Read Tempting Cameron Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Lone Pine Lake#2

Tempting Cameron (12 page)

BOOK: Tempting Cameron
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“Cam.” She panted his name, her hands clawing at his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around him. “Please.”

He tortured her just as much as he tortured himself. “I know,” he murmured against her mouth. “God, I know.” He was so lost in her, found in her, everything started and finished with her. And him. Together.

As they lay there in the dark afterward, their damp skin clinging to each other, his face buried in her hair, her breathing slowly evened out. She’d fallen asleep.

And he’d fallen in love.

Chapter Ten

It was dark. The moon was full, adding to the dim lights that stood in the parking lot of The Pine Tree. She could see Cam clearly, could hear him even clearer, and dread crept over her when he started talking.

“Everyone knows you had a major crush on me when we were in high school. Hell, you were barely in high school, making eyes at me and following me around.” His voice was harsh. She’d never heard him sound like that before.

Her jaw dropped open as she stared at him. She shook her head, panic rippling through her, her heart racing. “I never told anyone I had a crush on you.”

She’d never told Jane, she’d never told any of her friends, and she’d definitely never told Mac.

And now Cam was being cruel, taunting her. After he’d kissed her last night, like she meant something to him.

He still made fun of her.

“You didn’t have to. It was pretty obvious, what with the way you were always there, like a little pest. Giving me those puppy dog eyes all the time. Like you’re doing right now.”

An icy cold calm settled over her, bringing everything into sharp focus. Cameron McKenzie was an idiot. A handsome, sexy jackass who wouldn’t know a good woman if she stood in front of him and hit him over the head…

Chloe cracked open her eyes, immediately shutting them against the bright sunlight. She slung an arm across her face, exhaustion settling over her despite how late in the morning it was already.

The dream lingered, filling her with worry. It had seemed so real. The irritated maliciousness in Cam’s tone, the words he’d said…

Why would she dream about something so awful?

Next to her, Cameron stirred, his back to her. She smiled, reached out, and trailed her fingers down the smooth expanse. His skin was warm, firm, all those beautiful muscles utterly, completely relaxed.

She’d done that for him. Relaxed him. Satisfied him. And he’d done that for her and more.

Sighing, she went to him, slid her arm around his middle and pressed her cheek against his back. They’d made love three times and she was so tired. Blissfully, deliciously tired. She never believed this could happen, never in her childish, teenage dreams that she’d have Cam in her bed.

“Are you trying to tell me you’re in the mood again?” His sleep-roughened voice slid over her, making her melt. “You’re insatiable, woman.”

“Mmm, just wanting to snuggle, that’s all.” She brushed her hand down his flat stomach. Lower, lower still until he stopped her, his fingers locked around her wrist. “You’re no fun.” She pouted.

He flipped her over onto her back and pinned her to the bed so fast she burst out laughing. “Someone has quick reflexes,” she murmured, yanking her hand from his grip so she could drift her fingers down his hard chest, tangling in the soft hair that grew there.

“You want fun? I’ll give you fun.” He kissed her, stole her breath, stole her thoughts and when he finally came up for air, the cocky smile he wore said it all. “You like that?”

It was scary, how easily she could get used to this. Waking up with Cam, laughing with him, having him naked and in her bed all the time. Whenever she wanted. “Yes,” she whispered.

He lowered onto her, his big, strong body covering her completely, pressing her into the mattress. “You want more?” His mouth whispered over hers, his hands buried in her hair, keeping her in place.

She nodded, opened up to him when he deepened the kiss. God, she could drown in him. Just like that her skin heated, her body softened, dampened for him. She spread her legs, his hips nestled close to hers and she tilted her head back, moaned when he licked his way down her throat.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered, kissing her again. “We’re gonna have to make a run for the store to replenish our condom supply soon if we keep this up.”

Chloe pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. “I refuse to buy condoms at Hillside. Everyone will know what we’re doing.”

“So?” He brushed the hair out of her eyes, away from her face. His green gaze was dark, fathomless.

Her breath caught in her throat. “I thought you didn’t want anyone to know.”

“They all know.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “And if they don’t, they’ll figure it out when they see I can’t keep my hands off you.”

They stared at each other, didn’t say a word, the moment charged with…a strange tension, fraught with emotion. So much left unsaid, and she wished he would finally open up to her completely. She savored every little truth he’d given her, but she wanted more.

She wanted it all.

The doorbell sounded, startling them both, and she blinked up at him, completely frozen.

“Who the hell could that be?” he whispered.

Chloe shook her head. “I—I don’t know.”

“Hmm.” He kissed her for long, delicious seconds. “Maybe if we don’t answer, he or she will go away.”

“What if it’s Jane looking for you?”

“I’ll call her later.” He thrust his hips against her, slow and easy, showing her exactly what he wanted to do instead of seeing who was at the door.

Whoever it was started knocking. Waited a second then knocked again. “I know you’re in there, Chloe! I see your car in the driveway.”

“It’s Ali.” She shoved at Cam’s brick wall shoulders, trying to push him off her, but he wouldn’t budge. “I need to see what she wants.”

“Let her go. You can talk to her later.” He nuzzled her face with his, so sweet and warm. She sighed, breathing in his heady scent.

She wanted to give in to him. If she had her way, she’d stay in bed with him all day. Naked and sleepy, making love, napping together, eating together, making love again.

But real life intruded. And she needed to see what her friend wanted, make sure everything was okay.

“Just give me a few minutes.” Rearing up, she kissed him on the cheek. “Please?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He rolled to his side, letting her go. She leapt from the bed, went to the dresser, and pulled out a pair of black stretch cropped leggings, then grabbed her favorite bright pink sports bra, slipping it over her head before she threw on an old oversize T-shirt.

All the while Cam watched her, lying on his side, elbow pressed into the mattress, head propped on his fist, smug smile curving his lips.

She paused while pulling her hair back into a sloppy ponytail, breathless at the sight of him lying there, the sheet low on his hips, his hair a mess from her hands, his mouth swollen, his face scruffy with who knew how many days’ worth of stubble. She wanted to climb back into bed and hold him close. Forget about everyone else.

“Changing your mind?” His brows rose in question.

Chloe shook her head. “No. I can’t. I’ll be right back.” She started for the door but turned around, went to him so she could give him one more kiss.

He sat up, cupped the back of her head and kissed her again, his lips lingering when she slowly pulled away. “You sure I can’t tempt you to stay with me and ignore her?”

Oh God, he could tempt her. He already was. “Just give me a few minutes. And stay in the room. I don’t want her to know you’re here with me.”

“You don’t think she’ll figure it out?” He frowned.

“Your truck is still at The Tree. And I need to tell her first. Not have you sauntering out there in your underwear looking like you do.”

He chuckled. “Like I’m going to
in front of Ali only in my underwear. And what do you mean, looking like I do?”

“All relaxed and loose with that satisfied grin on your face.” She pulled away from him completely, went to the bedroom door.

“You’re wearing the same look, babe,” he said softly, causing her to glance back at him. “And you’re real pretty with it, too.” The heat in his gaze told her exactly what he was thinking and with a groan she escaped, shut the door behind her.

Ali was still pounding away. “I’m going to break this door down if you don’ t answer it,” she yelled, sounding positively fierce.

“Oh my gosh.” Chloe opened the door, startling Ali and she leapt back. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

Alison looked incredibly irritated. And worried. “I’ve been trying to call you. Hoping you’d go on a walk with me. There’s something I need to tell you.”

Chloe pressed her lips together. She felt bad for ignoring her friend. “I’m sorry. I think my phone shut off and I forgot to charge it.”

“Uh huh.” Ali rested her hands on her hips, clad in her usual let’s walk around the lake gear. “Where have you been? I haven’t talked to you in days. Weeks.”

“Busy.” She shrugged. Lamest excuse ever. She wasn’t even working—they were both on summer vacation. They usually spent most of it together.

“With whom?” Ali arched a dark blond brow. “Cameron McKenzie?”

She’d told Alison hardly anything, guarding her fragile relationship with Cam close to her heart for fear something could go terribly wrong and she’d look the fool. “You want to take that walk, then?”

“It’s sort of hot out here now,” Ali protested but Chloe stepped onto the front porch, shutting the door behind her. “All right, if you want to.”

“Great. Wait here for me. I need to go get my shoes on.” She hurried back into the house, slamming the door behind her and running to her bedroom so she could tell Cam what was up.

He was right where she left him, lying on his back now, his linked hands resting low on his flat belly. He snuck one eye open when she entered the room, watching her as she grabbed a pair of socks and her shoes. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving.”

“I’m sorry.” She sat on the edge of the bed with her back to him, pulling on her socks. “Ali said she needed to talk so we’re going on a walk. I can’t abandon her now. I’ve ignored her enough these last few weeks.”

“You’re a good friend.” She heard the sheets rustle, tensed when she felt him draw near. “How long will you be gone?” His finger traced a path down the back of her neck, sent tingles scattering all over her skin.

“I—I don’t know. An hour at the most.” She glanced at him over her shoulder, surprised by all the emotion she saw swirling in his eyes.

“I’ll miss you.” He leaned in and kissed her softly. “Hurry back,” he murmured.

She’d make sure of it, just to see that look in his eyes again.

They walked silently for at least five minutes, making the occasional mundane weather remark until finally, Alison gave in first. “What’s going on?” she asked. “And tell me the truth. I know something’s up.”

“Nothing’s going on.” At the look Ali threw her, Chloe sighed. “Fine. I’m seeing Cameron.”

“No kidding,” Ali muttered, shaking her head. “I don’t know if I approve, Chloe. He’s not…the best guy for you.”

“Oh, come on. You don’t even know him.” Chloe stared out at the lake, which was packed full of boaters, jet skis, and people swimming at the lake’s edge. Having fun on a hot summer day while she was being interrogated. She wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation. More than anything, she wished Ali would just stay out of it.

“Mac’s told me some stuff.” Chloe stopped at that and so did Ali. “He’s worried about you. He’s afraid…”

Chloe snorted. “Afraid of what?”

Ali’s concerned gaze met hers. “That Cam’s using you.”

“For what? We’re hanging out, nothing else.” Chloe resumed walking, Ali following her. Yeah, that had been the truth up until last night. “I’m a big girl. Don’t worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”

“He was with you, wasn’t he? You left him back in the house.”

Chloe hurried her steps but Ali kept up, grabbing her arm to stop her. “You had sex with him, didn’t you,” Ali accused.

“So? Who are you, my mother?” Chloe threw up her hands. “Since when do you care so much about my sex life?”

Ali flinched, as if Chloe’s words hurt her. “I’m your friend, and I’m concerned about you. Cam isn’t what he seems.”

“If all your information is coming from Mac, then I wouldn’t put too much stock in it,” Chloe retorted. “They’ve always fought. And it’s been worse lately.”
Because they fought over me
, she thought, but she wasn’t about to mention that little fact.

“I’m not talking about what Mac says. This is from my own personal knowledge,” Ali said, her voice, her expression deadly serious.

Chloe’s mind scrambled. What could she be talking about? “Are you making up stuff to try and keep me away from him? I don’t get it. Why does everyone not want me with Cameron? Is it me? Is it that hard for people to believe he wants to be with me?”

“Chloe—” Ali started but she cut her off.

“No. I don’t want to hear any more of this.” She turned, started heading back to her house.

“Come on, hear me out,” Ali called after her but Chloe ignored her, kept her gaze focused on the ground. One foot in front of the other, taking her back to her home, to Cameron.

“Fine, you won’t talk to me? Then ask him what happened the night of your accident.”

Chloe stumbled, tripped over a rock, and fell to the ground, scraping her knees, hurting the palms of her hands. Ali ran to her, helped her stand back up, slinging Chloe’s arm over her shoulders to keep her upright.

“What are you talking about?” Chloe whispered, dread filling her, making her nauseous. Her knees stung, she could feel the blood trickling down her leg, but she couldn’t move.

The pain written all over Ali’s face was clear. She didn’t want to say this. “He asked me to keep it quiet. He promised me he was going to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

Ali looked away, breathing deep. “I can’t believe you still don’t remember.”

“Just tell me!” Chloe moved away from Ali, leaning against a nearby tree. The bark cut into her back but she ignored it.

“You two had an argument. I don’t know everything that was said but I called you. It was right after Mike pulled you over.” Ali paused. “You were really upset. Sounded like you’d been crying.”

“Mike pulled me over?” Chloe frowned, recalling the dream she’d had earlier. Maybe it hadn’t been a dream after all, but a memory. “Where did it happen?”

“What, your argument? In the parking lot of the bar. I found Cam out there, all sullen, miserable bad boy. Then the next thing I know, you wrecked your car and he’s the one who pulled you out of it. You’re at the hospital and he’s walking out of your room, his face full of guilt.”

BOOK: Tempting Cameron
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