Read Tempt Me Online

Authors: Shiloh Walker

Tempt Me (11 page)

BOOK: Tempt Me
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Cole groaned as he caught
a glimpse of the thin strip of her spine left bare by the laces.

Think you can
figure out how to undo it?” She let her hair fall over one
shoulder, peering back at him over the other.

Ah, maybe we
shouldn't do that yet. The second I get you naked, I'm
going to lose any bit of control I've got.”

Rocki grinned. “Good.”
Then she rolled her shoulders. “Come on, Cole. Either you do
it, or I will.”

Well...since she put
it that way.
He reached for the laces, taking his time as he
studied them. It wasn't a quick process either, he realized.
The top and the bottom, all of it had to be loosened. And because he
knew he hadn't been exaggerating by much, he drew it out even
more, pausing here and there to stroke his fingers along her spine,
to brush a stray lock of hair out of the way.

He hadn't quite
finished loosening the laces all the way when she took a step away.
As she turned to face him, he saw that she was trembling, her face
flushed, and her eyes burning hot. Her hands shook as she reached up
and tugged at the front of the corset.

It fell away and the air
in his lungs all but exploded out of him.

Oh, hell, she was
gorgeous. Big, full breasts, her nipples dark and rosy. Her waist
dipped in before flaring out into full, round hips, still outlined by
the jeans she wore. His hands itched, his mouth all but watered, and
his cock was a burning, heavy ache.

Shoving upright, he
reached out and hooked a hand in the front of her jeans, hauling her
against him. She opened her mouth, but whatever she might have said,
the words were muffled as he caught her mouth with his.

She was warmth. She was
softness. She was strength.

Rocki twined her arms
around his neck and rose up on her toes, meeting him touch for touch,
kiss for kiss. Spinning them around, he tore at the button of her
jeans, fumbling until he managed to get them open. He should find
some finesse, some tenderness—a seduction, this should be a
seduction, slow and gentle and sweet, he knew it.

Tearing his mouth away,
he panted as he stared down at her. “Not a date, right?”

No.” Her
breathing was almost as ragged as his, and her eyes—those dark,
mysterious eyes so full of heat and hunger—gleamed as she
smiled at him. “Not a date.”

If this were a
date, then I'd probably try to make this gentle and slow.
Should I worry about that right now?”

Rocki laid her hands on
his chest. Then she pressed a kiss to his chin. “Today is
Friday.” She closed her eyes, struggling to slow her breathing.
“Tomorrow is Saturday. We should have our first date then. No
sex. I don't do sex on the first date. Sunday—you can
pick me up Sunday and we'll have our second date. You can do
gentle and slow and seduce the hell out of me on Sunday. Right
now...I just need you.”

Her eyes opened and she
stared at him. “I just need you,” she said again.

He was shaking, he
thought. Shaking, terrified. This was happening too fast, because he
needed her, too. “Sunday, then. And Saturday.”

But first...
He nudged her back onto the bed, easing her down until she lay on her
back and he could strip her jeans and panties away—and her
boots. Damn it, he hadn't even gotten around to getting her
damn boots off.

They fell to the floor
with a thud and he finished fighting with the tangle of denim and
lace, tossing it to the floor. When he straightened over her, his
breath caught once more as he stared at her. She had on black
stockings that went up just over her knee and stopped. Laying a hand
on her calf, he stroked upward until he reached the top band. Rubbing
his thumb along it, he shifted his gaze upward and muttered, “You're
a damn witch, I think. “

I went a little
overboard tonight, I'll admit.”Rocki chuckled. She lay a
hand on her belly and smiled at him. “You're overdressed,

Not for long.”
He dealt with his own clothes, had them off in under a minute and
then he stretched out next to her, all but ready to whimper in
pleasure at the softness and warmth of her body. He covered her hip
with his hand, kneading the ripe curve of her ass.

She arched against him, a
move that had the weight of her breasts pressing against his chest.
Groaning, he shifted on the bed and lifted up, catching one breast in
his hand and flicking the nipple with his thumb, watching as it
beaded, puckered and swelled. “Damn it, you're gorgeous,”
he rasped. He dipped his head and caught her swollen nipple in his
mouth, sucking it with light pressure and watching her from under his
lashes. She pressed against the back of his head as he increased the
pressure and saw the flush spreading across the swells of her
breasts, higher along her throat.

At the same time, he slid
his hand down, cupping her between her thighs. Rocki cried out,
spreading her legs and rocking against his hand. There was no
shyness, no hesitancy. When he pushed a finger inside her slick, hot
sex, she was already wet.

Nothing quite replaced
the touch of a man's hands.

It was a fact Rocki had
come to accept over the years.

But she hadn't
exactly been prepared for the way she'd react to
hands. As he pushed first one finger inside her aching sex, and then
a second, she could already feel it building inside her—the
driving, burning hunger...the need to come.

Her breath lodged inside
her lungs. Pleas were caught inside. If she could have found the
oxygen to beg, she would have. Instead, she caught his head and
forced his mouth to hers, trying to tell him that way.

And he heard.

With a rough kiss, a
twist of his wrist, and the flick of his thumb over her clitoris, he
sent her flying—and although she still couldn't breathe,
she didn't care.

The bliss of it exploded
through her...wave after endless wave, and that was all that
mattered. Until he started touching her, and it started all over

Dimly, she heard
something tear—the condom wrapper. Felt his weight on her.
Opening her eyes, she smiled up at him and curled her arms around his

Then he was kissing her
again...and she loved every second of it as he spread her thighs
wide, loved every second of it as she felt the broad head of his cock
nudging against the mouth of her pussy, loved it as he started to
push inside.

So fucking tight,”
he muttered against her mouth. “Damn it, Rocki, you're
killing me...”

She shuddered as he
pushed deeper, deeper. Then he withdrew and she gasped for air. As he
surged forward again, the air dwindled out of her lungs. Although the
pleasure was still there, there was a whisper of pain as well. She
gripped his arms, her nails biting into his skin. It had been a long
a very long time—

He pulled out. She opened
her mouth, trying to think, to get her brain and mouth to cooperate.
But before she could manage that, he drove in. A harsh, high scream
escaped her as he buried himself completely inside her. The pain and
pleasure mingled, becoming one. In stunned shock, she stared up at

The sound of her scream
managed to penetrate the fog of lust, the burn of need. Shaking his
head to clear it, Cole braced his arms by her head and stared at

Tears glittered in her


Oh, fuck. He'd hurt


She gripped his arms.
“I...” She licked her lips. “Just give me a
minute,” she whispered hoarsely. “It's been a long
time. Give me...”

Fuck.” He
knew it had been a while—and he'd slammed into her like a
fucking freight train. “I'm sorry. I'll

No.” She
brought up her legs, using her knees to squeeze his hips. “You're
not stopping. Just give me a minute.”


Her lips curved in a
smile as she curled one hand around his neck, tugging him close. “A
minute doesn't mean stop, baby.” Kissing him softly, she
rocked against him and whispered, “And you're not
listening to me. I don't want you stopping. I want you moving.
Move already.”

Guilt was choking him.
He'd hurt her. Fuck, he'd never hurt a woman in his life,
and he'd hurt
. With a hand that shook, he brushed
her hair back from her face. “I'm sorry.”

Rocki closed her fingers
around his wrist, staring at him. “You'll be even sorrier
if you don't move already...I'm dying here.” She
wiggled under him and then—oh, shit, she tightened her inner
muscles, milking him.

Sweat trickled down his
spine and he shuddered. Sagging against her, he pressed his lips to
hers. “I don't want to hurt you.”

You won't.”

Hell, he hoped not.
Lifting his head just a fraction, he stared into her eyes, watching
her face as he pulled out. That taunting, teasing smile of hers
faded, replaced by a moan when he surged back against her, slower
this time. Gentle. And all the while, he watched her.

He could do it forever,
he suspected. Forever might not even be long enough. He didn't
even care how insane it sounded, because this woman made him feel

Like a slick, wet, glove,
her sex wrapped around him. Like she'd been created from his
midnight fantasy, she responded to his every touch, his every move.
And when he felt it rising inside her, that building, burgeoning
tension, he lifted up onto his elbows, determined to watch her,
determined to see her face as she came.

It was still dark when
Rocki woke.

Her body ached—every
damn inch. It had her smiling, even as she stretched and winced.
Slipping out of the bed, she all but ran to the bathroom. There was
nothing worse than having to pee at the crack of dawn. Getting out of
a nice, warm bed to freeze your butt and everything else off?

Although she didn't
mind so much waking up a little early. Maybe even a lot early.

After she'd washed
her hands, she splashed water on her face, and since she hadn't
exactly planned on spending the night, she used her finger to brush
her teeth the best she could. It wasn't ideal, but then again,
neither was morning breath. If she'd had any inkling this would
happen, she would have tossed some of those little on-the-go
toothbrush thingies in her purse.

That done, she turned off
the light before she opened the door. If at all possible, Rocki
wanted him asleep when she joined him in the bed. There was nothing
like waking a man up in a particular way ...

The bed was warm, the
sheets smelling of them both. It was a scent she decided she liked. A
lot. As she snuggled in closer, a grin curved her lips when his arm
came around her, an automatic gesture that had her heart melting. She
peered at him in the darkness, straining to see his face. His eyes
were closed, breathing still soft and easy.

Catching her lip between
her teeth, she eased down under the blankets.


Cole thought, for the
briefest second, maybe he was dreaming. He had one hand buried in
soft, thick hair, hair long enough to wrap around his wrist...and
he'd done that, too, using his grip to guide her head.

Thought for a second he
was dreaming, and damned if he wanted to wake up.

But then that wet, hot
mouth that had been wrapped around his aching dick let go. The
blankets shifted and through the dim light, he watched as Rocki
lifted up onto all fours, the light from the street painting her body
with silvery strokes.

Hey.” She
smiled at him, then went to lower her head back down.

He groaned at the sight
of her mouth wrapping around him. In an act of self-preservation, he
tore his gaze away, but what he found himself staring at wasn't
any safer. The mirror. The fucking mirror over his dresser. He could
see the graceful line of her back, her ripe ass in the mirror...and
just a bit lower, the darker, shadowy cleft of her pussy. His dick
jerked demandingly. Swearing, he reached out blindly with his free
hand and grabbed at one of the few rubbers left.

The other hand was still
fisted in her hair, and without thinking, he tugged her up. Her
breath caught. Slowly, she lifted and settled back on her heels,
staring at him. Her breathing hitched.

Awareness kicked in and
he tugged her hair harder, using it to arch her head back, baring her
neck. She whimpered. The sound of it was blissfully, beautifully
erotic. He wanted to explore more—something they hadn't
done nearly enough of.

But need was a scream
inside him.

Tearing the rubber open,
he unrolled it and then he moved, coming up behind Rocki. He nudged
her around, staring at her shadowed reflection. Her mouth was open,
shaky erratic breaths falling from her lips. With a slow, careful
touch, he rested one hand on her shoulder, stroking it downward.

BOOK: Tempt Me
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