Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows (21 page)

BOOK: Teen Mom Confidential: Secrets & Scandals From MTV's Most Controversial Shows
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Once again, Adam served no time behind bars. His sentence was suspended provided he didn't drive without insurance for at least one year and paid all his court-related fines and fees. His drivers license was (again) suspended for 30 days - this time without a work permit.

15. Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (09/05/10)

10/14/10: Pled guilty. Sentenced to 15 days in jail. Driver's license suspended 30 days.

Adam's entire sentence was suspended provided he didn't drive without insurance for two years.

16. 2nd Degree Burglary / 2nd Degree Petty Theft / Entering or Refusing to Leave/ Failure to Stop for Law Enforcement / Hunting Without a License / Possessing Artificial Night Vision (11/05/10)

11/23/10: Pled guilty to hunting charge. His hunting license was suspended for one year.

01/14/11: Pled not guilty to the Burglary charge. (It was eventually reduced.) Petty Theft charge was dismissed.

02/01/11: Pled guilty to Entering or Refusing to Leave charge. Sentenced to 90 days in jail. Pled guilty to Possessing Artificial Night Vision and had his hunting license revoked for one year. Pled guilty to Failure to Stop for Law Enforcement charge. Sentenced to an additional 30 days in jail.

Adam ended up serving seven days in the slammer, on the condition that he didn't have any trespassing or theft charges for two years. He spent three additional days in jail for his Failure to Stop for Law Enforcement offense.

17. Possession of Alcohol by a Minor (05/07/11)

For the third time in less than two years, Adam was caught with alcohol. This time, the courts weren't as lenient.

08/08/11: Pled guilty.

09/08/11: Driver's license suspended for 30 days. Sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Adam only ended up serving five days of the sentence before being released. He was, however, allowed to leave the jail to go to work.

18. Driving Without a Motorcycle License / Speeding / Driving Without Proper Plates (06/05/11)

06/21/11: Pled guilty to Driving without a Motorcycle License and Speeding charges. Paid fines and fees of $239.00. Driving without Proper Plates charge was dismissed.

08/08/11: A bench warrant is issued for his arrest after he fails to pay his court fees.

19. Resisting Arrest / Disorderly Conduct / Possession of Alcohol by a Minor (07/24/11)

09/08/11: Possession of Alcohol by a Minor charge is dismissed.

11/23/11: Pled guilty to Disorderly Conduct. Sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Adam's entire jail sentence was suspended, provided he didn't rack up any more like offenses for two years.

20. Speeding / Driving with Suspended License (10/06/11)

11/09/11: Pled guilty to both charges. Sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Adam ended up serving only 15 days behind bars. He reported to jail on November 25, 2011 - just a few weeks before the second season of
Teen Mom

21. Driving with Suspended License (12/22/11)

03/21/12: Pled guilty. Sentenced to 30 days in jail. Ordered to pay $176.00 in court costs and attorney fees.

He reported to jail on April 13, 2012 but only ended up serving two days.

22. Driving Under the Influence / Driving with Suspended License / Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (01/15/12)

03/6/12: Pled not guilty to Driving on a Suspended License and Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (insurance).

06/26/12: Bench warrant issued when Adam fails to appear in court.

08/20/12: Pled guilty to DUI. Scheduled jury trial cancelled.

02/26/13: Sentenced to 30 days in jail.

All 30 days of Adam's sentence were suspended on the condition that he not incur any similar offenses for one year. He was required to pay fines, court costs and attorney fees of $794.00 by August 26, 2013.

23. Driving Under the Influence - 2nd Offense / Driving with Suspended License / Exhibition Driving (03/31/12)

05/31/12: Exhibition Driving charge dismissed.

06/12/12: Pled not guilty to Driving on Suspended License charge.

08/20/12: Pled guilty to DUI charge.

02/26/13: Sentenced to 180 days in jail for DUI charge. Required to pay $559.00 in fines and court costs plus $115.00 in attorney fees. Driver's license revoked for one year.

100 days of Adam's jail term were suspended on the condition he have no major driving violations for one year.

24. Speeding / Driving with Suspended License / Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (05/11/12)

05/17/11: Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility is dismissed.

05/25/11: Plead guilty to Driving with Suspended License and Speeding.

25. Driving with Suspended License / Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility - Insurance / No Proper License Plates (05/23/12)

06/08/12: Pled not guilty to all charges.

02/26/13: Pled guilty to Driving with Suspended License charge. Sentenced to 30 days in jail. Driver's license revoked for 30 days. Required to pay $80 in attorney fees.

Received a suspended 20 day sentence but was required to report to Minnehaha County Jail on Sunday, March 17 to serve remaining 10 days, with work release permitted.

26. Driving Without a License (06/29/12)

07/13/12: Pled guilty. Paid fines and court costs.

26. Failure to Appear in Court (07/17/12)

06/28/12: A bench warrant is issued for his arrest.

07/18/12: Posted his own bond.

08/20/12: Pled guilty.

02/26/12: Sentenced to 30 days in jail. Required to pay $80 in attorney fees, but no court costs or fines.

All 30 days of his incarceration were suspended on condition there are no like offenses for two years.

27. Driving With Suspended License / Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility-Insurance / Failure to Renew Registration (09/22/12)

10/05/12: Failed to appear in court.

11/29/12: Failed to appear in court again.

12/03/12: A bench warrant is issued for failing to appear in court.

01/02/13: Pled not guilty to all crimes

28. Charged with Driving Under Influence- 3rd Offense / Driving With Suspended License/ Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility / Careless Driving / Making an Illegal Lane Change (11/29/12)

11/29/12: Illegal Lane Change and Careless Driving charges dismissed.

12/13/11: Pled not guilty to D.U.I and Driving with Suspended License charges.

03/11/13: Pled guilty to D.U.I. charge.

Sentenced to 180 days in jail, 60 days suspended


Jenelle pretty much summed up her feelings about baby daddy Charles Andrew Lewis in one heartfelt tweet from January 2011: "Did I mention how much I hate jace's father ?! GET A F-ING LIFEEEEEEEEEEEE.”

Andrew - who claims he once worked as a fashion model in New York City - was with the wild teen mom for three years before she became pregnant in late 2008. As he tells it, the first time they met, he walked right up and kissed her. But the young couple was eventually torn apart by Jenelle's infidelity. Though Andrew's name is on Jace's birth certificate, his paternity was in doubt when Jenelle admitted she slept with her friend Stephen Fullwood around the same time her baby was conceived. A paternity test in late 2011 confirmed Andrew was, in fact, the boy's father. But by then, the feud was already in high gear.

On December 29, 2010 Jenelle and her mother, Barbara, had Andrew picked up by the Randolph County (North Carolina) Sheriff's Department and placed into custody for 17 days for failing to pay $2,079.67 in child support. He was released on January 14 and required by the court to make monthly payments of $356.00.

A few weeks later, Andrew came out swinging in a bombshell interview with
In Touch
magazine. “I saw [Jenelle] smoking weed when she was three months pregnant,” he revealed. “Another time, I found speed in her jacket pocket! I tried to make Jenelle understand how bad it was for the baby, but she didn't care. It completely broke my heart. Isn't that disturbing and disgusting? She had no regard for the safety of her unborn child!”

Though Andrew was present for Jace's birth in August 2009, he left shortly after and had no contact with his son until Jenelle approved a Skype session on Christmas Eve 2011. Within a year, Jenelle claimed he had again fallen behind on child support obligations - this time by $7,000. He refused to pay because Jenelle and her mother would not let him see or spend time with the boy.

“I love him and I want him in my life,” Andrew told
In Touch
. “Jenelle has put me through hell, never letting me see our son.” He also said Jenelle “went completely off the deep end” when she learned about his new son, Jacob Michael (b. September 6, 2010), with former girlfriend, Ashley Termini. “She was incredibly mean and said I don't deserve to have kids.”

Jenelle fired back at her ex in a December 2012 interview with
. "I've tried getting a hold of him, but supposedly he lives in Florida and has a new girlfriend and takes care of his girlfriend's baby, and other than that I don't know about Andrew," she said. "He hasn't come to see Jace or anything."

We reached out to Andrew for an interview and received the following response, which he later posted to

“I do not want anything to do with
(Teen Mom)
16 and Pregnant
, that's why you never see me on there. It is degrading, and makes teenagers around the world think it is OK to be young mothers creating this baby boom. Knowing that teenage pregnancy is part of one of the top economical downfalls, [MTV] still intend[s] to promote it, on top of that the media and show itself downgrades the person making the entire world believe that one person is bad, etc.

They don't care much about you, just the ratings and MTV has a heavy hand at editing drama, drama, drama. You do not see me on that show for a reason and that reason is that once you're off that show that's it for you; no more career moves there. You're gonna be stuck known as a teen mom forever. I respect the business, I've worked in it since I was 17, and if I wanted to become famous or more likely "publicly known" Ii would work a hell of a lot harder than just being on a reality TV series which is one of the most lowest ranking spots you can even think of doing in the business. You get no respect from others who worked hard for what they accomplished.

[MTV] takes advantage of teenagers because they want to be on TV, paying them little because the teens do not know the business etiquette. For example, they got like $60,000 a year from what people tell me and when they filmed me for I got $5,000 for every 8 hours of filming that is triple the amount they would get paid annually if they knew how to handle the high tides.

I am in college; I go to Florida State working on my MFA major in film industry. People say I am a drunk loser deadbeat but I am not. I do not drink nor do drugs. I work hard as a full-time student completing my goals I have set in my life.

In conclusion always know what you're getting into. Do your research, learn more. Never jump into things like these teens did, because to me it is not worth it. I've never seen an episode and could care less to do so. I am happy with my life and I have no feeling of how Jenelle went downhill after breaking up with me. She is an adult and she is old enough to make her own decisions and doing that show. When I dated her she was never in trouble with cops, didn't do drugs as [far as] I knew of etc. I kept her boundaries in line.

There you have it.


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