the background. He could love the sport again. It wasn’t a drag or something he
had to do
to earn a living. Shock reverberated through his body; his job had become an evil, something he had to go to.

Five days of being with her had returned to him what he’d never even known he’d lost. He stared at Ava. She was lying on his pillows just at ease, unconcerned that she was naked. Open and relaxed. Tears burned in his eyes. She allowed herself to be vulnerable in front of him. His heart ached at how much she’d laid before him by allowing him to bind her to the bed spokes. Never had he had a lover who was so willing, who came to him, dropped her baggage, and allowed herself to lose her inhibitions in what they were doing.

Before they’d started, there had been insecurity. He hadn’t understood that but figured it had something to do with Perry. Brice could only shake his head at that.
Was I just as bad?
He thought back to his past conquests and mentally groaned. He hadn’t gone out with women Ava’s size.
Could that be one of her hang-ups? That I hadn’t gone out with a plus-size woman?
The questions hit him like a punch to the gut. It was true he hadn’t looked at a curvier woman since Ava. In fact, once Christmas was over and she hadn’t called, he’d gone back to the cheerleaders. Ava wasn’t other girls. She was perfect the way she was, curves and all. He knew going forward he would have to keep telling her how much he wanted her, how beautiful she was until she got it through her stubborn head that he was telling the truth. It hurt knowing he’d played a part in her current issues. Jesus
, I’m so fucking stupid.

He ran a hand through his damp hair.
I’ll have to do better
. He decided this next round would be slow, drawn out to tease her and heighten her desire for him. Show her that he wanted to worship her, that he truly appreciated her and her body.

He untied her arms and woke her to check and make sure she wasn’t in any pain.

She gazed at him with sleepy, soft eyes and smiled.

“How are your arms and wrists?” He rose and grabbed the abandoned plate and brought it to the bed. Dots of caramel and chocolate sauces with whipped cream decorated the flat surface. He selected a paintbrush with coarse bristles for more stimulation and added sensation.

“Fine. They don’t hurt.” She flexed her wrists and wiggled her fingers while she eyed the brush and food items.

“You have to tell me if you’re hurt or aren’t up for things, okay? We have to have a clear line of communication. I want you, but I’m not a sadist. I won’t hurt you unless you really want it, understand?” He studied her features for any indication that the words had sunk in.

She nodded. “Thank you,” she said again.

He shook his head. “No need to thank me. I’m here to please you.”

“You get your rocks off by giving me what I want?” She gazed at him, her face open, curiosity in her dark brown eyes.

Brice put down the plate and brushes and settled on the side of the bed next to her. He cupped her face so that she could see his expression. “I do it because it arouses me to please you, to give you pleasure and indulge your desires and fantasies. Because in giving to you, I also get something. I know I’m pleasing my woman, giving her what she needs and wants most, both sexually and emotionally. I’m showing my appreciation for every dip and curve of your body. I want to show you that I appreciate your body.” He paused to give her time to digest this bit of information. The speech had gotten long-winded, but he had to get it out there to make sure she understood his motivation.

“So, in giving me what I want, you get what you want?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “I want you to trust me but also be able to come to me and express yourself. You should never fear that I will find something distasteful or find you unattractive. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: You. Are. Beautiful. I’m more than willing to show you, in every way possible.” He picked up the brush and plate once again and shook them at her.

She gave him a shy smile that lit her eyes up with mischief. “Well, I could use another demonstration.”

He chuckled. “I intend to act that out. Now lie back and get comfortable. Do you want to be tied down again?”

Ava lay quiet for a moment before she shook her head. “Not this time. Next time?”

“Okay.” He watched her scoot down and stretch out. Brice chose caramel to start with. He dipped his finger in the dot, dragged it through, and smeared it on her lips before leaning over to kiss her. She opened her mouth without prompting from him.

She moaned and pulled her head back. Her eyebrows rose in question. “Caramel?”

He grinned. “Yup. Now hold still. Don’t move. You move; I stop.”

Brice concentrated on his work, dipping his brush in one sauce and painting it with light touches over the side of her neck. He lapped up the caramel line until he got every bit of the topping and repeated the process on the other side, across her collarbone and down the valley of her cleavage.

She moaned and shook but didn’t move. Pride filled his chest that she had followed his command.

“Perfection,” he murmured as he turned to the chocolate topping once he’d run out of the caramel and selected softer brush. He blew on the tip before applying his first coat. She shivered, and her breast quivered. With a groan, unable to resist a taste, he bent over her breast and lapped up his work, sucking, flicking, and taking the tip into his mouth with his teeth and tugging on it. Her flavor was of salt and sweetness. He could smell her arousal. The world narrowed back down to just the two of them. Panic filled him for a second. He still needed to sleep and get up early in the morning. “God, I wish it could go on forever,” he murmured before he went back to teasing and tugging on her nipple.

Ava slipped her hand in his hair and scratched his scalp as she held on tight to a hank of hair. She urged him closer to her chest.

The burning pain from her nails only added to his need for her. Despite his earlier warning, he couldn’t stop himself now. Later, she’d be punished; later he’d give her a proper spanking too.

He took as much of her breast into his mouth as he could with strong pulls. She moaned and mewled. Her free hand coasted over his back; her fingers traced along his spine. Fire spread along his back, swirled around his chest to arrow down to his groin. His cock twitched as his arousal grew.

He turned his attention to her other breast, showing it the same care, painting it with the dessert sauce before sucking, licking, and nipping the tip. Each action was rewarded with her cries, moans, and pleas. “Brice, God, please, more.”

He took his time, not wanting to rush anything. He felt too wired to sleep anyway, not with this feast of perfection lying in his bed. With each caress and touch, he murmured his appreciation, telling her how beautiful, sexy, and flawless he found her. She writhed and squirmed. She combed her fingers through his tresses and clutched his hair, depending on what he did. When he reached her mound once more, she pushed her hips toward him. “Please, eat me.” Her voice was breathless and seductive. The sound shredded through him, testing his control and his will. Instead, he reined in his need and focused on her.

“I love it when you beg me.” He buried his face between her thighs and ate at her slick, plump pussy. She rode his lips, smearing her cream on his mouth, cheeks, and chin. He pulled away from her wet flesh long enough to say, “Come for me. Come all over my mouth,” before he dived back between her legs.

He didn’t just need her to come; he needed to feel it, so he slipped first one finger into her dripping channel and then another. Brice finger fucked her slowly before increasing the pace, allowing her to ride the digits as he flicked and tapped her clit. His cock pulsed in time with each squeeze of her womb on his fingers.

She cried out, arched her back as her body trembled. He withdrew his fingers and lapped up her cream, savoring the musky, salty sweetness. Brice rose up to his knees, settled on his heels, and grabbed the vibrator, slipped it into her pussy, then turned it on, thrusting and withdrawing it as he watched her breasts quiver and body shake. He took hold of his cock and stroked it in time with his ministrations.

“Pinch your tits. Come again for me.” He needed to watch her orgasm again.

She cupped her breasts and took her nipples between her fingers and tugged. Just the sight of her consumed by passion pushed him to the edge. The tingling started in his feet and coasted along his spine, onward to his head and then back down to buzz around his balls. His testicles hardened and pulled tight to his body. Semen rushed up his thickened shaft to spill out of the slit. Jets of cum coated her stomach and his hand, slipped down to stain the bedspread. Together they found release. When she couldn’t take anymore, he shut off the vibrator and withdrew it. He gave himself one last stroke and laid back. Panting, he savored the feel of his heart thudding against his rib cage and closed his eyes.

A wide grin tugged his lips until it hurt. His breath gusted out of his damp mouth. His mind was a blissful blank slate. He hadn’t experienced this sensation—ever. “If this is what it’s like to masturbate for you, then being inside you will kill me. But it will be so worth it.”

She gave him a shaky laugh. “As soon as I can move, I’m dragging you into the shower with me. You have to get some sleep. You have a game on Saturday.”

“I know.” His lips pulled tighter until it hurt, but he didn’t care. “This was worth it.”

“At least I know you’ll sleep tonight.” He was totally at ease and even sleepy. After a couple of minutes he was strong enough to get up. Needing to feel her in his arms, he scooped her and carried her into the bathroom, set her down on the toilet, and turned on the whirlpool tub jets. The massage they’d get would ease any aches and pains. He returned to the bedroom and stripped the bed and remade it with fresh sheets and a comforter. He cleaned up the brushes and the vibrator. When he returned to the bathroom, she was already in the tub, eyes closed, softly snoring. He smiled and joined her. Once settled, he placed a kiss on top of her head and held her.
Pure heaven
. He couldn’t wait to do this again, preferably coming inside her next time.

Chapter Ten

Ava sat shivering at the round table in the outside area of Dinah’s. “Can you explain why I’m freezing my tits off?” Her breath drifted up like a translucent white cloud to waft away with the breeze. People walked past their table, giving them crazy looks before going on their merry way, probably someplace nice and warm and cozy.

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