Teaching Maya (4 page)

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Authors: Tara Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Teaching Maya
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That was all I needed. I eased myself down on Ryan’s hard dick, lifted myself up, and back down again. His hands on my hips guided me, but he let me set the rhythm. I moved against him steadily, my hands clutching his waist. Need arose within me, and waves of pleasure started to engulf me. I ground my pussy down on Ryan, rotating very slightly to maximize the sensations coursing through me. His right hand left my hips, and he started stroking my clitoris as I moved ag
ainst him.

That was all it took;
I exploded, coming hard, the muscles of my vagina clenching against his dick. Ryan urged me to keep moving, now setting the rhythm, not letting me waver – his hand on my hips urging me to keep shifting against his dick. I ground my nails into his biceps as sensation flooded through me. It was all too much to bear. I couldn’t continue but my hips kept moving; I couldn’t stop. “Ride it out, Maya,” Ryan urged, his fingers softly pinched my clitoris until I climaxed again in a wave of colour and sensation that left me drained.

I collapsed against Ryan’s chest, and slowly returned to awareness. Ryan was still inside me, I could feel every inch of him. He lifted me off h
im, as I moaned in protest. “Hang on for a second, kitten,” he said. I could feel him reach over and grab a condom from the nightstand.

Ok, Maya, my rules now. Get on your knees, please, with your face on the bed.” I did as I was told as Ryan thrust hard into me. “I’m not going to last very long, Maya,” he said ruefully, pounding into me. My hands clenched in the sheets as he moved against me, fast and hard. Flickers of warmth were flowing again from my pussy into the rest of my body, and I thrust back against him.

Fuck, Maya,” Ryan groaned, as he came, grabbing my hips and holding me firmly against his body.

We collapsed on the bed, and lay next to each other for a while. My mind was hazy; I was too satiated to be able to form coherent thoughts. Ryan was silent at my side. Slowly, peacefully, I fell asleep once again.

Chapter 5

In total, Ryan and
I had five play sessions during the two weeks of vacation. After the night with the clothespins, we stayed away from each other for almost four days. But then, like a moth drawn to a candle, I sent him a text message requesting another session.

That time, I was tied up with my hands behind my back, kneeling, taking Ryan’s length in my mouth. Ryan had, in consideration for my knees, placed a pillow on the floor. He came in my mouth; I swallo
wed with pleasure. It was funny. I had gone down on Anthony before, but I had always refused to swallow. With Ryan, everything was different. His pleasure became my pleasure.

The time after that,
I was gagged for the first time, as Ryan went down on me for what seemed like hours, always stopping right before I came. With the gag in my mouth, I couldn’t beg and plead with him to let me come; all I could do was whimper in arousal. He was in perfect control of my body. I would come on his terms, when he wanted; I had very little say in the matter. It was amazing –all I could do was feel every inch of his tongue on my pussy, playing it like a finely tuned instrument.

The last time was the strangest. Our vacation was almost coming to an end. In two days, we’d all leave the estate. I thought I’d be tied down, spanked, gagged, clamped, or some combination of all the above, but instead, we just made sweet, gentle love. Ryan seemed pensive, and his mood influenced mine.
After the lovemaking, I lay for hours, nestled in his arms, listening to the sound of his breathing as he slept. I couldn’t fall asleep. During the last two weeks, my life in San Francisco had receded. But now our little interlude was over, and I couldn’t quite imagine what was next.


It was the last full day of our vacation; most people would be leaving the next day. We were having one final family barbeque. Ivar and Ryan were tending to the meat. Marco and his sister Nina were chopping veggies for a salad. My sisters Julia and Rosa were lazing in the pool. I grabbed a beer and moved to sit next to my grandmother.

The one thing that was a
constant in the Martinez clan – we all adored my grandparents. They had raised us when our parents had died in a plane crash. They were good-humoured, generous and kind, and they doted on each other.

Hello grandma,” I said. “Can I get you a drink?”

A glass of white wine, please, Maya.” My grandmother smiled at me.

I got her
a glass of wine, and settled down in a lawn chair by her side. “Another excellent vacation, grandma.” I said. “It’s so relaxing here; the two weeks have just flown by.”

My grandmother beamed.
“It’s going to be so quiet with all of you gone, Maya. But luckily, Ryan told me last night he’s sticking around to write. He won’t be staying with us, he never does, but he’s promised to drop by to eat dinner with us most nights, which will be nice.” She gazed at him fondly.

I worry about Ryan,” she continued, sipping at her wine. “He’s never at home, always on these book tours, and when he’s not on a tour, he’s training for a race. How much time does that give him to meet a nice woman and settle down?”

I laughed at my grandmother. Seeing her family settled down was a bit of an obsession for her.
“I’m sure Ryan has no difficulty meeting women, grandma.”

Mmm. But after that dreadful woman, Patricia, broke his heart, he’s been so reluctant to trust again.” My grandmother sounded sad, lost in the past. Then she shook herself, and looked at me. “Sorry, Maya. You were too young when all that happened. I shouldn’t have said anything, its Ryan’s story, not mine. Tell me, what’s happening in your life? Does Ivar give you any time away from work to meet some nice young men?”

My brain was reeling. Who was Patricia? I’d never heard of her before. I mumbled something to my grandmother about dating, but I was lost in thought. There was a reason why Ryan
was never in a relationship? I hadn’t known.

Ryan walked over to the two of us, holding a plate of burgers in his hand.
“Come on, ladies,” he chided. “Less talking, more eating. Grab your burgers while they are hot.”

I was just telling Maya how quiet it’s going to be here when all of you are gone, and how glad I am that you will be staying for a little while longer,” my grandmother said, reaching for a burger. “Where will you be staying, Ryan? At Gayla’s cottage?”

My stomach dropped. The friend Ryan borrowed a cottage from was a woman? Perhaps a lover?
I was startled to realize I was upset and jealous. With Anthony, I had never been jealous, even when women had obviously flirted with him. With Ryan, my insides were roiling at the idea of this mysterious Gayla.

Maya, are you listening?” my grandmother’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “Do you want a burger?”

Oh, yes. Sorry, Ryan.” I grabbed a burger and quickly left to get some burger fixings. I didn’t want Ryan to see that I was upset.

What’s the matter, Maya?” Ryan had followed me.

I shook my head
, refusing to meet his eyes. For some strange reason, I was close to tears. “Nothing.”

He looked at me, but everyone was around, and there was little he could do.
“You leave tomorrow evening, right? I’ll give you a ride to the airport, ok?”

Okay.” I said. I didn’t want to prolong this conversation. I set my plate down, and fled to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face, and gave myself a stern talking-to.
I chided myself.
What was that about? You knew the score – it was always just a vacation hook-up. So he sleeps with other women too, why are you upset by this?

There was a knock on the door. It was my sister Rosa.
“Maya, is something the matter?”

I looked in the mirror. My reflection looked back, calmer than I felt.
“Sorry, Rosa,” I apologised smoothly, opening the door. “Beer always makes me run to the bathroom. Do you need the bathroom?” I was proud of my even voice.

She looked at me curiously.
“I thought you looked upset,” she said.

Upset?” I laughed. “Just the usual end of vacation blues. When’s your flight out tomorrow?”

The rest of the barbeque passed without event. I kept a very firm control on my emotions, eschewing the beer for water, making sure to keep all my wits about me. My family was not stupid, and I didn’t want them to find out about my fling with Ryan. I laughed and chatted; I ate burgers and assembled ice-cream sandwiches for dessert, and I bottled my emotions for later


I was not looking forward to my car ride with Ryan to the airport. Most of the family had left in the morning, all on different flights. My own flight was the last one out, in the early evening. I bid farewell to my grandparents, and grabbed my bag.

Here, let me,” Ryan took my bag from my hand, lifting it easily, and putting it in the trunk of the Porsche.

We had left
pretty early, there were over three hours to go for my flight, and I was already checked in. We had two hours to kill. I wasn’t really sure what we were going to do, and I was afraid Ryan would start probing into the cause of my distress at the barbeque. 

The car pulled in into a parking lot. I recognized the Thai restaurant we’d eaten at two weeks ago.

“I thought we’d eat lunch and talk,” Ryan announced. I looked nervous. I didn’t want Ryan to know I was jealous of the unknown Gayla; that I was consumed with curiosity about the mysterious Patricia. I was close to breaking the only rule; I was acting like a jealous girlfriend.

Okay, Maya. Out with it, what’s bothering you?” Ryan asked without preamble once we were seated.

Nothing,” I mumbled into my glass of water.


Okay.” I was suddenly angry. Yes, I didn’t have any right to feel this way, but it made me feel weird to think that I’d made love to Ryan on the same bed as another woman. I wasn’t planning on telling him this, but since he was insistent, he could hear the truth.

Who’s Gayla?” I asked.

Gayla is my agent,” Ryan replied, puzzled. Suddenly his eyes sharpened. “Hang on, you think I’ve slept with Gayla at the cottage?”

I nodded. I didn’t meet his eyes.

“Look at me, Maya.” His voice was even. I couldn’t tell if he was angry with me.

I looked up.

“Gayla’s a good friend and an excellent agent, nothing more. I’ve used her cottage to write in for the last eight or nine years. The last book did very well, and Gayla’s been itching to sell the cottage for a bit now. I’m in the process of buying it; the deal’s pretty much done. I would never have taken a woman there while it was Gayla’s cottage; that wouldn’t have been right.”

Oh,” I said, very quietly. “I’m sorry. I have no right to probe.”

“No you don’t.” He sighed.

Maya.” There was hesitation in his voice; he seemed to be searching for the right words. “We don’t make sense. You are twenty-one. You live in San Francisco. I live in Paris; I’m ten years older than you.”

He took a sip of his drink
. “The last two weeks have been…unexpected. This was supposed to be a simple vacation hook-up, but I think we both got a little more involved than we should have.”

Go back to your life, Maya. This shouldn’t have happened, forget that it ever did.”

I took a sip of my drink. I was close to tears. He was right. We didn’t make sense.
But it was hard to remember that, when all I could do was remember how warm and secure I felt in his arms; how my body had sung when he touched me.

With difficulty, I strove for calm. I wouldn’t turn into a weeping bundle in front of Ryan. I would beg in bed, but I had too much pride to beg otherwise. But I was hurt, and I needed to hurt back.

“Still, it was a fun two weeks, right?” I smiled, my heart breaking on the inside with each word I spoke. “It was very educational. I had no idea I’d enjoy the whips and chains stuff so much.” I took a fortifying sip of my drink. “Any advice on how I go about finding someone who plays like that in San Francisco?”

He looked at me. For the first time, for a brief second, I saw anger in his eyes. His hands clenched around the stem of his glass.

But only for an instant. The next instant, he smiled easily, his eyes expressionless. “Be smart. Stay away from the bondage clubs, be careful what you reveal on the internet. If the tabloids find out, they’ll have a field day with it. Above all, remember to be safe.”

We said our farewells at the airport. I insisted I could manage my bags, and that Ryan just needed to drop me off curbside. He acquiesced. I think he was happy to see the last of me.

I thought about what he’d said about finding another partner. It was all good advice; advice I would have absolutely taken, if I had any intention of seeking out someone else to play with. But something told me that my days of spanks, gags, cuffs and clothespins were over. I had obeyed Ryan in bed because I respected and trusted him in a way that I couldn’t imagine with anyone else.

remembered myself, just two short weeks ago. How much of a mess I was. How convinced I’d been that I was someone who was incapable of sexual pleasure. And I thought about how much pleasure Ryan had given me, and how much weight he’d taken off my shoulders. I didn’t want to leave off our conversation on the note we’d left it. He deserved gratitude, not my anger and hurt.

One final text then. It was time for some honesty. I wrote a quick note
just as I was boarding the plane, and hit send before I had a chance to edit myself.

The sex
was terrible with my last boyfriend. I thought it was my fault, I had never orgasmed with him. I should have told you. Thank you for an amazing two weeks, but also for showing me it wasn’t me. Maya.

The stewardess came around as I was looking at my phone.
“You need to turn your phone off, Miss,” she said, politely, but firmly. I nodded, and turned my phone off; it would prevent me from obsessively checking if he’d replied.

My plane took off, taking me away from Ryan, and towards San Francisco.


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