Terrible Swift Sword (75 page)

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Authors: Joseph Wheelan

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Badeau, Adam
Baird, Absalom
Baker Massacre
Bands, regimental
Banks, Nathaniel
Barlow, John
Bartholdi, Frederic
Bascom, Fort, New Mexico
Battle above the Clouds, Chattanooga
“Beau Sabreur,”
Beauregard, P.T.G.
Beaver Dam Station
Beecher, Fred
Beecher, Henry Ward
Belgium, German invasion in 1914
Belker & Company (traders)
Belknap, William
Belle Grove mansion
Ben Hur
Bennett, James Gordon
Benteen, Frederick
Berryville Turnpike
Big Fifty sharps rifles
Black Codes
Black Day of the Army of Northern Virginia
Black Hills, South Dakota
troops withdrawn
US Government offers to purchase
Black Hills treaty
Black Kettle (Cheyenne chief)
Blackfeet Indians
African Americans
Blair, Montgomery
Blinn, Clara and Willie
Bloomingdale Asylum, New York
Blue Ridge Mountains
Board of Indian Commissioners
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Booneville, Mississippi
“Boots and Saddles” (bugle call)
Borglum, Gutzon
Bourke, John, essay on Arizona Moquis Indians' snake dance
Bournique School of Dance, Chicago
Boxer Rebellion
Boydton Plank Road
Bozeman, Montana
Bradford's Island (Columbia River)
Bradley, Luther P.
Bragg, Braxton
on Battle of Chickamauga Creek
blamed for Chattanooga defeat
defends Richmond
disliked, by men
at odds with Longstreet
withdraws Army of the Tennessee
Brandy Station (cavalry battle)
Brazos Santiago, Texas
Breckenridge (horse)
Breckenridge, John
Bridger, Jim
Brown, John
Brownsville, Texas
Brule Sioux Indians
Buell, Don Carlos
Buffalo Bill Cody
Buffalo hides, price of
Buffalo Hunters: The Story of the Hide Men
Buffalo hunting
Buffaloes, extermination
Buford, John
Buntline, Ned,
Scouts of the Prairie
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Sheridan criticizes
Burnside, Ambrose
observes Franco-Prussian War
Busch, Moritz
Butler, Benjamin
Cadwallader, Sylvanus
California Joe (scout)
Camp Robinson
Camp Supply, Indian Territory
Campbell, Archibald
Canada, as Indian refuge
Canales, Servando
Canby, Edward
Carbajal, Jose Maria
Card, James
Carlotta, Empress
Carr, Eugene
Carson, Kit
Carter, Thomas H.
Cascades Indians
Castle, Henry
Cavalry Bureau
Cavalry Corps, Confederate
Cavalry Corps, Union
1st US Cavalry
achievements of
at Appomattox Court House
and Army of the Potomac
and Army of the Shenandoah
attempts rescue of prisoners
in battle
battles Hampton's division
destroys Confederate supply lines
excluded, from surrender ceremony
exploits, summarized
forms supply train
gait, of horses
at Haw's Shop
horses, shot
as independent command
integration with infantry
march to Charlottesville
march to rejoin Grant
march to Richmond
outside Richmond
poorly supplied
returns to Washington
role and duties
sent to Texas
Sheridan appointed commander
as “Sheridan's Robbers,”
at Spotsylvania
at Third Battle of Winchester
victory in Virginia
Wolverine Brigade.
Wolverine Brigade
Cayuse Indians
Cedar Creek
geography and path
Cedar Creek, Battle of
Confederate army retreats
Custer at
foggy weather
Gordon plans
hand-to-hand combat
importance of
Rebels launch attack
Sheridan at
Sheridan's report, to Grant
Union Army attacks
Centennial International Exposition, 1876
Chalmers, James
Chamberlain, Joshua
V Corps, at Appomattox Court House
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, burned
Chandler, Zachariah
Chapman, Samuel
Chapman, William
Charlottesville surrenders
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Battle above the Clouds
casualties, of Sheridan's men
Confederate mistakes
Lookout Mountain
meaning, of name
Missionary Ridge
Orchard Knob
soldiers advance without orders
Union Army position at
Cheatham, Benjamin
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal
Chester Gap
Cheyenne Indians
chiefs, taken hostage
Dog Soldiers
Little Robe (Cheyenne chief)
raid settlements
Sand Creek village, attacked
winter camp raided
Great Fire of 1871
as Military Division of the Missouri headquarters
Sheridan's home
Chicago Evening Journal
Chicago Tribune
Chickahominy River
Chickamauga Creek, Battle of
Bragg on
commentary on
as a hidden battle
Rosecrans at
and Sheridan
Chickamauga Creek, Indian name
Chinook Indians
Churchill, Winston
Cincinnati Commercial
Cincinnatti (Grant's horse)
City Point, Virginia, Union Army Headquarters
Civil Rights Act
Civilian, marched to Buffalo Creek
Civilians, treatment of
Clark, William,
The Indian Sign Language
Clarke Courier
Cleburn, Patrick
Cleveland, Grover
Cobb, Fort
Code for the Government of Armies in the Field
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,”
Wild West Show
Cold Harbor, Virginia
Colorado Territory
Colter, John
Columbia River
Colyer, Vincent
Comanche Indians
Commission on the Debts of the Western Division (Lincoln administration)
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Company M, 1st Cavalry
Confederate army
former members, voting rights of
lieutenant generals in
march to Petersburg
power dwindling
retreats from Petersburg
soldiers surrender to Sheridan
at Stones River, Tennessee
Confederate flags, captured
Confederate loyalists, postwar
in Mexico
in state governments
White League
Confederates, in poverty
emergency rations sent
hearing on Belknap
response to Little Big Horn
Congress, for buffalo protection
Congress, post-Reconstruction
Congress, Reconstruction
Army and Tenure of Office Acts
Reconstruction Act Number
Select Committee on New Orleans Riot
Constitution, United States, three-fifths clause
Cooke, Flora (later Stuart)
Cooke, Jay
Corinth, Mississippi
Cornwallis' surrender, anniversary of
Cortinas, Juan
Crawford, Emmet
Crawford, Samuel
Crazy Horse (Sioux chief)
Crittenden, Thomas L.
Crook, George
attends Sheridan's wedding
battles Geronimo
Northern Plains campaign
at Petersburg
as prisoner of war
requests transfer
and Sheridan
Tonto Basin campaign
troops at Appomattox Court House
troops at Battle of Cedar Creek
troops at Third Battle of Winchester
troops fight at Ashby's Gap
Crosby, J. Schuyler
Custer, Fort
Custer, George Armstrong
at Appomattox
at Battle of Cedar Creek
Battle of Waynesboro
at Beaver Dam Station
Black Hills expedition
as buffalo hunter
burning the Shenandoah Valley
camp attacked
carries captured Rebel flags to Washington
on cavalry formation at Winchester
conducts winter camp raid
at Dinwiddie Court House
disliked, by men
dog, killed
at Five Forks
at Gettysburg
interred at West Point
leads winter camp raids
lectured by Longstreet
life and career
at Little Big Horn
march to Petersburg
marches in Grand Review
men, missing
My Life on the Plains
obsession with appearance
promoted to brevet major general
protects University of Virginia
reassignment, of horses
relieved of command
at Sailor's Creek
and Sheridan
suspended from command
takes three chiefs hostage
testifies before Congress
at Third Battle of Winchester
Wolverine Brigade.
Wolverine Brigade (Custer)
Custer, Libbie
love letters
Custer, Tom
Daily Colorado Herald
Daily Crescent
(New Orleans newspaper)
Dakota Territory
Dana, Charles
on Sheridan's popularity
Danville Railroad
Darbytown, Virginia
Davis, Jefferson C.
shot by William “Bull” Nelson
Davis, Jefferson (Confederate president)
advocates guerrilla fighting
Lincoln on
Dawes Severalty Act
De Forest, John
De Trobriand Philippe Regis
Delano, Columbus
Department of the Gulf
Department of the Interior
reforms Indian Bureau
and Yellowstone National Park
Department of the Missouri
Department of the Platte
Department of West Virginia
Deserters, Confederate
Deserters, executed
Devin, Thomas
at Appomattox
at Sailor's Creek
Dinwiddie Court House
Discrimination, racial
Division of the Missouri
forts built
headquarters, Chicago
incorporates Department of the Gulf
number of troops
Solomon's Avengers
Texas under
undermanned, for Indian supervision
Doane, Gustavus
Dodge, Fort
Dodge, Richard
D'Offenberg, Harry, Count
Dog Soldiers
Drought, at Chattanooga
DuBois, Henry A., on Sheridan
Dull Knife (Cheyenne chief)
Duncan, Fort, Texas
Dunraven, Earl of
DuPont, Henry
DuPont family, as gunpowder supplier
Early, Jubal
appearance, career, personality
army destroyed
assumes command of the Army of the Valley
on attacks on civilians
on Battle at Tom's Brook
and Battle of Cedar Creek
on burning of Shenandoah Valley
on defeat at Battle of Waynesboro
learns of Grant and Sheridan's meeting
message from Longstreet, intercepted
outside Washington, D.C.
relieved of command
reports, to Lee
on scarce provisions
on Sheridan's leadership
targeted by Middle Military Division
in Texas
at Third Battle of Winchester
“Elementary Treatise on Advanced-Guard, Out-Post, and Detachment Service of Troops, and the
Manner of Posting and Handling Them in the Presence of the Enemy” (Mahan)
11th Vermont Infantry

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