Ten Thousand Charms (33 page)

Read Ten Thousand Charms Online

Authors: Allison Pittman

Tags: #West (U.S.), #Christian, #Prostitutes, #Prostitutes - West (U.S.), #Western Stories, #General, #Christian Fiction, #Western, #Historical, #Fiction, #Religious

BOOK: Ten Thousand Charms
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The thought of it made her smile. Made her want to stay, because though her body ached and her fingers bled and her skin was soaked with sweat, she felt today like she
Like she had never belonged anywhere ever before. She wanted to stretch her foot and nudge John William right now, to announce her conclusions and ask him to let her stay, but the imposing figure of Phil snoring softly nearby stilled her impulse.

She sat quietly, staring at the wheat, wanting desperately to talk to him. About anything. She missed him.

Had this been an afternoon on their journey, John William would have roused himself from his nap and settled in for a Bible reading, and the remaining stalks of wheat bowing in the breeze reminded her of one of the stories he'd read, about a man who'd
had a dream about wheat. His name was Jonathan? Jehoshaphat? Jericho?

“John?" she asked, softly at first, then repeated it until she got a grunt in reply.

“What was the name of that man in that Bible story who had the dream about the dancing wheat?”

John William brought his hand up to tip his hat away from his face—-just enough to give Gloria a puzzled, impatient look. “Dancin'?”

“Remember, all the wheat was dancing around all the other wheat—”

“It wasn't dancin',” he said, propping himself up on one elbow The look he gave now was one of affection and indulgence. She loved the thought that she had pleased him.

“It was Joseph,” he continued. “And the wheat was bowin’ down to him because he was about to rise up in power over his brothers. They weren't happy about that, so they—”

“All right, all right, I don't need the whole story. I just couldn't remember the name.”

“Why were you wonderin'?”

“No reason,” Gloria said, shrugging. “The wheat just reminded me of it, and I couldn't remember.”

“All right.” He gave her one more suspicious glance before lying back down and balancing his hat over his face.

The afternoon was tinged with just a bite of autumn, and the last of the summer insects droned along the margins of the clearing. Phil's snores added to the symphony, and John William's breath was heavy and regular. After a few moments, Gloria felt her own eyes growing heavy Half of the quilt was there—empty and inviting—and it wasn't until she was stretched out, lying on her stomach with her face buried in her arms, that she realized this was the most intimate position she'd ever shared with John William. Truth be told, this was the most intimate position she'd ever shared with any man. At first she was tense, worried about what he would think, worried that she
would offend him, but soon sleep edged its way in to quiet her thoughts.

Then she heard his voice.

“Hmm?” she said, taking her turn at giving him an indulgent yet cranky glance.

“I said I had a dream about wheat once.”


“It had to be a few years in the future, because Danny and Kate was old enough to be walking, but not too big. And the wheat was grown high—'bout up to my waist.”

“That's high all right,” Gloria said.

“And I guess they wandered off or some thin', because I couldn't find ‘em. They wasn't tall enough to be seen over the wheat, and I was just tearin’ through the fields, callin’ for ‘em.”

“Did you find them?” Gloria still refused to lift her face from the nest of her arms.

“I woke up and walked straight over to make sure they were all right.”

“Were they?”

“Of course.”

“That's good.”

A silence settled around them once again, and Gloria dozed in and out. At some point she felt like a spectator in John William's dream, saw him striding through the fields, searching, calling. And then she wondered.

“Was I there?" she said.


Gloria propped herself up on one elbow and turned her body toward his.

“In your dream," she said. “Where was I?”

She watched him sigh before he brought his hand up to lift his hat from his face. He turned his body to mirror hers. His brow furrowed before giving way to a full and joyous smile that drew Gloria to him like no embrace ever could.

“You were right beside me, darlin',” he said, “callin’ out their names.”

It was a moment, Gloria thought, that should have taken her breath away Such affirmation. Such invitation. Instead, she felt it settle within her.

“What do you think it means?” she asked

Big Phil interrupted with a yawn befitting his name and a satisfied belly scratch. “If you ask me,” he said, grunting as he hoisted himself off the ground, “it means that you two better keep them kids on a leash once they're old enough to walk.”

John William and Gloria had been smiling at one another, and now they burst into comfortable, relieved laughter. In the distance, the soft jingle of the horses’ harness signaled an end to the noontime break. Rested and revitalized, they roused themselves to resume the day's work. There were, after all, only three acres left.

The harvest was in before dark.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
0 there are ten thousand charms.

loria sat in the willow rocker exchanging gurgling giggles with a very happy Danny. It was a rare moment stolen from the endless work of the field and garden and kitchen. But the cellar was stocked with vegetables, and the cupboards were full of things pickled and preserved. A glimpse out the window showed Big Phil and Lonnie in the distance, pitching the bundles of wheat into John William's wagon, its sides framed high to contain the sheaves. Gloria's eyes searched the distance for John William—seeking him as she seemed to these days—and became so engrossed in her search that she failed to see his face grinning at her from the other side of the window until his knock on the glass caused her to jump.

“Dah!” blurted Danny, his chubby finger pointing.

John William smiled and wiggled his fingers at Danny before beckoning to Gloria. “Come outside,” he said, his voice muffled.

“What do you want?”

“Just put the baby down and come outside.”

Gloria sighed, heaved herself and Danny up from the willow rocker, and went to hand the child off to Maureen.

The season had definitely turned. The afternoon held a bracing chill as John William and Gloria made their way through the newly shorn fields.

“It looks sad out here,” Gloria said.


“Dead. Finished.”

“You can't look at it like that, darlin',” John William said. “You've got to look at the ground and see the promise. It'll be a new crop next year, more, even. I hope to put in at least another fifty acres of wheat, maybe corn.”

“What does Maureen think of all these great plans?”

John William was quiet for a moment. “She's signin’ it over to me in the spring. It'll all be in my name. It's gonna be ours.”


They continued walking farther from the house, across the fields, their feet sinking into the soft soil, heading toward the grove of trees that bordered the field.

“Where are we going?” It was the third time she'd asked since leaving the house, each request more petulant than the last.

“You'll see,” he answered.

John William's long stride covered nearly twice the distance of each step of Gloria's, and she scrambled not quite behind him, determined to keep up. Once or twice she stumbled on the uneven ground, and she reached out and clutched John William's sleeve. When her ankle twisted in a particularly deceptive hole, John William caught her around the waist and steadied her.

“All right?” he asked.


“Good. Come on.”

Somehow her hand ended up clutched in his, and she left it there, content now to walk behind him, following in his footprints as he half-led, half-dragged her across the field.

A small running stream, maybe ten feet wide, created a border between the edge of the wheat field and the grove of trees.

“What do we do now?” Gloria asked as they came to a stop at the water's edge.

“What? Can't you swim?”

His amusement seemed to infuse his body from the twinkle in his eyes to his smile to the slight squeeze he gave before dropping her hand, plopping to the ground, and pulling off his boots.

“You're not serious,” Gloria said. She looked at the stream, trying to gauge its depth. “It doesn't

“Guess we're wadin. then.” He whistled a little as he rolled up his pants legs.

“I am not walking through that river.”

“Now, darlin', it's hardly a river.”

“Have you ever had to drag yourself around in a wet skirt and petticoat?”

“Do you really want an answer to that?” His smile was infectious now, and Gloria found herself wanting to play along.

“Oh, all right,” she said. “But you undo the laces.”

“At your command.” He bent down on one knee in front of her. Gloria put her foot on his leg and steadied herself with a hand on his shoulder, enjoying watching his fingers work the intricacies of the hooks and laces on her boots.

“Stockin's, too?”

“Of course not,” Gloria said, a false haughtiness to her voice. “I am, after all, trying to become a lady”

When the second boot was loosened, Gloria stepped behind John William and reached under her skirts to untie her stockings just above her knees. Then, her palm firmly planted on the top of his head, she lifted first one foot, then the other, pulling off boot and stocking in one fell swoop.

“Let's go, then,” John William said when the second boot hit the ground.

“Just one second.” Grumbling, Gloria gathered handfuls of skirt and petticoat, bunching it all up gracelessly just above her knees

Together they took the few remaining steps to the water's edge.

“Give me your hand,” John William said. “The rocks might be—”

Her foot gave way beneath her, and she landed on her backside on what had to be the hardest boulder in Oregon Territory. Somewhere through the water's splashing and the curses flying in her head, she thought she heard deep throaty laughter. Then one
strong arm wrapped itself around her waist and hauled her to her feet; another hooked itself behind her knees and swept her off them. They were well into the middle of the stream before Gloria could speak.

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