Tara (30 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bene

BOOK: Tara
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The floor shook again, another deep rumble making the lights flicker, and then he
something behind him. When he turned he saw the tallest woman he’d ever met. She towered over him, her long brown hair cascading in waves to her waist, a beautiful green dress wrapped around her, and bright, golden manacles on her wrists linked by a chain.

“Eltera!” It was a cry full of joy, and he turned to see Tara rushing forward, the knife forgotten on the floor as she stopped short in front of the goddess to bow her head.

Alaric mimicked her, and then his heart stuttered as the goddess spoke. “I see Apollo’s gift paid off well.”

Did she just say Apollo?

“Yes, very well.” Tara grinned, and then she glanced at him.

“Alaric,” the goddess’ strange, musical voice made him tremble as he risked raising his eyes. She glowed, brighter than he was, but the color of it was the same.

Gods and goddesses and blood sacrifices, oh my.

“Um, yes? Eltera?” Alaric stumbled, and then laughed nervously. “I’m sorry, I don’t really know what to say.”

“Hmm…” Eltera faced him completely, and the full focus of the goddess’ eyes was almost too much. “That mortal planned to kill you with his gun, but I ensured that did not happen.”

“Then I think I should say thank you.” The confirmation that Luca really would have killed him made his stomach twist, but as he looked past her down the hall he could see Luca’s body slumped to the floor – and now he knew for sure that he had deserved it.

“You are welcome.” She tilted her head, her vibrant eyes moving over him like she was evaluating him. For what – he wasn’t sure, but he could only hope he passed. “You put your life on the line for my daughter, and for that
am grateful. However, I must ask something more of you.”


“I need you to protect her, to keep her safe, will you do that?”

“With my last breath.”

“Yes, about that…” Eltera took a step forward and laid her hand against his chest. Warmth spread from her palm, seeping through his shirt and into his skin, and he smelled rain as his body tingled and hummed. It was a strange sensation that left his head swimming when she pulled her hand back, and he looked down to see that he wasn’t glowing anymore.

“Eltera?” Tara asked quietly, and the goddess turned towards her, her expression softening to one of sorrow.

“I did not have the power to protect Leonidas, or you, in that time long past. I was still too weak from my battle with Gormahn, but I can give you this.” Her eyes shifted back to him and he stood up straighter. “I can give you him.”


“You, Alaric Wright.” Her voice hummed with power, and he felt a burning on his chest where her palm had been moments before. He hissed air through his teeth, pulling at the neckline of his shirt until he saw the golden light working itself into a circle.

“What the -”

“Is that -” Tara grabbed at his shirt, staring at the dark lines as they etched into his skin, forming a circle, and then another, larger one. The head of a serpent appeared, and the two lines closed together, tucking into its open mouth.

It was exactly the same mark Kiernan had, without the sword.

“Eltera?” Alaric raised his eyes and she smiled.

“You are mine now.”


“He means thank you, great goddess,” Tara corrected him, her joy apparent as she held tightly to his arm.

“Of course, I mean thank you, but – what does this mean?” He felt lost, but he’d felt lost since he had met Tara. She had turned his world upside down, made him really
for the first time in years, and in all the drama, in all the danger and turmoil… he had also been found.

“You are immortal, in the same way that all of my Faeoihn are immortal. If you are injured, I will heal you at dawn as the sun rises when my power is strongest.” Eltera held her hand out, and he opened his palm as she dropped pieces of metal into it, along with tiny screws – and a GPS tracker. “These were inside you, but they are no longer needed.”

“No, they’re not.” Alaric dropped them to the floor and smashed the tracker with his heel.

“So, he won’t die?” The emotion in Tara’s voice brought his attention back to her, and he saw the hope there, the same hope that bloomed in his chest as the question was asked.

“He will live as long as his head stays on his shoulders.” Those infinite eyes returned to him, the goddess’ voice turning cold. “Unless he betrays my gift and brings harm to you, Tara. If he does that, I will snuff his life out like a candle flame.”

“He wouldn’t hurt me, Eltera.” Tara smiled, but Alaric had to swallow hard. There was no risk of him hurting Tara, but the threat was terrifying all the same.

“I would never hurt her.”

“Good. I would hate to have to kill you after all the work I put in getting you two together.” The small smile that lifted the goddess’ lips looked almost feral, and Alaric was reminded that no matter how kind she had been – she could and
destroy him.


“I will give you one more gift.” Eltera kept her eyes on him, and he swallowed hard.

“A gift?”

“Knowledge.” A small frown passed over her beautiful face, and she sighed heavily. “You lost your mother as a child. Your father killed her, yes?”

Alaric flinched, the memories reappearing like the goddess had summoned them. “Yes.”

“This haunts you.” Eltera waited until he raised his eyes back to hers. “But it should not. All she wished for was that you were safe, she called out your name because she was asking your father to spare you. She was not calling on you to save her.”

The words landed on him like a blow, and he couldn’t breathe. Tara’s hand tightened on his, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be sick or if he was just in shock. “How do you -?”

“I can see the pain in you, but it is a pain I cannot heal except to tell you the truth. Her last act was one of trying to protect you.” Eltera nodded. “And you avenged her death. A warrior even as a child.”

“Is she… happy? Safe?”

“She was never mine, Alaric, but I am sure she is. The worlds after this one are not meant to cause suffering to those who are good.” Eltera gave a small smile, her expression one of ultimate kindness. “It is your job to make this life good for you and Tara. That is what I ask of you in repayment.”

“Always. I always will.”



There was so much joy inside her that Tara thought she might explode from it, or spontaneously faint, but it didn’t matter. None of it mattered because Alaric was safe. Alaric was immortal. Alaric wouldn’t die of old age, or a bullet, or a car crash.

And she loved him, she loved him even more than she had ever thought possible before Leonidas had freed her of the guilt she’d carried, knitting together parts of her heart that had long ago been ripped asunder.

It felt like a dream as he gripped her hand tight, his hazel eyes vibrant and full of his love for her.

“I am sorry, daughter, but I must leave. I have been away too long, and the strain is growing difficult to maintain.” Eltera took a deep breath, and Tara saw the way the manacles around her wrists pulsed. “I have ensured that the Laochra will not be able to find you, but it may be wise to travel to Neala. Her home has my blessing, and it is protected.”

“We will, we’ve been apart too long.”

“I know, and I am trying to correct that, my daughter. I am trying to correct it for all of you.” A shadow of pain passed over Eltera’s face, her form flickering between solid and transparent for a moment. “I must leave. Just know, I have always been here. I am always with you.”

“I love you, Eltera!” She shouted the words as Eltera’s form disappeared completely, the low thrum she left behind echoing in her chest for a moment. An unexpected sob broke free as she realized the goddess was gone again, but Alaric caught her as she tried to slide to the floor.

“It’s alright, dolcezza, it’s alright.” His words soothed her as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight to his chest, and her cheek pressed against the still warm mark just behind the fabric of his shirt. “I’ve got you.”

He let her cry, and she became aware too late that she had clenched her blood soaked hands in his shirt. “Fuck!” She laughed a little, leaning back to wipe her cheek with a clean spot on her arm. “I’ve made a complete mess.”

Alaric raised an eyebrow before looking over at the body of the man who had tortured her, and then back up the hall to where the others were scattered. “I think
made a mess.” He sighed heavily. “Time to see if any of my contacts liked me more than Luca, because
is going to have to clean this up.”

When he started to turn away, Tara grabbed his hand. “Wait… I need to know, are you okay with this?”

“This?” He asked, his brow creasing as he looked back.

“Eltera claiming you, making you… this. Are you okay? Knowing that this is going to be your life?”

Alaric smiled, and it was movie star charming as he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her with ease to pin her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his hips as he growled low, nuzzling her neck. “Do you mean am I okay with being your foolish
knight for the rest of eternity?”

“Yes…” she gasped as he nipped the skin where her neck met her shoulder.

“Tara, if she had needed to turn me blue, and have me sprout horns, and never see the light of day again – it would have been worth it to be with
.” He pulled back and met her eyes, the hard press between her thighs further confirmation of his words. “I would go to hell and back for you.”

“There’s no need, I already did that today.” Tara grinned, and he kissed her, their tongues tangling as his fingers dug into her hips.

is a story you’re going to have to tell me.”

“I will. Maybe once we’re in Seattle?”

“It’s a long flight to Seattle, and I’ve got some things to handle on this side of the pond first. Like making sure my sister is set up with funds, because I may not know her well anymore, but I’ve always promised I’d take care of her.”

“You’re a good man, Alaric.” She smiled as he kissed her.

“You know, being around you, I’m starting to actually believe that.” Their lips met again, and she melted into his arms.

Safe, whole, and loved.


One Month Later

“Shit, sorry,” Alaric muttered as he stepped out of Kiernan’s way. Tara watched as the two men tried to stay out of the other’s space in the cramped kitchen, and the stifled smile on Neala’s face told her she was thinking the same thing.

This was hilarious.

“Can I just have – no, the other thing, the tongs, yeah.” Kiernan tried to reach past Alaric and then sighed when he finally had the utensil to flip the steaks in the oven, slamming it shut just as Alaric almost backed into him again. “Listen, like I said, I really don’t need your help with dinner. I’ve been cooking -”

“For two thousand years, yeah, I got it.”

“Actually, I was going to say I’ve been cooking for me and Neala since she got here, but if you want to point out the age difference –
, I’ve been cooking since before your great-great-great-great-”

“Kiernan,” Neala chided and he cut off. “Come sit down?”

“You boys just want to grab a pair of swords so you can work this out the old fashioned way?” Tara asked, biting her cheek to keep from laughing.

“Absolutely,” Kiernan growled.

“I’d prefer guns,” Alaric added, but he grabbed the two glasses of wine he’d poured and returned to sit by her. He pressed a kiss to her lips before he sat back, a flush in his cheeks either from the heat in the kitchen, or the heat of being cramped into the small apartment for two weeks.

“Do I need to remind you both that you’re only going to strain Eltera if you pointlessly injure each other?” Neala glanced at Alaric before planting her full glare squarely on Kiernan. The ancient warrior quailed under her stare and actually mumbled an apology – which just made Tara tilt her head at Alaric.

“I’m sorry, dolcezza. I just can’t wait until we have our own space again, so I can do everything I’ve been -”

“Hey, we’re right here,” Kiernan interrupted.

“Trust me, I know.” Alaric grumbled as the timer in the kitchen went off and he stood up, holding a hand out as Kiernan went to stand as well. “I’ve got it, I’ll pull the steaks and the bread out.”


“You know, we’ll leave whenever you guys need some alone time.” Neala smiled, and Tara nodded at her, sighing at the boys’ constant pissing match. Half the time they were great friends, joyfully arguing over sports or current events, and the other half they were like two alpha males trying to mark the same territory.

The apartment was way too fucking small for this.

“I appreciate it, and I’m not saying we won’t take you up on it, but how much longer until the cottages are ready? Have you heard any new updates?”

“Ours is getting close to finished, but they started yours later. You can keep staying here until it’s ready, but like Alaric said – I also want some time alone to do all kinds of things.” The low growl at the end of Kiernan’s comment had Neala laughing, a sultry sound that dissolved into a soft moan as Kiernan kissed her.

Tara was overjoyed for her sister, because even though it had been strange to be around Kiernan at first – cursed Laochra that he was – the one thing that was apparent was how much he loved Neala.

It took a few minutes to have all the food on the table, but then they were eating and the tension seemed to ease as casual conversation sprung up again. One thought kept turning over and over in Tara’s head though, and she sat her wine back down before she spoke. “What about the others? Our other sisters?”

Three sets of eyes lifted to hers, the sounds of silverware and chewing halting.

“Our cottage is going to take time to build, I understand that, but, well… shouldn’t we just have them build more then? So that the others don’t have to wait?”

“That’s a good idea,” Neala smiled at her, excitement sparking behind her eyes.

“Wait, you mean, just keep building? An entire village?” Kiernan asked, looking a little stunned.

.” Tara grinned as the idea took form inside her. “Exactly like a village. A village for all of us to be together again, because one day it

Neala leaned across the corner and grabbed her hand, gripping tight as the possibility floated in front of them. Their sisters together, free, happy.

“I hate to be harsh, but we’re pretty far off from needing an entire village.”

“It’s better to prepare though, isn’t it?” Alaric asked, and she wanted to kiss him for the support. “I mean, Eltera surprised you two with us, right? What’s to say she won’t surprise us again?”

“She said she wants to help us all, it was one of the last things she said to me before she left.” Tara said, looking over at Kiernan whose expression had turned dark.

“She asked us to help save my sisters,” Neala added, turning to Kiernan. “We are far from done, we all know that, but what’s wrong with a little hope?”

“Nothing,” Kiernan sighed, leaning forward to brush his fingers over Neala’s cheek. “Absolutely nothing,
ma ghaol
. You’re right, you’re all right. We
should prepare for them, we should prepare for as many as we can.”

“Will this cause any problems?” Neala asked.

“Problems?” Kiernan laughed, and the darkness seemed to disappear from his face, his green eyes sparkling. “Are you kidding? I think we’re about to make a lot of mortal workers very happy. They’re going to have steady work for a

“Speaking of work, did you ever figure out what you guys wanted the inside to look like?” Neala turned towards them, her smile radiant, and Tara found she couldn’t stop smiling either.

“Home,” Alaric answered, and she nodded.

“Exactly, we just want it to feel like a home.”

“I think
is something I agree with you on.” Kiernan smiled at him and raised his wine glass. “A toast. To having a real home.”

“To the village,” Alaric added, raising his own glass.

“To Eltera’s gifts.” Neala raised her glass, and Tara smiled as pure happiness bubbled up inside her, effervescent and perfect.

“To bringing all of our sisters home.” She raised her wine as well, and they all clinked them against each other in a clattering of glass on glass, before they drank.

The conversation changed after that, full of a boisterous excitement that none of them seemed able to let go of. It was a whirlwind of plans, of discussions around styles and how to make the cottages as neutral as possible so each new Faeoihn could make it her own – could make the house a home. Alaric knew a surprising amount about interior design, and Tara couldn’t help but laugh as he discussed the idea of a working island in the kitchens, where the stovetop was integrated. It was genius, and she loved that every day she seemed to learn something new about him.

She hoped that they learned more about each other for eternity, as they grew and changed together, even as time passed them by.

Kiernan was laughing at something Neala whispered as he stood to carry their plates into the kitchen when an explosion rocked the apartment to their right. The sound of a plate crashing to the floor was the only other thing Tara caught as Alaric was out of his chair in an instant, his body curved around hers as he shielded her, one arm braced on the table and the other on the seatback.

“Fuck!” Kiernan growled. “Neala, you have
to talk to Eltera about how she delivers messages. This is insane!”

“You want me to tell a goddess capable of turning you to dust that you disagree with how she communicates with us?” Neala’s calm voice seemed to make Alaric relax, and Tara smiled up at him.

“You really do have quick reflexes, sweetheart.”

He shrugged, shaking himself as he stood up straight. “What the bloody hell was that?”

was another message from Eltera.” Kiernan stepped over the shattered plate and walked into the living room, lifting up what looked like an old fashioned piece of parchment. Instantly, his face changed, shock spreading as he raised his eyes to them.

“What is it?” Neala asked, pushing out of her seat, and Tara stood as well, grasping Alaric’s hand.

“It just says one thing, but I almost don’t believe it, and I have no idea what to do with it –” he laughed, shoving a hand into his hair. “Because, honestly, if everyone in this room wasn’t touched by the gods themselves, I wouldn’t even think twice about it. It’s ridiculous. It’s a fucking bedtime story.”

, Kiernan?” Tara asked, her heart racing inside her chest.

He turned the parchment around, holding it out to them so the thick script was visible just above the ouroboros that was burned into the bottom. “It says
Tír na nÓg.”

“Are you joking?” Neala moved around the table, and they all crowded around the item in Kiernan’s hands. “Tír na nÓg isn’t just a bedtime story, it’s a fairy tale!”

Tara laughed softly, glancing over at Alaric’s confusion as she shook her head. “Well, I’ve seen the underworld first hand, I’ve met Hades, and looked into the light of Elysium. Finding out that the realm of faerie is real honestly doesn’t shock me.”

“The realm of
?” Alaric asked, disbelief reigning in his voice.

“Tír na nÓg is the land of the young, the
young. The fair folk. Faeries.” Neala laughed too, throwing her hands up. “I think I need to call Irena.”

“Who?” Tara asked.

“She’s a pixie, and she’s due for a visit anyway. I think we need to ask her just how much she knows about the realm of faerie.”

“Has she ever mentioned Tír na nÓg?” Kiernan asked, and Neala shook her head.

“No, but we also haven’t asked.”

“Well, I’m game.” Alaric clapped his hands together, and they all looked at him. “What? I knew life with Tara was going to be interesting. I’ve met Faeoihn, I’ve met a goddess, why shouldn’t I add a pixie and some faeries into the mix?”

“If the legends are true, they’re incredibly skilled fighters, and they have magic. Real magic.” Kiernan flicked his eyes between the three of them, a slow, wild grin spreading across his face. “Sounds like fun to me.”

“Me too,” Tara added, the wild grin catching. “So, when do we start?”

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