Tempest of Passion (3 page)

Read Tempest of Passion Online

Authors: Elyzabeth M. VaLey

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #historical, #shitersvampires

BOOK: Tempest of Passion
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Skipping the stairs two at a
time, he grabbed his coat from his butler and waved his assistance
away with a smile. Stepping outside, he took in a deep breath. The
smell of the woods filled his lungs and his wolf barked in
pleasure. It was indeed a fine day. He set off at a leisurely pace
toward the town, taking his time to enjoy the yellow, gold and
still green fields around him and attempted to keep his thoughts on
the present. To his surprise, he found himself wondering about
Emily Bunsbury.

Accursed woman,” he muttered.
Clearly, she’d gotten under his skin. He barely knew her. He didn’t
know if she was an accomplished woman. Did she play an instrument?
Sing? Could she sew? How about dancing? She hadn’t danced that
night at the Hansel ball, so who was to say if she was a clumsy
woman that stepped on everyone’s toes and that was why she kept
away from the fun…? She certainly liked to read, if the way she
grabbed that book was any indication. Perhaps, she was a bit shy,
for she didn’t seem to be a great conversationalist, he mused,
recalling her taciturn behavior during lunch. She did seem to be
clever, though. He chuckled at the memory of her reddened cheeks
and watering eyes when he’d first entered the room. He’d seen his
sister use that same trick to avoid going to school.

William stopped short as someone waved
to him from across the street. Awareness slid down his spine and he
shivered in horror. He’d walked to Brookenshire thinking only of
Emily. Gulping down the bundle of fear that lodged in his throat,
he made his way to the inn in urgent need of a drink. Something
caught his attention in a shop window and he paused.

. His mouth salivated as the wolf showed its opinion at
seeing the young woman. William was rooted to the spot. He observed
her with another woman, talking and gesticulating animatedly. Her
lips quirked as the other woman said something, but she didn’t
smile fully. An urgency he had never known passed over him. He had
to see her smile and laugh. Not the nervous titter he’d experienced
the day before, but a deep belly laugh that came from within.
Pleasure rushed through him at the thought and his wolf whimpered
in obvious delight.

Chapter Three

The women abandoned the store and went
their separate ways. Emily walked in his direction, nodding in
polite greeting at a few acquaintances and oblivious to his
presence. A nervous flutter pattered in his chest and he debated
whether to present himself to her and offer her his company on her
way back home.

Good day, Mr.

William gaped as Emily walked past him
without a second glance. Her sweet scent shrouded his senses and
lust slammed into him all at once. A low disapproving snarl burst
through his lips and he hurried to catch up with her.

Aren’t you supposed to be
resting at home? You looked mightily sick yester morn when I called
on you.”

Emily didn’t
respond or glance
at him as he matched her strides.

You were quite pink in the
cheeks and a bit red in the nose,” he said.

, Mr.
Dalton,” she repeated in a tight voice.

You were ill yesterday,” he
persisted. “The doctor said you needed rest.”

Because of
the bump
my head,” Emily snapped. Tightly grasping her parcels against her
chest, she sighed. “I am already feeling much better. Thank you for
your concern, sir.”

William’s brows lifted as he
inspected her. Clearly, she was not feeling at all well. Her cheeks
were too flushed and the white-knuckle grip she had on her packages
denoted something was wrong. Furthermore, an aroma he didn’t quite
recognize emanated from her and baffled him greatly.

Young women shouldn’t be
wandering alone.”

Emily’s spine stiffened.

This is not London, Mr.
Dalton. We do things differently here.”

Meaning that your mother does
not know of your whereabouts?”

Emily spun around so fast a few
tendrils of hair loosened from beneath her bonnet. Her eyes shot
daggers at him.

Mr. Dalton,”
she said, through clenched teeth.
“It is none of your concern what I do with
my free time, and nor is it my mother’s.”

She does not know,” he stated

Pursing her lips together, Emily gave
him one final glare before attempting to walk past him.

Without thought, William grasped
her upper arm. A sizzling current sped from his fingertips across
every cell in his body. His wolf stood at attention, his sense of
smell immediately heightened. Now, he recognized the scent
emanating from Emily: apprehension, mingled with

Mr. Dalton, you are taking
liberties that are out of hand. Release me,

William curled his fingers
around her arm more firmly and smiled. He watched, bemused, as her
eyes widened in shock. As a shifter, his senses were normally
superior to those of a human, but if his wolf was as close to the
surface as it was at that moment, he could feel things with an even
greater intensity.

Or else?”

Her heartbeat gained speed at
his touch and the scent of her arousal grew in his nostrils with
her alarm. Her mind might be rebuking him but her body had other
thoughts. Outrageous anger entered her blood stream and his
nostrils flared.

I will scream.”

There is no one here to
hear,” he replied, his voice coming out huskier than

Emily’s lips
parted as she looked around them. They had walked a good way down
the path and indeed no one was about.
He stared at her mouth. What would it
taste like? She swallowed and turned to face him once

You will dishonor

and fear were clear
in her tone. Too much fear. Unhappy with the way things were
headed, William stepped back and released her. Clamping his jaws
together, he forced his dejected wolf to retreat. This was not the
way things were done. He knew little of mating, but he did know
that it required time and finesse if it were to

I apologize, Ms. Bunsbury.
Please, allow me.” He plucked her parcels from her hands and
quickly began to walk down the road again, lest she protest. “I
meant no dishonor. I am simply concerned for your health. That fall
you had at the Hansel manor was no laughing matter and you did
appear sickly yester morn. I do believe that…” William stopped in
his tracks. The hairs on his nape rose.

Someone is coming. We should
move aside.”
“What?” Emily peered into the distance. “Nonsense. I don’t see

William fought the urge to grasp
her arm and tug her to the side. He could hear the horse’s

I assure you, Ms.
Bunsbury, someone is coming. I don’t think it’s prudent for us to
be standing in the middle of the road.”

Emily placed
her hands on her hips.
“Goodness, Mr. Dalton … we are not doing anything
untoward.” She squinted at the rider that came into view as it
turned the bend in the road. William bit back a snarl of
displeasure as her scent changed into one of delight. “I know that
man.” She raised her hand and waved.

The rider slowed its horse to an
easy trot as it caught sight of them. William’s nostrils flared as
he caught the scent of wolf. The man atop the animal stopped and

Ms. Bunsbury, words cannot
express how pleased I am to see you.”

Mr. Reeves, always such a
gentleman.” Emily offered her hand to the stranger. He took it and
leaned over it with familiarity.

You flatter me, Ms.

Irked, William cleared his throat

Emily veered around, a slight
pink tinge in her cheeks. “Pardon me, I have not introduced you.
Mr. Reeves, this is Mr. Dalton.”

William squared his shoulders
and stared down at the other man. It mattered little to him that
the blond was atop a horse. If he were wolf, as he suspected, he’d
know his place in the order of things. Reeves’ welcoming smile
died. Blue eyes searched his face in confusion for a few seconds
before lowering in submission. Satisfied, William stretched his

Pleased to make your
acquaintance, sir.”

Reeves took his hand, eyes still
downcast. William shook it firmly. His gaze slid toward Emily. She
looked from one to the other, two lines marring her

My pleasure, Mr. Reeves. How
long have you been living in Brookenshire?”

Unfortunately, Mr. Reeves does
not reside in Brookenshire, Mr. Dalton. No amount of begging from
the ladies of the town seems to persuade him to build a home

Why, Ms. Bunsbury, you
know well that if it were up to me I would never leave
Brookenshire, but who would acquire your fabrics if I remained?” He


Have you brought new
produce?” She glanced behind Reeves as if expecting to see a

The man laughed good-naturedly.
“The goods are at the shop. I believe you shall favor the green
fabric I have brought from the north, perfect for excursions in the

Emily smiled, the corner of her
eyes crinkling with warmth toward the strange wolf. A sharp ache
traversed William’s chest. Did she care for him?

Always so ingratiating,
Mr.Reeves. I look forward to appraising your produce.”

What were you doing around
this area?”

Emily gawked at him, irritation clear in her wide

It is of no consequence, Ms.
Bunsbury. It is not surprising that Mr. Dalton is overly cautious
with strangers. I would be too, if I were accompanying a beautiful
maiden that had recently suffered a fainting spell.”

Emily pulled her bottom lip between her
teeth and blushed slightly. William thought he heard her mutter
something about rumors.

You can rest assured, sir, I
was coming from a much needed ride with Dolly. Every man enjoys
some time to himself in the solitude of the forest, I believe.” He
scratched his horse behind its ears.

William narrowed his eyes. A
ride in the woods, after days of travel to reach Brookenshire? He
doubted the other man’s words but decided to remain quiet for the
sake of Emily.

Will you be assisting the
assembly on Saturday, Mr. Reeves?”

I had not intended

Surely you must, or my cousin
Henrietta would be most disappointed. “

laughed. “I will try my best, Ms. Bunsbury.” He faced William. His
gaze cast to the floor, his friendly manner vanished, replaced by
deference. “Mr. Dalton, it has been an honor.”

Mr. Reeves.” William paused to
gather his thoughts. “Perhaps, I could call on you this

Of course, sir. I shall be glad
to make your acquaintance in more depth. I am staying at the inn.
Good day to you both.” With a wink, he kicked his horse’s flanks
and set off.

William watched him go, both
relieved that he was at last alone with Emily once more and
preoccupied. Unless outcasts, wolves were never alone. Did Reeves
come with others? Where was he from? Definitely not London, he’d
know him otherwise. Perhaps, he was an outcast like him. His heart
skipped a beat. Now was not the time to pursue those questions. He
turned his attention to Emily. His mouth dried. She was
mesmerizing. She stared down the road, her features relaxed and
waking in him a desire. William shook his head: A desire for what?
He clenched his teeth. The way she was looking down the path, he
could almost sense her sadness at seeing Reeves go.

Since when do
you know

pressed her lips
together as if deciding whether to answer his question. Finally,
with a heavy sigh, she gazed at him and back at the path before

For the past five years. He
brings fabrics, ribbons and lace from other parts of the

You seem to
e on
friendly terms with him,” William noted, barely able to keep the
jealousy from his voice.

She scowled.

It is of no concern of
yours to whom I willingly give my friendship.”

I suppose not,” he said,
gaining a severe nod from her. She resumed walking and he

Will you be attending the
assembly?” William asked her after a while of silence.

Emily’s nose
wrinkled and
she pulled her lips into such a thin line that for an
instant William worried he would have naught to kiss in the

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