Read Tempted by Her Boss Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Tempted by Her Boss (15 page)

BOOK: Tempted by Her Boss
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Paige had done things with Matteo she’d never done with another man. Shockingly intimate, deliciously wicked things that made her blush just thinking about them. She gave her trust to him so easily because he’d earned it.

Only during these moments alone was when the self-doubt would creep in, settling over like the blackest of clouds. Where she would worry about her place in Matteo’s life, if he were ever going to do anything to truly bring her into his public world. He didn’t seem eager to make any sort of statement with her on his arm, so she tried her best to let it go. Let it be.

Deep inside, she worried. And she hated herself for it.

They hadn’t told Stasia about their new…affection for each other either, though Paige had been dying to. She wanted to confide in a friend, although she wouldn’t go into too much detail since Matteo was Stasia’s brother, but still.

Matteo had never mentioned it, though Stasia and her husband Gavin had come for dinner twice since their return from Italy, and Paige merely followed his lead. If he wasn’t ready to tell his sister, then neither was she.

But yet again, his quietness drove her crazy. Why couldn’t they announce to the entire world they were together? Or, at the very least, let his sister know? Why did they have to act like their being together was some sort of dirty little secret? She didn’t understand.

He frustrated her. As much as she loved being with him, his reluctance, his quietness drove her mad. She couldn’t even clearly say his behavior was a show of reluctance. Matteo kept his emotions that close to his chest. So close, she couldn’t tell how he really felt.

The door finally opened just past ten and she shut off the television, rising to meet him in the foyer. His suit was rumpled, his tie askew, and his face was darkened with five o’clock shadow.

Matteo looked absolutely delicious.

“Hi.” She stood at the tiled edge of the foyer, the distance between them feeling like hundreds of miles.

He set his keys in the little dish that rested on the table by the front door. “You waited for me.”

“It’s not that late.” She shrugged, her oversized T-shirt sliding off her shoulder, revealing the lacy strap of her black bra.

His gaze seemed to latch on to her shoulder. “You’re dressed for bed?”

She glanced down at herself, took in her obvious T-shirt and pink gingham-checked pajama pants. “I am.”

“So why aren’t you in it?” He approached her, his movements predatory, the gleam in his eye warning her he was about to pounce.

“Um, I wanted to wait up for you.” She backed away slowly, her heart picking up speed, her breath lodged in her throat. He looked like he wanted to attack her.

God knew she’d let him.

“I should’ve texted you. Let you know where I wanted you when I arrived home.” He swooped in and grabbed her, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and hauling her to him. She went easily, her hands going to his chest, fingers playing with the end of his tie.

“Where did you want me?” Her breath hitched in her throat when he placed his mouth on the spot where her bra strap was revealed, his tongue licking beneath the thin, lacy fabric.

“Naked. In my bed.” He turned her around so she faced the hallway and gave her a little push. “Go. Now, Paige.”

She went, glancing over her shoulder to look at him. Arousal rose swiftly within her, though she wasn’t quite sure what had started his dark mood. He’d done this before. Come home bleak and gruff, commanding her about, becoming dominant in the bedroom until he had her begging for mercy. She loved it, yet couldn’t help but worry over her appreciation for his overtly commanding demeanor.

Did it make her a complete and total submissive little woman, enjoying his bossy ways in the bedroom? The intense orgasms he gave her when he behaved in such a way certainly made it all worth it…

The moment she entered the room, he attacked her from behind, his mouth ravaging her neck, his hands pushing at her clothes. She arched her head back, leaning against his shoulder as she tried to help him strip her of her clothing. He touched her everywhere, whipping off her bra so he could cup her breasts, pinch her already hard nipples. Shoving her pajama pants past her hips to discover she wore no panties, and he groaned raggedly in her ear as he thrust his fingers deep in her sex, making her cry out.

He seemed fevered, caught up, and she turned in to him, their mouths clashing, she completely naked, pressed up against his still fully dressed body.

Breaking the kiss first, he rested his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down so she sat on the edge of the mattress. Without thought she reached out, stroked her hand down the length of his erection, his body heat reaching toward her even through the layers of clothes he wore.

“Take me out,” he whispered harshly and she did as he asked, undoing his belt buckle, the button, the zipper on his trousers, until his pants fell to a clanging heap around his ankles. His cock strained against the front of his black boxer briefs.

She stroked him again, teasing him, curling her fingers around him. His breathing accelerated, his hips jerked and she tugged his underwear from his hips, his cock springing free from its confines.

Only a few times had she taken him in her mouth, but she was beyond eager tonight. Her mouth was practically salivating for a taste and she darted out her tongue for a tentative lick.

“More. Take me into your mouth,” he encouraged, his voice deliciously rough.

Paige gripped the base of his cock and wrapped her lips around the head, sucking lightly, savoring the salty, musky taste of him. She drew him deeper, her tongue working along his length, her fingers stroking as she reached with her other hand and cupped his balls.

“Yes, like that.” He thrust his hands into her hair, guiding her head, moving her mouth on his shaft. She took him as deep as she could, drawing him all the way out so she could lick and suck the very tip of him, and he shuddered at her close attention, the glazed look in his eyes telling her he was very close to his climax.

“More?” she whispered, pursing her lips around his cock head, giving it a sweet kiss.

“Hell, yes.” He slid his fingers around her cheek, cradling her face. “My pretty little wicked angel, with the face of an innocent and the lips of a wanton. Suck me deep,
. I want to come in your mouth.”

Well, he’d never said anything like that to her before. She focused all of her attention on making him feel good, prolonging his pleasure as she licked and sucked his beautiful, thick cock. Her body heated the longer she sucked him, between her legs she grew slick with want. God, she wanted to touch herself, wanted to get off while she was getting him off and then…

“Ah, fuck,” he growled, pulling away from her. Clearly he’d changed his mind from his earlier declaration. “Get on the bed, Paige.”

He’d been so close but then pulled out that always-present control and shut down the moment. Disappointment crashed through her despite knowing that she was about to be thoroughly taken by this very hard, hot male who was currently stripping off his clothes with a ferocity that aroused her beyond words. She lay back on the bed, her head propped on the mountain of fluffy pillows, her body vibrating with impossible need.

And then he was there, gathering her in his arms, his cock sliding deep inside her body, his hips moving restlessly against hers. Within seconds they were both lost in the mindless rhythm, his fierce taking of her pushing all thought and reason out of her mind until she could only feel…and fall completely apart.

She was at his complete and utter command, and she loved it.


He’d attacked her like a complete savage. His day had been long, full of mind-numbing bullshit and ended with more of the same. The dinner meeting with a new client had dragged on, one he and his marketing team were trying to woo into allowing a new exclusive line of jewelry that would be designed by Stasia into their small chain of select high-end stores all over the world.

He’d brought Stasia with him, who hadn’t been in the best of moods because of her nonstop morning, noon and night sickness, and so Matteo had to take over. Throwing on the charm, trying his best to win them over as the owners sat watching him like two expressionless sticks.

Leaving the restaurant with promises of calls and emails tomorrow, he had no idea if his ploy had worked or not—and he hated that. Usually he knew where he stood at all times. These people were noncommittal, unwilling to give an inch. Even Stasia had looked frustrated when she hopped into her own cab.

His mood had simmered to a low boil the entire cab ride home. He literally itched to have Paige. Pull her into his arms, stroke her pretty little body until he had her falling apart in his arms. The more he thought about it, the more heated his skin had become until finally he’d arrived home, throwing a careless hundred dollar bill at the driver before he strode into the building and climbed into the elevator. Not speaking, not thinking of anything else but her.

Paige. Paige. Paige.

The moment he saw her standing in the foyer in her innocent, girlish pajamas, that sexy black bra strap showing, he’d become instantly hard. His brain shut off and all he could think about was fucking her.

So he did. He nearly lost it when she put her talented mouth on him, sucking and licking his cock until he felt as if he would burst. He’d grasped on to that last shred of control and didn’t let go, pushing her away and demanding she get on the bed so he could take her properly.

Which she did, most agreeably, he might add. He’d climbed on top of her and fucked her like a teenage boy seeking to get his rocks off and nothing else. No finesse, no foreplay, no gentle kisses or touches.

Just straight, carnal fucking. And it had felt incredible.

By the way she lay by his side, a panting, sweaty mess, her arm slung across his chest, he figured she agreed.

“What put you in such a mood?” she asked minutes later, as if it took her that long to find her voice.

“Bad day at work,” he said shortly, not in the mood to go into details. He didn’t want to spoil the pleasant, mellow afterglow that had settled over him.

“Oh.” Her voice was small—she sounded almost disappointed, and he slipped his arm around her shoulders, hauling her in close so her head nestled between his neck and his shoulder, strands of fiery red hair clinging to his chin.

“I missed you,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “I have a surprise for you.”

She stroked her fingers across his chest, playing with the hair that grew in the center. “What is it?”

“The annual fashion industry gala is this Friday. I want you to go with me.”

Paige lifted her head, her expression incredulous. “Are you serious?”

Nodding, he reached out, skimmed his index finger down her cheek. “Of course.”

She frowned. “You’re willing to be seen in public with me?”

It was his turn to frown. “Why wouldn’t I want to be seen in public with you?”

“We haven’t left your apartment once since we returned from Italy.” She dropped her gaze, a little sigh escaping her. “I thought you didn’t want us to be seen together.”

“Paige.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Since we’ve come back, I’ve been swamped with work. And when I’m not working, I’d rather be here. With you. In this bed.”

Her cheeks flushed and a little smile appeared. “It’s been nice, hasn’t it?”

Matteo snorted. “Better than nice.” More like unbelievable. Transcending. Earthshattering.

“Are you sure you want to take me?” she whispered, her expression suddenly unsure. “I mean, isn’t that a big event? Even I’ve heard of it, and I don’t keep up much on fashion.”

“It’s a huge event,” he agreed, noting how her eyes widened. “And I want you with me. On my arm, by my side. The world needs to know that we’re a couple.”

“We are?”

“Of course we are.” Rearing up, he kissed her. He needed to fill her with confidence, despite his earlier worry. She had it in her, to be a strong, beautiful woman who commanded a room. She could rule them with such ease, have them eating out of her hand if she so chose. He needed to give her self-esteem a boost. He’d be damned if anyone made her feel less than what she was. If she exuded the confidence he knew was deep within her, the judgmental people who moved in his social circles would be less inclined to tear her down. “Your insecurities will be the death of me.”

“Well, excuse me, but look at you. You’re one of the most successful businessmen in the fashion accessories industry, you’re gorgeous and you’re a billionaire,” she retorted. Ah, Feisty Paige had made her reappearance. He liked it when she came out to play.

“And look at you.” He scooted up so he leaned against the headboard, drawing her with him. Cupping her face with both hands, he pressed a soft kiss to her upturned lips. “Young. Beautiful. Smart. The most giving, thoughtful woman I’ve ever known. A generous lover.”

“Matteo,” she chastised, and he kissed her again to shut her up.

“A generous lover, a beautiful woman who is like a mother to my son…” His voice trailed off at the serious turn in their conversation. She had become…everything to him. In these past few weeks, he’d found himself consumed with her. Wanting her day and night. Thinking of her always. All this week at work they’d gone over the new fall lines, he’d seen endless samples of jewelry, specifically from Stasia’s designs and all he could think was,
Would Paige like it?

BOOK: Tempted by Her Boss
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