Read Thankful for You Online

Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape

Tags: #The Calendar Men Series

Thankful for You (4 page)

BOOK: Thankful for You
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“You sound like my mother.” And wasn’t that a depressing thought? The last damned thing he wanted was her feeling maternal toward him.

They’d reached the back door to the pet shop, the one that also led to the apartment above. In the glow of her porch light, she gazed at him, not reaching for her door. “I sure as hell hope you don’t think of me as your mother.” Then she blinked, as if she couldn’t believe the words had come out of her own mouth.

Warmth surged through Sig’s veins. He dropped his voice to a husky growl and leaned closer, still keeping a few inches between their bodies so she didn’t panic. “Not at all.”

“Oh.” After the breathy gasp, she blinked again. Then her eyes narrowed and she set her shoulders. “Good.” She took both of his lapels in her hands and pulled him down. “Kiss me good night before I chicken out.”

Sig didn’t wait for a second invitation. He dove in. And damn if kissing Elsie Jordan wasn’t everything he’d been fantasizing about and more. Her lips were soft, supple, and flavored with cheesecake rather than lipstick. She stood on her tiptoes to reach him and moaned softly as his tongue slid inside. When she pressed against his erection, Sig nearly lost it. His knees threatened to buckle, so he leaned back against the wall of the building with Elsie still plastered against him. Taking the kiss deeper, he slid one hand into her hair and the other under her suit jacket to feel the silk of her blouse warm against his hand. Every nook and cranny of her mouth was hot and sweet while her tongue danced along his. Eventually she collapsed against his chest, both of them gasping for breath. To Sig’s delight, she didn’t immediately recoil and step away.

“Either we take this inside….” He ran his fingers through her silky hair. “Or I need to go home now and take a cold shower.”

She did step back, then and looked up at him, her expression stark in the lamplight. “I want to. I really do.”

“Then what’s stopping us? You’re not involved with someone else. We’re both consenting adults.”

She dragged in a deep breath. “It’s…complicated.”

“You want to talk about it?” He hoped to hell he wasn’t going to have to walk away. Not tonight. His dick pulsed against his fly, so hard it hurt.

She firmed her chin and smiled. “Not, but probably should. I need to know we’re on the same page. This has to be a one-time thing. I’m not ready for a relationship. I may not ever be. If you can handle that, I’d love for you to come upstairs.”

He didn’t pause to think. “Oh, I plan to, sugar. More than once, if possible. I know for a fact that you will.” Even in the dim light, he saw her blush. He kissed her again, hard and deep, then reined himself in,. “Let’s go.”




Chapter Three



Elsie only dropped her keys once. There were two locks, one at street level and one on her apartment itself. Both were shiny and new, which gave her enough sense of security to sleep at night. Tonight, though, she didn’t think she’d be getting any rest. Her entire body sang with anticipation as she raced up the stairs. Sig didn’t run, but he caught her hand as she opened the apartment door and let her tug him inside. He elbowed the door shut, and looked around at the kitchen, illuminated by the small light above the sink. A day’s worth of dishes sat on the counter and toast crumbs littered the table, right beside a haphazard pile of junk mail.

Oh, crap, had she made the bed?

“Which way?” His voice was rough, huskier than she’d ever heard it. The deep quiver in his tone sent matching tremors through her limbs.

“Over here.” She led him through the living room—also a bit untidy, into her bedroom, tucked into a front corner of the apartment. She’d left a lamp on in here too, part of her paranoia, but it let her come in at night without being terrified.

Sig didn’t seem to care that she hadn’t made the bed or that the dirty clothes had spilled over the edge of the hamper. As soon as they were both in the bedroom, he pulled her into his arms and kissed the breath out of her all over again.

So much for going out with him as a friend
. Her conscience tried to rein in her behavior, but it lost out to desire.
We are. Friends with benefits, for one night only
. That didn’t count as a relationship. Sig shrugged off his jacket, reached for the buttons on hers, and rational thought of any kind went out the window.

It had been so long Elsie wasn’t sure she’d remember what to do. Sig’s fingers were deft on her buttons, and he pushed off her jacket with a gentle touch, making her tremble as his hands grazed along her shoulders. Wanting him to hurry, she reached back and undid the single button on her silk shell and lifted her arms so he could pull it over her head.

The shuddering breath Sig sucked in told Elsie he was as affected as she was.

“Your skin is amazing,” he whispered. “Smooth as satin. You sure you’re okay with seeing my messed-up hide? I can turn the light off.”

“Leave it.” Now she was the aggressor, yanking off his tie and undoing his shirt. Heady with power, she kissed each bit of skin she revealed button by button. “Any scars you have are part of who you are.” Truthfully, she was glad his body wasn’t perfect. His scars would be a constant reminder of who she was with—a
man, one who wouldn’t turn on her the moment his lust was sated.

He shrugged out of his shirt and Elsie stepped back to gaze at him. Yes, there were scars. Her heart broke for the pain he must have suffered, probably still did suffer from time to time. Otherwise, though, he was a damn fine-looking man—muscled without being bulky, with a lean waist and a patch of dark hair on his chest that tapered down to a line disappearing into the waistband of his slacks. She licked her lips and squeezed her thighs together to ease the ache in her core.

“Come here.” His deep growl reverberated in his chest as he pulled her close.

“I’m not going anywhere else.” She laced her fingers through the short, crisp hair, above his heart, and felt it pounding every bit as hard as her own. Moisture soaked her panties and hose and her breasts ached with need.

“Good.” He caught her hair in his hands and kissed her while she rubbed her nipples against his washboard abs, seeking relief. His heavy erection pressed against her stomach.

Elsie wasn’t sure which one of them groaned. It could have been both.

When they came up for air, she slid her hand down the front of his trousers and cupped him. Sig pulsed into her palm, even though his boxers.

“Naked,” he gasped. “Now.”

Elsie nodded. Taking an unsteady step back, she stripped. He dropped his slacks, pushing off a pair of plain white boxers at the same time. Elsie caught her breath. “Beautiful.” She reached out to trace the thick ridge running the length of his cock. The flared tip pointed straight toward his chest, a small bead of pre-cum already gathered at the slit. She’d never seen a man this aroused. Certainly not for her.

Sig inhaled sharply. “This is going to be over fast if you keep doing that.” He tugged her back into his arms, kissing her until she couldn’t breathe. His tongue plundered her mouth, possessing her with a raw imitation of what was to come next.

Elsie was on fire. She stood on her tiptoes, trying to get his cock lined up against her pussy, feeling every hair on his arms as they brushed her back. The need overwhelmed her senses. She rubbed against him shamelessly, all but begging him to fuck her. He slid a hand between their bodies and closed it around her breast. Elsie’s knees gave out and she sagged into him. Sig lifted her and laid her down on the bed. He spread her legs wide and knelt between them.

“I’ve imagined you like this.” His gravelly voice shook. He ran a finger along the seam of her pussy. “All naked and pink and wet, all for me.”

She nodded and bent her knees to give him more room. “Only for you.” He was so much better than she’d imagined, even on the nights she’d lain in this bed and fingered herself, thinking of Sig.

He leaned over and brushed kisses around her breast, circling the areola, but never quite touching the nipple. “These are so lovely.”

“Too small,” she whispered.

“Dainty.” He licked her nipple. Elsie felt a tug of heat all the way to her womb. “Delicate.” Another lick, this one a little harder, making her wriggle and squirm with need. “Pink and white and perfect.” He switched his attentions to the other breast, tugging that nipple between his lips. “And so responsive. I could spend hours playing with these.” He sucked, and Elsie threw her head back against the pillows and arched into his mouth. The moan that escaped her lips was raw and filled with need, especially when his cock brushed her stomach. She tried to wriggle up the bed, but couldn’t bear to pull away from the hot bliss that was Sig’s mouth. He worked her nipples until she couldn’t breathe. Sig was right; her boobs were small, but they
extremely sensitive. When he increased the suction on one nipple and scissored the other between two thick fingers, a few small fireworks burst behind her eyes and her pussy clenched.

“You amazing woman.” Sig shifted to lie beside her, kissing her mouth and sliding a finger into her aching cunt. “You came from that, didn’t you?”

Elsie nodded. Embarrassing, but true.

Sig hummed. “And I didn’t think you could get more perfect.” He added another finger to her channel, and Elsie bucked into his hand.

“More.” She didn’t mind begging. She needed his cock.

“Oh, yes.” He kissed her lips hard, then stepped off the bed and rummaged through the clothes pile on the floor. Elsie kept her eyes on him, admiring every bend and flex of each muscle along with the rugged lines of his face, while he ripped open a condom packet and rolled it on. Watching that made her even wetter; no whining about lost sensation, bitching that she should have protection, Sig matter-of-factly took care of things. If she had that much emotion left in her, she could fall in love with him for that.

He knelt over her and kissed her lips again. “I want you so badly, Elsie.”

“Me too.” She dug her fingers into the flesh of his shoulders and tried to pull him closer. “Hurry.”

“There were so many things I wanted to do to you first.” He positioned himself between her legs and cupped his hands under her ass. “I didn’t even get to taste you yet.”

“Next time.” She canted her hips. “We’ve got all night.”

“That we do, my lovely.” He pressed his cock against her entrance and rubbed the head in her juices. “But I only have one condom.”

“Damn.” She pressed into him again, managing to get the tip of him inside the lips of her pussy. “We’ll…just…have to…get…crea…. Oh!” Her ragged attempt at speech failed completely as he slid home. Her inner muscles stretched around his girth, pulling him deeper until she was completely filled. Nothing had ever felt more perfect.

Until he began to move. So slowly it was like a dream, he slid out until only the head was inside her. Bereft, she lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips and pull him back. But Sig would not be hurried. He reentered her in his own sweet time, claiming her lips once he was fully seated. She sucked on his tongue and ground her mound against his pubic bone. Each microscopic motion edged him deeper, until she felt his cock nudge her uterus. A wild moan escaped her, which he caught with his mouth. Then he levered himself above her with his forearms and began to fuck her in earnest, thrusting in and out with speed and precision, hitting her G-spot with every stroke. Her earlier orgasm had been little more than a hint, a preview of coming attractions. Pleasurable tension coiled tighter and tighter in Elsie’s abdomen. She gripped him tightly with her pelvic muscles and her nails dug into his skin.

“Yes, yes!” she panted or mewled or cried, depending on the moment.

“Elsie,” he moaned. “Jesus, Elsie.” He tilted his hips and slammed a little deeper.

Now she couldn’t speak. She held her breath and whimpered, her whole body tightening around his. Higher and higher, her senses spiraled in an unprecedented tower of bliss. She fought the climax. This was her only chance tonight to have him inside her. She could tell he did the same, his torso shuddering, growing slick with sweat.

Elsie screamed Sig’s name as the world exploded. Flares of light burst beneath her eyelids as her body convulsed. Her mind went blank, and the waves of exhilaration kept coming and coming and coming. She only distantly heard Sig’s shout of completion as he slammed home one last time, his body heaving above her.

When he collapsed onto her, Elsie mustered enough energy to lift her limp noodle arms and flop them off the mattress and back around him. She moaned low in her throat when that simple movement sent off a series of mind-blowing aftershocks. For a long time they lay there, sweaty, winded, and still shuddering with reaction.

what all the fuss was about. Nothing in Elsie’s life had even come close. She clung to Sig, not wanting the magic to end, though of course it would.

She might have dozed off for a moment, because she didn’t notice Sig moving until he’d pulled out and off her to lay on his side. He brushed damp strands of hair out of her face. “You okay?”

Elsie wanted to laugh. “That’s like asking if an elephant is big.” Her voice came out as little more than a husky whisper. “Pretty sure I’ve never been
okay in my life. Except for not being able to move. That could become a problem later on.”

“I know what you mean. I can’t even feel my toes.” He laid his head against her shoulder for a moment and then kissed her temple. “Thank you.”

“Likewise. You did all the work.” Elsie was amazed that he didn’t seem to mind.

“Baloney.” He nuzzled into her neck and lightly nipped the tendon. “I was on top, but believe me, I’d have noticed if you weren’t participating. I wouldn’t have claw marks on my back, either.”

“Oh, God, I’m sorry.” Elsie sat upright. “Let me look. Do you need any bandages?”

“Hey, settle down.” He caught her in his arms and held her against his chest. “I’m fine.”

“I totally suck at this, don’t I?” She wanted to shrivel up and crawl under the bed. “I’m so sorry, Sig.”

BOOK: Thankful for You
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