That Moment (18 page)

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Authors: Emily Prior

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: That Moment
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Joanie's letter to Andy said basically the same thing, only worded differently. Kurt turned to Andy and said, "Dude, we are the two luckiest men on Earth today. We are about to marry the two most beautiful angels God has blessed the Earth with in all eternity." Andy could only nod his head because he was trying to hold back the emotional rush of happy tears brought on by not only Joanie's letter, but by what Kurt said. Kurt saw that Andy's eyes were getting moist, as his were. He quickly wiped away the tears with his hankie and grunted teasingly, "The fun part is yet to come, Andy. Do you have all the reservations made for tonight at the hotel? Two honeymoon suites with hot tubs and king-size waterbeds?"


"Yeah Kurt, I called this morning to confirm the reservations at the Edge Motel. You and Jessica get room #137, Joanie and I get #138. Room service will have champagne, flowers and strawberries already in the rooms when we get there later." he said.


"Sounds good, dude. Thanks." Kurt smiled at him.


A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. Andy opened it and saw the minister there, "Gentlemen, it's time to start. Would you both please come out and take your places to receive your brides?" They followed him out to the beautifully decorated sanctuary where all the guests were assembled. The organ player began the music and all eyes turned toward the back of the church. Little Suzy Jenkins came in first as the Flower girl, dropping pink and red rose petals on the floor. Then came the Ring Bearer, Michael Miller Jr, with the heart-shaped pillow holding the wedding bands in 2 little pockets. The bridesmaids, Amy Duncan and Valerie Smith came down the aisle with the Ushers, Bill Madison and Roger Huntlander. Then came the brides, being escorted by their fathers, Jessica first with her dad, Henry, then Joanie with her father, Alex.


Henry and Alex placed Jessica's and Joanie's hands into Kurt's and Andy's, then took their places at the front of the church. Then the ceremony began with several prayers, two hymns and then the exchanging of the vows for both couples, ending with the minister presenting both couples to the audience, which erupted with loud applause and whistles after the brides and grooms kissed. Kurt looked to the back of the church and saw Mr. Williams and his brother Joe there wearing fancy tuxedos and grinning. Kurt nodded at them and knew that the surprise he had in store for Jessica was ready. Andy and Joanie went down the aisle first, Kurt and Jessica following and accepting the congratulations, hugs, kisses and handshakes from everyone.


When the two couples made it outside to the steps of the church, they lined up and met all the guests as they emerged from the church. Jessica looked at her husband, pride and happiness evident on his face as he smiled down at her tenderly. Kurt winked at her, then bent his head low to her ear, whispering, "Look down the street, baby." She looked and saw the two horse-drawn carriages approaching, flowers and streamers all over them. The harnesses of the horses were decorated with flowers and ribbons in pink, red and white. Mr. Williams was driving the front carriage drawn by a pair of snowy white Arabian mares, and Joe Williams was driving the second carriage, pulled by a pair of charcoal gray Appaloosa mares. "We will be riding in the front carriage, and Andy will ride in the back one with Joanie to the reception, honey. Are you surprised?" Kurt wondered. He looked at Jessica and saw tears on her cheeks as she nodded, speechless.


After they greeted the last of the guests, the two grooms helped their brides into the waiting carriages, assisting them with getting the trains of their gowns into the carriage before climbing in themselves. They sat on the seats beside the ladies and held their hands. They waved to all the guests, who were tossing birdseed at the two couples as they left the church, leading the procession across town to the Country Club, where the reception was being held. Jessica looked lovingly at Kurt and said, "I love you, husband. Thank you for this wonderful surprise. I would never have expected to be riding in a beautiful antique carriage pulled by a pair of gorgeous white horses. It's like a dream come true, darling." Then she leaned over and kissed him tenderly and squeezed his hand in hers.


"I love you too, my beautiful, gorgeous wife. I'm so glad that you liked this surprise, baby. I felt that I had to do something really special for you, since you did most of the work of planning this wedding with Joanie. I even surprised Andy with it!" Kurt chuckled.


Twenty minutes later, the carriages pulled up to the front doors of the Country Club. Kurt and Andy helped Jessica and Joanie out of the carriages and they went inside as the two Mr. Williams' drove the carriages to the shaded part of the parking lot where the horses could be tied, fed and watered. All of the guests were in the large reception hall, awaiting the two couples arrival. As they walked through the doors, the crowd started applauding loudly. The food was set up on a long table on the left side of the room, buffet style, with one table holding all the plates, napkins, silverware and cups. The DJ was set up in the far right corner by the fifty foot square dance floor.


A pair of large tables in the near left corner held the gifts for the two couples, a sign above each saying "Congratulations Kurt and Jessica" and "Congratulations Andy and Joanie". These signs bore the signatures of every guest present. The table for the wedding party was along the far wall, decorated with pink, red and white streamers and flowers, with tissue paper wedding bells hanging from the backs of the chairs and from the ceiling above the couples. A large banner on the front of the table said, "Congratulations" and was bordered by balloons at each end. The dining tables for the guests all had white tablecloths on them with small bouquets, similar to the bridal bouquets, in the center of each table. At each place setting was a small packet of mints tied with pink and red ribbons and a tiny bell.


"The hall looks beautiful, Kurt." Jessica told him as they walked through the line of guests to their table.


"Yeah, it does, baby. Your mom and Joanie's mom did a great job decorating last night." Kurt said with a smile as he led her to her chair at the table. Andy and Joanie were right behind them. When they were all standing behind their chairs, Kurt raised his hands to quiet the guests and said to everyone, "Thank you all, our friends and family, for coming to this extremely special occasion, in which Andy Johnson here, and I myself, took these two beautiful women as our wives. Now, if you would all line up behind us at the buffet, we can all enjoy the delicious feast which has so lovingly been prepared for us by the caterer of Chateau Rouge. And afterwards, we'll start up the dancing! So everyone, have fun and thanks again for coming to share this special occasion with us!"


With that, Kurt took Jessica's hand, and Andy took Joanie's. The grooms led their brides to the buffet table, where they filled their plates with roasted turkey, honey glazed ham, potatoes, fresh vegetables, warm dinner rolls, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and fruit salad. They filled their glasses with sparkling fruit punch, then returned to their seats as the guests all filled their plates and took their seats. The minister stood up by the head table and motioned everyone to be quiet for a brief prayer for the bridal couples. After the prayer, the wedding party began eating, as did the guests. An hour later, everyone was ready for the dancing to begin.


Andy spoke to Joey, his DJ friend, to let him know what song was to be used for the first dance. He had talked to Kurt about it and they had settled on "Everything I Do (I Do For You)" by Bryan Adams. So DJ Joey started the song as Andy and Kurt led their brides out onto the dance floor for the first dance of the couples as husbands and wives. They danced close together and within a few moments, other guests joined them on the dance floor. The songs flew by along with the time. Kurt and Andy took turns dancing with each other's wives, and all the members of the wedding party danced with the guests. After two hours of dancing, everyone was breathing hard and laughing, then it was time for them to cut the cakes.


Andy and Joanie went to the cake on the right, and Kurt and Jessica stood by the one on the left. They cut the cakes, served up four small slices, and fed the cake to each other, and the brides smashed a little cake on the faces of the grooms. Everyone started laughing. Then Jessica's and Joanie's mothers cut the cakes and served the guests while the brides fathers served up the champagne and sparkling fruit punch for the wedding toast. Kurt's father and Andy's father loaded the gifts into Andy's truck and Kurt's car, along with the decorated card boxes and the banners. The couples would open the gifts and cards in the privacy of their own homes, and write out the Thank You cards as needed.


It was close to 7:00 p.m. when everyone left the reception to go home. Kurt and Jessica, Andy and Joanie all stayed behind to help their parents clean up a bit, then they left. Kurt and Jessica went home and unloaded the gifts from the car, putting them on the kitchen table. "We can open these tomorrow, baby. I'm way too excited about making love to my wife tonight to open gifts." Kurt said with a wicked grin.


"Same here, Kurt. I want to make love to my husband instead of open presents!" she replied. He took her in his arms and kissed her, his tongue slipping in and caressing hers lovingly.


When he broke the kiss, he said, "The hotel reservations are for tomorrow night, baby, so we have all of tonight to enjoy ourselves." Then he slid his hands around and began unbuttoning all the tiny buttons of her gown as she removed her veil and tiara, placing them on top of the pile of gifts.


He slid the gown down off her shoulders and she slipped her arms free of the sleeves. Kurt pushed the gown down past her hips to land in a puddle of snowy white silk and lace around her feet. Kurt stepped back and allowed her to step out of the gown and pick it up. She laid it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs, piling the skirt part on the seat of the chair. She was standing in the kitchen, wearing only her shoes, stockings and a thin chemise over her lacy white bra and panties. He pulled her close and hugged her tight, saying, "I love you so much, my beautiful wife."


She replied, "I love you very much too, my handsome husband." Then he crushed her lips beneath his tenderly in a toe-curling, leg weakening, soul searing kiss. His hands moved down over her back and bottom, squeezing her butt gently and pressing her close to him so she could feel his rock-hard arousal against her belly.


Jessica moaned softly, then she quickly stripped off Kurt's tux Kurtet, tie, vest and shirt, her hands moving sensuously over the skin and coarse hair of his chest. She broke the kiss and dipped her head down and flicked her tongue over his brown male nipples, laving each one and kissing it gently. He growled and said huskily, "Baby, let's go up to the bedroom. I can't wait much longer." So, she picked up their clothes while Kurt closed and locked the door. They went upstairs and Jessica put the clothes on the dresser. She finished undressing, then stopped suddenly while brushing her hair.


She looked at Kurt and said, "Where's Precious, Kurt? Is she still out in the barn?"


He said, "Yes baby, she is. Why?"


"I want her inside with us, Kurt. Would you please run out and get her for me? She's probably really lonely and wondering if we forgot about her." she said.


"Sure baby, I'll run out and get her for you. I'll be right back, wifey." he said with a chuckle.


She smiled and said, "Hurry back hubby!"


Kurt ran down the stairs, unlocked the door and ran out to the barn, barefooted, and called to Precious, who started barking as soon as the barn door opened. Kurt called her again and she stopped barking as soon as she saw him, her tail wagging really fast as she tried jumping up the wall of the stall with her excitement. Kurt opened the stall door and Precious ran to him, whining with excitement. He scooped her up and she started licking his face, showing him just how happy she was that he was home. Kurt laughed and put the pup on the floor. He checked the water for the horses then left the barn, closing the door after the puppy came out. Precious followed him into the house and ran right up the stairs to Jessica, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Kurt locked up again, used the bathroom, then went upstairs.


Kurt saw that Jessica was laying on the bed, totally naked, and the puppy was laying beside her. Precious was licking Jessica's hand as Jessica was rubbing her tummy and laughing every time the pup kicked her hand. He laughed and Jessica looked up at him. "Thank you, Mr. Coltrane." she smiled.


"You are quite welcome, Mrs. Coltrane." he said with a gentle smile as he removed his shoes, socks, pants and underwear. His hard shaft was jutting out and Jessica couldn't take her eyes off it. She unconsciously licked her lips and she felt moisture rush to her loins in anticipation.


Kurt gently picked up Precious and placed her on the pillow bed in the corner of the room, saying, "Stay Precious." Then he got in bed and pulled Jessica close, caressing every inch of her beautiful body as he kissed her senseless.


His hands slipped all over her body, caressing each dimple, each crease, each hill and valley intimately. He kissed all over her face, down her neck and shoulders, to her chest and breasts, lazily tasting and licking each nipple to get it hard. He gently pinched them, which sent shockwaves coursing through Jessica's body, causing her to moan his name breathlessly. His fingers teased her at the triangle of dark chocolate curls below her belly, drifting into the curls, and down between the fleshy lips of her womanhood. He located the swollen pearl of her desire and lightly brushed his finger over it, her hips lifting slightly to meet his finger. He kissed her as his finger slid into the moist tunnel of her body, stroking her g-spot lovingly. He slid in another finger and made love to her with his hand as his tongue moved down over her belly toward the treasure trove he was craving so badly, placing kisses all over her tingling flesh.

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