Tell Me No Lies (9 page)

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Authors: Delphine Dryden

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Tell Me No Lies
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Chapter Eight


He was trying hard not to smirk and give something away.
Jake could tell Tess had no idea what to expect, and she’d even looked pleased
when he’d pulled the big vibe out. Her pretend escape had been incredibly weak,
and now he sensed no trepidation in her at all.

It was like shooting fish in a barrel, but he couldn’t bring
himself to feel remorse for this particular piece of sexual torture. They
almost always claimed to hate it, one or two had safeworded out of it, but he’d
never had a submissive claim “forced orgasm” as a hard limit.

Innocent as Tess was, responsive as she was and as sensitive
as she still must be after the afternoon they’d spent, this promised to be
quite entertaining.

He lubed up the big red dildo and turned to Tess, taking an
extra few seconds to savor the sight of her kneeling by the frame, vulnerable
but eager. It hit him in a rush, the fact that he’d been right all along, that
it hadn’t only been wishful thinking. She was his friend, practically family,
yes. But he’d always wanted more from her, wanted
. He’d all but
convinced himself it would never happen. Now he was already at a loss to
picture his life without her. Here, chained in his basement like a love slave.
Upstairs, puttering around in the kitchen.

Things that hadn’t even happened yet sprang to mind. Her car
in his driveway, her clothes taking up too much of the closet. Strange
cosmetics littering the bathroom counter. Walking in the door at night and
hearing her call a welcome. Her fingers on the keyboard, quick and light when
the words were flowing, vicious and stabbing when they weren’t.

She stared at him, one eyebrow raised.

Shaking his head, Jake pulled the elongated dildo from its
bracket, set it aside then crouched down to unhook Tess’ restraints and pull
her into the center of the framework. “I got this thing for a steal, along with
my bed frame, when a friend of mine who ran a bondage club got transferred for
his day job and couldn’t find anyone to take the place over before he had to
move. He sold everything off for practically nothing. One of the playrooms had
a gym and locker room theme, and he’d had this beauty custom-retrofitted from a
top-of-the-line commercial unit. And you know why I wanted it?”

Tess shook her head, looking bemused.

Jake lifted her hands up to the sides, one at a time,
securing her cuffs to the frame above shoulder level before moving on to her
ankles. “I wanted it so I could work out without having to go to the gym. I’ve
never used it for anything else. All these extras have been sitting in this box
in my closet for over three years. Taking up space.”

When he clipped the cuff on her second ankle into place,
Tess lost her balance, swinging back an inch or two against the sturdy chains
that held her wrists. She couldn’t fall any farther than that, there wasn’t
enough slack. She was cuffed into a wide “X”, so it was easy enough to right
herself. But Jake was in that humanitarian mood again.

“Woops. You look like you could use some extra stability.”

She was already wet, visibly so, but Jake applied lube to
her pussy anyway, working her hot sheath until she started to clench around his
fingers. Then he slotted the dildo support back into its bracket between her
feet and pulled Tess’ hips forward so the slick lips of her cunt eased over the
bright red cock. With a few adjustments, Jake lengthened the telescoping rod
until most of the dildo’s length was snugly hidden inside her. He watched Tess’
expression as he tightened the clamps, making sure nothing would slip out of
place no matter how much Tess tried to move.

“There. Much better.”

He couldn’t hide how hard he was, how crazy it was making
him to see that bright red intruder taking up the space he wanted to occupy,
pushing apart lush pink folds that were full and sensitive from their earlier play
and Tess’ building excitement. When she lifted on her toes then slowly lowered
herself again, working as much of the toy as she was able and clearly enjoying
it, Jake had to look away to keep from groaning.

After fitting the cross piece back onto the frame in front
of Tess’s hips with a few more careful adjustments, Jake tilted the vibrator
firmly against Tess’ clit, pulling her skin taut above it to ensure as much
direct contact as possible. Once the bracket’s clamps were tightened the vibe
was solid as a rock, and if Tess struggled to pull away she wouldn’t get very
far. Only as far up as her toes would take her, and that would only work the
dildo in her pussy, providing another kind of maddening stimulation.

“How long will you last, I wonder?” he speculated as he
fiddled with the clamps then stood back to grab the timer. “Five minutes?
Seven? Let’s go for seven. But you’ll be screaming Wildcats at five.”

She scowled at him, not looking submissive at all, but
beautiful…all rosy cheeks and pouting lips whose natural color echoed the
deeper rose of her tight nipples. She was still working the cock, maybe not
even thinking about it, rolling her hips and flexing her toes every few seconds
to shift her position. Some day he would keep her on the frame like that for an
hour or so while he watched football. No vibrator, just Tess cuffed in a
spread-eagle, impaled on a monster dildo, trying to get herself off and cursing
his name. That would be a perfect day for the ball gag. Halftime would be one
hell of a party.

But right now he wanted to see her stripped bare, a writhing
mess of pure reaction. Not a victim of her own emotional turmoil, this time,
but of her own pleasure taken to extremes. He wanted to show her part of
herself she’d never seen, and in the process claim that part as its rightful
lord and master.

“You still have no idea what’s coming, do you?” She shook
her head, dark hair falling across her face. Jake leaned over the contraption
and pressed a kiss to Tess’ lips. “Remember Mr. Weber had that sign up in the
yearbook office, ‘May you live in interesting times’? And every year the
freshmen had to write an essay about why that was a curse?”

Tess nodded, smiling. Of course she remembered. They had
spent four years hanging around in that office. They had taken Mr. Weber’s
social studies class together as freshmen.

Jake started the egg timer and put his hand on the vibe,
thumb over the switch. “This will be interesting.”

* * * * *

She’d braced herself for a buzz, high and intense like the
frequency of the adorable purple bullet vibe she had at home. This was
different from her little vibe, in the sense that a full symphony orchestra is
different from a dude playing harmonica in the subway. The vibration was deep,
a thrumming that went straight down to her bones. And the vibe’s head was so
broad she couldn’t ease the pressure on any part of her clit by rocking against

It wasn’t even sexy so much as clinical, the way the orgasm
built itself up immediately. Tess felt like she’d been directly wired to a machine,
something programmed to take control of her body and produce a climax whether
she was in the mood or not. It felt good, but oddly coercive.
too fast.

Standing on her toes helped at first, but the delicious
slide of the dildo inside her ramped her arousal up even faster, and she
realized her mistake when she started to lower herself to relieve the trembling
strain in her calves. She had to bring her weight against the vibrator fully
that thing was sliding back into her. Assault on two fronts. Instinctively she
reared up again then whimpered as she faced the same dilemma.

Blood rushed to her face and chest as the pleasure forced
its way to completion. She looked for Jake and found him leaning on the arm of
the sectional, arms folded over his chest, observing her with what looked like
absolute calm and amusement.

Fuck you
, she thought at him, as the realization
dawned that he knew exactly what this would do to her, that he knew she’d gone
into it blind, that—

It hit slowly, the first wave of release that was no release
at all. She thought she could manage it until it started to build, pushing her
higher and higher under the inexorable vibration. When she finally hit the
crest she cried out in relief, unable to stop her hips from bucking against the
drawn-out pleasure that surged through her.

Legs shaking, belly tight, she fucked herself against the
dildo until it seemed every shred of response must be exhausted. But the
vibrator kept going, she couldn’t escape it, and her swollen clit shrieked in
complaint when she finally relaxed enough to rest her lower legs. She couldn’t
come down from the orgasm, not completely, but the pleasure the vibe enforced
came at the cost of nerve-jangling discomfort. Almost pain.

She shook her head at Jake, who seemed content to stay over
by the couch. How could he not realize she’d come already? It hadn’t taken
anything like seven minutes either. Her body had cried uncle, why wasn’t he
releasing her?

He held up the timer, waggling it at her.

“It’s only been a minute and…ten seconds. We’re going for
seven. Remember?”

Her jaw dropped. He laughed. She shook her head, hair flying
in her eyes, and he nodded emphatically in reply. Tossing the wild locks back,
she gave Jake her best death-glare, which was hard to maintain as the
relentless vibrator started working her back up again. Pleasure started to
outweigh the pain and, after a few more seconds, Tess gave up her plan to stare
a hole through Jake and began bobbing up and down on the dildo, panting
shamelessly, wishing it could go a little deeper. Her wrists were bound too
high to let her sink down as far as she’d like.

If he gets horny enough he’ll take me off this thing to
fuck me
. Licking her lips and moaning, she glued her gaze to the sizable
bulge in Jake’s pants, wasting no time on subtlety. She wanted him, and she
could remind him that he wanted
if she made him jealous enough of
the dildo. And it felt good to move like that, maddeningly so. Up and down,
like a ride on the Devil’s own pogo stick, and as a second climax started to
build between Tess’ aching thighs, Jake smoothed a hand down his front to palm
his erection.

“Tess, are you ogling my junk? I know you want it, kitten,
but you’re not getting it for at least another, let’s see here…” He made a show
of checking the timer, then turning it so she could see the dial. “Another five
minutes, twenty seconds.”

That can’t be right

She almost said it out loud, caught herself at the last

“The time is flying for
, but I bet it’s going
pretty damn slow for you by now.”

If her hands hadn’t been secured she would have smacked the
smugness right off his chiseled face. As it was, she could only yank against
the cuffs in frustration as the second orgasm barreled toward her. It shocked
her as it struck, like a bolt of electricity powerful enough to stop a heart.
Nerves sizzled, blood boiled, and a nightmare version of pure bliss burned its
way through her center for a screaming eternity.

On and on the vibrator hummed. When Tess could breathe again
she tried to pull herself free, focusing her few functioning brain cells on
twisting her wrists this way and that, despite the obvious sturdiness of the
restraints. Her lower body still spasmed, out of her control. The dildo kept
her from moving her hips, and when she tried anyway the tremors in her legs
grew worse. She wept at the pleasure-pain and thought she would do anything to
get even a few seconds away from the vibration, which seemed to go all the way
to her brain now, short-circuiting every nerve ending it encountered. Her
clitoris felt huge, swollen to impossible proportions. About to explode.

“Four minutes to go, beautiful.”

She wasn’t sure when Jake had moved closer, but he spoke
from only a few inches away. Lifting her head, she peered at him through the
curtain of hair and tears, and tried to get closer to him.

Sex. Comfort
. He was a symbol now, an
embodiment of things she wanted and couldn’t reach. But then she saw his
expression, the heat in his gaze as he watched her suffer through his torture.
He looked almost as worked up as she felt, and it was all because of what she
was enduring.

A new concept worked its way into her scattered
consciousness—the recognition of
. Not Jake’s over
, but
hers over him. She might be bound, taking what he dished out, but she was still
affecting him. He had turned her into a quivering mess in the space of a few
minutes, but she was
him. Meeting his challenge. Even if she
stopped right now, said the safeword, she’d still have accomplished that.

Feeling stronger, she clenched her teeth and growled at him,
earning another smile.

“That’s my girl. I didn’t think you’d make it this long,” he
confessed. “I shouldn’t have underestimated you. I do have other weapons at my
disposal though. And I think I want you to break and talk to me, Tess. I want
to see what gets you to that point, where you can’t take it anymore and you
to admit it. Maybe mixing up the brute force with something a bit more subtle?”

He bent and teased her breast, breathing gently over the stiffened
nipple until she was ready to scream for him to touch her already. When he
finally did it was only a kiss, tender and soft, barely there. It only made
things worse, made her want to beg for his tongue. Every smallest motion of his
mouth against her skin brought a shift in the balance between agony and
arousal, pulling her up for a glorious moment before letting her plummet back

She knew she would come again, she’d figured that much out,
even if she wasn’t usually capable of more than one or very rarely two orgasms
in such a brief span of time. The vibrator made another one inevitable, which
was awful. But Jake fondled and nibbled and confused her nerves in the best
possible way. The contrast between the two sensations drove her up in a breathtaking
sweep, and the climax was a slow, easing retreat from that high, so slow she
never really came down. Caught in that over-stimulated half-state between
coming and not coming, bliss and agony, she could only hover and
Time slurred and all her reason abandoned her.

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