Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle (40 page)

BOOK: Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle
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“Shit.” Darien bolted down the hall and slammed Lelandi’s door open, the force banging it against the wall. Lelandi was gasping for air, a black plastic bag covering her face, suffocating her.

“Odin’s teeth!” In a couple of bounds, he was beside her bed, digging his fingers into the bag, trying to rip it open, his heart thundering.

Before Lelandi was fully conscious, she felt she was suffocating, the room pitch black, yet with her wolf vision, she should see clearly. She tried to move her hands, but her wrists were bound again. She could barely breathe as something pressed against her face. Something clinging and black. No oxygen. Blacking out. Where were her guards? Inside room? Outside…

Holes began to appear in the plastic as someone frantically tore at it and finally ripped it away. She gasped for air. Darien’s anxious face and the blinding lights of the hospital room appeared before her, while he continued to tear at the bag.

Filling her lungs, she tried to reach out to him. He paused while ripping the tape off around her neck, and took her hand and squeezed tight. “Jesus, Lelandi.” He didn’t say anything more, just held onto her hand and gazed into her eyes.

Jake rushed into the room. “What the hell.” He grabbed her wrist. “Her pulse is frantic.”

“Find out who all was at the hospital, who had access to the coffeepot in the common area, whose fingerprints
are on it. I want to know how many were drugged and if everyone’s all right.” Darien finished removing the tape and bag from her neck and head.

Still holding her wrist, Jake remained beside her. “Pulse is more normal.”

Darien seized the leather strap tying her right wrist, and Jake grasped the other and yanked it off.

“I want her home with us until we get somewhere with this investigation.”

Lelandi breathed deeply, unable to comprehend what had happened.

“Did you see who did this to you?” Darien brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, holding her hand again with a firm but tender touch.

The nightmare she was living was getting worse. “I must have been sleeping. I was pretty groggy. What happened?”

“It appears somebody laced the coffee that the staff and visitors drink with heavy-duty sleep medicine.”

Even Sam was sound asleep in the chair next to the wall.

“Just to get to me?”

Darien ran his hand over hers. “Looks that way.”

“Doc said she could be released?” Jake asked.

“Yeah. Check on the others, will you?”

“Sure thing.” Jake rushed out of the room.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were Lelandi?”

She frowned. “I told…you. No one would listen.”

“Tell me who she was mated to.”

Lelandi looked away.

He wasn’t used to being disobeyed and her actions thoroughly compounded his irritation concerning what her sister had done. But it wasn’t Lelandi’s fault, and
he attempted to curb his temper. “I have to know who’s got it in for you. Maybe knowing who she was mated to doesn’t matter at this point, but I can’t help but wonder if he had contracted someone to shoot you. Was that who accosted you behind Hastings?”



“It wasn’t!”

Taking a deep breath, he nodded. Her eyes held his hostage, and he couldn’t believe how much he yearned to have her, like he’d wanted her sister. He looked down at his sweaty hands. She made him feel like a pup vying for a female’s attention the first time around. She wasn’t even in a wolf’s heat, yet he desired her like he had no business wanting her.

He took another deep breath and looked at her. “Until I find some answers, you’re staying with my brothers and me.”

Her lips parted, but she promptly closed them.

He expected her to object, or say something. But she seemed so withdrawn, he wondered if the attempted murderer had drugged her also. “All right?”

She nodded.

“Silva cleaned your jacket and jeans, but I’m afraid your shirt and…” He glanced down at her breasts covered in the thin hospital gown, her nipples pressed against the fabric. He raised his brows. “She picked up a couple of items for you to wear.”

She gave a tentative nod.

“Did one of the nurses give you more medicine?”

“I…I don’t remember.”

Before Darien responded, Silva pushed a wheelchair into the room. “Jake’s really uptight about something,
but he wouldn’t say what. He told me to hurry this down here. What’s going on?” She glanced at Sam. “Boy, I’ve never seen him sleep on guard duty before.” She lifted the ripped-up black plastic sack off the table next to the bed. “What’s this?”

Lelandi shuddered.

“A death mask,” Darien said. “Get her dressed. She’s going to my place, ASAP.”

Darien shook Sam’s arm and woke him. Blurry-eyed, he glowered at Darien.

“Come on. Let’s get some caffeine into you.”

“What…what the bloody hell happened?” Sam growled, rubbing his head, his eyes squinting. “I feel like I’ve pulled an all-nighter and have a
-sized hangover.”

“You’ve been drugged.” Darien helped Sam out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

“Who did this?” Sam bellowed. “I’ll kill ’em.”

“What in the world happened?” Silva carefully helped Lelandi to the edge of the bed.

“Someone put something in the coffee and knocked everyone out. Guy tried to suffocate me.”

“Ohmigod, it’s a good thing I don’t drink coffee. I ran home to get another book to read, thinking you’d be here a while longer. But when I returned, I found Jake trying to wake Ritka and a janitor. Jake yelled at me to get a wheelchair for you and wouldn’t say what was wrong. Was the person who tried to hurt you a guy or a woman?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Darien’s got to catch the bastard.”

Although Lelandi was healing well, considering she’d been shot the night before last, she was sore and weak. Silva took her arm and helped her down from the bed, but Lelandi’s head began to swirl into darkness, and Silva pushed her back onto the mattress.

Silva’s hands trembled. “Sit. Uhm, I’ll get Nurse Grey to help. You’re less stable on your feet than I thought.”

She hurried out of the room, but Lelandi didn’t need half of the people at the hospital dressing her. She meant to climb off the bed, steady herself for a minute, then get dressed. But as soon as her feet touched the floor, her mind and stomach began floating out to sea and the table started to tilt. Except the table wasn’t tilting, and she grabbed for it when she started to black out, pulling it crashing down on top of her.

Where the edge of the table landed, dull pain hit her thighs. So much for dressing herself. New bruises for sure, but at least she didn’t hit her tender wounds. If she wasn’t so groggy she would have screamed bloody murder for her ineptness.

Darien and Jake rushed into the room, their expressions horrified.

“Odin’s knees,” Darien said, and Jake echoed his sentiment.

He and his brother hurried to pull the table off her.

“We should leave her in the bed, restrained.” Jake offered her a wry smile.

Lelandi managed a low, feeble growl.

Jake raised a brow and Darien had the gall to smile, although she didn’t know what he thought was so
damned funny. If his arm wasn’t so far away from her teeth, she’d bite him.

“Oh no…oh no,” Silva said, hurrying into the room. “I shouldn’t have left you alone for a second. Nurse Grey’s coming in a minute. She was trying to revive Doc, who’s passed out in his office.”

“Is he all right?” Darien lifted Lelandi off the floor, but one of his hands slipped inside the gown opening at the back. His heated fingers pressing against her naked skin sent her temperature soaring, and the look he gave her made her sure it unsettled him as much as it did her. He set her on the bed and adjusted her hospital gown to draw the skimpy fabric lower, past her knees. “Leave, Jake.”


“We’re getting her dressed and out of here.”

“I’m staying at your place.” Silva pulled clothes out of a pink bag from Lacy Garments & Accessories. “She’ll need me to help her dress and shower. So, plan on a slumber party, boys.”

Jake shook his head and closed the door.

“You know, Silva, you can be a real pain in the ass.” Darien slipped on Lelandi’s sock, his back to her while Silva pulled off her gown.

“You love me anyway, boss.” Silva winked at Lelandi. “I couldn’t find a pretty lace bra to match your panties. This crummy place isn’t very style conscious, though Lacy Garments & Accessories has some nice see-through nighties. If we wore such a thing. But I thought this white lace bra was pretty and cut a little lower so it wouldn’t touch your wounds and irritate them.” She drew the bra up to cover her.

Darien paused before he put on her other sock, and she wondered if he wanted to look to see how low-cut the bra was. It was low. Nearly exposed her nipples,
it was a push-up.

“Looks nice, sugar, although you really didn’t need anything pushed up.”

Darien’s heart beat harder, and she could smell his sex again.

Silva was pushing the poor gray over the edge. “I bought you this nice, loose, button-down shirt so that it would be easy to dress.”

Darien growled low. Or moaned. Lelandi’s hearing wasn’t what it should be either because of the medication.

“Help me get her jeans on, boss, and she’ll be ready to go. She doesn’t need to put her boots on. We have to wheel her out to your SUV, and I’ll follow behind in my car.”

Darien focused on the shirt, and then his gaze shifted to Silva, who shrugged. “Ready to help with the jeans?”

His eyes strayed to Lelandi’s new panties, and she wished she could see what made them seem so appealing to him. He was having a time helping her into her jeans, although she imagined he’d be a whiz at taking them off. Why she was even thinking such a thing, she hadn’t a clue.

The jacket was last, and it was heavy and cumbersome because she felt so weak. Once she sat in the wheelchair, Darien pushed her out of the room where Jake waited beyond the door.

Walking beside Darien, Jake said, “Everyone’s
slowly waking from the drugged coffee—Doc, Ritka, the new janitor, parents of a patient, Peter, Sam, and Uncle Sheridan. But, man, was Uncle Sheridan hotter than a summer heat wave. Even in his half-groggy condition, he’s ordering Trevor about, taping off the break room. He warned us the attempted killer probably didn’t leave any fingerprints behind. Sam’s throwing a beer and pizza party at our place later.”


“You missed the leader’s meeting because you were investigating the shootings. Figured now that you’re taking the lady to your house, you’ll want to have the meeting. And,” Jake said, “since his barmaid will be there, she can serve, like always.”

Silva gave him a disgruntled look, although the annoyance appeared faked. Lelandi figured she loved being the center of attention in a room full of men. Or at least tried to be. Or was it that she secretly had a yearning for Sam?

Jake shoved his Stetson on his head and pushed the side door to the hospital open. “He said you’ve got to earn your keep somehow.”

“Like I don’t work lots of overtime so the guys can drink longer? Ahem, is Trevor going to be working guard duty?” Her voice sounded suspiciously hopeful.

Lelandi wanted to kick the deputy next time she saw him act disinterested in Silva when she wanted so much to please him. Why did women chase after men who showed them no affection in return?

“What are we going to do about the sleeping arrangements?” Jake asked.

Silva looked back at Darien. “Yeah, boss, who gets to sleep with whom?”

Lelandi held her breath, waiting for Darien’s word, feeling a mixture of hope he wanted her, and at the same time wishing he’d want to steer clear of her. She had a mission to accomplish. She didn’t
any more of his kisses. And she sure as hell didn’t

Her tongue traced her lips, just thinking of the way he’d kissed her, and she closed her eyes and moaned. Could any other man make her feel like that? And if he could, she wanted to find him next. Forget about looking for her damned rogue brother.

She opened her eyes and found everyone watching her.

Darien’s brows lifted slightly. “Lelandi sleeps alone.”

She let out her breath, and he cast her a smile.

“I don’t want anyone bumping into her wounds in the middle of the night. Unless one of my brothers wants to give up his bed to you, Silva…” Darien tilted his head to the side as if to ask if she had any objections, yet finality censored his words.

Silva frowned back at him. Obviously, she wasn’t interested in his brothers.

“Not my bed. I stayed up most of last night and gave enough blood, I’m ready for a good night’s sleep,” Jake said.

“You’ve got guard duty from four to six in the morning, Jake.” Darien wheeled the chair outside to the SUV.

“I can handle it.” Jake said to Silva, “Guess you can sleep in whoever’s bed isn’t occupied during guard duty.” He opened the passenger door for Darien. “What about Tom? He’s doing pretty well, but you don’t plan on having him serving on guard duty, do you?”

“He’s champing at the bit to pull it. Think he’s in love.”

Jake frowned. “Tell him he’d better find a new girl.”

Silva chuckled. “Yeah, this one for darned sure’s already taken.”

Lelandi stifled a growl. Once she found out who the blackmailer and killer were, and heck, found her gun and took care of them, she was out of here.

She caught a glimpse of her cousin Ural watching from across the street at some old movie theater, the sign faded like most everything else in Silver Town. Her heart nearly stopped. He wore his hood up, hiding his face, but everyone was sure to be looking for him, and that coat was like an orange prison jumpsuit on an escaped convict.

Damn him for hanging around. If the grays caught him, they’d crucify him, figuring he had something to do with her sister’s death and the shootings. Plus, Mrs. Hastings had seen him manhandle her, and Darien was pretty hot about that. They wouldn’t use kid gloves on him either, not like they did with her when they were trying to find out the truth. All because he wanted her home before the pack leader found out where she was, or maybe he wanted her to run away with him. She wasn’t really sure what he had in mind.

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