Tear Down These Walls (57 page)

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Authors: Sarah Carter

BOOK: Tear Down These Walls
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“Nope, never,” Kellen agrees.

Suddenly, Teagan’s smile wavers. She takes in a deep breath and says, “On
that note, I have something that I need to tell you.”

“What’s that?” Kellen asks hesitantly.

“Well, I want you to read my books.”

“Of course, I have wanted to since you first told me,” Kellen responds

Biting her lip, Teagan says, “There may be something I have lied to you

“What’s that?”

“It’s about Kellen Grayson,” Teagan mumbles, completely embarrassed.

He gives her a puzzled look. “What about him? Did you really date him?”

“No,” Teagan laughs. “Kellen Grayson isn’t a real person.”


“He is the male lead in my first book,” Teagan mutters.

Kellen pauses and then bursts out laughing, holding his sides to ease the
ache from his chest moving so hard. “You have to be kidding me!”

“No, and the worst part is,” Teagan starts. “He’s the perfect description
of you.”

“It’s not weird. It just means one thing.”

“What’s that?” Teagan asks.

“You’re obviously psychic,” Kellen teases.

“Shut up,” Teagan groans, rolling her eyes.

Patting her hand, Kellen says, “Give me your computer. I will read while
you are in school.”

“Okay,” Teagan laughs. They pause and then she whispers, “We are really
going to do this?”

“Seconds thoughts?”

She looks up to him and declares, “Hell no.”

“Good. I love you.”

“I love you, too, more than you know,” Teagan states.

“You know what you should do?” Kellen murmurs, as he gives her a look.

“What?” Teagan replies, handing him her laptop and sitting back down
beside him.         “GET TO CLASS!”

Teagan bursts out laughing and says, “FINE! Fine, fine, fine, I’m going.”
She stands up and looks at him. “I’m going to pick up Kya for the night if that
is okay.”

“She would love that,” Kellen replies.

“See you later,” Teagan says, as she goes to the doorway.

“I hope my two girls stay out of trouble tonight!”

Turning around, Teagan grins. “What’s the fun in that?”

“True, okay, see you later.”

Teagan giggles, as she waves. When she
gets into the hallway, she quickly takes out her new phone. Dialing a number,
she impatiently waits. When her mom picks up, Teagan yells, “Guess what!? You
are going to have another boy in the family!” She pauses and then sighs, “No
mom, I’m not pregnant…” 



Teagan tightens the belt on her coat and takes in a deep breath. Reaching
her hand up, she knocks on the door. Kellen yells, “Come in!” She opens it and
steps inside. He looks up. “Hey, Baby…why did you knock?”

She closes the door and leans against it. Without Kellen seeing, she
locks the lock. “I didn’t know what you were doing. It could have been
something top secret.”

“Nope, nothing important,” Kellen replies. He eyes her up and down and
then furrows his eyebrows. “Teagan, its winter; why in the hell don’t you have
pants on!?

“I decided to wear a skirt,” she replies.

“At least you have tights on,” Kellen grumbles disapprovingly. “So, what
brings you by the office? You’re very dressed up. Hair and make-up completely
done, do you have a hot date that I don’t know about?”

“Sort of,” Teagan murmurs. “I thought I would come and work off some of
my debt.”

With a curious expression, Kellen asks, “What debt?”

“The debt I acquired pre-engagement,” Teagan states. “It’s a debt that I
have to work off.”

Kellen rolls his eyes dramatically. “Teagan, don’t be absurd.”

“I think we can come up with
that I can do,” Teagan

“Ummmm, sure, I guess,” Kellen retorts. “This is a little ridiculous.”

“Well, before I get to work, which I plan to work
hard, I
have a little confession.”

Kellen crosses his arms. “What’s that?”

“I talked to your doctor behind your back when we were there yesterday,”
Teagan answers.

“Why would you do that?” Kellen inquires curiously.

“I had a question for him,” Teagan replies. Kellen raises his eyebrows,
waiting for her to continue. Teagan grabs her belt and says, “I asked him when
you could start to do vigorous exercise again.” A glint forms in Kellen’s eyes.
Teagan bites her lip and looks at him.

“And what did he say?” Kellen asks in a husky voice.

She steps away from the door and walks to middle of the room in front of
his desk. “He said you were clear for sex. He obviously knew why I was asking.”

A devilish smirk passes over Kellen’s face and he leans back in his
chair. “So, why are you telling me this now?”

Pulling the belt apart, Teagan opens the coat and slides it on the floor.
“I believe a certain man wanted to find a special girl to fulfill a fantasy.
So, the question is Kellen Grayson, are you willing to risk your reputation for

He rubs his fingers against his lips and says, “I thought the
cheerleading uniforms were at your parents.”

“Oh no,” Teagan replies. “They were at your house this entire time. That’s
why I unpacked my bags and not you.”

Kellen pushes his chair back. “So, you show up in white thigh highs and a
cheerleading uniform with the plans to seduce me?”

Teagan saunters over and stands between Kellen and his desk. “Oh come
now, Mr. Grayson.  You haven’t had sex in months  Are you telling me
that you aren’t dying to throw me down on your desk?”

Bringing his hand to her leg, Kellen traces his fingers up her leg.
Slowly, he traces them along the top of the thigh high. “I don’t know, Teagan.
I don’t think you are quite convincing enough.  This is my job after all.
People could hear us.”

“You’re such an ass!” Teagan laughs. “Oh my god, really?”

With a smirk, he leans back in his chair. “I’m wondering how much of this
is about you.”


“You haven’t had sex in months either,” Kellen murmurs. “You can’t tell
me you’re not dying for it, too.” He traces his hand up between her legs and
under the skirt. Teagan jerks. “So,
should I risk my reputation?”

“Because,” Teagan whimpers.

He withdraws his hand and smiles, “That’s not a reason.”

Teagan glares at him. Kellen smirks. She smirks back and climbs up on the
desk.  Taking her feet, she grabs the chair and pulls it towards her.
Kellen grins like a kid. Teagan puts her legs on each arm rest. “So,” she
whispers, “I’m not giving you enough reason, huh?” He shakes his head
mischievously. Taking her hands, Teagan runs her hands up her legs, pulling up
her skirt. “Well then, I guess I will have to entertain myself.” The smile
disappears, and Kellen’s jaw drops. Teagan raises one eyebrow. “Never done this
before,” she whispers.

Clearing his throat, Kellen brings his fingers up to his mouth. Teagan
reaches her hand between her legs, when he finally exclaims, “Oh fuck it!”
Kellen grabs her off the desk and pulls her onto his lap. With a fiery passion,
they kiss each other. Kellen pushes her skirt up and grabs her ass, pulling her
against him. Feeling everything clench inside of her, Teagan starts to rip at
his shirt.  “Don’t rip off the buttons,” Kellen says, against her lips. “I
don’t have another shirt here.”

“Ugh,” Teagan groans. Quickly, she starts to undo the buttons. “This is
so much easier when I can rip off the damn buttons!”

“What time is it?” Kellen asks, looking around her.

“Like 3:30,” Teagan mumbles, as she tries to undo the buttons.

“Good enough for me,” Kellen says. He reaches down and rips off his
shirt. He throws it to the side, and then takes off his undershirt. When Kellen
looks back at her, Teagan takes her finger and runs it around the scar on his
chest. “Oh no,” he says, taking her hand away. “We’re not going there. Sex….hot
sex….on my desk.”

With a grin, Teagan presses herself against him. “I know, it’s just a
reminder of how I almost lost you.”

“Baby,” Kellen murmurs. “You’re never going to be able to get rid of me.”

Brushing her lips against his, Teagan whispers, “Good. Now….shut up and
kiss me.”

Kellen eagerly meets her. He reaches down and slides off each of her
shoes. “I’m leaving the cheerleading uniform on,” he states.

That makes Teagan burst out laughing. “Oh really? You don’t want to see
the girls?”

He grabs her and stands them up.  “No, see, I’m living out two
fantasies. Having crazy sex in my office and finally nailing the cheerleading

She giggles as he sets her down on the desk. Turning around, Teagan says,
“We need to clear off your desk.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Kellen agrees. He bends over and with a sweep of
his arm, throws everything onto the floor.

“That was kind of hot,” Teagan declares.

“Look at me,” Kellen instructs in a deep tone. She turns her attention to
him. “Tell me what you want.”

“You…..with your pants off,” Teagan replies.

He smiles. “Take them off then.” Eagerly, Teagan starts to unbuckle his
belt. Kellen laughs and then pauses. “Please tell me you brought condoms.”

“Nope,” Teagan mutters, unbuttoning the button. She pulls down the
zipper. “They aren’t needed.”

“Baby,” Kellen sighs  “I want to have lots of children with you, but
I want you to graduate first.”

“Well, I wouldn’t really care if I got pregnant,” Teagan declares. “But I
have been on birth control since we wanted to make love in the tub.”

Grabbing her hands, Kellen says, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was more worried about the bullet hole in your chest,” Teagan
responds. “Now, take off your damn pants.” Shaking his head, he drops them and
kicks them to the side. A purr comes out of Teagan, and she says, “Now, this I
have definitely missed.”

Kellen traces his fingers down her face and then neck. Leaning over, he
kisses her gently.  Teagan meets him and then wraps her legs around him,
pulling him close.

Kellen’s voice rumbles in his throat. “Take off your panties.”

Teagan lies down on the desk. “No, you take them off.”

“Gladly,” he replies. Taking his fingers, Kellen traces them all the way
up to the top of her panties. He hooks them with his thumb and slowly pulls
them down. Happily he whispers, “It’s like opening up an early birthday

“Oh, I have even better idea for your birthday,” Teagan murmurs.

“It will be the best birthday ever,” Kellen replies. “Now, why don’t I
show my appreciation for your little escapade.” He takes his hand and slides it
between her legs. Teagan cries out and bucks. “Shhhhh,” Kellen laughs quietly.
“We don’t need an audience.”

Heavily panting, Teagan says, “Yeah, okay, it’s just been a while.”

“Well, let me remind you what you were missing,” Kellen states. Teagan
has to cover her mouth, because she can’t get over what his touch does to her.

Finally, she gasps, “You…I need you.” Moving her legs, Kellen slowly
gives her exactly what she is asking for. Teagan groans and arches her back.

Kellen stills for a minute and growls, “We can never go this long again.”

“No, oh god, no,” Teagan moans. “Now, give it to me.”

They take their time and wildly, madly make love over every inch of his
office, getting lost in sensations they hadn’t felt since he was shot. Finally,
they are both breathing heavily, with Teagan straddling him on the chair “Holy
shit,” Kellen exhales.

“Are you okay?” Teagan asks. “Anything hurt?” She runs her fingers down
his cheeks to his chest.

He shakes his head, “No, I’m fine. I am a little tired, but I don’t care.
That was awesome.”

Teagan giggles and runs her fingers through his hair. “Do you think you
are spent for the day?”

“Right this second, yes,” Kellen replies. “But I think I will be fine in
an hour.”

“Good,” Teagan says. “Kya is having a sleep over at your sister’s tonight
and I went to the store to buy a bunch of goodies for us to feed each other.”

A devilish smirk passes over his face. “Mmmmm, sounds excellent.”

Climbing off of him, Teagan sighs, “I should go. Kya forgot her backpack,
and I told her I would bring it to her. I really think we should buy her a new
one and switch them out. The one she has is starting to fray in places.” Teagan
bends down and picks up her underwear.

“Love me and leave me?” Kellen chuckles.

“I made a promise,” Teagan states. “I plan to keep every promise I make
to her.”

“Already the mother,” Kellen says quietly but happily.

She loses her smile. “Kya has started to ask for Celine less frequently.”

“Yeah, we need to have a serious conversation tonight.” Kellen reaches
down and grabs his pants. Sliding them back on, he sighs, “I got a phone call

“What?” Teagan replies quickly. “You won sole custody. What can she do!?”

“Well, I need to ask you a very serious question,” Kellen states. He
bends over and picks up his t-shirt. “What do you plan to be to Kya?”

“What do you mean?” Teagan asks hesitantly. “Does Celine not want me
around her? Is she making it a problem?”

Kellen shakes his head. “No, the exact opposite. She found out that we
were engaged and that you were living with us.”


“Celine offered to give up her parental rights, so that you can adopt
Kya,” Kellen declares, locking his eyes on Teagan.

“Whoa,” Teagan exhales. “Why?”

“Before I go into anything, I want to know if that’s what you want. We
would raise her with the understanding that you are her mom. Well, as much as
we can do that without confusing her. If you don’t, we will call you Teagan and
leave it at that.”

Crossing her arms, Teagan asks, “Do you think she would look at me that

“She already has,” Kellen replies. “Kya keeps asking if you are her new

“Oh,” Teagan whispers.

“If that is too much, I will correct her and tell Celine we don’t need
her to do that.”

“My only question is, why would Celine do that? She’s her daughter! I
mean…she is her daughter. Just as easily as that, here…have my kid!?”

Taking in a deep breath, Kellen says, “Can you answer what I asked you?”

Teagan thinks about it for a second and then finally shakes her head at
herself. “Of course I would adopt her! We want to be a family! I would do
anything for Kya.”

“Good, then I will contact Celine,” Kellen states. He picks up his shirt
and says, “Well, since I can’t put this back on, I will be going home with

She looks at him and inquires, “Why is Celine giving up her parental

Kellen sighs, “She said she would give up her parental rights for half a
million dollars.”

“Celine said WHAT!?” Teagan exclaims.

“Honestly,” Kellen says. “I will be more than happy to pay it to get her
out of our lives. She did drugs around my daughter. Took her to unspeakable
places. Celine doesn’t want her, never has.  It’s always been about the
money  So, if
what she really wants, I will give it to her.”

“That…BITCH! God, I have never wanted to kick the shit out of someone
more in my life!  UUUGGHHHH! I’m going to be the mother that she could
never be! Kya will know unconditional love. I promise you that!”

“I know,” Kellen replies. “I have no worries there.”

She nods and then says, “Then I have one demand.”

“What’s that?” Kellen inquires curiously.

“At the wedding, I want Kya to be in the ceremony with us because I will
be taking you both on. I want her to know that. I want her part of it, and I
don’t mean as the flower girl. I want her up there with us.”

“She may not stay quiet,” Kellen retorts, grinning. “Keep that in mind.”

“Good,” Teagan assures him. “I want her to be happy about it.” Getting a
big smile, Teagan says, “We can get her a dress that matches mine and a little

“Sounds perfect,” Kellen chuckles. He walks over and kisses her hard. “I
love you so much.”

Getting a serious look on her face, Teagan says, “I will have one
question for Kya about it.”

“What’s that?” Kellen asks with a smile.

“If she wants fairy wings, angel wings, or her Dora backpack,” Teagan
whispers with a giggle. Kellen bursts out laughing, and Teagan joins him.




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