Tarnished and Torn

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Authors: Juliet Blackwell

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In a Witch’s Wardrobe

“A smashingly fabulous tale.”

New York Times
bestselling author Victoria Laurie

“Funny and thoughtful,
In a Witch’s Wardrobe
is an easy read with an enjoyable heroine and a touch of witchy intuition.”

—The Mystery Reader

“Another engrossing story by an author with marvelous storytelling skills.”

—Vibrant Nation

“A really entertaining read. . . . I look forward to the next installment.”

—Cozy Crimes

“Juliet’s writing is creative and wickedly imaginative.”

—Once Upon a Romance

“A wonderful paranormal amateur sleuth tale. . . . Fans will enjoy Lily’s magical mystery tour of San Francisco.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Hexes and Hemlines

“This exciting urban fantasy murder mystery . . . is an entertaining paranormal whodunit. . . . Her familiar, Oscar, half goblin-gargoyle, becomes a cute potbellied pig who adds jocularity to the fast-paced story line as part of the quirky cast (benign, kind, and evil) that helps make this spellbinding tale a fun read.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Hexes and Hemlines
carries you along with an unconventional cast, where nothing is out of bounds. Extraordinarily entertaining.”

Suspense Magazine

“Blending a mystery with all things paranormal and her customary light humor, this title doesn’t disappoint. Strong writing, a solid plot, and a spunky, likable heroine add up to this cleverly written, top-notch cozy mystery.”

Romantic Times

“This is a fun and totally engrossing series that hooks you instantly and makes you want more. . . . I love the mix of vintage clothes, magic, and a lingering possibility of romance combined with mystery.”

—Fang-tastic Books

“Juliet Blackwell has created a series that will appeal to mystery fans as well as paranormal enthusiasts.”

—Debbie’s Book Bag

A Cast-Off Coven

f you like your mysteries with a side of spell-casting and demon-vanquishing, you’ll enjoy the second title in Blackwell’s Witchcraft Mysteries.”

Romantic Times

“This awesome paranormal mystery stars a terrific heroine.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Secondhand Spirits

“An excellent blend of mystery, paranormal, and light humor, creating a cozy that is a must read for anyone with an interest in literature with paranormal elements.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“It’s a fun story, with romance possibilities with a couple of hunky men, terrific vintage clothing, and the enchanting Oscar. But there is so much more to this book. It has serious depth.”

The Herald News


Dead Bolt

“Juliet Blackwell’s writing is like that of a master painter, placing a perfect splash of detail, drama, color, and whimsy in all the right places!”

New York Times
bestselling author Victoria Laurie

“Cleverly plotted with a terrific sense of the history of the greater Bay Area, Blackwell’s series has plenty of ghosts and supernatural happenings to keep readers entertained and off-balance.”

Library Journal

“Smooth, seductive. . . . Fans will want to see a lot more of the endearing Mel.”

Publishers Weekly

If Walls Could Talk

“A riveting tale with a twisting plot, likeable characters, and an ending that will make you shudder with how easily something small can get totally out of hand . . . a good solid read.”

—The Romance Readers Connection

“Ms. Blackwell’s offbeat, humorous book is a fun, light read. . . . Overall, a terrific blend of suspense and laughter with a dash of the paranormal thrown in make this a great read.”

—TwoLips Reviews

“Kudos and high fives to Ms. Blackwell for creating a new set of characters for readers to hang around with as well as a new twist on the ghostly paranormal mystery niche.”

—Once Upon a Romance


Brush with Death

“Lind deftly combines a smart and witty sleuth with entertaining characters who are all engaged in a fascinating new adventure.”

Romantic Times

Shooting Gallery

“If you enjoy Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books, Jonathan Gash’s Lovejoy series, or Ian Pears’ art history mysteries . . . then you will enjoy
Shooting Gallery


“An artfully crafted new mystery series!”

—Tim Myers, Agatha Award–nominated author of
Slow-Cooked Murder

“The art world is murder in this witty and entertaining mystery!”

—Cleo Coyle, national bestselling author of
A Brew to a Kill

Feint of Art

“Annie Kincaid is a wonderful cozy heroine. . . . It’s a rollicking good read.”

—Mystery Book News

Also by Juliet Blackwell


Secondhand Spirits

A Cast-Off Coven

Hexes and Hemlines

In a Witch’s Wardrobe


If Walls Could Talk

Dead Bolt

Murder on the House






Juliet Blackwell


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First published by Obsidian, an imprint of New American Library,

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Copyright © Julie Goodson-Lawes, 2013

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ISBN 978-1-101-61569-0


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Also by Juliet Blackwell

Title Page

Copyright Page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25



About the Author


À Eric

Encore . . . et toujours


Thanks, as always, to my wonderful editor, Kerry Donovan, and all the other professionals at Penguin who contribute to the editing, copyediting, printing, and art for my beautiful books. . . . I am thankful for all of you. To Kristin Lindstrom for her continuing friendship and support, and to Jim McCarthy for all his wisdom and cheerleading. I don’t know how I would survive in this business without you.

My sister Carolyn Lawes has been more than just a supportive source of ideas and edits—she has helped mold my books, scene by scene. You are a true writing partner. Thank you.

To Cathy Romero for her font of knowledge about rural Mexican traditions, and for inspiring Graciela. To Jeremy Reiss for answering my annoying questions about antique jewelry and gemology. To the street fire dancers of Ashland, Oregon, for sharing their beautiful art and a few secrets of their mesmerizing dance! And thanks to Rosa Quinones for her incredible witch’s garden.

To the wonderful authors who write with me and inspire me and listen to me complain: Sophie Littlefield, Rachael Herron, Nicole Peeler, Gigi Pandian, Victoria Laurie, Mysti Berry, Adrienne Miller, Cecilia Gray, Lisa Hughey, and LGC Smith. And a special shout-out to Maddee James, whose design sense and smarts are superseded only by her big heart.

To my neighbors and all the members, near and far, of the Mira Vista Social Club—Oaktown
! Also to J. C. Johnson, Bee Enos, Pamela Groves, Anna Cabrera, Mary Grae, Karen Thompson, Susan Baker, Claudia Escobar, Kendall Moalem, Wanda Klor, Antonio Jimenez, Gomez Gomez, and Bruce Nikolai, all of whom put up with my forgetful writer brain and remind me what friendship is, on a daily basis. And to Muffy Srinavasan and Tim Rood, Jan Strout, Bill Logan, Brian Casey, Shay Demetrius, Suzanne Chan, and the good people of Castillones for helping make my life-in-the-French-countryside fantasy come true!

To my father, who always challenges me and makes me laugh; and to my sister Susan for her ongoing love and support. And thanks to my son, Sergio, for being a constant and wildly interesting inspiration to me, every single day.

And finally, to Oscar. You are welcome in my window anytime, sneezes or no.

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