Terr5tory (7 page)

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Authors: Susan Bliler

BOOK: Terr5tory
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Chapter 12

Delano, Bose, Warren, and Anders ran the pack perimeter incessantly.  No sign of the intruders remained, and after Miston tended Eleanor’s wounds, she sent him to go bring the men back to the compound.  It’d been hours, and if they hadn’t found anyone by now, they weren’t going to.  Plus, she didn’t want the females and Parker left unprotected.

When Miston left, she’d tried to go down and start dinner, but to her surprise May and June insisted she stay in Delano’s bed.  They’d gone down to prepare the evening meal and she knew that part of their volunteering for the task was that they knew the attack on Eleanor could have been tied to the males they’d invited into the territory.

Shade brought her up a hot tea and when the shorthaired brunette made to leave, Eleanor asked, “Shade, where’s Riss?”

“Sleeping,” Shade rolled her eyes.  “She’s been so…lazy lately.”

Eleanor nodded and Shade left.  She knew that Riss wasn’t being lazy, she was probably just on one of her famous pouts.  She had a tendency for taking up bad habits when people weren’t paying her enough attention or if she wanted something she couldn’t have.  Too bad for her the pack was too preoccupied with real concerns to give a shit about her issues.

Eleanor finished her tea and then tried to doze.  She knew her wolf needed rest to heal, but it was difficult knowing there could still be a threat nearby.  When she finally heard the familiar sound of male voices, she relaxed knowing her whole pack was back where they belonged.

She relaxed into the pillows behind her and smoothed her hands over the comforter that covered her, drawing in the masculine scent of Delano that lingered in the room and on the bedding.  It was comforting.  His scent reminded her of protection and home, and she nestled a little deeper into the covers when a thought struck.  Shouldn’t she go back to her own room now?

Sitting up, she eyed the door, realizing how embarrassing it would be to be caught by Delano still lingering in his bed.  Why hadn’t she gone back to her room hours ago?

Flinging the covers aside, she was just about to swing her legs off the bed when the door opened. 

Delano’s eyes glanced down her body then back up.  “Where do you think you’re going?”

Eleanor jerked the blankets over her legs attempting to hide the fact that she was still clad in only her panties from the waist down.  To her relief, Delano didn’t seem surprised to find her still in his room.

“Uhhh, I was just going back to my room.”  She wanted to fib and say she’d fallen asleep as reason why she was still there, but she knew he’d scent her dishonesty.  “Sorry,” she muttered peeling the comforter down her legs and wrapping the sheet beneath it around her hips.   “Should’ve left sooner.”

“Stay.” He commanded, and it was a command.

Her head jerked up at the authority in his tone and she couldn’t help but wonder at his reasoning for wanting her to stay.

“No sense in making you move all over the damn place.  Rest here and let your leg heal up some before you try moving.”  He dipped his head. “Understood.”

She nodded and felt herself blush at his unwavering gaze.  “Any sign?” she asked by way of changing the subject.

“No,” he growled as he paced at the end of the bed.  “We caught their scent near the pond, but the winds too damn strong.  We lost it and couldn’t pick up their direction.”

“Well, you should have the guys taking turns…”

“Already on it,” he cut her off.  “Bose takes first watch and we’ll alternate shifts from there. 
Tomorrow I’m going
with our neighboring packs.  I wanna know who these fuckers are and I intend to find them.”

“No.” She sat up straighter, but looked away when his eyes jerked to her, his jaw tensing at her outcry.  “It’s just, if Bose is out tonight, that means you’ll have to take one of the others with you, one of the stronger males, which means it’ll be Miston or Anders.”

“I’m not taking Miston,” he declared.  “He’ll stay in case you need him.  I was thinking Anders or Warren.”

“You can’t take Warren,” she whispered, not sure how to put her next words.



“He likes guys,” Delano clarified, and the admission had Eleanor’s eyes snapping to his.

“You know?”

“Yeah,” he smirked and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Kinda hard to hide something like that from an Alpha.  Still, it doesn’t mean he can’t fight.”

“Of course he can fight, it’s just that…”  She stalled.

“Just what?”

“Well, if it’s your first meeting with the other packs, it might not be a good idea to show up with a second who’s into guys.  The other packs might think that…well, you know.”

“That I’m with Warren,” he filled in.  “Is it a problem if people think I’m gay?”

“Of course not,” she frowned, offended he’d think that.  “But when you’re going out to make a show of protecting the females in your pack, it’d mean more if they think that one of them is yours or
belong to you.  Kind of a hard sell to convince others you appreciate your females if you don’t appreciate females.”

He chuffed a laugh.  “Good point.  Warren stays, so who do you recommend I take then?  Anders?”

She nodded.  “It has to be Anders or Bose.”

“Anders it is.” He clapped his hands together and stalked to the bed, pulling the comforter back up and tucking it around her.  “Rest,” he ordered.  “I’ll have one of the girls bring dinner when it’s ready.”  His eyes dipped to her leg.  “What did Miston say?”

“I’ll live,” she smiled.

“Well, you’re off duty rotation for two weeks.”

“Two weeks, Dela…
.  That’s too long.”

“Tough shit,” he smirked.  “Alpha’s word is law.”  He winked and then stalked to the door before he stopped, turning his head to the side.  He didn’t look at her, but at the wall.  “And Eleanor?”


“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you today.  It won’t happen again.”

She opened her mouth to tell him it wasn’t his fault, and that she didn’t expect his protection, but he’d already gone.

Chapter 13

The next morning, Eleanor woke in Delano’s bed.  She’d had every intention of going back to her own after Shade had brought her dinner, but instead she’d eaten and fallen asleep. Now, she felt guilty for having hogged her Alpha’s bed.

She sat up just as a knock sounded and Miston poked his head in.  “You awake?”

“Yeah,” she inched herself higher in the bed.  “Are Delano and Anders gone?”

Miston nodded as he crossed to the bed.  “Can I take a look at your leg?”

She peeled the covers back, careful to keep the sheet shielding her panties from view.  She wanted to ask if Miston thought they’d be okay, but didn’t want it to seem like she doubted Delano’s decisions or ability.  Instead she asked, “How long have they been gone?”

Miston worked carefully to peel the gauze from her thigh.  “A few hours.”  He peeked up with a timid grin. “I’m nervous too.  But, I’m hoping word of Alpha Bowden’s abilities precedes him, and everyone knows better than to fuck with him.”

“They’ll be fine,” she assured, not feeling a hundred percent certain herself.  “How’s everyone else?”

“May and June are scared as shit.  Alpha Bowden didn’t take it easy on them.  Shade’s not too worried, but she never leaves the house, so…”

“And Riss?”

“Still holed up in her room.”  He glanced up. “You do something to piss her off?”

Eleanor rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I was probably breathing funny yesterday or something.  Who knows?”

He laughed. “Bose got in early and has been sleeping ever since.  Warren’s out on the perimeter and Parker is itching to take a shift.”

“You keep his little ass in this house,” she snapped.

Miston winked.  “Already taken care of.  I assured him that we need him here to help protect the
females.”  He smiled.

She smirked, trying to look miffed.  “Helpless?”

He shrugged.  “Gotta make the kid feel like he’s pulling his weight.”

She laughed, then they both looked down as he peeled back the last of the gauze.  She was disturbed to find her wound still open.  Shifters healed fast, but the wound had been vicious.  She knew it’d take a while.

“It’s doing well.” Miston leaned closer.  “You knew this was going to take a while, right?”

“Yeah.” She fell back against the pillows.  “I just hate being down for the count.”

Miston rewrapped her leg with a fresh bandage, then stood to swipe a finger gently across her cheek.  “Well, the scratches are gone, so that’s a start.”  Planting hands on his hips, he scowled down at her.  “I know you, Eleanor, so I know you’re going to try to force this, but I’m telling you that you can’t.  That wound is going to take time, and if you go too quick you’ll risk permanent damage.  And we both know you don’t want permanent damage, so keep off that leg.  Got it?”

She pursed her lips and saluted him. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

“Shade’ll bring you up breakfast shortly and help you get cleaned up.  If you need anything, I’m a shout away.”

“Thanks, Mis.”

Short minutes later, Shade brought her a plate full of corned beef hash with a steaming egg on top.  It was one of her favorite breakfast meals.  Smiling, she accepted the plate and set it on the bedside table.  It smelled delicious, and while her belly growled its demand for sustenance, her nerves wouldn’t permit her to eat.  She was worried.  Too worried.  What if Delano’s meetings went badly?  What if the outlying packs attacked while he was gone?  What if Delano and Anders didn’t return?

She tried to tamp down her anxiety and focus on what she could do to help.  Eyeing Delano’s empty room, she realized he’d be tired when he returned.

“MISTON!” she shouted and waited.  The sound of feet approached, but she was surprised when Parker opened the door. 

“Hey, Eleanor.  You need something?”

“Yeah,” she flung the blankets aside.  “Come help me get to my own room.  The Alpha’s gonna need his back.”

Parker stalled at the door.  “I should get Miston.  I don’t think he’d want you to move.”  His eyes darted to her untouched breakfast.  “You didn’t eat.  Are you okay?”

“Yes, just help me.”  She stood on her good leg and wobbled before Parker raced to her side. 

“I think we should get Miston.”

“It’ll only take a second, bubba.”  Eleanor slung an arm over his shoulder and hopped on her good leg keeping the other bent.  They slowly made their way down the hall to her room, with her leaning on him and taking little hops with her good leg.  It took a while and by the time they reached the room, she’d worked up a light sweat.

Easing onto her bed she snapped her fingers and pointed at her dresser.  “Can you grab me a nightgown out of the top drawer?”

Parker hurried to the drawer and pulled out a completely sheer gown and held it up.  “This one?”

Blushing, Eleanor was quick to say, “No…  No, not that one.”  The stupid piece of lingerie had been a gift from Riss, who’d told her that if she’d dress sexier she might find a new mate.  How in the hell any potential mate was ever supposed to see her in the gown was beyond her, but that was Riss, always putting the cart before the horse.

Parker grabbed a second gown and brought it to her without asking if it was suitable, which it was…barely.  The midnight blue gown in satin material was formfitting and cut a little too low for Eleanor’s liking.  She only ever wore the garment when her typical jammie T-shirt needed a washing.

Dropping the garment on her lap, Parker peeked over his shoulder.  “Be right back.”  He disappeared and returned quickly, carrying her plate of hash and her glass of orange juice.  “You gotta eat ‘cuz Miston said you need your strength to heal.”

“Fine,” Eleanor smiled.  “Just set it there on the table and I’ll get to it.”

Parker ignored her request and set the plate on her lap.  “No.  Eat now.  I’ll wait.”

She stilled in the task of stacking the pillows behind her back.  “Excuse me?”  The order was so damn Alpha-like she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.

“You…you need to eat, Eleanor.”  He crossed his arms over his little chest.  “I’ll wait.”  He set his expression and she knew he wasn’t going to budge.

Turning fully to face him, she looked down at the plate on her lap and took up her fork.  “You know, most women don’t like to be bossed around.”  She took a healthy bite of her hash.

“Well, Alpha Bowden says that sometimes females don’t know what’s best for them, and it’s up to us to take care of them when they won’t take care of themselves.”

Eleanor swallowed her bite.  “The Alpha said that huh?”

“Yep,” he nodded.  “He said a good male will know when and how to take care of a female, and that I’d know if I’m doing it right because she’d do what I asked because she’d know it was for her best interest.”

She lowered her head and smiled before taking another bite.  She was surprised Delano would have such a candid conversation with someone so young.  She wanted to ask how they’d gotten on the subject but decided it was none of her business.  Instead, she finished her breakfast and downed the glass of orange juice before wiping her lips on a napkin and lifting her head.  “Satisfied, my little Alpha?”

Whether Parker beamed at her words or his followed command she didn’t know, but it was hard not to beam with him when he nodded. “Good job.”  After he took her plate and left she quickly pulled her shirt off and slipped the nightgown on over her head, shimmying it under her hips before she once again found herself being tugged toward a healing sleep.

As she settled into her bed she had to smile at how her wolf whined at the absence of Delano’s scent.  Tamping it down, she snatched up a book from her bedside table and tried to read while waiting for Delano and Anders to return.  The strain of hopping to her own room must have gotten to her, because in minutes she was out.

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