Temptation (The Temptation Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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“What’s up bitches?” Tash was
on fire and ready to get the night underway.

“Schnappies.” She hollowed,
at the top of her voice.

“I’m on to it love. Drinks
are on me tonight lovelies.”
Why not? I was well and truly in the money now
and more than happy to share with my beautiful friends
. I got us a round of
Schnappies, aka as Cock Sucking Cowboys and some Cosmopolitans. I planned on
having a big night, with pretty coloured fruity cocktails and shots, lots of
shots. This assortment was sure to help ease the built up tension that had
formed since meeting my extremely delicious employer.

Lilly joined us almost an hour
later. She too had gone for black dress pants and a baby blue blouse, her dark
brown, wavy hair was pinned up into a loose bun on her head. I got her up to
speed with a row of shots

“How’s Scott Hun?”

“If it’s not Tonsilitis, it’s
Gastro.” I felt her pain, there is nothing worse than sick kids.

“And to top it off, I think I
am getting it too, I feel like I have a huge hard Cock stuck in the back of my
throat.” I laughed at her.

“Well we can’t have that
then, right, drink up, and forget about it.” She did just that and slammed all
four shots in succession.

“Lil, you’re an animal.”

Opals had three levels, the
lower level was more laid back and had that bar feel about it, the band was
great, I enjoyed all the songs they covered. I was a Rock Girl at heart, I
loved Def Leopard, Kings of Leon, Pearl Jam, U2, Foo Fighters the list goes on.
Steph shared my love of Rock too and we did our best version of Eddie Vedder
when Betterman came on. I couldn’t help but feel guilty as I sang along to the
It’s Karma, Alexis and you know it!
Level two was current Pop,
Tash and Carls had there dancing shoes on, so we spent the night switching
between both levels. Level three was hard-core Techno, none of us liked this
genre so it was a no-go zone.

I couldn’t help but look over
my shoulder for most of the night, I felt like I was being watched and I had a
good feeling by who.
You’re paranoid Alexis, get over yourself.
couldn’t shake the feeling though, a few times when I was very stupidly
performing Gangnam Style with Tash and Jade, I could swear I spotted Bryce
leaning against the wall, but when I’d look back he was gone. I had to be
imagining it, how could he possibly know I was here? He couldn’t, City Towers
Entertainment Complex was enormous and even his creepy research skills could
not reveal we had changed our plans to come here, surely?

After copious amounts of pretty
cocktails, shots and bad dance moves, including Tash’s infamous bum dance, the
clock was fast approaching 1:30am. My feet were reminding me of just how much
they hated heels, they had been very good to me lately, but obviously I had taken
them for granted tonight. Carls, Tash and Steph were still in dancing mode and
continued there dancing, to non-existent music, all the way out of the
Nightclub, through the Casino and now towards the car park. Lil and Jade on the
other hand looked as punished and exhausted as I did.

“What are they on?” All three
of them were crazy and attracting a lot of second glances.

“Fuck, whatever it is, I want
some.” Lily started rubbing her throat.

“How’s that Cock going Lil?”
I smiled at her.

“Still fucking there.” She
cleared her throat.

“I’m too old for this shit.”
Jade had stopped to remove her shoes.
Fuck it, I’m doing it too
. I
figured it was the early hours of the morning and no one I knew would catch me
being a drunken bogan, surely?

“You are not Jade, maybe we
just need to lower our heel height a bit, or drink and dance less.” I attempted
to pry off my left heel and stumbled into Jade.

“Lexi, did you have enough to
drink tonight, Love?” That was an understatement! My tell-tale signs of
stumbling, increased foul language and the constant need to smile were slowly
becoming apparent.

“Just a bit.” I put my arm on
hers and tried again, I was bending over and an intoxicated sleaze ball thought
he had the right to pinch my arse.

“Hey, fuck you prick.” Jade
was eyeballing the arsehole. I would normally just ignore idiots like these,
but after many drinks I somehow thought I was a lot tougher, so stepped up my
aggression also, this wasn’t always a good thing.

“Keep your fucking filthy hands
to yourself, arsehole.” We started walking again, he stepped in front of me so I
went to walk around him, he stumbled and blocked me again.

“Piss off, dickhead.” I
clenched my heel ready for attack.

“Oh come on darling, with an
arse like that it’s begging to be felt.” He went for another touch and as he
did his arm was subdued in mid grope and bent so far up his back he moaned in pain.

“The lady said Piss off, not
touch her arse again.” I groggily looked up to see Bryce standing behind the
drunken arsehole, he looked furious and was ever so slightly inching the guys
arm up higher. The arsehole’s friend went to throw a punch in Bryce’s direction,
but Bryce saw it coming, he wrenched the arsehole round to block the punch. It
was actually quite funny, sort of like a Jackie Chan movie, I’m sure I let out
a woozy giggle. Jade and Lil had moved us back and away from the action. Two
security guards showed up, they had held down both arseholes within seconds. Tash,
Carls and Steph stopped dancing and doubled back to see what had happened.

“Ladies, are you alright?” I
smiled up at him, my sexy knight in shining armour. He was beautiful, I wanted
to pat my hand down his face and coo at him like a puppy.
Alexis, you’re
drunk, he is not a beautiful puppy!

“Jackie Chan, what a
co-incidence, thank you for saving our lives?” I couldn’t possibly have sounded
more sarcastic and unappreciative. He ‘smirked’ at me, of course, I just kept
staring at him, partly because I loved looking at his immaculate face but also
because I was in fact quite intoxicated and found it difficult to look away.

“Jackie Chan?”  He raised his
eyebrows at me.
Oh Shit, did that come out of my mouth? That was supposed to
stay in my head.

“Alexis, earth to Alexis.” It
was Carls, when I didn’t respond she introduced herself to Bryce. “I’m Carly,
you must be Mr Clark, I’ve heard so much about you.”
Oh you have, have you? Carly
Josephine Henkley I am going to kill you.

“You have, have you?” He, was
loving this, it was written all over his face, Carls had extended her hand.
Lil, Tash, Jade and Steph were dead silent and pretty much drooling on the

“How are you ladies getting
home tonight?” Carls seemed to be the only one of us who could speak.

“Alexis is driving.” She
cracked up laughing and playfully hit Bryce on the arm.

“No, just kidding, we are
catching a Maxi Taxi.” She practically sang it, I giggled again. Bryce put his
phone to his ear.

“Danny, can you bring the
Limo round to exit door 8, thank you.” All six of us were stunned now, even
Carly, this time I was the only one who could speak.

“It’s fine Bryce, we can get
a Maxi Taxi.” This time I sang it and everyone laughed, including Bryce.
are going to hate yourself tomorrow, Alexis.

 “It’s not negotiable Alexis,
Danny will take you all home safely, it’s the least I can do after that creep
gave you a hard time.” He really was enjoying this power over me and the fact
that he could do it in front of my friends. When he opened exit door 8, there
was a Limo waiting just outside, Danny helped all the girls in. I turned to
Bryce and screwed up my face.

“Thank you.” I was too tired
and frankly too drunk to argue or interrogate him on how he just so happened to
be there at the right time.

“You’re welcome Alexis.” He
eyed me up and down and ran his hand through his hair.
I hated yet loved
when he did that.

“Fuck, you look good tonight,
can’t really blame that arsehole for wanting to touch you, it’s taking every
single bit of my strength not to touch you myself, especially your breasts, you
have great breasts.” I couldn’t help it, I burst into laughter, it had to be
the alcohol, there was no other explanation. I smiled at him and got into the

Sunday morning was sleep-in
day and my favourite day of the week, but this particular morning was not fun. 
Unfortunately I think Jade was right, I was too old for this, my head was
throbbing and every time I took a breath it felt like I was sucking in a mouth
full of dust.  I couldn’t open my eyes, I was already anticipating the blinding
light that would shine through when I did.  I thought back to last night, how
did he know I was there?  Surely he just didn’t happen to be at the nightclub
when we walked in, no I don’t believe that for a second, it had to be some form
of ‘creepy research’.  To be honest I was glad he had come to my rescue,
looking back now I realise I may not have had the co-ordination nor strength to
ward those arseholes off, I really did need to thank him properly tomorrow. 
Eventually when I opened my eyes Rick was not lying next to me, the house was
quiet, which was very unusual. I got up to investigate this rarity and was spot
on, the house was quiet too quiet for the kids to be here, Rick had left a note
to say he had taken them to the football.  We were members of the Essendon
Football Club and went to as many games as we could, Nate loved the footy and
was lucky enough to have his guernsey signed by all the players.
Rick you
wonderful man!
  I thought I would use this alone time, to get the washing,
vacuuming and my personal grooming done.  By the time they all got home I had a
roast lamb in the oven, washing folded and ready to put away and not a skerrick
of hair on my legs, bikini line or under arms. 
A Sunday well utilised
  I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.  My mobile rang, it was
  Shit, no go away, I don’t want a grilling, aarrggh!

“Hi Tash, what’s up?”

“How’s the hangover Luv?  You
missy, have some explaining to do, you fobbed us off in the Limo last night,
but there is no way I am waiting any longer.  Right, Mr Sexyarse Jackie Chan
Clark, explain, now?”
Jackie Chan? Shit that wasn’t a dream. Ah Crap, it was
inevitable, I was busted!





I had managed to spill only
half the beans to Tash, basically only confessing to having an extremely sexy
boss who liked to flirt with me, I brushed her off by explaining that he was a
filthy rich bachelor who made a habit of it, so I was no one special. Thankfully
she left it at that and just cursed me for ditching our coffee dates to go and
work for the ‘Super-Hot God’!

As I was getting ready Monday
morning I was still sporting a slight hangover,
Sleep I need more sleep!
At least I didn’t need to spend half an hour putting on make-up. I’d remembered
Bryce’s request to come in my gym clothes for a Self-Defence lesson. I was
going to get punished, I had no idea how to participate in a Martial Art Class,
he was going to love my lack of co-ordination and have a really good laugh at
me at the same time, he seemed to love getting one up on me. I put my hair into
a ponytail, grabbed my make-up bag and Burberry shirt dress.

“I hope the two of you are
ready and waiting by the time I get out there.” As I walked into the lounge
Nate and Charlotte were ready and waiting like soldiers to attention.

“Ah very good, at ease
soldiers.” I bundled them into the car and headed off to school, thank goodness
the school drop-offs have become less harrowing, Nate has discovered that
before-school care is really not that bad, I think it may have something to do
with another 9 year old by the name of Chantal!

“Bye guys, love you, I’ll see
you tonight.” I blew them both extra kisses as they walked into the office

At first I was looking
forward to this but seeing the abundance of women waiting here in the Hotel
Gymnasium made me feel intimidated and unsure, I had a Gym membership but only
ever did Weights or Cardio Machines, I hadn’t actually exercised once since
starting my job so I knew this was going to be a challenge, not only physically
but co-ordination wise as well. It shouldn’t really surprise me that there were
a lot of women here, I bet none of them gave a shit about Self-Defence, nor
payed any attention to the learning aspect of the class. Judging by the
whispered giggling and obvious excitement when Bryce entered the room, they
were only here for one thing, a bloody good Perve! I snuck in two rows from the
back; surely I couldn’t do any harm in this little pocket.

“Good morning Ladies, did we
all have a good weekend?” The women all agreed in unison.
felt like I was amongst a bunch of school girls!

“Good, now that all your fun
is over we need to get serious.” A lady behind me murmured ‘
I’d like to get
serious with him.’
Another laughed and agreed.

“Do I have any newcomers
today?” He started scanning the room, a couple of women put their hands up and
he directed them to stand in the front row. I figured I’d stay and hide here,
but he was on to it, before I had a chance to look anywhere else our eyes met
and locked!

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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