Temptation (5 page)

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Authors: R.L. Stine

BOOK: Temptation
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“You still so stupid?” Matt gave Ben a hard slap on the back.

Ben groaned. “Do that again and I'll hurl on you.”

“What a class guy!” Matt exclaimed, and raised his hand to give Ben another hard backslap, but Ben edged away.

Several other kids greeted April and Matt. They lowered themselves onto a communal blanket, feeling the warmth of the crackling fire. Huddled in the red glow, everyone began talking at once.

“Hey, Todd, there's room for you,” Matt called, suddenly remembering his friend. Todd, who had been left standing awkwardly in the shadows, hands in his pockets, hesitantly lowered himself to the blanket on the other side of April. “Hey, everyone, this is Todd,” Matt announced.

“You see the new arcade?” Ben asked Matt. “It's excellent.”

“I saw it, but I didn't bring any money,” Matt said.

“I've got some,” Ben told him, rising to his knees. “Come on. Let's go.”

Matt started to get up, then remembered April. “Uh, not tonight, man.” He put an arm possessively around April's shoulders and turned to smile at her. Her emerald eyes glowed, reflecting the firelight. She smiled back at him and lowered her forehead affectionately against his chest.

“Well, I'm outta here,” Ben announced, climbing to his feet.

“Later,” Matt said, without looking up.

Ben started jogging over the dune. “Bring some money tomorrow night,” he called back to Matt. “Steal it if you have to.”

“He's a class guy, isn't he?” Matt said quietly, holding April close.

She made a face, then glanced over at Todd, who was by himself at the edge of the blanket, staring at the fire, not talking to anyone. She saw that he was twirling the blue plastic lighter between his fingers, moving it back and forth in his hand, the way he always did when he felt nervous or uncomfortable.

April started to say something to him, but before she could, Matt put his hand on her chin, tilted her head up to his, and began to kiss her.

•   •   •   •   •

“That one,” Jessica said, red eyes aflame, peering at Gabri in the darkness.

“Which one?” Gabri asked, floating beside her, the wind filling his outspread wings.

“The blond girl,” Jessica said impatiently.

The two bats lowered themselves toward the ring of teenagers around the campfire, but stayed high enough to remain in the dark and out of sight.

“She's perfect for you, Gabri,” Jessica said, her voice a wet whisper through her slender, pointed fangs. “Look at that blond hair, those rosy, milk-fed cheeks, that wholesome good health. She's just your type!” A hiss of laughter escaped her small opening of a mouth.

“No!” Gabri whispered, fluttering his black wings in agitation. “That big lunk of a boy has his arm around her. He's kissing her. She has a boyfriend, Jessica. I really must protest.”

“I really must protest.” Jessica imitated his voice, mocking him. “You really sound like a bad movie, Gabri.”

“I don't care. I protest. The girl you've chosen for me has a boyfriend. How am I to win her affections if—”

“You didn't think I'd make it easy for you!” Jessica declared, another hiss of laughter spraying the night sky.

She soared high as he attempted to bump her, then allowed herself to float back beside him. “Of course, if you'd like to give up now . . . ” she teased.

“No!” Gabri cried, tilting toward the leaping flames below, then swooping easily away. His tiny red eyes peered through the darkness, attaching to April like evil radar, studying her carefully.

“Well?” Jessica asked impatiently.

“I accept the challenge,” Gabri replied, a gob of white spittle
sliding down the fur of his chin. “The girl is so luscious—so
—so ripe.”

“Save the poetry for when you're alone with her,” Jessica snapped. “You really are the biggest jerk. Were you this bad when you were alive?”

Gabri's bat eyes narrowed as he stared hard into hers. Even in bat form, the eyes revealed deep sorrow. “I don't remember,” he whispered. “I don't think I ever

Jessica refused to allow herself to be touched by his words. She filled the air with dry, scornful laughter.

“Never mind!” he cried hoarsely, ruby eyes lighting with fury. He tilted away from her, swooping just above the yellow light of the fire.

Suspended in the night air, wings outstretched, allowing the wind and currents to carry him this way, then that, Gabri stared down at the shifting figures around the fire.

“Have you found a victim for me?” Jessica asked, her voice drifting down from somewhere above.

“Yes,” Gabri hissed, encircling his rodentlike body with his wings, then shooting them out and soaring back up to meet her.

“Which one?” Jessica asked eagerly, her lips wet with anticipation, the thought of fresh nectar making her heart flutter faster than her wings.

“That one,” Gabri declared. “The little skinny one with the red hair.”

Jessica peered down into the firelight, training her eyes on Todd. “The one sitting by himself, not talking to anyone?”

“Yes,” Gabri replied, obviously pleased with his selection. “That guy won't warm up to anyone—not even you, Jessica.”

“I'm afraid you've lost our bet,” Jessica taunted, deliberately brushing Gabri out of her way. “I'll warm that boy up easily—and then he'll be

Her dry, hoarse laughter ruffled against the wind.

Having selected their victims, the two bats slid low in the sky, then floated high, soaring into the dark emptiness high above the dunes.

Tucked next to Matt, April raised her eyes just as the bats swooped near and uttered a loud gasp. “Matt—did you see them? Two of them,” she cried.

“Don't pay any attention to them,” Matt told her, pulling her close. “They're perfectly harmless.”


It took Todd a while to realize that the small dots hopping along in the puddled shadows were birds. He stood on the low, smooth rock watching them, trying to focus on them. They're terns, he decided, his eyes following them as they made their way along the shoreline, zigzagging around one another until the darkness swallowed them up.

His hands shoved into the pockets of his cutoffs, Todd turned and allowed his eyes to follow the sloping line of rocks up to where they flattened out, forming a shelf on top of a steep cliff. Then turning back to the water, he could just barely make out the low, black outline of the small island, like the top of a submarine coming up for air, the island where all the bats supposedly came from.

there so many bats on this beach? he wondered, searching the hazy purple sky for the fluttering creatures. He saw none.

He couldn't see very far. Low clouds pushed over the shore,
filtering the moonlight, making the beach shadows long and strange. Wisps of fog trailed along the shoreline. The air was cool, heavy, and damp.

This end of the beach, south of the rowboat dock, across from the mysterious, wooded island, was usually deserted, he had discovered. That's why he liked it so much. He could lean peacefully against the smooth, cool rocks and stare out at the water for as long as he wanted.

How long had he been standing there watching the clouds lower and the fog drift in? Todd wasn't sure. He knew he was supposed to meet April and Matt down the beach. He was probably late.

Hope you're not turning into some kind of weird loner, he warned himself, stepping away from the rocks and starting to trudge up the beach.

This could be a great summer, he thought. If only I could shape up and stop being such a drag. If only I could stop feeling so awkward, so out of place all the time, and—

His thoughts were interrupted by a fluttering sound overhead. Turning his eyes to the low, hazy sky, he saw several bats swooping and soaring, disappearing into the thick cloud cover, then suddenly scooting low enough to be seen again.

Bats are good, he told himself. They eat insects.

But their fluttering sound so near, echoing off the steep rock cliffs, and the shrill chatter they made gave Todd a chill.

He took a few long steps, wet sand invading his rubber thongs—and then stopped.

He was no longer alone. Someone was there.

Behind him. Back by the rocks.

He hadn't seen anyone. He just had that feeling.

He knew.

The fluttering sound overhead grew louder, closer, then quickly faded. The wind off the ocean whipped at his sweatshirt.

Todd turned around.

And saw the girl staring at him.

She stood a few feet from the rocks, barefoot. As she approached, the beach seemed to light up, and Todd could see her as clearly as if it were daytime.

She was beautiful.

“Hi,” she said softly, staring at him shyly with big, dark eyes. She was wearing a flowered sarong skirt and a matching bikini top. With a toss of her head, she waved her long red hair behind her bare shoulders. She smiled at him with full, dark lips.

“I—I didn't see you,” Todd stammered.

What a dumb thing to say, he told himself, immediately wishing he could sink into the sand and never be seen again.

“I mean I—”

“I think I'm lost,” the girl said, coming closer, close enough that he could see how pale her skin was, close enough that he could smell her perfume, the scent of lilacs.

“Huh? Lost?”

She nodded, her full lips forming a pout.

She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, Todd thought. He
realized he was gaping at her. Embarrassed, he cast his eyes down to the sand.

“My family is renting a cottage,” she told him, gliding even closer. “Right near the ocean. We just arrived this afternoon, and I think I'm all turned around.” She shrugged, a helpless gesture, her shoulders as smooth and pale as ivory under the hazy night sky.

“Yeah. Well—” Todd cleared his throat.

Why does my voice sound so tight and choked?

“Most of the summer houses are on that end,” he managed to get out, and pointed to the north end of the beach.

“Up that way?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yeah. I'll show you,” Todd said. “I mean, I'm going that way. I'm—uh—meeting some friends.”

“Thanks,” she said and, to Todd's surprise, reached out and took his arm. Her flowery scent invaded his nostrils, seemed to encircle him. He suddenly felt dizzy, but forced himself to walk, his thongs sinking into the wet sand.

“I've never been here before,” she said softly. “It's so beautiful. I know it's going to be fun.”

“Yeah. It's very—pretty,” Todd said.

I'm walking on a dark beach with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, he thought.

And all I can think of to say is that the beach is

“It's very foggy,” he said. “That's why the beach is so empty and dark tonight.”

Oh, great. Now I'm giving her weather reports! he thought.

“You're lucky to have friends here,” she said, turning to smile at him, still clinging to his arm. “I don't know anybody.”

“That's too bad,” Todd replied awkwardly.

can be my friend,” she said and giggled selfconsciously.

Wow, Todd thought.

“Where are you from?” she asked.

Todd told her.

He continued to lead the way, walking slowly, breathing in her perfume, stealing glances at her, wishing the beach were longer so they wouldn't reach their destination so quickly.

He tried to think of things to say to her, but she was so close, and so beautiful that he was even more tongue-tied than usual.

Luckily, she kept up the conversation, asking him questions about school and his family, telling him about her family and her life in Maine.

I wonder if she likes me, Todd thought.

I wonder if she'll go out with me if I ask her.

I ask her. The big if.

Could he summon the nerve to ask?

They both heard it at the same time. The fluttering of wings so low, so close overhead.

“Oh!” she cried out and squeezed his arm.

“It's okay,” he said, trying to sound assured. “The bats don't bother anyone.”

She laughed. A surprising laugh.

Why did it strike her as funny?

“By the way, my name is Jessica,” she said. He realized she was still squeezing his arm.

He told her his name. Her perfume was so sweet.

The white beach seemed to tilt beneath him.

“Oh. My house is right up there,” she said, pointing. “You were right!”

He followed the direction of her finger. It was suddenly so foggy, so gray and foggy, he could barely make out any houses beyond the dunes.

There was no one on the beach. The water seemed far away. Beyond the fog. Beyond the clouds that seemed to lower around him.

“Thanks for helping me, Todd,” she whispered.

He loved the way she said his name.

“That's okay,” he said.

Should I ask her out?

Should I ask her to meet me on the beach tomorrow?

Will she say yes?

Will she laugh at me?

Before he could decide, she was kissing him.

He nearly toppled backward in surprise.

Before he could decide. Before he could say anything. Before he realized what was happening, her arms, so pale, so light, were around him.

She pulled on him ever so gently, pulled his face to hers, lowered her face to his.

Those lips. Those dark, dark lips. Pressing so tenderly against his.

Tenderly at first. And then harder.

Oh, wow, he thought. Oh, wow.

She likes me.

Then she was kissing him as no girl had ever kissed him before.

Kissing his mouth. His cheek.

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