Temptation at Twilight: Lords of Pleasure (13 page)

BOOK: Temptation at Twilight: Lords of Pleasure
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He had to play her game, and play it better.
Gripping the counter by the sink, he stared into his own eyes in the bathroom mirror and searched, despite the shield, for any hint of the hated voice in his head. Any sign of the beast that was slowly taking over his consciousness. If he’d been expecting something out of a horror movie, perhaps a hideous, demonic face masking his or a maniacal light in his eyes, he was relieved to find that wasn’t the case. He just looked like Soren, if frazzled around the edges.
Suddenly, talking with Aldric right away wasn’t quite as pressing as the need to see Harley. The lure of her was a physical pull, a draw he hadn’t felt since he’d first laid eyes on Helena so long ago. As lonely as he’d been, as much as he’d hoped for a way to bring back his mate, he’d never really thought to experience that connection with another woman. Was it Harley’s beauty that drew him in? Her taste that left him wanting more? Or her feistiness, so unlike demure Helena?
He didn’t know. But he wasn’t going to unlock the mystery of Harley by standing here ruminating when he should be taking action. Decision made, he turned from the counter and grabbed the silk robe hanging on the hook behind the bathroom door and walked out. In the hallway, he stood outside her door, knocked, and waited. Shuffling sounds came from the other side and then it opened a crack, revealing a sleepy Harley. She was naked, from what he could see of her arm and a tantalizing curve of hip and leg.
Her hair was mussed, shadows under her eyes as though she hadn’t slept well. But she brightened on seeing him and gave him a smile. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Harley. How did you sleep?”
She shrugged. “Not too bad, I guess. You?”
The woman was lying, but he chose not to make an issue of it. “All right, when I finally managed to close my eyes.” That was no lie—Leila had kept him awake into the wee hours. “There should be a robe in your closet. Why don’t you put it on and join me for breakfast? Then I’ve got something in mind for us after.”
“Is that an order?” The curve of her luscious mouth and twinkle in her eyes hinted that she wasn’t opposed to the idea of being told what to do.
“Yes. Your first official one in your new home,” he said, pleased. “Hurry. I don’t have all day.”
He did have plenty of time, actually. Thankfully, Leila had been gone when he woke up, and he found himself free to enjoy his day. But as he pushed the door open wider, it filled him with satisfaction to see Harley’s firm, delectable rear as she hustled to do his bidding. He liked that she had fire yet seemed to need a dominant hand.
Digging in the closet, she found the green silk robe and pulled it on, wrapping it around her and tying it at her waist. He approved. It matched her eyes and hugged her figure nicely, and it showed off the taut tips of her clearly outlined nipples. Sometimes a bit of covering that hinted at the beauty beneath was just as sensual as wearing nothing at all.
When she headed toward the bathroom, he held up a hand. “Where are you going?”
She blinked at him. “Just to brush my hair. It’s messy.”
“Did I tell you to go brush your hair, or complain that it’s disheveled?” he asked sharply. It wasn’t a big deal—except he wanted to know how far her need for dominance really went.
Her pupils dilated, and the unmistakable scent of arousal reached his nose. “No, master, you didn’t.”
. There was that word he loved to hear from his Chosen. It made him hard as fucking nails every time. “Then get your pretty ass over here and let’s go eat.”
“Okay,” she said in a husky voice.
She joined him, and, slipping an arm around her waist, he ushered them from the room. “I think I’ll reward you for your swift compliance.” He considered for a few moments as they descended the stairs. “I’m going to speak with Nikki, our cook’s assistant. Wait here.”
Striding to the kitchen, he found Nikki stirring a bowl of eggs. The young man looked up and smiled hesitantly, no doubt still wary of him after the rendezvous with Leila. “Lord Soren. What can I get for you this morning? Want an omelet, or would you like to put in a special order?”
“Make that breakfast for two—omelets, some fruit and muffins, and juice. Instead of the dining room, however, I want the tray brought to the bathhouse,” he directed. His stomach growled in appreciation, and he thanked the gods that vampires could eat what they wanted.
“Yes, sir,” the boy answered brightly, setting down the bowl. He gave Soren a look of undisguised curiosity. “Is this for you and the new Chosen you brought home? The whole estate is buzzing about her.”
“Yes, and you’d do well not to listen to gossip about Harley, much less spread it.” His dangerous tone caused the younger man to pale.
“No, sir! I wouldn’t,” he stammered. “I was just wondering, that’s all.”
Giving the kid some slack, Soren clapped his shoulder. “Just a reminder. This female is special to me, and I won’t have her harmed in any way.”
“I understand, sir. I’ll send that tray right over.”
“Good boy.”
Leaving Nikki to his work, Soren rejoined Harley, who was chatting with Jordy. On seeing Soren’s approach, the boy bid her a quick good-bye and hurried back to whatever he was supposed to be doing.
“I think he’s a little intimidated by you,” she remarked as the Chosen vanished through a doorway at the end of the corridor.
“I don’t know why. I’ve never done a thing to Jordy.” He frowned.
Oh, but you want to,
the beast rumbled.
And you will.
Not now.
With great effort, he squashed the intruder and offered Harley his arm. “Shall we?”
“I can’t wait to see what you have in mind.”
He led Harley toward the back of the house and turned down the hallway that skirted the gardens. The outside wall was glass from floor to ceiling, giving a great view of the lush, tropical flora and fauna that flourished in the Deep South. He watched her admire the scenery, taking pride in his home. It was as close to paradise as they could make it, and he loved sharing it with someone special.
At the end, he pushed through a set of doors, and beside him she stopped to stare. “Oh, wow. This is unbelievable.”
“Isn’t it?”
He took in the space as though viewing it through her eyes. The bathhouse was enclosed, the pool a large L surrounded by palatial columns, plants, and flowers. The vaulted ceiling soared overhead, making the room seem even bigger than it was. Fragrant steam rose from the surface of the pool, testifying to cozy heat for those who ventured in. At the moment, they had the place to themselves.
He waved a hand. “This is one of my favorite areas of our resort.”
“I can see why! It’s amazing. Are we getting in?”
He didn’t miss the enthusiasm in her question, and grinned. “Of course. Ladies first.”
Without hesitation, she shed the robe and waded in, the water lapping at her ankles and thighs as she carefully negotiated the steps. It wasn’t too deep, barely more than waist high, and she walked out a ways, slapping her palms on the water’s surface like a playful child.
Chuckling, he followed suit, leaving his robe in a heap next to hers and venturing out. The warm bath felt so good, soothing muscles that had gotten much exercise of late. Reaching the spot where she stood splashing, he grabbed her around the middle, pulled her back against his front, then bent to nibble her neck. She giggled.
His erection rested along the crease of her butt, eager to be buried in her snug channel, but he didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to know this intriguing woman inside and out.
“The water smells so good,” she commented, dipping a hand in and bringing a scoopful to her nose.
“Herbal bath salts. They’re supposed to promote healing and relaxation.”
“I don’t think they work.”
“How so?” He nuzzled her ear.
“You’re not relaxed.” To prove her point, she ground her bottom against his rod and tilted her head to the side, baring her neck in submission.
Laughing softly, he let his teeth graze over the delicate skin but didn’t bite. The prize would be sweeter for the anticipation. “Not yet, beautiful. Let’s eat our breakfast.”
He gestured to a servant who’d arrived bearing the promised tray. The man placed it poolside and addressed Soren. “Will that be all, sir?”
“For now. Thank you.”
The man nodded and left, and Soren took her hand, leading her to a built-in bench that was set just a foot or so below the water line. Taking a seat, he pulled Harley onto his lap and positioned her sideways, one arm holding her tight.
“If this isn’t the height of decadence, I don’t know what is.” Smiling, she placed a palm on his chest. “I feel so spoiled.”
“I believe you deserve to be pampered some after what you’ve been through.” The idea of her being alone in the world, homeless, jobless, and struggling to survive, made his gut churn. Yet she’d survived, where Helena would not have.
Harley shook her head. “I don’t know about that. I just did what I had to do and went with the hand I was dealt.”
The truth of that hit him hard—Helena would have been eaten alive if left to survive on the streets. She would never have been as resourceful or bounced back as well as Harley, and she would’ve died before consorting with demons or allowing herself to be placed on the auction block. The shame would’ve killed her. Another resounding difference between the two.
“You’re an amazing woman,” he murmured.
Succumbing to temptation, he crushed his mouth to hers, tasting as his fingers skimmed down the slick swell of her breast to find a pert nipple, puckered and tight from being wet and then exposed to the air. He played with it as he swirled his tongue with hers, stroked, teased, and pinched until she arched against him, whimpering for more.
Pulling back, resisting the urge to impale her then and there, he caressed her cheek. “Food first, then play.”
“Or food
we play,” she suggested in a husky voice, wiggling on his lap.
“Perhaps. Now hold still.” He tried to be stern, but managed only to sound as needy as his companion—a fact that didn’t escape her, from the heated look she gave him.
Reaching out to the tray at the edge of the pool, he took his fork, cut off a bite of omelet, and speared it, bringing the savory morsel to her lips.
She frowned. “I’m not an infant. I can feed myself.”
Her mutinous expression was cute, with her jaw set and green eyes glittering, but he forced himself not to smile. That would undermine his authority and ruin the lesson. Instead, he arched a brow and returned her glare with a stony look. “Are you defying me, Chosen?”
Startled, she blinked at him, annoyance vanishing. “No. I’m sorry, master.”
Softening his tone, he relented some. “I know. The more you’re with someone, the easier it is to get comfortable, forget who’s in charge. I don’t want you to walk on eggshells around me, but you must remember I’m in control. Always.”
“I’ll do my best, sir. Though I admit I’ll probably forget again, because I’ve been on my own for so long,” she said. She took the bite he offered and chewed, humming in pleasure. “That’s fantastic.”
“Our cook is the best.” He fed her more, and decided that just observing her while she ate was an orgasmic experience. He liked the way her pink tongue flicked out to catch the bits, how she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the meal. He liked taking care of her needs.
All of them.
After he’d fed her the omelet and fruit until she protested that she was full, he questioned her between bites of his own meal. “Tell me how it happened that you ended up on your own.”
“I already told you that my boyfriend got me fired and—”
“No, before that. Where is your family?”
She looked away, but not before he saw the flash of pain. “They’re all dead. My parents and younger brother were killed in a car accident several years ago. They had a modest income and not many credits saved, so I used what I’d managed to save from my job at the newspaper, then sold the house to pay off the bills.”
“What about aunts and uncles? Cousins?” He tried to sound casual, though he was dying to learn what had become of Helena’s branch of the family after the Fontaines had lost touch with them, as well as
and how Harley was descended from her.
“I have a few cousins scattered around, but we were never close and I don’t know how to contact them. As far as aunts and uncles, they’re all gone, too.”
No information there regarding his dead mate. He wasn’t going to learn more unless he told her about Helena outright, and he wasn’t ready to do that. Not yet. Setting down his fork, he turned all his attention to the woman in his arms.
“I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through,” he murmured, kissing her lips.
“It’s been difficult. But I’ve come through it, thanks to Val . . . and you.”
Harley was far from out of the woods where Soren was concerned, but he didn’t have it in him to tell her that he might just be the greatest nightmare she’d ever faced. No, he was much too selfish to ruin this developing closeness. He wanted her, and it didn’t matter at the moment who she was or where she’d come from.
She was simply his.
And it felt right.
Putting his back to the pool’s edge, he turned her to face him so she straddled his thighs. His cock was nestled against her curls, the swirl of the warm water adding a welcome caress. He ached so badly, but was more determined than ever not to rush this wonderful interlude. Cupping both breasts, he thumbed the stiff peaks of her nipples, loving her breathy gasp and how she pushed into his touch.
Continuing to pluck at one nipple, he slid a palm down her stomach, below the surface of the water, to grip his cock. He fisted it tightly, moaning as he pumped the shaft with agonizing slowness, letting his imagination run wild.

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