Tarnished Angel (42 page)

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Authors: Elaine Barbieri

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Tarnished Angel
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    The fellow's low whisper carried easily to Le Comte's ears.

    "Camille, I couldn't wait any longer to come to see you." The fellow reached out a trembling hand to stroke Camille's cheek. "You always help me when things aren't going well."

    Camille's concern was obviously sincere. "William, it is your wife, is it not? She has worsened?"

        "Yes." William Collier's thin face twisted with pain. He cast an anxious glance around the foyer. "If we could go upstairs to your room, just to talk for a little while."

    "I am sorry, Monsieur Collier." Marie's sharp tone cut into the whispered conversation. "But our services do not include extended conversations when one of our girls could be more useful elsewhere."

    Collier took a short step back, still holding Camille's hand. "Of course, I intend to pay, Marie. I would not expect to take Camille's time without paying the usual price."

    Marie's expression tightened further as Camille's brows furrowed in unspoken objection to her harsh interference.

    "Camille, take your place in the parlor with the other girls. I make the policy in this house. Monsieur Collier and I will discuss this matter."

    Pierre took a short angry breath. "Marie!" His cheek twitched with suppressed anger. "Marie,
make the final decision on policy in this house." Turning toward Camille and her client, he continued politely, "Monsieur Collier, we are pleased we can be of service to you in any way. Camille, if you wish to escort the gentleman upstairs…"

    Watching as Camille smiled in William Collier's pale face, Pierre was touched by the gratitude in the poor fellow's expression as he clutched Camille's hand and started up the staircase at her side. Waiting only until Camille's bedroom door had closed behind them, Le Comte turned sharply toward Marie.

    "That will not happen again, Marie, if you value your position here.

    Marie's stiff nod was accompanied by a low

    "And you will inform Camille that I am waiting to speak to her when she is again free."



    Turning sharply on his heel, Pierre walked back into his office. He raised his head at a light knock at his office door a short time later.


    The door opened and Camille hesitated in the doorway. "You wish to see me, Pierre?"

    "Yes, Camille. Come in."

    The spark of warmth Camille always generated within him     blazed to life at her tentative smile. He held out his hand, feeling the warmth of her light touch all the way to his heart as he grasped hers lightly.

    ''Camille, I have been waiting for you. Have you done your best to help Monsieur Collier?"

    Camille nodded, her smile dimming. "Yes, but William's distress was not of the body." Her smile flashed again briefly. "Although he visited me for that purpose when I first arrived in Tombstone, he rarely does more than kiss me with surprising tenderness on his visits now. Mostly, we talk. His wife is very ill, has been for many years, but he loves her dearly."

    "He loves you, too, Camille."

    Camille appeared startled by Le Comte's words. "He is lonesome. His wife is in too much pain to share his daily life with him."

    "He loves you, Camille." Pierre's smile was gentle. "Do you find that so hard to accept?"

    Avoiding a direct response, Camille shrugged. "I do not believe he loves me. I fill a temporary emptiness in his life."

    "I saw his face, Camille." Pierre was insistent. "He loves you. It is not difficult for me to understand that man's love, for I love you in the same way,

    Bright tears filled Camille's warm brown eyes, and she swallowed tightly. "Is there so much in me to love, Pierre? I hardly believe so."

    Pierre's smile dimmed. He had been correct in his assessment of Camille's state of mind. He had seen the unhappiness grow inside her in the past week. It had been almost imperceptible at first. And then, with startling abruptness, it had swelled to encompass her totally. Her unhappiness would not have been evident to the casual observer, but it was all too evident to him, for he had loved her too well, for too many years, to be fooled. Camille suffered, and when Camille suffered, he suffered.

    Pierre's dark eyes rose to hers. "Yes, Camille, there is much to love in you. Very much."

    Heavy tears hung precariously in Camille's eyes, but she raised her chin as he drew her toward the settee and urged her to sit. He sat beside her and raised her hand to his lips.

    "And now you will tell me why you are unhappy, who has made you so." His eyes darkened, and his lips drew together in a hard line. "I am aware that Marie has made your life difficult. If it is she, I will"

    "No, Pierre, it is not Marie." Camille gave a short laugh. "Marie dislikes me because she sees in me a threat that does not exist. She fears for her position because"

    "Because she knows you are in my heart. Is that not correct?"


    Pierre smiled at Camille's reluctance to confirm his statement. He spoke in her stead. "
that is correct."

    Camille lowered her eyes. "Marie does not understand that I have no desire to take over her position, that my only true desire…"

    She hesitated, and Pierre frowned. It was not like her to hold back from him. He pressed her softly. "Your only true desire,

    Camille gave a short shrug and forced a smile to her lips. "It matters little, Pierre. One cannot always have what one desires."

    Pierre shook his head. "
… perhaps not, but I will tell you this. If it is in my power to put the light back in your eyes, to restore the joy to your heart, it will be done."

    "It is not in your power, Pierre."

    Pierre waited, but Camille did not continue. "Tell me what is making you unhappy, Camille."

    Camille averted her face. "Pierre, please…"

    "Tell me."

    He heard her deep sigh, felt it shake her body before she turned to him once more.

    "Pierre, this woman who is so lovable is not loved."

    Realization flickered across Pierre's mind. Of course. He spoke softly, gently. "Camille, you are loved by so many, and by me in particular, but is it not those loves that concern you, is that correct?"


    "It is the love of Charles Carter."

    Camille's face froze into stillness.

    "You need not answer,
except to tell me how I may help you."

    A single tear trailed down Camille's flushed cheek, and she brushed it away with impatience. "Pierre, with the best of intentions, you cannot make a man love me. And Charles does not. He loves Devina Dale."

    "But the woman is gone. It is possible that she will never be seen again."

    "Charles's heart is with her. I went to warn him of Monsieur Dale's plot against him. He despises me, Pierre."

    Pierre stiffened. "Was he cruel to you, Camille?"

    "No." Camille shook her head in fervent denial. "It is just that the realization of his love for Devina Dale has opened his eyes to all that I am, and he resents the fact that I, a common courtesan, am free while the good woman he loves is gone. He hates me, Pierre. He does not wish to see me again."

    "He will change his mind."

    "No, he will not."

    Pierre was silent while he weighed the words Camille had spoken. His lovely Camille was not hysterical, nor was she angry, but her heart was broken.

how may I bring the happiness back to your heart? Tell me, and it will be done."

    Leaning forward, Camille pressed her damp cheek against his, and Pierre felt the warmth of this woman envelop him. Charles Carter, fool that he was, did not deserve her! Pierre listened as Camille's whispered response met his ears at last.

    "Pierre, perhaps my time in this land has come to an end. Perhaps I should return to my family, as you suggested to me once before. Perhaps…" Camille took a deep, trembling breath. "But not now, Pierre. I will wait a little longer."

    Pierre raised his hands to pull Camille closer. He was prevented from consoling her by Camille's sudden withdrawal from him, by the heartbreakingly brave manner in which she raised her chin and determinedly wiped the last trace of dampness from her cheeks. Her smile tore at his heart.

    "But in the meantime, Pierre, I do not intend to inflict my unhappiness on others. And I ask that you strike my poor confession from your mind. It is a problem I must deal with alone."

    Abruptly Camille drew herself to her feet. Waiting only until Pierre had arisen to stand beside her, she slipped her arm through his and urged him along with her as she walked toward the door. "I must get back to work. My clients will be clamoring for my attention, and I must not disappoint them."

    Quickly she slipped through the doorway and into the hallway. Watching as she closed the door behind her, Pierre felt a new, overwhelming despair… the despair one suffered at the torment of those one loved.


«» «» «» «» «» «» «» «» «» «» «» «»


    The click of Le Comte's door sounded in the foyer, and Marie's head turned toward the sound. Her heart stopped as
emerged into the hallway, a smile on her common face. She was flushed, no doubt from Pierre's avid attentions, attentions he saved solely for the accommodating country bumpkin.

    The time had come for Marie to take steps against this interloper who wished to steal all she had worked so hard to attain. She had heard many things that would help her to rid herself of this threat to her future. She would put them to work for her. And she would do it soon.

    Her smile brighter than it had been in many weeks, Marie turned back to the well-tailored client who had just entered the foyer. She greeted him warmly.

    Jake fidgeted nervously. He took the two short steps to the window and looked out again into the surrounding darkness. Damn! Where was Lai Hua? It had been dark for over an hour!

    Impatience and an annoyance not untouched by anxiety combined to form a tight knot in his stomach. This whole affair with Harvey Dale was drawing swiftly to a conclusion. He'd start back to the cabin tonight, and the next time he returned to Tombstone, he'd be carrying the note that would put the final steps of Ross's plan into action. From that point on, he was certain it would not be long before he would leave this country.

    The knot in Jake's stomach tightened. Time was slipping away from him, and he hadn't seen Lai Hua for over a week. He ached for her. But he knew the ache was not just for the physical release the next few hours would bring.

    Jake's thoughts halted abruptly as a bobbing light appeared on the path. His heart jumped, and he swallowed against the anticipation building inside him. Lai Hua's small, shadowed form came into view, and a spontaneous joy rushed through him. The door opened and he scooped Lai Hua into his arms.

    Not stopping to allow her to lower the lantern she carried, Jake crushed her against him. His mouth found hers, crushing it with the force of his kiss, separating her lips. He kissed her again, his lips finally sliding from their possession of her mouth to press hungry nibbling bites on the curve of her chin, the smooth line of her cheek.

    "Lai Hua, you're late. I was
' to think you hadn't seen the ribbon. I've been so damned crazy to see you."

    But Lai Hua was not responding. She was standing stiffly in his arms, as stiffly as his searching hands and lips would allow. He felt a moment's trepidation, which turned to alarm as he slowly pulled far enough from her to look down into her face.

    He took the lantern from her hand and raised it higher so he could see her more clearly. "What's wrong, Lai Hua?"

    The glitter of tears sparkled in Lai Hua's eyes.

    "My torment has been great since I saw the red ribbon. I took it from the bush with a trembling hand, knowing I would be forced to make the decision that has torn my heart."

    "Decision? What are you
' about, Lai Hua? What's
' you?"

    "My torment is the pain of realization, Mr. Jake, the realization that in my joy in loving you, I had forced away the thought that I was being used in a very cruel way."

    "Used?" Jake shook his head, his hands springing up to her slender shoulders. "Lai Hua, what are you
' about?"

    "At the first there was honesty between us. Your eyes touched mine and a fire was lit within my heart. A similar fire touched yours, and when you held your arms out to me, I went willingly into them. But that honesty is now gone."

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