Tender Touch (15 page)

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Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #scandal, #government corruption, #family and relationship

BOOK: Tender Touch
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Tavis rubbed his chin. “Yeah, I forgot about
that. They won’t be too anxious to have committee hearing or even
be receptive if anybody tries to bring it up.”

“Exactly. Those hospital and nursing home
beds bring in millions of Medicaid dollars. They’ll be happy and
I’ll have a rewarding consulting career in another ten years. So
will you.” Lang sat down again and tilted the chair back. He
crossed his long legs. “Feel better?”

“Somewhat. Just thinking of a way to keep an
eye on Mike. It doesn’t hurt to be extra careful.” The handsome man
lifted an eyebrow at his mentor.

“Son, you’ve got a keen sense of survival.
I’ve taught you well. But in this case, Mike is the least of our
worries. By the time we get back from D.C., we should be well on
our way to getting set for the next year.” Lang picked up the phone
and dialed a number. “Jade, bring me the procedures on bed
certificate requests and approvals.”

“Are you sure enough time has passed?”

“Plenty.” Lang glanced past Tavis when Jade
knocked then came in. “Jade, you know Tavis Collins.”

Jade shook hands with him. “Sure. How are
you today, Tavis?” She went to place the papers before Lang.

“Fine,” Tavis said. He gazed at her from
head to toe. “Mighty fine,” he murmured low.

“Excuse me?” Jade looked at him again.

“Nothing.” Tavis wore a slight leer.

Jade turned her attention back to the file
and did not notice. “I’ve got the procedures with timelines on top,

“Good. I’m pretty familiar with this. But I
just want to make sure. I’ll go over these then have you prepare
them. Oh, did you get delegation of authority ready for me?”

Tavis looked at him hard. “Delegation of

“Since Jade is my assistant, I checked and
she can give approvals in my absence so things won’t come to
standstill simply because I’m out of town. You know how much I have
to travel in this position.” Lang smiled up at Jade.

Tavis looked at Lang then Jade. Both thick
eyebrows arched high on his light brown face. “Hmm. I see.”

“But maybe I shouldn’t go to the conference.
I mean with both of us out of the office for over a week...” Jade
wore a slight frown. “I hadn’t thought about it before now.”

“I’ll have everything squared away by then,
Jade. So don’t even think about abandoning me. In fact, take my
suggestion and leave early to shop for the trip,” Lang said.

“Oh, I’ve got a million things to do.”

“I can’t believe this, Tavis. Any other
woman would jump at the chance to buy new outfits to impress them
in our nation’s capital.” Lang held out both hands as though

“She’s obviously not any other woman, boss,”
Tavis replied.

“Very dedicated.” Lang glanced back at

Jade laughed. “The truth is I don’t want to
come back to a desk piled high with work.”

“Well, it’s your call. I offered.”

Jade went to the door. “And I appreciate it,
Bill. You’re one great boss-man. See you later, Tavis.”

“Bye,” Tavis said. When she was gone, he
looked at Bill. “Be cool, my brother. Kathy is on the alert these

Lang gave a grunt of scorn. “I can handle
the wife. Besides, some things you just can’t pass up.” He stared
at the closed door.




* * *



“Aline, be sure these get put in Mr. Lang’s
‘in’ tray. These can come to me for my signature.” Jade went over
the instructions with Lang’s secretary for the third time.

The petite blonde looked at the ceiling.
“Jade, I’ve been an administrative assistant for three years

“You’re right. But go through my messages
every day. Let’s see what else?”

“You’ll be gone only a few days for
goodness’ sakes. And thanks for taking him with you.” Aline nodded
toward Bill’s office.

“I know he can be a little short at times,
but he doesn’t do it to be mean,” Jade said. Bill did have a
high-handed way with clerical staff.

“Yeah, sure. All the same, he doesn’t have
to rush back as far as I’m concerned,” Aline grumbled low.

Jade snatched up a long gold envelope. “This
is from legal. The regional office staff didn’t send in that
summary of evidence yet. I’m going to call them right now. I could
be here late if this keeps up.” She ran her fingers through her

“I’ll call them. I always do, Jade.” Aline
faced Shaena with a look of relief. “Will you talk to her? She’s
driving everyone nuts,” she whispered. With one last look of
exasperation, she made a hasty retreat.

“What’s up with you?” Shaena put both hands
on her hips.

Jade searched the top of her desk then the
open file drawer behind her. “Takin’ care of business before I get
out of here. Where did I put— Hey, get your foot off that!” Jade
dove to the floor and snatched a large pocket envelope.

Shaena leapt aside just in time to avoid
being tackled. “Girl, pul-leeze! You have lost your mind.”

“Oh,” Jade said with a sheepish look. “I’m
sorry. You okay?” But still she paid more attention to the prized
item than to Shaena.

“Don’t overwhelm me with your concern,”
Shaena retorted.

“This trip has got me all shook up. Only a
few weeks on the job, and now I’m leaving for almost two weeks!”
Jade shuffled more papers.

“Get a grip. You’ll be gone only a week.
What is the matter with you, really?” Shaena placed a hand down on
the papers firmly. “Well?”

“It’s got nothing to do with Damon, if
that’s what you’re getting at.” Jade pressed her lips together,
knowing she’d just given herself away.

“Now we get to the heart of the matter, pun
intended.” Shaena pushed her down into her chair and sat on the
desk close to her. “Tell me all about it. And don’t bother trying
to wiggle out of this one.”

Jade sucked air then plunged ahead. “With
all the fine women he can choose from, I just know he’ll play while
I’m away. Why shouldn’t he?”

“We’ve had this conversation, Jade. I’m
losing patience with you.” Shaena gave her a slap on the back of
her hand.

“Ouch! Cut that out.” Jade rubbed a growing
red spot and scowled at her friend. “I didn’t mean it like that.
But men with looks and money don’t lack for company just because
one woman isn’t available—”

“Some men,” Shaena cut in.

“They like the hunt-and-conquest game. Most
men don’t even try to resist women who throw themselves at them,”
Jade went on as though she had not spoken.

“Jade, check yourself. You’ve lumped all men
into one big pile of canines. My dad and yours are not like that.
Never have been.” Shaena got a mint from the candy jar on Jade’s
desk. She popped it into her mouth.

“Daddies don’t count,” Jade said with a
stubborn, little-girl expression. Seeing Shaena’s sideways glance,
she relented. “Okay, so I’m getting a little weird about this.”

“A little weird?”

“We’re barely at the starting gate, and I’ve
got to back out now with this damn conference.”

Shaena sat down in a chair. “You were so
enthused about it two weeks ago. What a change.”

Jade sighed. “Yeah, and for the last two
weeks, it’s dawned on me how many women would love to get their
hands on Damon even when I’m in town. Women like Lila

“Lila’s got more miles on her than a
Greyhound bus. Damon would never go for that type,” Shaena said
with a catty snort.

“But her family dates back to the time when
Louisiana was a Spanish colony. Royalty, even.” Jade wore a
miserable expression.

“Give me a break. Royal thieves who spent
most of their time stealing from everybody in sight.” Shaena
chuckled. “In fact, I heard one of her illustrious ancestors was
little more than a high class hooker.”

“Really?” Jade brightened for a second with
the juicy gossip over two hundred years old. Then she swung back to
the present. “Anyway, she’s just one of the many. Maybe I should
break it off now.”

“Sure, dump him before he dumps you. At
least it’s safe.”

“Don’t give me that tone,” Jade shot back at

“Yeah, as a matter of fact who needs the
attention of a fine, sensitive man who thinks you’re gorgeous,
right? No need to wait until he’s done something wrong. Drop-kick
the dude now.” Shaena ignored her smoldering look.

“I’m warning you—”

“Guilty until proven innocent. He’s a man,
that’s evidence enough.”

“Shaena, you’re on thin ice with a big crack
down the middle.” Jade glared at her.

“Hey, it’s not like good men aren’t a dime a
dozen after all. Watch it!” Shaena dodged a rubber band shot at her

“I get your point.” Jade laughed again, this
time harder. “What is the matter with me? I’m losing my mind like
you said.”

“At least you can laugh about it, sugar.
Look, a bad experience can make it hard to trust again. I know how
it feels.”

Jade grew thoughtful again. “I swore I’d
never let any man mean that much to me again.”

“You put your faith in someone you loved and
he lied. That kind of heartbreak takes a long time to heal. I’m
just learning how to move on.”

For several minutes the two women sat
silent, each reviewing a painful past. Jade thought of the ardent,
sincere look on Damon’s face when he spoke of wanting to have
someone in his life he could be close to. He’d been hurt like her.
Having been hurt in the way only a lover can, Jade knew the shadow
of sorrow in those stunning eyes was not fake. His tender touch was
that of a man who wanted to love and be loved in return. A man who
wanted true love, not a conquest. And Jade needed the same.

“Maybe I should, too. Damon doesn’t talk or
act like any other man I’ve ever been with, Shaena.” Jade looked up
with a glow of warmth in her expression.

“That’s right, honey. I’ve been doing the
tough, don’t-need- no-man thing long enough to realize that. But no
more.” Shaena waved a hand.

“I’m going to stop making myself crazy.
Damon is coming over tonight, and we’re going to have a wonderful
time.” Jade gave a decisive nod.

“Good for you, girl. A nice cozy evening is
just the tonic you need.” Shaena grinned at her.

Jade wore a puzzled frown for a few seconds.
“Say, hold up. What did you say about not being without a man

Shaena’s eyes shifted to the left then
right. She cleared her throat then got up to leave. “Let me get
back up there and finish this brief.”

“Freeze!” Jade jumped up and caught her arm.
“Don’t even think about leaving until you tell me who he is.”

“Hey, my boss is going to wonder where I am
soon.” Shaena tried to shake loose without success.

“So you don’t want to tell me? And I thought
we were closer than sisters.” Jade assumed a hurt expression.

“Stop with the guilt trip.” Shaena glanced
around before shutting the office door. “Promise you won’t laugh,”
she said so low Jade leaned forward.

“Speak up, I don’t read lips. Why would I

Shaena bit her lip and paused before
speaking. “It’s Brad Pittman.”

“Brad Pittman!” Jade yelled and slapped her
head. “Tell me this is a nightmare sequence from The Twilight Zone.
Tall, reddish-blond on the sixth floor Brad Pittman?”

“Lower your voice, mega-mouth,” Shaena said
through clenched teeth. She stared at Jade with a stone like gaze.
“I didn’t know you had a hang-up about interracial dating.”

“I have a hang-up about dating outside your
species. The guy is arrogant and condescending. I’ve always
suspected he was a bigot, too.”

“Scratch that last theory, hon.” Shaena

“But Shaena, Brad Pittman?” Jade dropped
into one of the two chairs for visitors that faced her desk.

“He doesn’t have patience with a lot of
idiot bureaucrats. But neither do we. And his reputation is
undeserved.” Shaena lifted her nose in the air.

“Brad Pittman,” Jade said with astonishment
still in her voice. “Have you ever seen him be rude to someone
without cause? Think about it.”

Jade sat without speaking. “Okay, you have a
point. But still...”

“We’ve had only one date so far, so don’t
make a big deal.” Shaena tried to look nonchalant.

“Then why act so undercover when I asked you
about it?” Jade fixed her with a critical gaze. “Nah, I’m not
buyin’ it, girlfriend. It’s my turn to tell you that you’re not
fooling anybody, except maybe yourself. You got a jones for the

“No way.” Shaena shook her head with

“Don’t run away from love,” Jade said with a
smirk. “Be honest about your feelings. I’m sure you recognize your
own advice.”

Shaena groaned. “I asked for that.”

“And more—” Jade broke off to answer her
phone. “Hi Damon. Working hard to get things cleared up before I
leave. You are?” Jade broke into a wide grin. “That’s marvelous!
I’ll see you tonight.”

“What good news have you gotten?” Shaena

“Damon is going to the conference, too. Oh,
happy day!” Jade got up and did a little dance.

“Bet you won’t be so grouchy about leaving
here now.” Shaena laughed at her.

“No, indeed.”

Lang knocked on the door before opening it.
“Jade, here are the letters I’ve signed. Hello, Ms. Greene.”

“Hello, Mr. Lang.” Shaena got up to leave.
“I’ll talk to you later.” She waved goodbye and left.

“Count on it,” Jade called after her. She
chuckled at the face Shaena made at her. “Uh, I think I will leave
early today to do some shopping.”

“See? I knew you’d want to get something
special to wear. Go right ahead.” He smiled at her. “I’m sure
you’ll wow them in D.C.” Lang went back toward his office.

“Thanks, Bill.”

Jade arranged the papers on her desk. In a
few minutes she was ready to leave. She hummed a favorite blues
song as she locked the door to her office. She already had in mind
what she wanted to get. With one last set of memos to distribute,
she went into Lang’s office on her way out.

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