Test Pilot's Daughter: Revenge (31 page)

BOOK: Test Pilot's Daughter: Revenge
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Ahhh, the beautiful aviator,” he said cautiously. “That was some flying, and you said you were a beginner. I saw it all on the news. Miss Christina Matthews is quite famous these days.”


Dr. Weston, I’m very worried. I think Heather is losing it. She hasn’t been the same since we were attacked on that island. She seems to be showing signs of severe depression, and she’s been saying some really weird things. We need to get her some help.”


He could hardly believe her cordial tone. Feeling better by the minute, he answered, “Please, call me Steve. Ah yes, I agree. The trauma of her experience has driven a wedge between us. I can’t get her to talk to me either.”


I was wondering if I might come up and have dinner. I’m sure you know some good therapists. I’m afraid I need some help myself. Just can’t sleep any more. I’ve been plagued with recurring nightmares ever since my mom died. So, I wondered if you would. . .”


Poor baby, I’m so sorry to hear that.”


I thought we might get together and talk about therapy.”


Wonderful idea. How about tomorrow night? I could meet you at the Double Eagle at say, 9:00 o’clock? I’ll make a reservation for two.”


Perfect, I’ll see you there.”


The following evening Weston reserved a table at his second favorite restaurant. Not just any table, of course, a table in the darkest corner, a place where he could work his magic. He arrived early and had a double Jack Daniels on the rocks. He sat where he could watch the door.


When Christina entered, she took his breath away. She had on a low-cut frock that clung to her sleek body. He almost choked on his drink. The dress was very short and revealed most of her long legs. She had on spike heels with no stockings. He moaned as he focused on her silky smooth, bare skin. She sat down beside him, crossed her legs and ordered a double martini.


Welcome to the Double Eagle. You’ll love the cuisine. Very good food.”


She didn’t waste any time. “I just can’t understand it. Why would Heather walk away from marrying a guy as good looking as you,” she cooed.


Uh,” he didn’t know what to say.


She turned to him and stared in his eyes. “She refuses to talk about you. I told her I was going to meet you, and she didn’t react one way or another.”


Weston could hardly believe his luck. “She’s very disturbed, I’m afraid. I’m going to recommend she be treated by a colleague of mine, Dr. Ted Hampton. He’s the Chairman of our department and an old golfing buddy. Very discrete.”


She’s always shied away from therapy, but I’ll talk to her about it. How about me?”


Do you really think you need therapy, Christina?” he said with a chuckle.


People really don’t understand the mental torment I’ve been through,” she said. “I’m not sleeping well, and when I do sleep, pretty bad dreams. I just want all this to go away, so I can get back to my old life.”


I was thinking of treating you myself,” he suggested. The thought of her beautiful body stretched out on his couch made his blood boil. “Of course, I wouldn’t charge you anything. It’d be good for my practice, a client as famous as you. Seems the least I could do for saving Heather’s life. Even if she never speaks to me again, I still have very deep feelings.”


Christina put her hand under the table and casually rested it on his thigh. “I feel for her too, Steve. But life is short, and sometimes you have to pick up and move on.”


His heart pounded. Over his long career as a college professor, he had seen many young girls succumb to his powers of seduction, but he could hardly believe how quickly this spirited young lass was responding.


Well, why don’t we start by getting a little personal,” Weston said in a whisper. “Heather told me you are sometimes kidded about being a lesbian. True?”


Ha!” Christina guffawed. “It’s true they used to call me LJ in high school, for ‘lesbo-jock.’ The truth is, I’m bisexual, and a little kinky at that.”


My, oh my.” Weston said in a shocked voice. “How wicked! So you
a lesbian?”


No, actually I prefer men.”


But you’ve been with women? Or should I ask, which women?”


I’d rather not say. But I can say being stranded on that island wasn’t all bad,” she gave him a big wink.


The vision of Christina locked in passion with Heather under a palm tree was more than he could bear. His mind raced how he might maneuver those young ladies into a threesome. He reached over and put his hand on her leg.


What about that fly-boy of yours? What’s his name, Lazer?”


We’re not speaking. Told him I needed some space.”


Hands began to creep higher as the waiter came marching in their direction. They both jerked back, innocently holding up menus. After ordering, at the risk of getting slapped, Weston decided to test the waters. His hand slithered like a snake between her legs. His heartbeat accelerated as he felt the soft skin of her inner thigh. Christina leaned her head back, then suddenly seemed to snap back to her senses.


No, not here!” she said briskly, as she sat up straight. She pushed his hand away and tugged down the hem of her dress. Looking flustered in a dark red blush, she said, panting, “Heather tells me you have a condo at Hilton Head.”


That’s right.”


Once you offered to take me flying in your 172. Why don’t we fly up to your condo this weekend, and you can start treating me. I could make it worth your while,” she said with a smile.


I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend,” he moaned.


There’s only one condition.”


What would that be?”


Absolute discretion. I seriously plan on being an astronaut one day. So, it’s most important there be no record that I’ve been seen by a shrink. Second, I still haven’t figured out what’s up with Heather, so I don’t want her to know about it.”


Don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul. Trust me; I’m the master of discretion.” Weston couldn’t believe his good fortune. This beautiful coed seemed to enjoy having his hands all over her. He was about to reach under the table again when a loud chiming noise came from nowhere.


My cell,” she said, reaching down and retrieving it from her purse.


Hello. . .Oh, hi daddy. When did you get in town? Sure, no problem. I’m in Athens, but I can meet you at the train station in about an hour. Just hop on MARTA and get off at the Doraville Station. I’ll pick you up at the Kiss ‘n Ride. Bye bye daddy, I love you.”


Your father?”


Sorry, gotta go. I didn’t know he was coming. He’ll be gone tomorrow night. Call me on Thursday and let me know where and when to meet you.”


The thought of her dad was like an ice cold shower. Weston shivered, “Fine. . .ah, sure, call you Thursday.”


Christina turned to him with one more request. “If you don’t mind, I’d love to sit in the left seat. If I can fly a Saratoga, I feel sure I can fly your plane.”


Let’s make a deal. If you’ll tell me more about your kinky kinks, that left seat is all yours.”


Hey, if it turns you on, I’ll tell you every little detail. But, on second thought, at your age I’m not sure your ticker can handle it,” she chortled


Well then, Captain Matthews, we have a deal. I look forward to flying with you.” He looked forward to more than that.


Outside the restaurant, before she could escape, Weston grabbed her arm and spun her around into a tight embrace. He pulled her up to his chest and kissed her hard on the lips. It was a long and lustful kiss, a kiss he would never forget.


* * *


Weston looked to the weekend with anticipation. Thursday night he called her just to make sure she was still on.


Christina, how’s your dad?”


Oh, he’s all right, I guess.”


I hope to be able to cheer you up this weekend.”


I’m sure you will. Can’t wait to see your place.”


You’ll see; it’s a beautiful condo right on the beach. But it only has one bedroom,” he said stealthily.


Well, since there’s only the two of us, one bedroom should be quite enough, don’t you think?” she said in a lusty tone.


His motor revved to the red line. He decided to push on and said, “It’s a king size bed, plenty of room for games.”


Speaking of sex,” she replied bluntly, “I’m not quite sure how to ask you this, but how do you feel about bondage?”


The idea struck him as exciting. Most of the young girls he had been with were passive-submissive. The thought of a dominate female in the package of one Christina Matthews was almost more than he could bear. “Sure, you can tie me up anytime,” he grinned.


Good, then I’ll bring along some of my toys. I’m afraid you’ll find me quite kinky.”


I’ve got some kinks of my own. Can’t wait to see what lurks on the dark side of that beautiful head of yours. Why don’t you meet me at, say, 4:30 tomorrow afternoon at the Athens Airport, ready to go?”


Great! As long as I don’t get snarled in that awful student traffic, I’ll be there on time.”


* * *


He arrived at the airport early and took his time putting on fuel, pre-flighting the airplane and checking weather. It was going to be a beautiful afternoon to fly to the beach, VFR all the way. When Christina arrived, his eyeballs almost popped out. She wore a tight fitting half T-shirt with no bra, short-short cutoffs and tennis shoes with frilly white socks.


Beautiful Cessna,” she said as she walked out on the tarmac. “Are you really gonna let me fly it?”


My pleasure.” He gave her a hug and handed her the keys.


Can I have the left seat?”


Don’t you remember our deal? Sure, Captain Matthews,” he saluted. “All fueled and ready to go. I called weather, it’s severe-clear all the way to the coast.”


You can put my suitcase in the luggage compartment. I want my pink bag in the back seat in case I need anything on the way. Mind if I do a quick pre-flight for practice?”


No problem, go ahead.”


Nice equipment package,” she said climbing in the cockpit.


Nice equipment yourself,
he thought.


She set up the altimeter, the gyro compass, the GPS and cranked the engine. “Would you mind handling the radios, while I get more acquainted with the plane.” Her eyes gave her away; she marveled at the three axis autopilot. He knew she’d be impressed.


Okay, I’ll be your radio man,” he replied keying the mike. “Ahhh, Athens ground, Skyhawk Two Two Niner Four Quebec, at Epps, ready to taxi for departure to the east.”


Skyhawk Two Two Niner Four Quebec, taxi runway Niner. Winds calm.”


Christina scooted down the taxiway to the run up area. She set the brake and pushed the throttle up to 2,000 checking the gages. Reading the checklist, she called each item aloud like a good student pilot.


Fuel pressure green.


Oil pressure green.


Oil temp.


Tanks are full.


Alternator charging.


Vacuum 5.0.”


She checked the mags and pulled the throttle back to the stop, then eased it forward to idle. Exercising the full movement of elevator, ailerons and flaps, she looked to Weston and said, “Ready.”

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