Temptation (Club Destiny) (21 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Temptation (Club Destiny)
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Then that angry glare was turned back at her, and Sierra saw something else in Luke’s gaze.

“I need to go.” She stated, but it came out almost like a question. As though she were asking his permission. But that couldn’t be because Sierra didn’t give a shit what Luke wanted.

“You weren’t supposed to be here.” He stated.

That took her by surprise. “

“You heard me.”

“Fuck you. I was invited.” Anger surged hot and fierce inside of her as she tried to figure out where Luke was going with this.

“I wouldn’t have come if I had known you would be here.” He looked thoroughly pissed, and Sierra would have taken another step back if she wasn’t already pressed up against her car door. When Cole stepped around to Luke’s side, she did her best not to tear her eyes away from Luke.

“Well, that makes two of us. Next time Sam invites me, I’ll make sure I ask so I don’t intrude. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to –” She was about to say
, but before she could get the word out, Luke was on her, his mouth crushing down on hers and damn her body, she couldn’t resist him as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed closer. The emotions were a whirlwind, sparking the flames and Sierra was lost, taken back to that night in the hotel room in Vegas.

Luke gripped her hair, twining it around his big fist, pulling her head back and breaking their kiss. Sierra could only stare up at him, her lips still tingling from his kiss.

“You don’t deserve this, Sierra.” Luke sounded tortured as he stared down at her. “But, I’m not strong enough to resist you.”

The strangled whimper that escaped betrayed her. She didn’t want to let him know just how much she still wanted him, despite what he had done. Despite everything. Sierra wanted him with an intensity she couldn’t control.

“Go home with me.” He said, and Sierra heard an underlying plea in his tone, even though the words were more a command than a request.

“I can’t.” She couldn’t. Damn it.

He brought his head closer, his lips hovering just above hers, his hands gripping her hips and pulling her flush against him until she felt his erection pressing against her belly.

“Go home with me, Sierra.” He demanded again.

Sierra wanted to stay strong.

She wanted to give in.

The pleasure she knew she would find in his arms, in his bed, was almost more than she could bear, but this was Luke. The same man who ran like a frightened child when things got too damn hot to handle.

“No.” She was startled by the conviction in her tone.

Luke took a step away from her, still staring down into her eyes, and though it was dark, Sierra could see the energy swirling in the green-brown hues. He wasn’t a man who was used to hearing that word, but as far as Sierra was concerned, he’d burned that bridge.

“I’m not as easy as you seem to think I am, Luke. I’m not one of those girls you can throw down on your bed, have your wicked way with, and then walk away from. I deserve better than that.”

“I agree.” He didn’t elaborate.

“Well,” Sierra choked back the emotion bubbling up, wanting this man to fight for her before she added, “have a nice life then.” When she turned this time, he didn’t stop her. She managed to get her door open completely and was just about to step inside when Luke got her attention once more.

“Don’t.” He sounded tormented, and Sierra knew exactly how he felt.

Instead of giving in to her traitorous body, Sierra forced herself into her car, turned the key in the ignition with shaking hands and managed to drive away without giving him another glance.

Too bad she only made it two streets over before she had to pull over while she broke down and cried.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Luke didn’t move from the driveway as he watched the tail lights of Sierra’s car disappear into the darkness. What the hell had just happened? How did he end up standing there, begging her to go home with him when the only thing he wanted to do was to watch her walk away. Actually, that was a bold faced lie. The
thing he wanted was for her to walk away. But, he had been honest when he said she deserved better.

Sierra deserved a man who could satisfy her in every way, one who would put her first, not his own needs. Luke wasn’t that man. He couldn’t understand, much less explain, what it was he needed from her. There was something there though. Something so strong Luke couldn’t just walk away again. He was starting to wonder how he managed the first time.

The memories flooded his mind, the night he finally let himself get lost in her exquisite body, buried to the hilt while she clamped down on his cock. He’d been delirious with pleasure, more so than he had ever known.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming his way. He turned, fully expecting to come face to face with Cole, but he wasn’t standing there. Instead, he found Sam standing only a few feet behind him, her arms crossed beneath her breasts, staring at him like he had grown a third eyeball.

“What did you do?” She asked, no longer the sweet, submissive woman he had been with in the past.

“It’s best this way.” He told her and started to walk off.

Sam put her hand on his arm, gripping firmly, and he halted, staring down at her small fingers where they latched onto his bicep.

“I may not be the best person to give advice, especially when it comes to running away, but Luke, damn it, you can’t keep doing this to yourself.”

“Doing what?” He tried to play ignorant.

“You can’t stand here and tell me you didn’t find something in Sierra that makes you feel more complete than you ever have before. It doesn’t matter how scared you are, you have to own up to what is happening between the two of you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sam.” Luke stated firmly, noticing his brother now walking their way.
This was the last thing he needed. An intervention.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” She insisted, glancing behind her, then back at him. “I won’t pretend to know what happened between the two of you, or how Cole plays into all of this, but I know for a fact that something has changed in you.”

“This is none of your business.” Luke bit out, the hostility lurking just beneath the surface.

“I’m making it my business. You’re family, and I care about you, Luke. I also care about Sierra. She’s a good friend, and although she might not know you like I do, I can assure you, she doesn’t deserve for you to run from her.”

“Who’s running, Sam?” Luke’s irritation was growing. “I’m the one standing here. She’s the one who left.”

“This time. But that isn’t what happened in Vegas.”

Luke wondered how much Sierra shared with Sam. He didn’t blame her if she needed someone to talk this through with, but he didn’t want his sister-in-law involved in his love life. “Look, Sam –”

look.” Sam said defiantly. “I don’t know what happened, and I’m not asking for details. I just know that for the last few months, ever since that night at your house, you’ve been an ass. To everyone. You haven’t had time for your brother, and you’ve now blown off everyone else in your life while you run and hide from whatever demons are haunting you.”

Luke stared incredulously at Sam, listening to her rant.

“It’s your life, and I won’t interfere, but I will tell you that whatever happened that night between you and Cole should have been an eye opener for you. Now that something seems to have happened between you and Sierra, you’re an idiot if you continue to push these people out of your life. You can’t control it all, Luke. It’s just that…” Sam stopped talking, clearly frustrated with the entire situation, but Luke didn’t know what to say.

Those were the same things he’d thought for quite some time now, but it didn’t make the situation any easier. And right now, he didn’t have the patience to talk about it with her or anyone else. Instead of responding, he nodded his understanding and walked off. It was time that he went home. Time for him to get away from this debacle and move on.

A minute later he was pulling out of his brother’s driveway, and a minute after that, he was pulling in behind a familiar car parked on the side of the street. Barely able to get the truck in Park, Luke bolted out, heading for the driver’s side door, fear and worry beating away at his insides. 

Had something happened? Was she ok? When he tried the handle, the door didn’t open, so he tapped lightly on the window. When he saw the tears on Sierra’s face, his heart stopped beating. Grabbing his cell phone from his pocket, he dialed Logan’s number.

“Bring someone down the street to get Sierra’s car. She’s going home with me.” He didn’t wait for an answer before hanging up and sliding the phone back in his pocket.

With deft movements, he reached into the car, lifted her and carried her to his truck. She was so upset, Luke figured she didn’t know what was going on, but for now, he just needed to get her back to his house. They’d talk about it there.


~~  **  ~~  **  ~~  **  ~~

Sierra wasn’t able to argue with Luke when he pulled her from her car, carrying her easily to the passenger side of his truck. She didn’t bother as he drove either. Not because she didn’t want to, but because she was too emotionally drained.

After leaving Logan’s, she planned to go straight home to bed; hoping sleep would allow her to escape the emotional overload to her system known as Luke McCoy. Instead, she found she was too distracted to drive and a moment after she pulled alongside the curb, the tears began to fall.

Sierra knew she was a strong woman. She was independent and self-sufficient, but she couldn’t deny that she had feelings too. Seeing Luke again brought every one of those feelings to the surface, making her want something she knew she couldn’t have. Apparently that thought had been too overwhelming, and the emotional breakdown she had successfully dodged for weeks descended upon her.

Thankfully, she managed to fight back the tears once she was in Luke’s arms, or maybe he was the reason they stopped altogether. He wasn’t saying anything, thank goodness, and she wasn’t going to try and explain either. Not that she could if she wanted to.

That damn hope bloomed in her chest once again, and she was afraid to say anything for fear she would wake up, and it would all be a dream. Walking away from him was the hardest thing she had ever done, but it had been the right thing to do.

Ten minutes later, Luke pulled into a house that rivaled Logan’s vast estate easily. The lawn was lit up with strategically placed accent lights, but those all disappeared when he pulled into the four car garage, closing the door behind them and shutting off the truck.

“Don’t move.” He said as he opened his door, causing her to jump at his tone.

She watched him warily as he made his way around the front of the truck, his gaze intent and his posture ramrod straight. Sierra fought the urge to move back when he opened the door, leaned over and unbuckled her seatbelt before lifting her into his arms and carrying her to the door that would lead to the house.

“I can walk you know.” She could pretend his caveman behavior was beginning to wear on her nerves, but secretly, deep down, Sierra enjoyed the feel of his arms around her.


Luke moved with purpose, going quickly through the house, barely giving Sierra time to take in her surroundings. What she did see was immaculately decorated with absolutely no clutter anywhere. The decor was wholly masculine with stone accents and heavy wood beams, along with large pieces of furniture scattered about.

Before she could say another word, Luke was pushing open a door, and before them was a monster of a bed, four large wooden posts and a heavy wooden headboard and footboard encasing the mattress which was covered with a brown suede comforter and several decorative pillows.

She dared a glance up at him as he made his way to the bed, sitting her on the edge and then standing before her. The look in his eye was so hot, so fierce, Sierra expected to feel her skin singe from the heat. And before her eyes, Luke’s features softened, the hard lines around his mouthed eased, and his massive shoulders seemed to loosen.

“What do we do now?” He asked, clearly bewildered.

“I don’t know.” Honestly she didn’t. What she wanted from this man was so powerful, so all consuming, she didn’t know how to tell him everything she wanted from him.

His body.

His heart.

His soul.

Though the last two weren’t up for grabs, Sierra wanted them all.

Luke bent at the waist, placing one large hand on her thigh as he eased the zipper down on one boot, sliding the suede boot off and to the floor, followed by the other.

“Luke.” His name came out as a whisper in the silent room and his gaze traveled up her body until those mesmerizing eyes locked with hers.

This was the first time they had been alone together, and Sierra found she wanted him selfishly to herself. When it came to Luke, Sierra knew the man owned her, heart and soul, and though she was still so utterly confused when it came to her feelings, especially for the two men who had so easily invaded her life recently, she wanted to have Luke all to herself. At least for a little while.

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