Testing Fate

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Testing Fate
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Testing Fate
Belinda Boring
Blushing Heart Press (2013)
Rating: *****

Nothing burns as bright as the flames of the refiner’s fire.

Moments after hearing the Council sentence her enemy to life imprisonment for attempted murder and illegal use of magic, Darcy is whisked away by the Fates—accused of tampering with destiny. The cherished dream she shared with Mason has been called into question, placing doubt about whether they are actually true mates. To resolve it, a price must be paid—the Heart or Death—a grueling series of tests designed to reveal a person’s worth.

The stakes are high and Darcy finds herself facing the unknown in conditions that leave her more vulnerable than she’s ever been. Separated from Mason and her Pack, with Devlin as her only companion, she is pushed to her very limits. She must succeed—or lose everything.

Will she crumble under the pressure or emerge stronger for testing fate?

“But, do you truly understand what you’re saying? Are you willing to put Darcy and your Pack through more attempts like Amber’s? Are you willing to fight a challenge with every suitor that comes along?”

“Yes. If that’s what is needed, then I will beat them all!” Mason’s body stiffened with determination and I could only imagine what his wolf was experiencing below the surface. Male werewolves were dominant and extremely territorial. I had no doubt Mason would fight to the death, as many times as he needed to, in order to keep me by his side.

“I am sure you would, young Alpha. But are you willing to have Darcy do that as well? Will you be able to watch her fight to the death? Is your pride worth the risk? Are you willing to test fate?”



Praise for Testing Fate


“Testing Fate brings new meaning to the word swoon!”

~ Lisa Markson, Mommy Reads Too Much.


“Belinda Boring has a magical way of writing that draws you straight into the pages and you get lost in the story.”

~ Jessica Johnson, Bookend 2 Bookend.


“Belinda Boring really is the queen of swoon. Testing Fate had all the elements to stop my heart and keep me guessing until the very end.”

~Jessica Gibson, author of the bestselling
Boston Witches


“After finishing Testing Fate, I have a few monikers of my own for the “Queen of Swoon”:
Sire of Suspense, Countess of Cliffhanger, and Administer of Emotional Torture.”

~ Justine Littleton, Bex ‘n’ Books.


“Holy cliffhanger, Batman! Testing Fate is a complete page turner that leaves you guessing until the end, which leaves you wanting more.

~Angel Downey



Praise for the Mystic Wolves Series


“Mason and Darcy are my favorite werewolves since Elena and Clay.”

~ Mandie, Time 4 Mommy.


“This author can write a kiss with more passion than anyone I know!”

~Raine Miller, NYT Bestselling author of the Blackstone Affair series.



Testing Fate

The Mystic Wolves Series Book Three

Belinda Boring


Copyright 2013 Belinda Boring


Published by Blushing Heart Press

Edited by Kim Swain, Red Line Editing & Writing

Cover Design by Regina Wamba, MaeIDesign & Photography


Kindle Edition


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To all my readers,


Thank you for loving the Mystic Wolves as much as I do. This may have started out as a small dream, but look at how amazing it’s grown. You are all honorary Mystic Wolves pack members!


Also, thank you for letting me
torture you with each book. I know the cliffhangers can be
a little
brutal, but admit it . . . they’re FUN!




You’re all good sports and I love you!





Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”

~ Mary Anne Radmacher.


I believe the above quote with all my heart. It takes courage to write a book, to stick it out when life throws things at you, and not give up until you reach the end. A story is more than just words on paper. It’s also the author’s heart—their hopes and fears—everything they have inside them. If you were to stand outside their office, you’d hear all kinds of things . . . laughter, shouting, bantering, and tears. We give everything, and we love it.


Testing Fate was one of those stories. There are parts you’ll read that if it weren’t for the loving patience of my husband, I’d still be staring at my laptop screen, afraid to write. This is the turning point of the series and the characters were adamant about what needed to happen. They were fearless, but me? I needed a little convincing. At the end of the day, I know they were right to take certain twists and turns. It’s what makes this book so special, so epic.


There are so many people to thank. I couldn’t do this alone. I’ve been blessed with such a strong support system, people who believe in me and were always there when I needed them. Whether it was acting as a sounding board, cheering me on, helping in the editing process, or reminding me I’m not actually crazy, THANK YOU. Your counsel has been incredibly valuable to me.


I added new members to my team with Testing Fate. I want to thank Kim Swain, my new editor, for not personally coming to my house and beating me over the head with an emdash. I’m pretty sure she was tempted, but together, we made this story shine. A big thank you goes to Regina Wamba, the genius behind my new covers. You have such an incredible gift, and it’s an honor working with you. I also want to hug my beta readers—my poor, emotionally abused betas—Lisa Markson, Jessica Johnson, Christina Silcox, Jessica Gibson, and Angel Downey. Your reactions to the story were priceless!! Thank you for your faith and support of the Mystic Wolves. Free chocolate therapy for each of you. You’ve earned it.


I also want to give a heartfelt shout out to those whose constant support kept me going: Deena Remiel, Raine Miller, Lacey Weatherford, Angel Downey, Stacie Stopen, Lisa Wheeler, Susan McCray, Diana Jacobsen, Rhonda Plumhoff, Jessica Johnson, Lisa Markson, Jessi Gibson, Christina Silcox, Tammy Middleton, Julia Wood, Melissa Dulaney, my parents . . . I’m positive I’m going to forget someone! I am blessed to call you my friends!


I’d be ungrateful if I didn’t also thank the patience of all my readers. I know the book didn’t release when expected, but your kind words and messages were appreciated. I’ve loved being able to connect with you all, to tease/torture you a little, and generally have fun. Thank you to everyone who has written reviews, shared the series on their blogs and social media. This book truly is for you all—I just hope you don’t want to kill me at the end!


Finally, all my love and thanks to my devoted husband and family. Your support gives me the strength to keep going, to chase my dreams, and enjoy an amazing life. When all is said and done, I couldn’t do this without you. I love you so much!

Remember, the best things come in PACKS. Oh, and don’t hurt the author!

Enjoy Testing Fate, everyone.





Chapter One


One moment I was standing in the trial room and the next I was gone—enshrouded by complete darkness. My lungs burned and a tight, squeezing sensation filled my chest, stealing my breath. Just when I was on the verge of passing out, the world burst back into an explosion of color and I dropped to my knees, struggling for air.

What the hell just happened
?” I gasped, my voice ragged. I focused on reducing my rapid panting. My head pounded like large elephants were stampeding and my body was ready to keel over. It was the most disturbing feeling I’d ever experienced and I wanted to kill whoever inflicted it on me.

“Calm yourself, young one. Take deep, steady breaths. The feeling will pass if you don’t fight it,” a soft voice whispered in my ear and I gratefully followed her directions. Slowly the dizziness faded, taking the nauseous waves with it, and I stood without the world spinning around me.

“Where are we?” Mason demanded, clearly annoyed. Devlin placed a cautionary hand on Mason’s shoulder, a warning that his temper wouldn’t be appreciated by the three Fates who stood huddled together watching us. Nodding, Mason corrected himself. “I apologize. I’m simply curious why you’ve brought us here.” He bowed his head in deference to the women, resuming a less threatening approach.

“We will forgive you this once, Alpha of the Mystic Wolves. We understand your apprehension. We felt it was important to remove the necessary parties from your Council’s meeting room and bring you here,” Atropos replied, gesturing to our surroundings.

“And where exactly is here?” Mason asked. He took my hand, his fingers wrapping around mine and squeezing.

I returned the sentiment as mutual concern pulsed through our connection. I was just as confused, and I couldn’t shake the ominous feeling that came over me. It was never a good thing when the powerful creatures became involved, and although the Fates didn’t wield the same kind of supremacy as gods, I knew we’d gone from one dire situation to another. These were the women who controlled the destiny of the world and everyone in it. They held the ability to strip away futures, cut lives short, or alter someone’s entire prospects with a single word. How they’d become involved in this argument was anyone’s guess. It didn’t bode well, especially with the attention they had focused on my mating with Mason.

“You are in our realm now,” Lakhesis answered, speaking as though it was common knowledge. I cast a sidelong glance at Devlin, hoping he could shed some light on the situation; but he stood quietly, his red eyes focused on the Moirai. He wore a serious expression, hands clasped firmly behind his back, and I wished there was some way I could talk with him.

The air thickened with tension—so dense I could almost take a large bite from it. Mason stiffened beside me, his body language signaling he was also on high alert. His reaction stirred my wolf, and the young woman’s revelation finally dawned on me. We were far, far away from our home.

I’d studied Greek mythology growing up and knew the Moirai lived somewhere beyond the mortal sphere, in a place where they could govern over mankind—keeping an ever watchful eye on daily proceedings. Fear began to surface with the realization we were completely at their mercy, unable to leave until they deemed it so.

“Is this about the dream?” I tried keeping my voice steady, but it was difficult containing the slight quiver underlining my question. It was imperative that I tread carefully and not anger our hosts. This was the time when I needed to draw on all of the diplomatic skills that Mason and Devlin had instilled in me. As the Alpha’s future mate, I needed to negotiate wisely and safely. Never had I been more grateful for those lessons than now.

“Yes, this about the dream. An accusation has been made about our interference with your destined mating. Doubt has been placed and unless it is resolved, any female or male wolf is free to challenge you both in the future. From what we have witnessed, one has already done so.”

The mention of Amber instantly caused my skin to prickle with anger. We’d just gone through hell because of that vindictive she-wolf and had only just finished dealing with her via the Council. Mason and Amber had once been paired to marry, an arranged union that would benefit their fathers thirst for more power. But when Mason’s parents tragically died, he’d stepped into the role as leader of the Mystic Wolves and declared the agreement null and void. We later met, fell in love, and would soon be married. Everyone was excited for the big day—everyone, but Amber.

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