Teach Me (Lessons in Seduction Book 1)

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Teach Me
Sophie Holloway
Teach Me

Lessons In Seduction

Book One

By Sophie Holloway

ll Rights Reserved

Teach Me
© 2015 Sophie Holloway.

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About the Book

Manhattan's biggest player, a man with a reputation for delivering unparalleled pleasure.

ut she's untouchable
. Off limits. And the most captivating woman I've ever met

've never wanted
a woman they way I want my business partner's little sister. But I've learned to hold back when it comes to the seductively innocent Eva.

ntil the day
she asks me to teach her everything. Absolutely everything. Every position, every seductive trick, every wicked, forbidden way I've ever pleasured the women I've brought home.

've promised
to protect this girl, but there's only so much a man can resist...

've wanted
him for years.

ack Bennett is sinfully gorgeous
, utterly charming, and, as rumor has it, a GOD in bed.

he time has come
to shed my virginity, join the ranks of women having sex in the city, and learn how to please a man.

ho else would
I ask but him? My teenage crush, and the only man who has ever made my bones melt with one dark, sinful look.

he problem is
--someone doesn't want me to move beyond the fear and pain of the past, and that someone is closing in on me…

TEACH ME is a serial romance and ends in a cliffhanger.

Dedicated to New York City, my spirit city.

Chapter 1

ack needed a woman

Not the one lying by his side, the sheets slinking past her gorgeous breasts and down her slim belly.

But the woman who could assure the safety of his business.

Sex and business. They were his two favorite things. Last night he’d partaken of the former. Today would be about the latter. He had turned The Fiorini Group into the giant it was now, but he couldn’t risk complacency.

As he looked out at the sun rising over the sparkling Hudson from his penthouse in the West Village, Jack felt something he hadn’t since high school.

A twinge of worry.

It was small, but there it was, niggling at the back of his brain like an unwelcome visitor. His company had been his world, and he’d been happy to devote his life to it. Lately, however, there had been whispers. Whispers that his place at the head of the business he had helped build might not be as assured as he’d once thought.

But it would be a cold day in hell when he went down without a fight. He just needed to summon the legendary Jack Bennett magic in the boardroom on Tuesday, and he’d be back on course.

Well, he needed
, too. With the last Fiorini in his pocket,
the magic, there was no way he could lose.

He checked his watch. He’d be late for brunch, and that was no way to treat Eva after what she’d been through, but he’d gotten zero sleep last night. The sleeping blonde—Chloe? Kalie?— lay curled around him, clutching him as if she had no intention of letting go. She’d been the hottest woman at the whiskey bar last night, and they’d had a good time. A very good time, complete with toe-curling multiple orgasms for her, of course. Feeling her body warm and soft against him, he could easily go for another round. There was no question she would be up for whatever he had in mind—in the bedroom or on the road to happily ever after.

But that was the problem. There was no happily ever after. Few women saw sex with Jack as just sex, but that’s what it was. What it had always been. He didn’t have the time or the inclination for anything else.

And today, he had other things on his mind. Big things.

Lifting the blonde’s limp, tanned arm, he slid out of her embrace and headed to the shower. After shaving and donning his suit, he woke his date with a kiss on the cheek, and sent her on her way. She cooed sleepily for him to call her as she headed downstairs to the town car he’d ordered to take her home, but thankfully departed with minimal fuss. Once the door shut behind Chloe-Kalie, Jack turned, surveying his reflection in the hall mirror as he added the finishing touch, a pair of custom made Jacob and Co. cuff links. The Harvard assholes whose messes he’d mopped up during his years of work study would kill to be him now. To have even one-fifth of the life he’d achieved, on his own, without his daddy’s trust fund.

Things have changed,
he thought as he got into his limo and headed to midtown
. No one dismisses me. Not anymore.

His phone dinged. Another text from Lucy.
What are you up to?

He pressed his lips together as he deleted the text and shoved the phone into his pocket. Ex-girlfriends came out of the woodwork at the least opportune times. Relationships that lasted for more than a few weeks were always a mistake and Lucy, for all her beauty and refinement, was quickly proving to be the biggest mistake of them all. Wild in the bedroom was all well and good, but in Lucy’s case, wild came with an extra serving of crazy on the side.

Crazy, and apparently not inclined to take a hint when her texts went repeatedly unanswered.

On impulse, Jack pulled out his phone again and thumbed in the exact same message—
What are you up to?—
to the tight-bodied girl who’d snagged the treadmill next to his at the gym last week. She was a little thing, but he’d been impressed by how easily she’d matched his stride. They had chatted afterwards at the juice bar. She was in college, studying some worthless major—Archaeology?—and had clearly been thrilled when Jack asked for her number.

Almost immediately, his phone pinged again—

Just studying, what about you?

With a smile, Jack invited her out for drinks on Tuesday night. She agreed eagerly, with a
Sounds great!
Followed by a dozen smiley face emoticons. He wasn’t a fan of emoticons, but if they were a package deal with the body, he would make do.

He typed,
It’s a date
...his thumbs hovering over the keypad.

If only he could remember Treadmill Girl’s name. It sounded like a fifty-year-old receptionist...Darla? Martha?

With a sigh, he pressed send. Her name didn’t matter. He would figure it out over drinks and she would be exactly what the doctor ordered after the board meeting.

The fucking board meeting.

It had been called by the shareholders who were “concerned about the company’s trajectory at this critical juncture.” It was also a crock of shit. If the board truly thought Jack would do anything to jeopardize the company now, they were insane. He and Antonio Fiorini had fought tooth and nail to make The Fiorini Group the biggest real estate firm in the city. Antonio might be dead, but all that meant was that Jack intended to work even harder to satisfy the shareholders.

He just had to prove that to

He gathered his briefcase as the limo cruised to the curb. Eva stood on the street corner, nose buried in her e-reader. No crossed arms or sour expression even though he was fifteen minutes late. She was simply keeping herself busy. Probably devouring some Jason Bourne style novel.

Eva was a good girl—always had been—but she was a sucker for a high octane read. She and Jack used to swap paperbacks when he was in college, even though Antonio thought his little sister was too young to be reading political thrillers. But Jack and Eva had ignored him, understanding the universal bookworm truth that one is never too young for an excellent read.

God, if there was any woman who could make him recall those sordid teenage years, it was Eva. She’d been around to see what a mess he was in high school, after his dad gambled away their family fortune and then died, forcing his mom to live in his grandmother’s basement in South Boston. She saw the way he’d been ostracized by the rich kids at his private school for having to work the cafeteria while the rest of the student body was out partying. Antonio was the only one who had backed him up. Antonio was that kind of guy; a prince among men.

Eva had been destroyed after his death, so soon after losing her father. Both deaths had been so unexpected.

“And he appears.” Eva shut the cover on her e-reader, tapping her foot playfully as he joined her on the sidewalk outside the Plaza. She tossed her dark hair before her face melted into that shy, little-girl grin she’d never grown out of.

God, he adored that about her. Her absolute fucking sweetness.

“Hello, Jack,” she said, as he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re late. Must’ve been a good night.”

It would’ve been better if you’d been the one in my bed.

He pushed the thought away, and chided himself. This was Eva, not one of his Little Black Book women. She was the gangly girl who visited Antonio at Family Day at the Hill, all messy braids and freckles. The girl who used to pop gum all over her face and turn cartwheels on the quad until she was covered in grass stains. He’d been a junior in high school, and she’d been—what? Nine? Ten?

But looking at her now, Jack knew exactly why the cheesy line had popped into his head. She wasn’t a little kid anymore. In the past fifteen years, she’d grown up, a fact that was all too obvious in that sheer silk dress she was wearing. It bared every inch of her long legs—legs that were once all knobby, skinned knees.

And now they were shapely, supple, and would probably feel fantastic wrapped around his ass.

He cleared his throat. “Just come from Mass, have you? Oh, wait, they wouldn’t let that—” he waved a hand in the general direction of her dress—“in church.” He meant it to be funny, but it came out disapproving.

“Why are you so grumpy?” she teased. “I’m the one who should be annoyed. You kept me waiting fifteen minutes. I’d be upset if Alex wasn’t chapters away from nailing the killer.”

He motioned her toward the Plaza’s revolving doors, doing his best to make sure his eyes wouldn’t drift to those legs. Those fucking incredible legs. When did they get there? “Your brother asked me to look out for you,” he said stiffly. “And I doubt he’d approve of see-through silk.”

That’s right,
he told himself.
Concentrate on protecting her. She’s like your sister, for God’s sake.

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever,
she said dismissively. Even so, she tugged at the hem of her dress as they walked through the opulent lobby toward the entrance of The Palm Court.

His lips curved up.

When she caught him smiling, she stopped, and her face blushed pink. “Your feedback is not appreciated, Jack. I’m not a kid anymore.”

So I noticed,
he thought.
And so has my dick. What the fuck is wrong with me?

The lobby of the hotel was busy, filled with the usual assortment of executives in dark suits and tourists out for an overpriced Sunday brunch. Eva gleamed among them. Jack shook his head as a group of men old enough to be her father eyed her up and down. Of course they would. She was easily the most beautiful woman in the hotel. But the things those men had on their minds? Innocent Eva would run and hide behind the potted palms if she knew half the filthy things they’d want from her.

Jack nodded toward the clutch of dirty old men. “You don’t mind those geezers eyeing you like a piece of meat?”

She followed his gaze and sighed. “I see them,” she mumbled, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. “Happens all the time. So what?”

So what
?” he repeated, incensed, though he wasn’t exactly sure
. She really had no idea what evil lurked in the hearts of men. She needed his protection, now, more than ever. “Think of Antonio. Think of
your dad
. They wouldn’t want you putting yourself on display for creeps like that.”

Her eyes saddened, the way they always did at the mention of her family. Eva’s family had been traditional, tight-knit Italian, and Eva and Antonio the first generation of Fiorinis to be born on American soil. She would have done anything to please the people she loved most, and they would have done anything for her, which was why Jack knew these past few years had been hard for her. She was probably lost, now, without her parents or Antonio to guide her.

He was about to say as much when she blinked and miraculously, her stricken look was replaced by a hard, aloof glance. “Well. Then I guess it’s good they’re not here to see me.”

Jack opened his mouth, but for once found himself speechless. Just then, the maître d’ arrived to escort them to their table. Jack welcomed the momentary distraction. He hated to be caught off-guard. In fact, it never happened. Even in boardrooms filled with the biggest sharks in the city, Jack never broke a sweat. Antonio had been the diplomat, while Jack had tempered his partner’s charm with the bad cop routine. Antonio had schmoozed the deals, but Jack sealed them, playing the tough-as-nails closer. He’d earned his reputation as an asshole, but he liked it that way. He liked being unpredictable and rash, the man his peers were constantly scrambling to figure out.

Let the bastards try. He would stay one step ahead—of them and everyone else.

He followed Eva to the table, taking in her perfect, heart-shaped ass, the sway of her hips, the curves of her body. His dick enjoyed the view far too much, making him wonder how she liked it. Did Eva get off on sweet and sensual or was it something a little spicier that made her pretty lips part as she gasped in pleasure?

Careful, asshole, or you’ll have a hard-on for your best friend’s little sister before they bring the bread basket.

When they sat down, Eva leaned over, granting him a perfect view of her ample cleavage. The fabric of her dress was so form-fitting and flimsy that he could see the outline of hard nipples, poking through. She had fabulous tits. He’d love to have his mouth on them, to lick those rosy peaks as he palmed the soft flesh of her breasts.

Damn, was she even wearing a bra?

His skin heated everywhere. To think, this morning he’d thought he had everything under control.

to regain his perspective.
Focus, Bennett

He leaned back, crossing his arms at his chest. It was his signature move, conveying his authority over all he surveyed. “Look, I need you at Tuesday’s board meeting. We have to convince the shareholders to let us split your brother’s shares before they get it stuck in their heads that it’s time to make a change.”

“A change?” she said, rather disinterestedly, her manicured fingers reaching for a sugar packet.

“It’s no secret, Eva. They want us out.” He hated that he had to speak those words aloud. “They want to sell, for whatever goddamn reason. I know it makes no sense, but there it is. And I can’t let that happen. I built The Fiorini Group from the ground up with Antonio and Pietro. It means just as much to me as it meant to your family.”

The Eva he’d always known would have nodded along with anything her father, brother, or Jack said. But today, Eva’s head only tilted to one side as she slowly stirred the sugar into her coffee. She set the spoon on the saucer, ran the tip of her tongue across her lips, and crossed her arms, mimicking his posture as a mischievous smile spread over her face. “I know exactly what you need.”

“Good.” Jack reached for his water glass, clearly needing something to cool him down if innocent words from a woman he’d known forever were making him think filthy thoughts about all the things he suddenly needed.

Things he needed
from her

“But before I agree to your request,” she added, “I need something from you, too. Something I’ve been thinking long and hard about,” she said, lingering on those two adjectives.

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