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Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Teasing Tilly (5 page)

BOOK: Teasing Tilly
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She was so sore she hurt all over from the constant stimuli of the suit, from the sex, and from the nano-suit twisting her body into positions it couldn’t comfortably assume.

And from the constant, unremitting, tension of her muscles as her body built toward release over and over and never achieved it.

It was a struggle to fight back the urge to cry when she saw ‘him’ waiting for her.

There was just something about
that made her ordeal far more of an ordeal when it was him.

And she always knew him—or thought she did—even when she was prevented from knowing by sight or sound by the mask the nano-suit formed over her head.

He tilted his head questioningly when she stopped abruptly at the sight of him.  Instead of saying anything, however, he opened his trousers and sat on the bunk.  Without looking at her again, he motioned with his hand.  “Here,” he said, pointing, “on your knees.”

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he wanted her to give him head.

She was just confused and dismayed because his member was huge—the one he always rammed into her—and he had at least two that were definitely penises.  Which one was she supposed to perform oral sex on?

She moved quickly into position despite the doubts, however.

Partly this was because she had no desire for him to escalate her punishment.  She was miserable enough already. 

And partly this was because her throat instantly closed with want at the demand—not disgust, not reluctance—desire.

He pulled ‘a’ penis from his trousers.

A monster of a phallus. 

She grabbed it immediately and began to struggle to get it into her mouth.  To her dismay, she found she couldn’t open her jaw wide enough to engulf it let alone her lips.  Deciding, maybe, she could work up to it, she began to lick and suck at his flesh and stroke it with her hand.

He settled a hand heavily on top of her head, threading his fingers through her hair.

She wasn’t certain what the intent was, but he didn’t shove her away or tell her to stop and after a few moments she was so totally focused on what she was doing she was hardly aware of his hand anymore.

Until he began to knead her scalp in a way that almost felt like a caress.

Her heart thundered harder in her chest.

She knew he felt nothing for her, cared nothing—not even whether she lived or died except in the sense that it might be a financial loss.

It still felt like affection and affected her the same way as if it was.

His heaving breaths of excitement excited her.

He desired her.  She excited him.  She gave him pleasure.  It was enough to make her feel all of the same things and even a sense of triumph, of control over him—however elusive her command or fleeting it might be.  At that moment, she was in control.

His hand tightened on her head, almost to the point that she began to wonder if he would crush her skull.  In the next moment, however, he came.

He released her and leaned back on his elbows, studying her through narrowed eyes.  “Did ok despite unfortunate inadequacies.

Tilly felt her sense of triumph deflate abruptly.  Heat rose in her cheeks—a twinge of both embarrassment and anger that, in spite of the pleasure she’d given him, he still looked at her as being deficient. 

He caught her jaw in his palm.  He shook his head. “You do good up til dat,” he chided.  “Any who buy you will punish you if look at him dat way—or kill you outright.  Must understand dis—
—before we get to slave auction on Loprine.”

He released her jaw and began to rise from his place on the bunk.  “Get up.”

Tilly scrambled to her feet, struggling with the urge to try to escape him.

“Get on bunk.  I gib you de odder side of de coin so you understand. You feel what master allow you to feel … and nothing else.  You learn be grateful only to serve master in whatever way it pleases him.”

Tilly discovered she’d lost the chance to rebel and flee if she’d ever had it at all instead of just the illusion that she might try to escape him.  The suit carried her to the bunk at his command and arranged her for his pleasure, drawing her legs up tightly and spreading them wide, pulling the lips of her sex wide for his access.  This time was different only in the fact that her arms were drawn above her head.

To her surprise, he began to strip.  To her knowledge, he hadn’t done that before.  He’d merely unfastened his trousers.

But maybe he
done it before?  She’d been blind and deaf throughout most of the ‘punishment’ before.  She didn’t know they
undressed—or maybe been undressed when they arrived?

She discovered, though, that the body the commander revealed was every bit as appealing as his face.  He had pleasing proportions, a well defined, massive musculature, and his body was virtually hairless, his skin smooth.

There wasn’t even hair around his sex—which was shockingly alien when the rest of his body seemed so very human-like.  All three appendages were flaccid as he began to undress but either her interested gaze brought them to attention or he was becoming aroused by undressing.

Or he simply had complete command over his genitalia.

It wasn’t until he joined her on the bunk that she discovered the nano-suit had reconfigured itself—or been ordered to change shape.  Holes had appeared to reveal the flesh where she was most sensitive. 

She swallowed a little convulsively when the suit lifted her breasts and offered them to him.

He settled over her and sucked one into his mouth, sending an electric jolt through her that set fire to her lower belly.  The throat of her sex ‘swallowed’ convulsively.  The heat built as he pulled on it until she was panting in an effort to catch her breath.  He switched breasts, pulling on the other nipple as he had the first until she was dizzy with the sensations racing along her nerve endings.

She enjoyed it—far more than she should have, particularly when she had yet to find any release from the sexual tension they’d built in her, over and over, until she’d begun to think she would completely lose her mind. 

It didn’t once cross her mind to consider what he’d meant by ‘the other side of the coin’ until he ceased to torment her nipples and moved lower.  Her heart was hammering in anticipation long before he reached his goal.  Still, the moment he closed his mouth over her clit and sucked on it, hard, her heart slammed painfully into her chest wall.  It kept right on hammering against it with every drag of his mouth until she was sobbing for breath, feverish, drunk—desperate for release.

It almost felt like her heart stopped when she came.  The convulsions tore through her, splintering her soul.  It hit her so hard and so unexpectedly that she screamed—and kept screaming until she was nearly hoarse because he kept suckling the tiny, infinitely sensitive bud, causing her to spasm on and on until darkness began to circle her mind.

He didn’t stop even when the hard convulsions tapered off to mild shudders and she was whimpering instead of screaming.  He kept teasing until she felt her body rising toward another climax. 

It didn’t seem possible that the second could be harder than the first, and yet when it hit her, sledge hammer hard, she discovered it
harder.  Already hoarse from screaming through her first climax, she discovered she’d scoured her throat until she could only croak and gasp for breath.

She was far more inclined to scream for mercy after that second climax than she had after days and days of deprivation.   

But she didn’t get the chance to beg for anything. 

As before, he continued to tease her all the way through the climax, forcing her body to convulse on and on until she blacked out.

And when she came to, it was to the discovery that he was already teasing her toward yet another climax. 

This time, when she was on the brink, he rose up, pressed the head of his largest cock against the mouth of her sex and drove into her forcefully.  She came, shuddering and shaking—unable to escape the nearly unbearable pleasure as he continued to thrust into her fiercely.

She thought, when she passed out that time, that she was unconscious longer because her body was completely cool when she awoke, uncomfortably cool. 

But he wasn’t done. 

No matter how hard she tried to resist, between his practiced touch and the technology of the nano-suit, her body wasn’t hers to command.  It belonged in his hands and he used her mercilessly, for hours, ignoring the pleas she made when she finally reached the point of begging.  He allowed her just enough time to recover and began all over again.

By the time he was satisfied, she was shaking all over.  Her body felt as if it had short-circuited every single nerve ending and her mind had melted down. 

She was so grateful when he finally left her to sleep she felt like weeping from pure relief.

Chapter Seven

Tilly’s first indication that she’d weathered her punishment was the realization when she woke that she’d slept deeply for a very long time.  She was sore when she woke, but then that was to be expected given her activities before she’d fallen asleep. 

Her second was the discovery that she was alone.

The third that the nano-suit merely covered her nakedness, inactive otherwise rather than in constant motions designed specifically to keep her aroused and miserable.

Not quite daring to believe the ordeal was over, she got up hesitantly, and then headed into the bathroom.  Instead of a tray awaiting her when she came out she saw the outer door was open.

It was amazing how scary that was when she’d wanted desperately to escape the room for days if not weeks.  It took her a little while to gather the nerve even to approach the opening, but then she heard, faintly, feminine voices and it occurred to her that the other women had also been allowed out of their cells.

She followed the sound out of her room and down the corridor in the opposite direction than the one that had brought her there to start with.  She found herself in a large room that looked like it was a combination of a dining room and lounge.  The other women, she saw, were gathered around a low eating surface, sitting on pillows.

A place had been left for her. 

Feeling a true appetite for perhaps the first time since she’d been taken, Tilly approached the table and settled on a pillow.

The other women didn’t look especially welcoming.  For a few moments, they pretended she wasn’t there and continued the conversation they’d been in the middle of when she’d arrived.  Finally, one of the women looked directly at her.  “Would you care to share your story?”

Tilly lifted her head and stared at the woman blankly.  “My story?”

“Yes,” said another.  “We’ve been … entertaining ourselves, I guess, by sharing our stories about how we got here.”

Tilly glanced from one face to the next and finally shrugged.  “My little sister went missing.  The last place anyone knew of that she’d gone—believed she’d gone to—was the BDSM club.  I went there looking for her.”

They looked more confused than enlightened.  “Was that the name of the place?”

“Where was it at?  What city, I mean?”

That was the first Tilly realized that they’d been kidnapped from various locations, that none of them, except her, appeared to have been picked up at the club.

Relaxing once everyone began to fill her in, Tilly was actually beginning to enjoy herself when the women facing the door abruptly fell silent.  Feeling her belly instantly knot with dread, Tilly turned to see what had caught their attention and discovered the alien she thought of as ‘second’ striding directly toward her.

Actually, she wasn’t completely convinced she was his target—was hopeful she was wrong—until he stopped directly beside her.  “Come.”

She just barely managed to stop herself from asking ‘where?’

She wasn’t certain if the suit made her surge instantly to her feet or if she’d been conditioned to respond instantly to their commands, but she
shoot to her feet.

He seemed to hesitate and then nodded toward a mound of pillows a short distance from the table.  “There.”

Tilly’s throat closed.  Embarrassment swept through her as the certainty settled over her that he was going to copulate with her right there in front of everyone.

She moved stiffly to the pillows and crouched down.

He’d followed her.  He pushed her onto her back and mentally commanded the nano-suit to position her—head and shoulders on the pillows, her lower body lifted up and supported by her legs.  Her legs were splayed wide and the nanos drew the fleshy outer lips of her sex back to offer him unimpeded access. 

His assault startled her, caught her so completely off-guard she didn’t even have time to mentally brace herself.  He dropped to his knees, caught her buttocks and lifted her sex to his mouth so that she was hanging head down, her legs draped over his shoulders.

His mouth was hot and hungry as he covered her sex and began to suck and gnaw at it with a fierceness that punched all of the air out of Tilly’s lungs.  In the first seconds, she wasn’t certain if his assault was more pleasurable or more hurtful, but she was in no doubt for more than a handful of seconds.  Heat scoured her.  Her belly tied itself into knots.  Endorphins filled her mind so rapidly that she felt drunk, so dizzy she thought she might pass out.

BOOK: Teasing Tilly
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