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Authors: Laurann Dohner

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Tempting Rever (16 page)

BOOK: Tempting Rever
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Brenda’s legs wrapped higher and tighter around his hips to give him freer access to move. Nothing had ever felt as wonderful as Rever did and it went beyond physical.

His mouth left hers when he lifted his head, seating himself fully inside her body. A soft growl came from his parted lips.

“Tell me you love me. I want to hear it, Brenda.”


Tempting Rever

“I’ll always love you, Rever.”

He withdrew a little before pushing back inside her body, pleasure transforming his features. He moved in slow movements, both of them enjoying every moment of his thick cock sliding inside her tight body. Her hands clutched at his broad, muscular shoulders as she gripped his hips tighter with her legs, moving against his body, trying to urge him to take her faster. His lips curved into a smile.

“You want more?”

She refused to look away from the sexiest eyes ever. “Yes.”

He paused for a few heartbeats and then drove into her hard and fast. Ecstasy shot through her, a loud moan coming from her. “Yes!”

“Hold onto me.”

She never wanted to let him go. Rever moved on her, his powerful body rippling as he used his strength to brace over her so he wouldn’t crush her, his knees digging into the mattress for traction. His hips twisted slightly as he drove in and out of her in dominant thrusts. He was totally in control, totally masterful of her body, and she loved it as much as she did him.

Her inner muscles tightened as he worked her sensitive nerves. Growls and groans came from him but her moans were louder. Nothing had ever felt as amazing as Rever and she knew nothing ever would again. It was this man, this warrior, who had captured her heart with his soft ways, with his beautiful eyes and his complete abandonment of everything in his life just to be with her.

The climax hit her hard. Her gaze tore from his as her head was thrown back, her eyes squeezed shut as passion turned into total sexual bliss. Rever’s body tensed and his movements slowed as he came. She felt him inside her while his cock pumped and jerked as he jetted his release deep into her.

They were both breathing hard when Rever stilled, caging her under his bigger frame. Opening her eyes Brenda met his, smiling.

“I love you and I want you to know how damn much, Rever. It’s not just about the incredible sex but it’s just you I adore.”

The big Zorn shifted some of his weight, freeing one of his arms so he could cup her face with his hand. His fingers slid through her hair and lifted her head from the mat just a little bit. His gorgeous glowing blue eyes were mesmerizing.

“I have never felt for another woman what I feel for you. I have never experienced the emotion of love.”

Her heart twisted.
Maybe one day he will fall in love with me. Maybe in time he—

“Until I saw you. I was drawn to you like the pull of falling. There was no stopping or slowing where I landed. You are in my heart and are everything to me, my bound. I will die if I lose you and I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me. It tore me up inside when I had to take you to the medical center, wanting my offspring in your body to grow there knowing a part of us existed made from of the emotions we share. Life 81

Tempting Rever

had lost the hold it had on me when I realized I could never keep you. I was ready to be miserable to save the family honor. I was raised as Argis and I’ve made sacrifices for our people always. It is what we do. You were one sacrifice I could not make, Brenda.

Honor does not make my heart burst in my chest or make me shake with need to just be near it. You do. I have never felt love but I never had you in my arms. Now I have both.”

She blinked back hot tears. “Oh, Rever.” She held him tighter. “I love you so damn much. You’re everything to me and I’ve never felt like this before either.”

“We will have a good life but it won’t be easy.”

“I don’t care how hard things will be in the Outlander area. As long as we’re together I’ll be so damn happy living in a cave with you.”

He grinned. “Eventually Volder will bound to a woman and we can return. Tina is human and has a way of finding trouble so I am sure some unfortunate male will draw her attention. If he takes her to bed he will try to bound to her if he doesn’t get to know her first.”

Laughing, Brenda grinned at him. “I hope she doesn’t open her mouth until after the sex.”

He laughed. “That is how she tricked me. We barely exchanged words. The sex was


Brenda saw his shocked expression when her hand clamped over his mouth. His eyebrows rose as he stared down at her. She sighed, releasing his mouth.

“I don’t want to hear how the sex was with her. Do you have any idea how much it killed me knowing you were touching her? I wanted you and it tore me up every night climbing into my bed on the other side of the house knowing you were with her.”

His eyes narrowed. “There were no times for you to anguish over.”

“I don’t understand.”

“After the day with the
I couldn’t stomach her touch. She was…” He frowned.

“Not you. I had no desire to mount her. I’m Zorn and I’m always in need of sex but it was your body I wanted to touch, you I wanted to sink into, and she was not you. I made her angry so she kicked me out of my bed. I slept on the floor and I took care of my own needs. I knew if I went to your room I would not leave your bed. I learned from taking you to medical how it tore me up to have to give you up and I knew I was never going to do that a second time. At night I lay thinking of what we shared, my body hurting with need for you. It was why I could not be around unless I had to be.

My urges to touch you were too strong. I’m a warrior who battled his inner self, my Brenda.”

She caressed his chest. “You never have to battle yourself again over me. If you want me, take me.”

Rever smiled. “You will be sorry you say this. I long for you again. I will crave you over and over.”


Tempting Rever

Arching her back, she wiggled her ass, and felt Rever was hard. The man didn’t get soft when he was inside her. “So take me. I want you, Rever. I will always want you.”

She closed her eyes when his lips lowered, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer. A moan mingled between their tongues. Heaven was in his kiss and the way he made love to her. It was the last thought she had before she got lost in the intense pleasure their bodies created together.


Tempting Rever

Chapter Nine

It couldn’t be happening
, Brenda thought, gawking at the four large Zorn males surrounding her. They wore uniforms exactly the same as the border patrol ones she’d seen Rever wear. One of the men crouched down, staring into Brenda’s terror-filled eyes.
This was not how I expected to wake up

“Get dressed now.” His narrowed gaze swept over the thin blanket barely concealing her body. “Hurry.”

She wondered where Rever was, her eyes scanning the room frantically.
Had these
men hurt him? Wouldn’t I have woken up if there had been a struggle?
A dim memory surfaced of Rever kissing her lips softly, telling her he was going hunting but it had been dark still in the cave. She was pretty sure that conversation and kiss from Rever really happened as her mind cleared of the sleep fog she was shaking off. Sunlight now streamed in from outside revealing it was definitely morning.

“If you don’t dress we will take you out of here without clothing. You will be very uncomfortable, there are more males outside, and I don’t want aroused males distracted by you.”

“Where’s Rever?” Brenda’s voice shook with fear.

A deep growl tore from the man’s parted lips. “We brought captured wild males with us to release them for him to run off to lure him far enough away from you so we could double back to rescue you.”

She shook her head, her eyes pleading with the large Zorn warrior. “No. I don’t want rescued. Rever saved me. I’m begging you to please just leave us alone. Don’t take me from him.”

The man’s lips twisted into a grimace. “He broke the law by stealing a woman who doesn’t belong to him. Get dressed or I will drag you out of here naked in front of dozens of males under my command outside. Do you want them to see you bare?” His gaze ran over her once more. “We are all curious what a human woman looks like without clothing but I doubt you would enjoy us examining you.”

“Can you hand me clothes?” The last thing she wanted was for any of them to see her naked.

He turned his head, jerking it at one of his large men. That man turned, sniffed the area, and then stormed for Brenda’s backpack that Rever had put in the corner. He bent, digging inside it, and a minute later he stormed back, tossing a shirt and a pair of pants at her. Brenda was grateful he’d chosen pants instead of one of those tunic-styled dresses since nothing went under them.


Tempting Rever

Keeping the cover in place, she awkwardly dressed under it. When she was in the clothes she pushed back the blanket. She looked around the cave again as she stood up, realizing that there was no escape. Two men were guarding the opening to the cave and the other two were now standing over her. She felt tiny compared to the tall men around her. She was caught and she knew it. Somewhere outside Rever was unaware of her predicament.

“Look,” she stared at the one in charge, a black haired, bright green-eyed man.

“Can we make a deal?”

Black eyebrows arched. “A deal?” His frown deepened.

“Just take me away and leave Rever alone. He was rescuing me if you know it or not. Please don’t arrest him. I’ll beg if you want. Just don’t hurt him. He did it for me. I made him do it.”

The man’s gaze ran over her again, his eyelids narrowing. “I believe you could convince a smart man of anything, human. I am aware of your sexual appeal.” Features hardened. “I won’t be seduced by you. I am duty bound to take you back.”

Shock tore through her. “I wasn’t offering to seduce you. I wouldn’t sleep with you.” She was horrified he would think that. “Beg doesn’t mean that on Earth. It means to plead with your sense of compassion. Do you have any of that?”

He shook his head. “I’m a warrior. Compassion is for fools and females.” He turned his attention on the other man. “Shackle her but be gentle. She’s fragile.”

The other one gave a nod, moving behind Brenda. All she could do was tense when a large hand gripped her arm, pulling it behind her back. She knew there was no sense in her struggling, knowing these guys were too fast and strong to fight off. She turned her head, staring up at the man who pulled out a set of manacles akin to handcuffs only with thicker chains and wider wrist restraints while he hooked up her arms behind her back. His touch was gentle when he tested the manacles to make sure they weren’t too tight on her wrists.

His coloring was unusual with silvery blond hair that was pulled back in a ponytail and fell mid way down his back. His eyes were an eerie silver-blue, which set him apart just as much as his skin did. He was not as deeply tanned as the others, his coloring more of a soft golden.

The man behind her stepped away. “Now we must trap Rever without a fight. No way do we want to kill an Argis.”

The one in front of her nodded. “We’ll use her to make him come peacefully. He won’t fight knowing I am ready to kill her if he does.”

Brenda fought back tears.
We had only had one night together.
How in the hell did these
assholes find us so quickly? These men are going to arrest Rever and he’ll end up in a work camp
while I’ll be returned to Volder.

Rever’s words echoed in her head about lying if they were caught, knowing he was willing to sacrifice himself to protect her. To make matters worse, now these assholes were using her as bait to make Rever turn himself in without a fight. She knew he 85

Tempting Rever

would do anything to protect her, even that. Her chin rose as she turned her head to glare up at the Zorn in charge.

“Rever did not steal me. Rever is completely innocent and had no choice but to bring me here. I’m confessing right now that I’m the guilty one who stole him.”

The man’s eyebrows arched again. “You stole him?” He actually threw back his head and a deep laugh rumbled out of him, looking highly amused as he stared at Brenda. “Tell me, tiny woman. How did you steal an Argis?”

Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her pounding heart. She spotted Rever’s gun-like weapon he’d had on him the night before. The guards they’d tricked at the supply building had seen it on Rever but maybe they wouldn’t remember that little fact.

“Over there by the water is the weapon I used to point at Rever when I forced him from his home,” she lied. “I told him that if I couldn’t have him that I would blow up the
when Volder took me there if he didn’t stay here with me. I’m human and I’m very cagey.” She raised her chin higher, glaring at the man. “We’re mean.”

The one behind her laughed. “Watch out, Allot. She looks dangerous.”

Allot was laughing still, his bright green gaze fixed on her and deep chuckles came from him. “You are mean?” He moved fast.

A gasp escaped from Brenda as the man’s hands gripped her waist, lifting her off her feet and held her a few feet from his body. He raised her face level to him. He still looked damn amused but he’d stopped laughing.

“I could break you without pulling a muscle. You think I would believe this confession of yours? Don’t insult my intelligence. You are pathetically weak as a human race and as a woman.”

His hold on her wasn’t painful but she didn’t think he’d really hurt her. She was supposedly Volder’s so she thought that hopefully meant Allot wouldn’t kill her. She was afraid but she tried to hide it as she continued to glare at the man.

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

He cocked his head, staring at her. “I don’t understand that saying.”

BOOK: Tempting Rever
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