Read Terms of Surrender Online

Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

Tags: #Siren Publishing, #Inc.

Terms of Surrender (30 page)

BOOK: Terms of Surrender
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"Is that because I was coming over?"

"That, and she's like his second Mom. I guess you could say we share custody." She expected a grin or a chuckle, and when she got neither, she decided to try again. "Any reason for the Marine-like reconnaissance and third degree?"

"We need to meet."

Slany frowned. "You and Peyton?"

"Me and Coco. He needs to get used to having another male around the house. He needs to get used to listening to another master."

Slany gawked. "What?"


Terms of Surrender

Nick didn't respond, except to walk past her to lock the door. "This lock is a piece of crap. Did you know that?"

Slany turned to him and arched a brow. She wondered where his attitude was coming from, but decided to play along. "Why, thank you. No, I didn't."

"I'm serious. I'm going to bring over a couple of others to replace it and install an additional one the next time I'm over here."

Okay, she'd had about enough of his high-handed tone.

This was his first time inside her house, and he was taking over, his tall height, wide shoulders and deep voice filling the room and overwhelming everything in it that was her and feminine. "What if I like the lock I have? What if I don't want to live in a prison?"

"This isn't the time to be contrary. I'm talking about your safety."

"Like you said, I have Coco and—"

"He's not here. Which seems to be a regular occurrence, according to you."

"I've lived here for years without anything happen—"

"Slany, stop arguing with me."

Something in Nick's voice made her look at him before speaking, and when she glimpsed the intense look in his eyes, she knew she'd stepped across some imaginary line he'd drawn in the sand and needed to do some serious conciliating right away. "I'm sorry."

"That's not good enough. You need to know when I'm telling you something for your own good. When it's an appropriate time to argue or challenge my authority, and when it's not.

Now is not an appropriate time to challenge me."

"Okay, you made your po—"

"Obviously, I didn't. What did I just say?"

She gaped, then quickly snapped shut her mouth. Okay, so he was in a mood. She was going to have to tread lightly. "Stop arguing."

"That sounded suspiciously like a question to me. Are you not sure?"

Slany frowned, becoming decidedly annoyed, but bit her tongue when she saw the feral gleam in Nick's honey eyes.

He wasn't just in a mood. He was serious about this…stand he was taking, for whatever reason. "Nick—"

"Are you sure, or aren't you?"

"I'm sure, but—" Slany cut herself off and snapped to attention when the sound of Nick's belt popping against her parquet floor slashed the silence.

He'd unbuckled and slid it out of the loops on his jeans so fast, she hadn't even seen him do it. Hadn't seen him raise it.

With skills like that, he could flick the wings off a fly across the room. Or flay her senseless and make her enjoy it.


Gracie C. McKeever

Slany gulped at the crazy ideas flitting through her mind and looked at him. "What do you think you're doing with that?"

"What do you want me to do with it, Slany? It's up to you."

This was a toughy. Her mind immediately shouted,
No, of course I don't want you to
whip me
, but her pussy quivered and leaked at the idea of that belt smacking against her ass.

Slany squeezed her legs together and fidgeted to shut up her pussy before it got her into deeper trouble.

Nick came closer, leaned down to brush his full lips against her left ear, licking and biting her earlobe before he murmured, "You want me to use this on that sweet, hot ass of yours?"

Slany shook her head.

Nick rolled the belt around his fist, leaving just several inches out that made Slany whimper when he slowly swiped it up her slit. "Do you want this, or my hand?"

Slany shivered as he stepped away to circle her. She closed her eyes, didn't want to look at him when she answered, no longer knew what she wanted.

Her cunt, however, knew very well what it wanted, clenching and moistening as her clit swelled. "I want you," she whispered, trying to find a compromise as she opened her eyes to see Nick standing with his feet planted apart, fists on hips and arms akimbo. He didn't look in a particularly compromising frame of mind.

"But you know you haven't earned me yet, don't you?"

"What…" She swallowed hard to rid herself of the lump in her throat, succeeding just barely. "What do I have to do to earn you, Master?"

He nodded, unsmiling, and Slany knew she had a way to go before she could rectify the situation. She wondered how they had suddenly gone from playing volleyball, watching fireworks, and eating hotdogs and hamburgers at Angela's house to corporeal punishment.

Silently, Nick caught her by an arm, led her to her smoked chenille sofa, and bent her over its high back.


He looked at her, shaking his head as he put a finger over his lips.

Hell, he was really going to do this.

She wanted to argue her point, try to get out of this, but knew arguing was what had gotten her into this situation in the first place. She had brought him to this point, had brought his wrath on herself.

"Take down your shorts and panties."

Her hands trembled as she reached for the buttons on the front of her denim shorts, and it took longer to get them undone than it normally would have.

"Do you want help?"



Terms of Surrender

Nick reached between her and the sofa and finished undoing the last two buttons. He lazily slid her shorts and panties down her thighs and calves to her ankles, then palmed her pubis before dipping one finger into her cunt. Her inner muscles instantly clamped around the digit, her legs turning to butter as he thumbed her clit. "Step out of them."

Slany had some difficulty getting them past her cross-trainers, but since he hadn't mentioned anything about taking these off, she decided they were better on and not to ask him.

She shivered at the draft that blew against her ass and legs before Nick moved closer and rubbed his jeans-clad erection against her, the roughness of the denim making her vaginal muscles spasm.

He stepped back and palmed her ass with one hand, pushing a finger past her rosette.

Slany jerked forward, but he stopped her, circling her waist with an arm and pulling her back against him.

"What did I say about running away from me?"

"I'm no—"


Slany gasped more from shock than pain, the belt striking her on one cheek with lightning fast precision.

"I'm giving you a break. There's nine more where that came from, unless you want to up the ante talking back. You don't, do you?"

Slany bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

"That's my girl," Nick murmured, didn't even give her a chance to react before he brought the belt down again on the opposite cheek.

Slany closed her eyes, waiting for the next blow that didn't come.

Nick guided her to stand and face him.

At first, she thought he had chickened out and couldn't go through with the rest of her punishment, but she should have known better, known who she was dealing with.

Nick reached for the bottom of her T-shirt, and pulled it up and over her head. He undid her bra with one hand, removed, and discarded it over his shoulder, then proceeded to rip her T-shirt down the middle.


"Uh-uh." He wagged a finger in front of her face. "I'll buy you another one to replace it if you want, but I need to use this one now, as I see fit. Understood?"

Slany nodded as he crossed her wrists in front of her and shredded the shirt into several lengths, one of which he used to tie her wrists together before he proceeded to calmly explain why he was tying her hands.

"You put your hand back to block a blow. I know it was a reflex, so I don't blame you, but I can't have you doing that and getting your hands hurt."

And he wasn't hurting her ass?


Gracie C. McKeever

"The ass is a lot fleshier than your hands, Slany. It's made to take this." As if to emphasize his point, the mind-reader fondled, then firmly spanked one cheek with a hand. "Your hands aren't. They have knuckles and bones, but not a lot of fat to absorb the shock. Thus, there would be more pain when struck."

Slany bit her bottom lip to keep from arguing, wanted him to just get this over with so he would… Damn, she hated wanting him so badly, her thighs were wet with the juices that had dribbled out of her cunt, hated wanting him to fuck her when the man had just tied her hands with her own shredded T-shirt and was about to mete out eight more lashes.

only going to do eight, right? He wasn't going to start over, was he?

Slany wanted to ask, but the look on his face made her think twice about saying anything.

"Turn and bend over the sofa."

Her heart sped as she immediately obeyed, and Nick wasted no time getting back to business, doling out three blows to each cheek in such quick succession, Slany could barely catch her breath. By the time he paused for the ninth blow, she was gasping for air and squirming against the sofa, her pussy weeping as much as she was.

"Please, Nick…"

"Please Nick, what?"

"I won't disobey you again. I promise."

"You understand I have to give you two more, don't you? That it's for your own good?"

If she'd thought he'd reminded her of her father before, he'd just taken the cake now with that familiar line. All he needed to do now was add the this-hurts-me-more-than-it-hurts-you spiel to make the punishment complete.


"Y-yes, Master."

He smacked each cheek once more with the belt, then turned her around and hugged her, as if he was afraid she'd run away.

Hey, she'd stuck it out this far. No way was she leaving before the floorshow.

Besides, he owed her.

Nick pulled away to thumb the tears from her cheeks, leaned in to kiss her face before he brushed his lips across her mouth and dipped in his tongue.

Slany greedily opened her mouth and met his tongue with hers as he slid a hand between her thighs. She pitched her hips forward and moaned when he thrust two fingers inside her.

"Fuck, you are so wet!" he growled against her mouth.

Slany just whimpered in response.

"You liked that, didn't you?"

"Yes, Master," she said.


Terms of Surrender

Nick smiled grimly, then bent to put one arm beneath her knees and the other behind her back, effortlessly lifting her into his arms and carrying her down the long hallway towards her bedroom.

Slany looped her arms around his neck, cradled her nose against his throat, and inhaled deeply. She didn't believe she could get anymore turned on than she was, except his spicy, masculine scent pushed her closer to the edge.

He stopped at her queen size bed and gently placed her in its center. "Lay on your stomach, honey," he ordered, and Slany did, eagerly waiting for his next command.

Nick silently positioned her at the head of the bed, looped one end of his belt through the T-shirt binding her wrists, and attached the other end to the top of her old-fashioned iron bedpost.

She felt herself gush, didn't know it was possible to get any wetter. "Oh, God…"

"He can't help you now, honey."

Slany held her breath as he crawled on the bed behind her. He quickly tied one of the remaining T-shirt strands around her eyes to blindfold her.

She panicked, started to struggle against her bindings, and gasped when he pulled her back to cradle her ass against his hard, denim-clad cock.

"You'll enjoy this more blindfolded. Not being able to see intensifies the sensations, sharpens all your other senses. Especially the sense of touch…" He paused to plunge a finger into her cunt and wiggle it around, stroking the bundle of nerves at her entrance, "and smell…"

Nick brought the same finger to her nose, and her nostrils flared as she scented her own musky aroma on it. She shivered as he got off the bed and moved away.

Her ears peeled for the sounds of more activity, anxious for him to take off his clothes and come back to her. Every sensation was on high alert, the way he'd intended.

What was taking him so long? Jeans, shirt, boxer briefs, socks, sneakers…what else did he need to take o—

The mattress suddenly dipped beneath Nick's weight when he crawled across the bed to her, but instead of settling behind her, he spread her legs as wide as they would go, then positioned himself beneath her.

Slany almost jumped off the bed when she felt his mouth on her. She immediately writhed under his tongue's assault, which first licked and nibbled her labia, then laved her folds before finally thrusting inside her.

She keened and fought not to close her legs, arms straining against her bonds as Nick replaced his tongue with two fingers and began sucking and licking her clit.

"Oh, please…oh, God, Nick."

He stopped suddenly, as if he knew she was on the verge of coming and wanted to punish her more by not letting her.

She felt him move beneath her shuddering thighs before his hands caught her around the waist and moved her over his hard cock, pussy just teasing the head.


Gracie C. McKeever

He held her aloft for an instant, and Slany didn't know where he got the strength. Didn't know how she held herself back from just plunging down and impaling herself before he finally, slowly lowered her onto his shaft.

Nick pushed up inside her to the hilt, and Slany squeezed her knees around his lean waist, alternately rolling her hips and moving up and down.

The slapping and slurping sound as his groin impacted with her pussy again and again was concentrated in her dark world and melded with the sound of Nick's groans as he met her brusque rhythm.

Slany gasped when her orgasm came, catching her totally by surprise, unlike any other, and heard Nick's harsh rasp when his own climax quickly followed.

BOOK: Terms of Surrender
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