Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

BOOK: Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sterling grinned, and Blair clapped her hands. Hugh dug a cigarette out of his pocket but one glance at Emmett’s face and he put it back. “Okay. So how the fuck do we get to her? None of us can drive.”

“I can,” said Blair.

“No way,” said Andras. “It’s almost four in the morning. Unlike some people in this room, you need to sleep.” He cut his gaze to Emmett. “Besides, there is someone else in this room who learned to drive.”

“Fuck,” said Hugh. Emmet would never let him forget this.

Sterling chuckled and clapped Hugh on the back. “Looks like you’re going to have to accept more help from Emmett.”

“Fuck you, Sterling.”


* * * *


Caleigh woke up close to noon and had a moment of panic when she couldn’t remember where she was. A persistent knocking at her door sent her scurrying toward it. She’d fallen asleep in her clothes, so she yanked it open, hoping against all odds Sterling and Hugh had somehow found her.

“Housekeeping,” said a tired-looking woman. Her gaze cut past Caleigh into the room. “Should I come back later?”

“No, that’s all right. I overslept.”

Caleigh curled up in the armchair while the woman worked. Her stomach ached from hunger, and her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. Hugh and Sterling had haunted her dreams. She should turn around and go back. She could explain it had all been a mistake and beg them to give her another chance. What had seemed like such a solid, clear plan yesterday now felt wrong and foolish.

Despite the sleep, she still felt tired. And she needed food if she was going to keep driving today. “Do you know where I can get some breakfast?”

The woman raised her eyebrows. “Honey, it’s after noon. But there’s a place just up the road. Tell Hank that Ruby said to make you some eggs and hash browns, okay?”

“Thanks.” Caleigh forced a weak smile. After Ruby left, she took a quick shower and put on fresh clothes, then drove to the restaurant, appropriately titled
The Last Stop Café
. Spotting a pay phone on the wall, she dialed the operator and placed a person-to-person call to Babs, who unfortunately didn’t answer. She’d simply have to try later.

Hank wasn’t too keen on making Caleigh eggs and hash browns with his lunch crowd of five people waiting for their soup and sandwiches, so she told him not to worry about it and ordered a BLT with tomato soup instead. Food was food, after all, and she only needed it for fuel right now to keep driving.

As she forced it down, she recalled the gourmet meals she’d had at Lilith’s Playground and had to blink back fresh tears. This was ridiculous. What was she doing in this run-down greasy spoon, eating soggy bacon on hard bread? She could be having steak and lobster in bed with Sterling and Hugh. She should be in their arms, making love until she was so sore and swollen she could barely walk.

Caleigh stuffed the rest of the sandwich into her mouth and drank the soup straight from the bowl, just like everyone else in the place was doing. Her mother wasn’t here to tell her not to do that, and she was getting dubious looks as it was. Time to finish her crappy lunch and decide what to do next.

The bell above the door clanged, and Caleigh didn’t look up until the scent of honeysuckle and lavender filled the room. The conversation quieted down to a murmur. She glanced around, her gaze slowly traveling toward the entrance. She blinked a few times, convinced she was hallucinating. It couldn’t be…

Emmett entered first, grinning widely when he saw her. Behind him, Hugh and Sterling, both wearing identical expressions of pure joy and relief, stepped into the restaurant. Caleigh’s soup bowl clattered on the table as it slipped from her hands. She was only dimly aware that tomato soup leaked onto the floor before she jumped up from her chair and ran toward her two angels.

Chapter Twenty-Two


They all talked at once. Caleigh asked them over and over how they’d found her, and all three men tried to explain, but she didn’t understand. She didn’t care. She only knew they were here.

Sterling swept her up in a bear hug and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. When he finally let her go, Hugh pulled her close and stroked her hair, whispering her name again and again.

Emmett cleared his throat. Caleigh glanced around the restaurant. Every person in it was staring at them with expressions ranging from shocked outrage to pure delight. “Ah, let’s go somewhere else.”

“I have a room in a motel down the street,” said Caleigh.

Once they were in it, Emmett excused himself saying he was going to take in the sights. Caleigh laughed. “There aren’t many to take in, Emmett. Don’t be too overwhelmed.”

He merely smiled and left the room. Caleigh sat cross-legged on the bed and glanced from Hugh to Sterling. “I’m so sorry. What I did was wrong. I just didn’t think there was any other way.”

“No, this is our fault,” said Hugh. “We should have said something to you earlier and then we could have talked it out. You wouldn’t have left.”

Caleigh’s heart hammered, and her palms began to sweat. She wiped them on her skirt, anticipation coursing through her. “How did you find me?”

“It’s complicated,” said Sterling. “Emmett and Zach—”

“Let me get this out,” said Hugh, cutting his gaze to Sterling. Hugh sat in front of her and took her hands. His skin was cool, which was so unusual alarm began to spread through Caleigh. “Caleigh, this is scary for me—I won’t lie. I was burned badly by Lilith. But when I read your note…” His voice trailed off, and Caleigh swore he was about to cry. She’d never seen such an expression of profound sadness on his face, and her own tears began to flow.

“When I read your note, I didn’t want to go on. You’re not Lilith. You’re my songbird—our songbird—and I can’t lose you. We can’t lose you. I don’t know if I’ll be any good at this, but I’m begging you to give me a chance. I love you, Caleigh. Please give me a chance to make this work. Give
a chance to make this work.”

“Oh, Hugh…” Caleigh wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, drinking in his scent. Her limbs trembled as the tears ran down her cheeks. “I love you, too. I love both of you, but I’m so afraid I’m going to hurt you. I don’t know how to do this.” She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “I don’t know if I can.”

“We have no fucking clue either, Caleigh. But it’s no good without you. Please come back. Please stay with us.”

Sterling sat next to her and stroked her arm. “Caleigh, I’ve loved you since that night we first stood on the roof and talked about the stars. We want you to be with us. Please come back. We’ll make it work. I promise.”

“Sterling, I love you, too.” Caleigh fell into his arms and rested her head on his muscled chest. This felt so right she knew her decision to leave had been borne of fear and nothing else. But she didn’t need to be afraid any longer. Her two sexy fallen angels were here now, and she was going back with them to where she belonged.

“How did you find me?”

Sterling grinned, and her panties flooded. “We have powers, remember?”

“But you won’t have them if you become mortal. Are you both okay with that?”

Hugh snorted. “Fuck the powers. It’s you we want.”

“I agree,” said Sterling. “Fuck ’em. Without our songbird, none of that matters. Just say yes, Caleigh. Say yes and come back with us.”

Caleigh looked from one man to the other, the last vestige of fear hanging on for dear life. But she realized she had nothing to be afraid of. These two men were her future, and they would care for her and love her for the rest of her life. She belonged with them.


Hugh and Sterling gave cries of joy and pulled her into their arms. She breathed in their scents and said good-bye to the fear. She was where she belonged, with her two perfect fallen angels.








Carolyn Rosewood loves to make up stories about badass alpha heroes and the women who love them and keep them guessing. She’s been reading romances for over thirty years and is never without a paperback or her Kindle.

She’s drawn to reading interesting plots and bad-boy sexy heroes, so you’ll find those in the stories she writes as well. Her other interests include playing the cello and collecting antique pottery.

In real life she works at a large US insurance company, but at home she’s either writing, reading, or spending time with her husband—her real-life hero. They have a daughter in college and a cat who loves to watch Carolyn type.



For all titles by Carolyn Rosewood, please visit





Siren Publishing, Inc.


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