Read TerrIIItory Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler

TerrIIItory (14 page)

BOOK: TerrIIItory
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Chapter 26

“Where in the
is my mate!” Evander roared viciously, surrounded by his pack and his brother, Barron.  He’d heard Bethany’s scream, and he and the pack had raced toward the sound only to find the forest empty.  Bethany was gone.

“We found tracks,” Mateo spoke breathlessly.  “Same as the ones Weston and I found by the creek a few weeks back.  No scent.”

Evander spun, his hands fisted in Barron’s shirt as he shoved his brother up against the nearest tree.  “Give her back to me!”

Behind him, his pack tensed.  No Alpha would let such an affront slide; a battle would ensue.  Raina inched closer to Lincoln and fisted her hands in his shirt.  His loyalty to Evander was strong, and she knew that, if Evander fell in battle, then Lincoln would try to avenge him.  Beside her, Mateo curled his hands into tight fists and snarled, letting his incisors lengthen as Clay dropped to a crouch, preparing to launch himself toward the offending Barron.

Barron was the only one who seemed unmoved by Evander’s sudden display.  Dark eyes dipped down to the fists that held him pinned to the tree.  Then, he spoke calmly.  “Because she’s your mate, I will ignore your insult.  Just.  This.  Once.  But touch me again in anger, little brother, and I’ll show you why the name Barron Kane is revered in the wild lands.”

Evander didn’t back down.  “Where is she?”

“I don’t have your mate, Kane.  I haven’t touched her.”  Barron’s eyes narrowed on his brother.  “The tracks he found weren’t mine.  You’re being irrational because you’re emotional.  Scent me.  I’m not hiding anything.  Someone else has your mate, and you’re wasting time.”  His eyes dipped again to the fists in his shirt.  “Now get your fucking hands off of me, before I decide not to help you find her.”

Evander was motionless for tense moments.

“No one is a better tracker than me,” Barron was filled with cockiness.  “And you’re letting the trail get cold.”

Hands jerked back as Evander released his brother.  Self-recrimination hit hard.  Days ago Weston had tried to warn him, but he’d been so consumed with winning his mate that he hadn’t paid attention.

“We’ll get her back.” Mateo stepped forward and clapped a hand onto Evander’s shoulder to give him a reassuring squeeze.

“Save the hugs and kisses ‘til later boys.” Barron shoved Mateo out of the way.  “I’ve got work to do and you’re in the way.”

Two figures stepped out of the darkness and the pack tensed, prepared to attack.

“Easy!” One man spoke, holding up his hands.

It was Bethany and Charin’s pack mates, Bobby and Marcus.

“We want to help.” Bobby eyed Evander intently.  “Marcus and I were…
Bethany’s pack mates.  We want her found."

Evander nodded once, unwilling to waste any more time.

“The more the merrier,” Barron smirked.  He took off at a jog, bellowing, “Kane!  On me!”

Evander snarled as he turned to his pack.  “Raina, get back to the house.”

Lincoln growled in disapproval, drawing Evander’s attention.  “Link, escort Raina back to the house.  You stay with the women.  I want them protected,
no matter what
!  Clay, get your ass down to the creek, see what you can find.  Mateo, split up.  I’m not taking chances on just Barron.  Contact me if any of you find anything and I mean fucking
!”  Then he turned and sprinted after his brother.


Bethany jerked awake and instantly recognized the nausea that roiled through her.  Panicky, she jerked on her hands only to find them strapped down.  Twisting, panic swelled as she realized her legs too were tied to a hard surface.  Frantic now, she lifted her head and fought against the familiar pounding at her temples to eye her surroundings.  It was a small, empty room, dusty from lack of use, with cobwebs hanging in the corners.  There were no windows, only a door, and no furnishings except for the table she was strapped to.  A whimper escaped her lips.  She knew this set-up, she remembered the drug that her wolf had surged to the fore to shake off.  It was them.  She was back with them!

Fear nearly overwhelmed her, and she wanted to be in Evander’s safe embrace more than she wanted her next breath.

Tugging at the bonds that held her, she knew they wouldn’t give.  Those
knew how to tie a damn knot!  Cool air assailed her now sweating body, and she knew she was clad in only her bra and panties, but she wasn’t worried.  The last thing the creatures were interested in was sex.  No, their tastes were much more singular.

The door clicked open and had her head jerking toward the sound as her heart stuttered to a halt.  It was them!  Three pale figures clad in black entered, but didn’t speak.  They never did.  The whole time they’d held her captive, they’d never spoken a single word.

They came toward her as if floating on air, and she cursed, “Stay the
away from me!”

Cold hands touched her ankles where one of the creatures stayed while the two others came higher, each gripping a wrist.

“Don’t!” she struggled and fought with all she had, but the strong hands, and even stronger bindings, held her captive.  One of them gripped her chin and jerked her head to the side.  She heard a hiss of satisfaction as the creature inched closer.

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME!”  Her voice rose in near hysteria.  She knew what was coming, and she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Evander was going to hurt them all for ever having dared touch her.  If they fed from her again, they’d bear the brunt of Evander’s full wrath, and she had no doubt that they’d fucking die for daring to injure what was his.  They had to know.  They had to have seen the claiming.  If they dared bite into her, her Alpha

would fucking

The vampire’s teeth bit into her flesh, sending searing pain coursing through her as he began to drink.  It was nothing like when Evander bit into her.  This was revolting and painful, and had her writhing in disgust and anguish.  Bethany jerked and fought ferociously, which only served to lock the creature’s teeth in deeper.  But she refused to scream.  She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.  Struggling against the hands that held her, she bucked and writhed until the strength was literally sucked from her body, and she sagged weakly on the table.  “You’ll fucking die!” she promised.  “All of you will

Chapter 27

Bethany’s heart beat at a sluggish pace.  The damn bastards had practically drained her.  Lying on the floor of the room, she struggled to conjure up enough strength to turn her head, and instantly wished she hadn’t.

The door had been left open, and like a big, fat gloating smile, it mocked her inability to get up and simply walk out.  She knew they’d done it on purpose.  They’d so loved toying with her in the past.  A silent tear rolled down her cheek before she heard it drop on the hard-ass floor where they’d left her.

She hurt.  Her entire body felt like one giant bruise, and she knew they’d taken turns feeding from her.  Just as before, they’d nearly drain her then leave her to heal, but she’d never get the opportunity to fully recuperate.  No, they’d be back when she was strong enough to struggle, but still too weak to put up any real defense.  If Evander didn’t come for her, she knew she’d die here.

She wanted to go home so badly that the ache was like an open wound in her chest, and it surprised her to realize that it was Evander’s compound that she longed for. 
was her home. 

Just the thought of his strong arms and cocky smile had her praying for a second chance.  Just one more chance to be the mate he desired, the mate he needed.  She’d not waste a last opportunity. 
she got out of this mess, she’d stop fighting her damn heart and give in to what it wanted…him.  But would he come?  Would she get that second chance?

Please come for me, Kane,
she silently prayed. 
Please come for me, my mate.
  It was the last thing she thought before passing out.


Bethany was jerked awake by someone sliding a hand behind her neck and lifting her limp form from the floor. 
  She forced her eyes open and all hope fled when one of the creatures brushed the hair from her neck and licked his lips.  He intended to feed again.  He couldn’t!  It was too soon.  Still too weak and sluggish, Bethany couldn’t defend herself.  Her breathing hitched as realization dawned.  If he drank from her now, she’d die.  He hadn’t waited long enough, she hadn’t had time to replenish.  Did he know?  Did he care?

A cold hand forced her head to the side, and she mustered up the last of her strength to emit a single, horrified scream.  “


Mateo paced back and forth in wolf form as he seethed and eyed the dilapidated house sitting just half a mile down the mountainside from where he perched.

He’d found a scent, but it wasn’t Bethany’s.  On a hunch, he’d followed it and it had led him to the cabin he was currently eyeing.   Through the uncovered windows, he could see three men were housed within.  No, not men.  They were vamps, and strange ones at that.  Where Royce looked and acted normal, these three didn’t.  They were too pale, too tall, too quiet.  He still hadn’t seen Bethany, but the three vamps kept disappearing into the cabin’s back room.  It had to be them.  They had to have her.

He contacted Evander through their pack ties to report.

“Hold ‘till we get there,”
Evander commanded through the pack ties.
  “We’re close!” 
He pushed hard, racing to get to Bethany while Barron kept pace beside him.  He could feel his brother’s wolf.  The rage in the beast was barely restrained.

Mateo scoffed.  He hated waiting, especially when a fight was involved.  His teeth ached to sink into flesh and to tear Bethany’s captors’ limb from limb.  She was Kane’s mate, and therefore she was his Alpha female.  He shouldn’t be pacing, waiting for back-up.  God only knew what those abominations were doing to her.


Mateo startled at the sudden scream from below, and broke formation without further thought.  They were hurting his Alpha’s mate, and they’d fucking die for it!

Pushing hard, Mateo growled as he raced toward the house.  No time for stealth, he turned his head and thrust a shoulder forward as he barreled through the front door, sending wood splintering in all directions.  He only got out one agonized message to his Alpha before all hell broke loose. 
It’d be enough.  Kane knew him well enough to understand what the simple exclamation meant.  The cavalry would arrive soon, but would it be soon enough?

Evander pushed harder to get to his mate and with an anguished growl, he did something that was an affront to his pride, but meant little now that he knew his mate was being hurt. 
he snarled through the pack ties to Barron.  As if unleashed, the feral wolf surged forward, leaving Evander to give chase as his brother raced to rescue his mate.

Inside the cabin one creature rushed Mateo and he lunged for it, locking his teeth into a fleshy thigh before something solid connected with his back.  There was another one behind him.  He kept his teeth locked in the thigh as he jerked to the side.  No, there were
behind him.  Shit!

He bit down harder on the leg in his mouth and shook ferociously until he felt the bone snap.  His jaws released, and as they did he took a blow to the snout that sent his head snapping to the side.  A lesser wolf would have gone down, but not Mateo.  He lived for the fight!

The two still-standing attackers circled him.  He knew this game.  They’d attempt to confuse him, then attack so that at least one could get in a good blow.  He didn’t play that game.  He knew he’d take the blow no matter what, so he stopped the circling by lunging at one of the men and burying his sharp teeth in the too-soft abdomen.  For supposed killers, their bodies lacked the muscle needed to have the gall to attack a wolf pack’s Alpha female.

The man screamed like a woman, and the taste of his blood, tinged with what Mateo knew was Bethany’s, enraged him.  They’d drunk from his Alpha female, from Kane’s mate!

Renewed into the fight, Mateo’s jaws clamped as he twisted and jerked, relishing the feel of ripping flesh accompanied by agonized screams.  Then, everything went black.


Bethany could hear the fight and prayed that her Evander had come.  Screams and growls rent the air, but she was still too weak to do anything but hazily eye the open doorway.  Her sluggish heart attempted a frantic beat, and it was exhausting, as if the mere act of its beating were draining the last of her strength.

A loud thud sounded, and all the fighting stopped.  The comforting growls ceased, and the only thing she heard was agonized breathing and the hiss of her captors.  They’d defeated whoever had come.

  Tears flooded her eyes and ran unchecked down her cheeks.  Her worst fear was confirmed when one of the men shuffled into the room.  He was dragging something.

Bethany’s eyes shifted. 

Dragging a blood-stained wolf by the tail, the man dropped the wolf just inside the room and kicked it once before exiting and slamming the door behind it.

She’d recognize the short, reddish-brown coat anywhere.

“M-Mateo?”  She tried to reach for him, but her arms refused to move.  Closing her eyes she sucked in a deep breath, summoning all her power.  Her eyes snapped open, and she turned to eye her fingers as they uncurled and extended toward a downed Mateo, but her arm refused to budge.

Bethany growled a frustrated whimper as sobs wracked her body.  “
don’t be dead!”  She eyed Mateo’s belly and choked on relief when she saw it moved with his labored breathing.

Now she hated herself more than ever.  She should have told Evander, should have told the pack, that becoming part of their family meant more to her than anything else in the world.  Regret and fear warred for dominance, but fear eventually won out.  Mostly she feared for Mateo’s life. She cared little for her own, but if she did survive, and Mateo didn’t, would Evander ever forgive her?  She didn’t want to think about it, not Evander hating her, and certainly not Mateo dying.

The door was kicked open, and when one of the creatures entered, she gave up hope of Evander ever finding them.

Holding his stomach and bleeding profusely, Bethany knew there was only one way for the creature to heal.

It dropped to its knees with a painful sounding crunch, and reached for Mateo.

“No!” she licked her parched lips.  “Here.”

The creature stopped inches short of Mateo to eye her.  She could only pray that she looked more delectable than a blood-stained wolf.  She let her head loll to the side and watched Mateo’s breathing.  She wouldn’t let him die because of her.  She’d sacrifice herself before ever letting any member of her pack die for her.

Her pack.  The realization was jarring.  She had a pack.  Finally, a true pack!  Weston, Lincoln, Clay, Mateo, Swan, Raina, and her Evander.  She accepted them, and a new wave of agony washed over her at the realization that she’d never get the chance to tell them, to
them, that she wanted to be a part of them.  Tears blinded her as she lolled her head to the opposite side, going against everything wolf inside her, baring her throat to the creature. 
  She begged silently. 

Shadow fell across her face, and she closed her eyes, letting fat tears slide down as she sobbed in relief.  Her final prayer had been answered, and she could only hope that her sacrifice would buy the pack enough time to get to Mateo.

Cold hands gripped her, and she didn’t even flinch when sharp teeth bit into her arm.  She felt nothing.  She was too weak, too drained to even experience pain.

Long tugs on her arm told her the creature was having a hard time drinking from her, and she prayed it’d be enough to sate him, to keep him from going after Mateo.  The creature continued to suck at her arm, and her ears filled with the pounding of her heart.  It slowed to an impossible rate, until there were long seconds between one beat and the next.  Boom….boom.  The space between beats lengthened.  Boom………boom.  She swallowed, knowing this was the end, and her thoughts went to Evander, her mate.  She wanted him to be the last thing she saw, so she remembered back to the look on his face as he’d claimed her.  Boom………….boom. 
‘Say it again,’
he’d commanded. 
she’d shouted as he’d taken her. 

Her eyes struggled to open.  The declaration didn’t feel like a memory.  It felt like Evander was speaking to her through the pack ties.  She tried to reach out to him, to call to him, but…  Boom…………..

BOOK: TerrIIItory
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