Read Tarnished Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Tarnished (9 page)

BOOK: Tarnished
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“It’s okay, Kenzie. You are entitled to take this at whatever pace you need.” Drake pulled back the sheet and raised his eyebrows. “Come here.”

Her movements were tentative, nerves eating at her, but she crawled into the same spot she’d vacated hours ago and relaxed into his side. “You smell so good.”

He chuckled. “I haven’t even showered yet.”

“Don’t. I like you this way. The soap washes away your … you.”

He grinned and kissed her cheek. It felt so nice having him next to her. Why had she fled?
Oh, right. The sex.
A shiver racked her body.

“Talk to me.” He smoothed her hair from her face and stared into her eyes.

“Kiss me again.” She wasn’t ready to talk, but she did want to experience his lips once more.

He didn’t hesitate. His mouth descended on hers faster and more demanding than last night. He cupped her chin with his hand and held her captive with his lips. She loved it.

Was it okay to get lost in someone and not resurface? The feeling was growing less foreign by the hour. Her resolve slipped by increments.

She turned toward him, her front lining up with his as he kissed her silly. She wanted more.

Gripping his bicep with her free hand, she hung on to him to avoid falling.

His hand trailed to her neck, and she stretched as his fingers tickled the sensitive skin. “You’re so soft,” he murmured against her lips. “I love your skin.” He trailed his top foot up her leg, and she shivered again.

Moisture pooled between her legs, and she squeezed them against the need.

“God, you smell so good. You’re so pure, and when you’re aroused, your pheromones leak out all over the place to drive me to distraction.”

to distraction?

Her brain cells scattered, and she squirmed against him when his hand landed on her waist. “Lie still, imp,” he muttered. “I’m trying to be a gentleman.” He licked a path from her ear to her neck and kissed his way across her collarbone.

She couldn’t respond. Her concentration was shot to hell.
Lie still?

His hand firmed on her hip and held her steady, his thumb tracing little circles that made her arch. “Drake…”

“Yes, baby. I know.” He lifted his face from her chest and stared into her eyes. “Did you do anything for yourself in the night? You’re so aroused.”

She flushed again under his gaze. “What do you mean?”

He narrowed his gaze. “Baby, did you not masturbate to take the edge off?”

Her eyes widened, and she leaned back. “Of course not.” She’d never…

“No wonder you’re struggling so much. Kenz, why? Do you just like to torture yourself?”

“I…” Her mouth dropped open, and then she swallowed. “I don’t even know how. I’ve never done that.”

He blinked. “Oh, baby.” His smile grew. “Are you for real? You’re my mate?”

She didn’t respond. She was hardly willing to concede defeat in that area yet.

“Let me make a suggestion.”

“Okay.” Her voice squeaked.

“How about I make you come right now, to take the edge off. I’ll keep my shorts on. I promise. Just let me take care of you, and then maybe you’ll be able to relax a little.”

She blinked at him.
What the hell?
She shook her head. “You can’t do that. It wouldn’t be fair to you and—”

“And what? And you’re scared to let go, release. You’re afraid if you give up that tiny piece, you won’t have control over yourself anymore.” His hand skimmed her side as he spoke, making it difficult to concentrate on his words. “It’s true you will need and want to do it again and again, but it’s a good feeling, Kenz. The best.”

A tight knot formed in her belly as she listened. She rubbed her thighs together and let her head fall back so she wouldn’t have to look Drake in the eye.

When his thumb grazed the underside of her breast, she moaned and arched her chest. Her nipples pebbled harder against her shirt. She wanted him to touch them so bad she didn’t care about anything else. All her focus was on Drake’s callused thumbs flicking over her hard nipples. “Please,” she heard herself say.

“Please what, baby?” His thumb stroked higher on the underside of her breast.

“Drake?” She gripped his bicep.

“I know, Kenz. I’m gonna make it better, okay?”

She nodded. She had no choice. She needed whatever he would give her. All she could do right now was hope and pray he didn’t destroy her in the process.

Drake lowered his hand to her waist again, and she groaned. Her tits needed him so badly.

He chuckled and pushed her shirt up her body. “Let me see you.” He eased her onto her back and pulled the T-shirt over her head.

Her arms lay tangled in the mess on the pillow.

Drake’s gaze traveled from her face to her chest as he propped himself higher. “So beautiful. You’re blushing. Right here…” he traced her heated skin with one finger on her chest, “…and right here.” He did it again in another spot.

She panted under his perusal, unable to draw in enough oxygen.

Her nipples reached high, begging him to stroke over the tips.

Instead, he circled a spiral around her breasts, one at a time, with just one finger. Every time he reached the point she most needed his touch, he repeated the process.

Finally, she squirmed and shrugged her arms free of the shirt. She grabbed his arm and held it steady. “If you don’t touch me, I’m going to scream.”

He grinned. “I am touching you, babe.” He relented though and flicked his finger over her tight nipple.

“Oh God.” She arched into his touch, and her eyes fluttered shut.
Do it again

Instead, he leaned his face down and replaced his finger with his tongue. She purred and tensed at the noise. And then he sucked her nipple into his mouth and grazed it with his teeth.

Holy fuck. Her pussy ached. She clenched down, but something was missing.
His cock, you dumbness.

When he released her nipple, he nibbled a path to the other one and gave it the same treatment. His fingers molded the opposite globe while he worked.

In moments, she was writhing beneath him. “Drake.” She grasped his head with both hands. Did she want to push him away or pull him in tighter?

He released her breast with a pop. “You okay, Kenz?”

She nodded. Who knew her breasts could be so erogenous? While he blew on the damp tips, he settled his leg between her thighs. She opened for him, but her heart raced. When he nudged his thigh forward and rubbed against her sex, she gasped. Even through her shorts and panties she could feel the pressure, the need.

“You’re so wet, baby,” he muttered against her chest. “You’re leaking through your shorts onto my leg.”

Embarrassed, she closed her eyes.

“Just feel, Kenz. Let it go.” He loosened the contact with his thigh, and his hand landed in the spot, cupping her sex.

She moaned and arched into his touch.
Fuck. Oh my God.

Never. That’s how long it’d been since she’d felt anything like this. Could she let loose and follow his lead? Would she lose herself if she let him continue?

It was worth it. The cherry that dangled in front of her would taste so sweet. She knew it. And she was powerless to stop him. Whatever it was she needed so badly, she was close to begging for it. The release…

When he dragged his hand up to her torso and wiggled his fingers inside her shorts and panties, she gripped the sheets on both sides with her fists.

“Oh God, Kenz. You are so wet, baby. I’m gonna make you feel so good. Just relax. Let go.” His words sounded distant. Her ears were ringing.

She silently pleaded with him to touch her more. She wasn’t sure where, but somewhere. He was taking too long. He held her panties away from her body with the back of his hand and finally stroked a finger through the opening to her pussy.

She writhed. Unable to stop herself, she lifted both knees and dug her heels into the mattress.

He added another finger and dipped them inside her. “So tight. Oh God, Kenz.” His breath sounded harsh, his words guttural.

Suddenly he pushed the two fingers in deep and pressed his palm against her clit. She nearly exploded. Panting, she gripped his forearm with one hand, holding him in place.

He didn’t acknowledge her tight hold. She knew he was stronger than her. She wouldn’t be able to pull him away or push him closer if he didn’t desire it.

He held those two fingers inside her and stroked the front of her channel.


“So hot, baby. So perfect. Let it go.” He murmured the words into her ear, so close she could feel his breath, and it sent a chill down her body.

Let what go? She was so close … to what? The tension continued to build while he stroked her pussy. When he pulled his fingers out, she wanted to scream.

Instead, she bit her lip and lifted her hips toward him.

He chuckled into her earlobe. “I’m right here, baby. Just feel.” He dragged his fingers through the opening again, gathering her moisture, and then he stroked up and flicked over her clit.

She moaned.
Holy shit

“That’s it, baby. Let it go. Concentrate on the feeling in your tight little clit.” He flicked again and again now, in rapid succession. Over and over until she thought she’d burst with unknown need. “Come for me, Kenzie.”

She gritted her teeth against the need, holding herself just on the edge of sanity.

He spoke again, his words demanding. “Kenzie, come. You can do it. Let it go. Don’t hold it in. It’ll drive you crazy. Come. Now.”

On that last word, she shattered. Her pussy clenched and pulsed as she squealed unintelligibly. She gripped his arm tighter as he continued to stroke her little nub, gradually slowing until she flinched when the contact became sensitive.

He must have known because he circled her clit with a finger, abandoning the sensitive spot. “So beautiful… Thank you.”

She blinked her eyes open and found him staring at her face. “For what?” she rasped.

He smiled and removed his hand from her shorts. “For giving me that. I know it was hard for you. Your first orgasm?”

She nodded.

“I feel so humbled.”

“And hard,” she muttered. His thick cock pressed into her thigh.

He raised an eyebrow. After a second, he grinned broader. “Yeah, well, you do that to me. It’s not going to change in the near future.”

She flushed. What was the protocol for post-orgasmic bliss with one’s intended mate? Did she need to return the favor? She shivered. She didn’t have the foggiest idea how to go about that.

“Don’t panic,” he began. “I can take care of myself for now. Let’s just concentrate on you, okay?”

She swallowed. Her arms still shook from the intense orgasm as though blood flow hadn’t resumed to her extremities.

He cupped her sex again and stroked her through the cotton barrier.

She couldn’t believe how aroused she still was. She wriggled from under him, separating herself from his hand and his leg.

He let her go. “Why don’t you take a shower, and I’ll fix us something to eat, and then take you on a tour.”

“’K.” She couldn’t look at him. When would she stop being so embarrassed? Instead, she climbed from the bed and left the room as though there were a fire. He’d given her an escape.
On purpose?

She headed for the guest bath, practically jogging, shut the door behind her, and leaned against it still heaving for air. What had she done? She touched her nipples through her T-shirt and moaned. They were still hard and tender. Her pussy still ached. Even though she’d just come—on command—she still needed more.

Pulling herself to standing, she glanced in the mirror. She looked disheveled. Tangled locks of hair hung around her flushed face. Her lips were swollen.

Instead of dwelling on what she’d done, she flipped the shower on, pleased to find the water heating almost instantly. In seconds she was naked and standing under the cascade of water. It felt fantastic and stopped the shivering, but not the need. With shaky fingers, she reached between her legs and felt for the nub of what had just brought her more pleasure than she’d ever experienced.

Could she do that to herself? People did; she wasn’t stupid. But she’d never tried. Now that she knew how good it felt, she might have to take up the activity.

But not right now. She didn’t think she could control her volume level if she came again. It was embarrassing enough having come under Drake’s hand. She’d die if she thought he knew she’d done it alone.

Instead she washed hastily, dried, and headed to the guest room wrapped in the towel. The smells coming from the kitchen made her stomach growl. She was starving.

— • —

Drake flipped another pancake and poured two glasses of orange juice. At least he could impress her with his cooking. He lived alone and he liked to eat. His mother had made sure all her boys knew how to cook.

He sensed Kenzie behind him before he saw her. When he turned around, she stood in the doorway wearing jean shorts and a tank top. Her nipples poked through the bra and the shirt, making him bite his cheek to keep from groaning. If she wore tight shirts like that every day, he would be a walking hard-on.

As it was, he was glad to have beaten her to the kitchen. It had taken him about two minutes to get off in his own shower, especially when he thought of her naked in the other bathroom, undoubtedly exploring her own sexuality now that she’d been to the other side.

“Morning. I’m making a little of everything. Wasn’t sure what you might want for breakfast.” He nodded toward the array of bacon and eggs sizzling next to the pancakes.

“How many people am I?” she teased as she stepped farther into the room.

He pulled a chair out and she sat. “I’m a big guy. And I work hard. I eat a lot.” He grinned at her and shoveled food onto plates before handing her one.

Kenzie glanced around the spacious, wide-open area that contained both a living room and a kitchen. He watched her gaze wander around the room, hoping she would fall in love with the floor plan. He had designed it himself. The appliances were stainless steel and the cabinets a rustic wood grain. To the left was a sectional couch that cozied up to a stone fireplace—the perfect spot for a winter evening. The flat-screen TV above the fireplace was unobtrusive. He didn’t watch much TV though.

BOOK: Tarnished
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