Read Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency historical jane charles england

Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord (32 page)

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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Clay leveled himself up and propped
his head into his hand and stared down at her. “I think you have
recovered physically.”


Good.” He nodded. “We
leave tomorrow.”


I am taking you to Bentley

Her heartbeat increased.

It is farther away from
your grandfather. You and the children will be safe

She didn’t understand. “I am safe
here. In fact, I thought of moving back to my house tomorrow.”
There really was no longer a need to stay in Drake’s

Clay’s face hardened. “Until you reach
your majority, you are not going to be where your grandfather can
get to you.”

There was truth in his statement. “Why
Bentley Manor and not here?”

If your grandfather were
to come here, he could force you to leave as he is your guardian.
He will not suspect you are in my home.”

As far as her grandfather knew, her
association with Clay had come to an end. It might be the perfect
place to hide from him. And, if she went with Clay, that would give
her almost two months to spend with him. “What of the

His brow furrowed. “Of course they
will come with us. You didn’t think I would leave them

Heat singed her skin. She had been
afraid of that very thing. “I just can’t be parted from

Clay leaned in and kissed her brow.
“You won’t. Not until they are grown and are out on their

Thank goodness. Elle snuggled against
him and closed her eyes.

So you have no objection
to traveling tomorrow?”

A secret smile pulled at her lips.
“No.” They may not have a future, but she intended to spend every
opportunity in moments like this until her birthday, as long as she
could keep it a secret from the children and everyone else in his

Chapter 28

Clay had never been so happy to see
Bentley Manor in his entire life. The last four days had been
grueling. Not only was he forced to ride in the confines of a
carriage with Eleanor, without touching her, Lady Acker and her son
had decided to chaperone. He was not allowed one moment alone with
Elle since they left Acker Hall the morning after he had made love
to Elle in the summer house. That first night at the inn he had
been hopeful, but Acker must have read his mind. Before Clay could
arrange for the rooms, his friend had done the honors, leaving Elle
and Leigh in one, Lady Acker in another, Clay with the two youngest
boys and Acker with the two oldest. As he stood in the hall, Acker
looked at him. “Be sure and not to leave them alone.”

As if he would leave two small
children alone in a room in a strange inn. Even if he were alone,
he couldn’t have gone to Elle. She shared a room with Leigh. Clay
could still hear Acker’s laughter when he informed Clay, “Someone
has been using the summer house for what I suspect are intimate
interludes. As only you and Elle have been there, I can only

Clay’s stomach had knotted at what
Acker guessed.

Since I know your
intentions, I will not make an issue of it. However, your time is
running out before I force you to do the right thing.”

That time had arrived when the
carriages pulled in front of the manor. Were his brothers here?
Letters had been delivered nearly a week ago, once he made up his
mind that Eleanor would be his for the rest of his life. He
couldn’t do this without them, and he wanted their approval. But
even if they didn’t grant it, Clay was going to marry Eleanor,
whether she liked it or not.

But first, he had to tell her one
secret. The one only his family and Lady Acker and her son

He stepped out of the carriage and
offered his arm to Elle. “Please walk with me.”

She looked at him with mild curiosity
but allowed him to take her arm and lead her away from the

I need to tell you
something that very few know and it is imperative this remains a

I won’t say a

Not even my step-mother or
Madeline, my younger sister, know.”

Perhaps you shouldn’t tell

She had to know. Elle needed to know
each family secret before he asked her to be his wife.

Pausing beside a bench underneath a
shade tree, he motioned for her to sit and settled beside her.
Taking her hand he told her everything about Adele, Julia, his
father, more than he intended. But, his life spilled forth. “I was
like him when we met. I don’t want to be like him and I want to
kill any resemblance to that man in my life.”

Elle brought a gloved hand to his
cheek. “You are nothing like him. I am not sure you ever

She was far more generous than he

Also, you can never tell
anyone that Adele and Julia are alive. It would ruin Rose and

I would never, ever do
such a thing. It isn’t their fault they find themselves in this
particular situation and it isn’t necessary for anyone to

Clay sighed with relief, stood and
offered her his arm. “Then it is time you met my

Elle faltered. “They are

All of them, I

Will they mind us
descending upon them?” She had begun to drag her feet, as if she
didn’t want to return to the manor.

They won’t. And if they
did, I am the lord here, and can do as I please.”


Elle blew out a breath and allowed
Clay to lead her toward the four story manor with its gabled
windows. His home was beautiful, with well-manicured gardens, flora
and fountains. She couldn’t begin to guess how many rooms it held
and she feared Jamie getting lost, never to be found again. She
would need to keep him by her side at all times, or with Leigh. She
intended to spend as much time alone with Clay as she could until
her birthday and it was safe to return home.

The doors loomed ahead and a footman
waited. Was his entire family really inside? She had already met
the second brother, Jordan, but not the two younger ones, or his
step-mother and sister. What would they think of her? Would they
suspect she and Clay were lovers?

Heat sprang to her cheeks. Nobody must
suspect and she must be careful not to do anything that would lead
them to suspect.

Clay led her into the drawing room.
Besides her own family, Lady Acker and Drake, all of Clay’s family
were inside. They watched her expectantly, studying her. It was
most disconcerting.

Well?” Drake

Clay shot him a look.

Well, what?” she

Miss Westin, let me
introduce you to my family.” He led her from one person to the next
until they were once again standing in the center of the

I approve,” Jordan stated
and tossed back a drink.

The other two brothers nodded and Lady
Bentley beamed. John, the youngest slipped an arm around wife,
Elizabeth’s waist and took a drink. Her eyes twinkled with

What were they about?

Clay turned to her. Her heart began to
pound. Suspicion tickled at the back of her mind but Elle was too
afraid to give it full thought for fear of

He took her hands in his and looked
into her eyes. “Eleanor Westin,” he began. “You have stolen my
heart. I didn’t think it was possible to love anyone.”

Matthew, the third brother, snorted.
He was also the vicar. Were vicars supposed to snort?

It would do me a great
honor if you would consent to become my wife.”

Her bothers gasped. Leigh

Had she heard him correctly? “I beg
your pardon?”

He botched it,” John

We should leave them
alone. This is a private matter and I am sure Clayton doesn’t wish
all of us looking on,” John’s wife chastised.

Because everyone minds
their own business in your family,” John shot back.

Elizabeth colored then bit her

Shush you two,” the vicar
chastised and lounged back in a chair and watched Elle and

I said, I love you and
wish to marry you,” Clay repeated.

Tears stung her eyes. She heard him
and understood him, but couldn’t comprehend. He wanted to marry
her? Loved her? It wasn’t possible. “Why?”

He flung his head back and groaned.
Then took a deep breath and spoke. “I don’t know. I just do. I need
you in my life and if I have to repeat this again in front of my
brothers I will be most put out with you.”

You never even indicated
this is what you wanted.”

His face colored. There had been
plenty of opportunities but not once had he mentioned marriage or

I wanted to wait until I
had you here.”


He leaned in toward her and spoke low.
“I was afraid you would say no. I also hoped you would not reject
me in front of witnesses.”

The giggle bubbled up.

Don’t laugh,” he said
under his breath.

How can I not, you

His eyes widened and they bore into

How can you imagine I
would tell you no? I never dreamed you would ask. In my secret
heart I hoped, yes, but I didn’t dwell on it.”

He relaxed and a smile began to form
on his lips. “You care for me then?”

Tears escaped from her eyes and
trailed down her cheeks. “Care for you? I love you.”

Clay didn’t give her a chance to say
another word but grasped her to him, taking her lips with his,
ignoring everyone else in the room. Just as he started to deepen
the kiss, Clay was yanked away from her and Lady Acker took her arm
and led her toward the door.

Where are we going?” All
of the females surrounded her.

To get you ready for your
wedding, of course.”

Today? Now?”

Yes,” Clay called back as
Jordan pressed a glass into his hand. “I have a Special License and
my brother is a vicar. I am not about to give you a chance to
change your mind.”

Lady Acker pulled her from the room,
but Elle called over her shoulder. “Wait. I haven’t reached my
majority.” She pushed her way back into the room. “What if
grandfather finds out, or denies the marriage?”

Then I will threaten him.”
A grim smile came to Clay’s face. “Your grandfather enjoys his
position in society. He will not want anyone to know that he gave
his granddaughter to the likes of Wilkes.”

A chill ran down her spine at the
thought of the man.

He tried to marry her off
to Wilkes?” Jordan asked with disbelief. “Is Stanhope

Grandfather did seem to
know how he was.”

Every gentleman in society
knows how he and his friends are, which is why they only have each
other as friends and nobody worth their salt would allow a
marriage, let alone a courtship with the man,” Clay

I never heard anything
about him while I was in London.”

Clay shook his head. “There are
certain things that will never be discussed amongst the ladies.
That is one of them.”

Elle,” Drake said. “Clay
will take care of your grandfather if necessary. Go get ready for
your wedding.”

Her eyes met those of her dearest
friend. He would not be here, agreeing to this, if he didn’t think
it was right. “I think I will.”


She did say yes. Elle was
going to be his wife

Jordan clapped him on the shoulder and
drew him to the sideboard where John and Matt waited. Their glasses
were refilled and the brothers watched him, almost with
speculation. John grinned first. “I never thought I would see the

Nor I.” Matt shook his
head, perhaps still not believing what he was seeing.

I’m still waiting to see
if this is some kind of madness,” Jordan added.

It is not.”

What of lust and love and
father’s rules?” Jordan questioned.

You can have them in a

You aren’t married yet,”
Matt warned. Of all his brothers, Matt would be the most
disbelieving. He was taught piousness at his father’s knee. It
would take the right woman for his brother to break the chains that
held him in such a tight hold of what was right and wrong. Except,
they were father’s right and wrong and not from Biblical teachings.
Did Matt even recognize the difference?

I plan on having both,
without the marriage.” Jordan grinned shamelessly.

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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