Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three)) (13 page)

BOOK: Taurus (Galactic Cage Fighters (Book Three))
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“Yes, I was scared of how you so easily affected me. Even from the first day, at the auditions. You stumbled into the room and I was hooked.”

“I was awestruck by you.”

“Really?” he looked surprised.

She nodded. “I was a huge fan of yours. I had hoped I would get a chance to meet you. Truthfully, it was the reason I came here and got a job. But then, I made friends and I found the job to be interesting.”

“I guess I didn’t live up to all the hype.”

“You were not what I expected,” she admitted.

“Give me another chance, I can do better. At least I’ll try.”

“I wouldn’t want to interfere with you and your personal Venetian’s affairs.”

“Damn it, Maya. Gypsy is my friend. I have known her a long time. I did take her back to my suite after we kissed during the photo shoot. I was shaken to the core by these overwhelming feelings. I wanted to deny that I had such a strong connection with you. So I tried to start something with Gypsy. It was a mistake and I couldn’t go through with it.”

“You didn’t sleep with her?”

“I have never slept with any female but you. All others I only offered sex with them. But no, I have not had sex with Gypsy in quite a while.”

“You made it sound like what we shared was nothing. It wasn’t nothing for me.” A tear trailed down her cheek. She hated getting emotional. She was such a crybaby.

Taurus reached out a hand to gently wipe away the tear. It nearly tore his heart out. “I mentioned that I was an asshole.”

She giggled. “You did.”

“I came after you late last night.”

“Really? I didn’t hear you at the door.”

“Zen blocked me. He told me to give you some space, and to get my head on straight about what I wanted from you.”

“Zen’s pretty cool. He tried to convince me to give you a chance.”

“Mmm. Maybe I won’t kill him after all.”

“What now?”

“We wait for your medical clearance and then I take you back to my suite to care for you.”

“What happens after that?”

“Let’s take it one day at a time. But I want to see where this is heading for us.”

“I want that, too.”

“You’ll let me take you to my suite?”


“You agree to see me and no other males?”

“As long as you promise to not see any other females.”

“Agreed then.”

“Oh, what about Coco?”

“I will not be seeing Coco either.”

“No, I meant, Coco is going to have to do the whole event tonight by herself. The healers said they did not want me doing anything until tomorrow.”

“We had a backup from the auditions. We’ll call her to help fill in.”

“Okay. Could you get my cell phone. I want to call my grandparents.”

“Sure, where is it?”

“In my purse. Little blue strappy thing.”

They both looked around the room but did not see anything. They looked back at each other with a sinking feeling.

“I think I dropped it at the orphanage,” Maya said miserly.



An angry man ruffled through the purse on the table. He pulled out the ID and checked out the name and picture. “Maya. Must be a halfsie scum. Well, we’ll see how smart you are bitch.”

The man wore a silver ring on his finger and he ran his hand through his thinning brown hair. The boss was pissed about the woman. He needed to access the situation and diffuse it anyway he could.


Chapter Fifteen



They notified Rachel about the purse. The IDJ would have to search for it when they start their investigation. Their biggest worry was that she was exposed for sure. It meant that she would have to have security with her all the time until things lightened up. Taurus had insisted on carrying her to his suite despite her protests.

“It’s not necessary,” she grumbled.

“Maybe not, but I need to hold you.”

How could she argue when he said things like that. It made her heart beat faster. She got to rest her head against his shoulder and enjoyed just being in his arms.

“I need some clothes to change into.” She looked down at her dirty and wrinkled clothes when they reached his suite. He placed her on his sofa.

“I asked Coco to bring some of your things up.”

“When did you do that?”

When the healers came to check you out for your release, I stepped out into the hallway and called.”

“Oh, thanks.” She felt a little unsure. The last time she was here Gypsy was trying to get him to sleep with her. It made her angry to think about it.

“Don’t think about it. Let’s move forward not backward.”

Damn. He was good.
“Move forward? I can do that.”

“Good.” He bent down and picked her up again.


He sat down on the sofa and put her in his lap. “I don’t want to let go of you yet.”

Oh man. She was in deep trouble
. This male was going to turn her inside out. But she had no defense against him. He made her feel safe and that was something she craved. Especially after her ordeal.

“Do you think I made a bigger deal out of everything than what was real?”

He paused as he thought about it. “No. I think you truly did stumble across  something amiss with the orphanage. Something the IDJ has overlooked for a while. I just hate that this has placed your life in possible danger.”

The phone rang. He reached over to pick it up. “Yes? Who is this?” he growled over the line. Then his expression suddenly changed from angry concern to one of guilt. “One moment, I’ll get her on the line for you.”

“Who is it?” she whispered as she reached for the phone that he was handing to her.

“Your grandfather.”

Oh shit
. “Grandpa?”

“Maya? Are you okay? We called your suite earlier and your roommate told us that you would be getting out of the healing facility soon. Then we were told to call this number to get you instead of your cell phone. What is going on? And who the hell was the male that answered the phone?”

She winced at her grandfather’s raised voice. He rarely yelled at her for anything. She pushed herself off Taurus’s lap to stand and walk to the bedroom.

“I’m fine really, Grandpa. I kind of ran into a wall.”

“Tell me the truth, young lady.”

“That is the truth. Well, someone was chasing me and I ran into a wall. I was in the healing facility being checked out. I’m fine though.”

“And what about the male who answered the phone?”

“I lost my cell phone and purse because of the person who was chasing me.  I am not being left alone for long.”

“Come home. Come home right now,” her grandfather demanded.

“I can’t do that, Grandpa. My purse, ID, and cell phone may be in the wrong hands and I worry that now I have put you and Grandma in danger.” She started to cry. She jumped a little when big strong arms wrapped around her from behind. Taurus came into the bedroom and was holding her. It was so comforting. She could fall in love with him so easily.

She pulled herself together. “Grandpa, I need you and Grandma to go visit Uncle Red for a little while.”

“We’ll come get you and we will all go to your Uncle Red’s.” He was getting persistent.

“Please. I don’t want to have to worry about both of you not being safe. Go to Uncle Red’s. Call this number any time.”

“I want to speak with that male.”

“Grandpa, I don’t think that’s a good…” the phone was pried from her hand.

“Yes, sir. I am Taurus. That’s right. It’s being looked into. By the IDJ. I haven’t lost very many in my circuit career. With my life. Of course.” He handed the phone back to her.


“I don’t like it, but we’ll pack and head to Red’s today.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Grandpa.”

“Stay safe, baby girl.”

“I will. Tell Grandma I’ll talk to her later.”

“Oh, you most certainly will. She is furious that I disconnected her phone and she had to listen to a one-sided conversation.”

“I love you, both.”

“Love you, baby girl.”

She hung up the phone. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

She turned into his arms and hugged him. “For reassuring my Grandfather that I’d be safe.”

He wrapped his arms tighter around her. He loved the feel of her. Her scent was fantastic. He nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck. “I would do anything to keep you safe.”

It felt so good being in his arms. She reached up with her hands and pulled his face down to hers. She took his lips gently at first. She pushed her tongue into his mouth. His tongue met hers and danced. They both moaned.

“You just got out of the healing facility.” Taurus pulled back breathing heavy.

“I was afraid that I would die. I need to feel you inside me.”

“Damn it,” he growled as he reclaimed her lips. They both clawed one another’s clothes off.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He quickly tested her wetness with his fingers. She was ready.
. He didn’t waste any time. He surged upwards and his shaft went straight up into her wet, tight pussy.  He felt oddly welcomed.

It took a moment for Maya’s body to adjust to the intrusion. It felt so good to have him inside her again. It felt right. She gripped his shoulders and pressed her feet against his tight ass. She used her leverage to move up and down, riding him. She was amazed at his strength.

He gripped her softly curved ass with one hand while he moved a hand between them to squeeze her breast. She had to pull away from his mouth to catch her breath.


“I am going to lift your legs higher. Hold on to me.”

She nodded.
Oh, wow.
When he moved her legs upward, it allowed him to get a much deeper penetration.
It was amazing

He reached his fingers down to her pussy and rubbed her labia. “Come for me, Maya.”

She couldn’t hold back anymore. She ground herself against him. “Yes, yes, yes! White hot flashes were shooting out of her. It seemed to go on forever.

Taurus couldn’t last any longer. He let his seed shoot deep inside of her. “Mine!” he called out as he emptied himself. No female felt as good as Maya. He moved quickly to the bed, afraid he might give out with them still connected.

“I didn’t think it could get any better. I was wrong. That was beyond amazing.”

He reached down to kiss her soft lips. “ Ditto. Get some rest.”

“Okay.” She passed out in a restful and satisfied sleep.


“Thanks for coming,” she said to Rage as he settled down on the sofa.

“No problem.”

That was pretty much the extent of their conversation. Except when he asked to turn on the television to watch the GCFA events and when she asked if he wanted something to eat or drink.

It would have been more comfortable if it was Zen there with her. But Zen was on the roster to fight that night along with Taurus, Esan, and the two new male fighters. Zara and all the other female fighters were also on the roster. They were having pair and trio matches. Rachel was overseeing security during the fights and the only two fighters available to guard Maya were Rage and Hammer.

Taurus refused to have Hammer stay with her. He was still a little put out that Hammer had been there when she was hurt and that he carried her. So here she was with Rage the Animal sitting in uncomfortable silence watching the televised fights. She would never have imagined this was how she would be spending her evening. She focused on the television.


“Welcome to the GCFA event for this evening. We are coming to you live from the spaceport arena in the Southeast Quarter of the Kappa Region. I’m Poland, and this is my fellow commentator, Johann.”

“Good evening, Poland. I must say, this has been a very interesting circuit so far.”

“I agree. There seem to be twists and turns in every region we go to.”

“Intrigue, romance, new players, new species never seen on the circuit before. I just can’t wait to see what will happen next.”

“Tonight will not disappoint you. Not only do we have several pair matches scheduled, but we have trio teams that will be fighting.”

“I, for one, am looking forward to seeing those trio matches.”

“I hear that Coco will be the ring girl for all the matches this evening.”

“Why is that, Poland?”

“Our new SPLIT girl has had an accident in practice and is recovering from her injuries,” he chuckled.

“Too many splits can’t be good for the body,” Johann chuckled.

“I was told she should be back to her full SPLIT self by the next event.”

“Looking forward to it.”


Maya huffed in the chair she was sitting in. When Rage chuckled, she glared at him. “It’s not funny!”

He held up his thumb and forefinger, “Little bit.”

“Ugh! I’m a laughing stock.”

“Don’t worry, they’ll find a new person to spotlight. For a while there they had a whole romantic story going on between Talon and Zen. They also had me and Hammer in a love triangle over Zara at one point.”

She couldn’t help but giggle before asking him with innocent eyes. “That wasn’t true?”

“No, damn it!”

She giggled and turned back to the television. She felt a little better. Rage wasn’t so bad.


“First up this evening is a pair match with Sersan and Gana. They are up against a full female Martian and a full Siren.”

“I believe this is the first time I have seen a full Siren fight in a sanctioned circuit.”

“You are right, Poland. They had been banned a few years ago when the GCFA fighters went on strike. There were two fatal incidents involving the Siren fighters. Sirens, as you know, have the vocal ability to immobilize an opponent. No one could stand against them. The fighters involved had taken the opportunity to not only freeze their GCFA opponents but took their lives as well. The GCFA fighters were outraged and demanded the banning. After two years, and several high profile protesting by Full Species Advocates, the GCFA is allowing the Sirens to come back under specific conditions.”

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