Terran Times 01 - Arena Station

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Authors: Viola Grace

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Champions of Terra

Arena Station

Copyright © 2006 Viola Grace SERIES ISBN: 1-55410-732-6

Cover art by Angela Waters All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

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Champions of Terra

Arena Station


Viola Grace


yra Dannick was elated. “I found it! I actually Kfound it!” She tore out of the archive as if the hounds of hell were on her heels, skidding through the library to a communications terminal.

She dialled in the codes she had been given for just such an event.

“I found it, Councillor Rand. The lost planet of Admar. I have the co-ordinates and the jump keys.”

“This is a most exciting discovery. As soon as your findings are confirmed we’ll send out a probe.” He sounded sceptical, but was willing to follow protocol for archaeological discovery.

“When can someone check on my findings?”

She was extremely eager to have her work of three years confirmed. Any delay would be intolerable.

“Someone should be in touch with you in a few days. Have patience, Kyra.”

The call was disconnected and Kyra returned to the archive only slightly less enthusiastic than she had been before the conversation. It was possible 1

Viola Grace

that she had discovered the location of a planet that had been lost to the Alliance for over a thousand years. Waiting for a week would not kill her.

* * * *

Three months later

“I can’t possibly go, I get space sick.” Kyra felt queasy at the thought of the long journey to the transfer station.

“It was your discovery. You have to be there when the probe confirms your findings. When the data is downloaded and you are proved correct, you’ll be the first Champion declared among your species. This is a very great honour. You have to be there.” The Ontex Councillor was adamant.

There was no room for argument.

So it came to pass that Kyra Dannick, research assistant at the Alliance archive, found herself in stasis and being shipped across the galaxy. She didn’t know her stasis chamber had been abducted by raiders, but she did know that when she woke up to find three men pawing her that she had not reached the transfer station. She reacted according to her own infallible instincts, and as such, found herself sold to an arena.

Her savagery in defending her numbed body had the raiders recoiling. No one had the right to 2

Champions of Terra - Arena Station
grope her breasts, especially while her legs were still regaining feeling. She had felt a portion of one of the men’s faces cave in as her fist made satisfying contact. Something that squished slightly tore off in her other hand as she hissed in anger and fought for her dignity.

The arena was inevitable after that.


Viola Grace

Chapter 1
Four months later

yra watched the hands slide down her torso Kand moaned as they caressed her breasts, then trailed down to her ribs. As she let out little sighs and whimpers they continued their exploration. The long, elegant fingers drew circles along her outer thighs and her breath came in gasps as she fisted her hands in the sheets of her bunk.

“Ouch, damn it. Ouch. Ok Tory, enough!”

“Well, the damage does not seem to be permanent, but you’re lucky to have escaped in such good shape.” Tory withdrew her hands from her friend’s body and wiped the blood she accumulated from the superficial cuts Kyra had sustained off onto her jumpsuit. “You have cracked ribs and substantial bruising over most of your body, but nothing life threatening. This is the last time I grope you after a fight, next time have a 4

Champions of Terra - Arena Station
companion do it. At least they get paid for it.”

“Face it Tory, I am one of your more normal patients in the quarters, and just because we aren’t sexually compatible doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy seeing your smiling face now and then. Plus you have really great hands.” Kyra managed a winning smile for her tall, gangly friend, and was rewarded with a smile that would have done an Earth shark credit.

Her chilling smile bisected a face that was lavender in hue, in a body that was 7 feet tall and as willowy as any supermodel back on Earth. Tory offered her services as a physical therapist and trainer to Kyra when she had entered the arena barracks. The two had since become fast friends.

“You know that your luck in the pit is not going to be with you forever. Eventually, you’ll need to be taken to medical for some major repairs and it is going to cost you.” She sat back and surveyed her battered friend.

“I know, but I would hate to have to dip into my savings. I still dream of getting myself out of here one day, and I need to bribe a lot of people to slip away unnoticed.”

“You shouldn’t talk so freely of escaping.

Someone might take notice and report you.” Tory looked nervously about and her eyes widened at the sight of four guards making their way through the females barracks, straight toward where Kyra was lying on her bunk.


Viola Grace

Two of the arena guards lifted the human out of her bunk and began dragging her off without a word being spoken. Tory soon fixed that.

“Where the hell are you taking her? She’s recovering from her last fight and getting ready for another tomorrow.” She moved to block their path and the other two guards that had come in with them moved her aside.

“She has been summoned to medical. That’s all you need to know.” One of the guards snarled it in Tory’s face as he shoved her out of the way and then reached for his stunner. In the female fighter quarters only a stupid guard with no plans for the future ever forgot that these females fought for a living, and that by entering the secured area he would be severely outnumbered. Tory stepped back and let them exit the barracks without making another attempt to delay them. The doors swung shut behind the group and a murmur of curiosity spread through the women’s fighter quarters. This was definitely an unusual occurrence.

* * * *

A few minutes later Kyra’s escort had led her through three security check points on the arena orbital station, the silence of the walk was starting to get on her nerves.

“Medical, huh? By who’s request? I sure didn’t 6

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