Tara (20 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Bene

BOOK: Tara
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“Oh yes. Now, we really need to go before someone else pays us a visit.”



Instead of a new hotel, Alaric brought them to an apartment that he had tracked down after a series of phone calls in several languages as they had driven around. It was small, but beautiful. A tiny kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom with an adjoining bath that was probably half the size of the one in the hotel.

“Sorry it’s not better, but it’s off everyone’s radar.” Alaric dropped the duffel bag on the floor, and then pulled his gun from the back of his pants to set it on the tiny, square dining table.

“You do realize I’ve spent the majority of my life sleeping on dirt floors, right?” Tara grinned at him, watching as the struggle to comprehend her life span spread over his face. “Try not to think about it.”

“It’s just hard to believe, I mean the things you must have seen in this world. The history you were -”

She cut him off before he went too far, “I didn’t see much at all, trust me.”

“Right.” He cleared his throat and turned away from her, and she silently cursed herself for throwing her past in his face. “Listen, I’m going to call Claude again. Check on your papers.”


He nodded at her and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, and she flipped the television on, letting the voices wash over her while she stared at her wrists. All over again she wanted to damn Gormahn for his curse, and part of her wanted to damn Eltera as well. Where was she in all of this? Did she even pay attention to them anymore? Was she aware of even half the horrors her life had been filled with?

She heals you every morning

Her mind spoke up in Eltera’s defense, but Tara just sighed and leaned back into the couch. The healing could just be a lingering part of how Eltera had made them all. Her Faeoihn. Her perfect warriors. Since that day on the battlefield when they had lost the battle against Gormahn’s army, the
, and Eltera had surrendered herself – there had been nothing. Not a message, not an answered prayer – nothing. The golden shackles that Gormahn had placed on Eltera must remain though, because the echo of them had been on Tara’s wrists that very morning.

So, then where was Eltera? Where was she as her Faeoihn suffered? How many of the others still lived? How many had been killed? How many had given up all hope of freedom and ended their own lives like she had almost done?

Glancing over at the closed door Tara knew that Alaric’s would be the last lifetime she’d see on this earth. Losing Leonidas had broken her in unspeakable ways, had turned her into the mindless doll her masters had always wanted. If she lost Alaric? There was nothing more to give.

Nothing except her life.

However many years her foolish, mortal knight had left – she was going to enjoy them. With him. And if they had to kill an army to enjoy those years, she’d sharpen her knives.

The door popped open then and Tara made herself smile. “Well?”

“Claude said he’d have them ready today, we’ll just have to go get them.” He smiled back at her, walking over to drop down on the couch next to her. “Until then, I have an idea.”


“You can’t argue with me though.” He tilted his head, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and she just lifted an eyebrow at him. “Please?”

“Fine. No arguing.”

His excitement was contagious, and she wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking, but she didn’t want to sit inside when she could be out in the world, with him. “Good, because I already made a phone call.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“This is a beautiful hotel,” Neala whispered as Kiernan tugged her forward across the lobby.

“Yes, it is, and for almost five hundred dollars a night it should be.” He grinned at her when she rolled her eyes, knowing very well that the money meant nothing to him. As the elevator doors closed he pressed her back against the wall, his strong arms on either side of her. “I love you,
ma ghaol

“And I love you.” She grinned as he kissed her, wishing they had just a spare moment to actually enjoy themselves, or the hotel room they had just purchased in this beautiful city. Once Tara was safe, maybe they could. Maybe they could do some silly tour like any other mortal couple on vacation. The hard press of his cock against her stomach told her that Kiernan was thinking more about the bed they had just reserved, and not the city, but her own hunger answered his and the kiss increased in intensity.

The ding of the elevator doors didn’t slow him as his hands ran up her sides, catching at her waist so he could lift her higher and pin her to the wall. A surprised squeak came from over Kiernan’s shoulder, followed by a gasp. He turned slightly and Neala saw the very shocked older couple frozen in the doorway. “Take the next one,” he growled, and they stared wide-eyed as the doors shut.

“That wasn’t very nice,” she chastised, but it was half-hearted as he rubbed himself against her.

“I want you.” Kiernan nipped at her shoulder, and she felt the heat pooling between her thighs, every inch of her agreeing with him. His lips returned to hers, hot and hungry, and she knew the darker side of him, the part of him that was Laochra, was surfacing. Powerful, dominant, and aggressive. He had effectively kept it at bay as she had scrambled to put together the jigsaw puzzle of clues Eltera had been sending, and he’d done his best to help, but now he needed her to push back the darkness inside him.

“Then take me,” she spoke against his lips and she felt the growl rumble in his chest as he ground his hips against hers. Floor seven lit up, and he didn’t even let her touch the ground again, keeping her legs around his waist as he marched down the hall towards the room Tara and Alaric were in. He stopped short though and let them into the room he had booked, slamming the door behind him with a kick.

“I can’t be gentle right now.” Kiernan’s eyes were darker, a thin ring of green on the edges from how far his pupils had dilated. “Will you please take your clothes off?”

Neala grinned at him, loving him even more for remembering even in that state of mind to ask her instead of order her. She yanked her sweater over her head, toeing her shoes off before sliding the jeans down. Kiernan wasn’t just waiting, he had already ripped his shirt off, revealing his hard body, the dark coils of Gormahn’s curse winding up his left forearm, and Eltera’s symbol emblazoned over his heart – the ouroboros that kept death at bay. “I’m yours,” she said it softly, and that was all he needed to stalk forward.

He lifted her up again and moved them towards the bed in the other room. As he climbed onto the bed he spread her thighs wide, his knees holding her open so that his hand could slip underneath the edge of her underwear. “Neala…” he groaned as his fingers found her soaking wet, pressing inside her so that she arched against him as the rush of need filled her.

“Yes! Please!” She gasped, as hungry for him as he was for her, and she heard the cotton tear as he removed the last barrier. A quick fumble at his jeans and then he kissed her hard, silencing the moan with his lips as he thrust. He split her in one, fast stroke and her nails dug into his broad back, holding onto him as her world focused down to the pounding heat between her thighs. One of his hands held her hip in place, his fingers gripping hard enough to bruise, and the other arm braced him above her so he could claim her the way he wanted to.

He growled, a primal, raw sound and she knew he needed more. Nudging her head against his hand, he took the offering, fisting her hair so she that her neck arched as the tingling sparks rushed down her spine. Totally under his control, she let go and lifted her hips to meet his. The first orgasm hit hard, like an explosion of light and heat inside her, and she cried out, cursing in a variety of languages. A low laugh came from him, and then he changed angles, pounding against the spot that sent her reeling again. She shook under him as the second wave of pleasure stole her breath away, escaping her on a moan, and he slammed into her again and again – until he bit down on her shoulder and came, his cock jerking deep inside her. Kiernan dropped his weight over her, pressing her into the bed, both of them too hot, but all she did was smile as he soothed the sore spot on her shoulder with kisses. “
Ma ghaol

Slowly, he released her hair and his grip on her hip, and then he kissed her. Gently, softly, and she knew he was back with her. His brush with his darkness over. “That was… fantastic. Just what we needed.” The grin on her face was honest, and he smiled down at her.

“I planned on doing that after we found them, but watching all those men in the lobby staring at you –” There was a rumble in his chest. “I needed you.”

“Possessive,” she taunted.

“Absolutely.” He smiled and rolled them so she was draped over his chest, the insides of her thighs soaking wet. As much as she wanted to stay where she was, and maybe even have a round two… or three, they couldn’t. With a sigh, she sat up on his hips, enjoying the view of his body way too much for what she was about to say.

“We have to get to Tara.”

Kiernan nodded, running his hand up her side as if he were appreciating the view as well. “I know. Let’s get it over with so I can get you back in this bed.”

They dressed quickly, and walked back out into the hall together. He took her hand and smiled as they headed towards Tara’s door. “Let me knock, so she’ll answer.” Neala whispered, pointing to the peephole in the door, and Kiernan shrugged and stepped to the side. Her heart was racing, the idea of seeing one of her sisters again making her so nervous and excited that she felt a little nauseated. She rapped her knuckles a few times and then waited. When no one answered she knocked a little harder.

Kiernan leaned his head towards the door, listening, and then he shook his head. “I don’t think anyone’s in there.”

“Do we wait for them?”

He grinned. “I think we wait inside.” Without another word he grabbed her hand and then the world inverted, and suddenly they were inside the room. Her head spun and Kiernan held onto her until she felt steady again. The ability to pop in and out of wherever he wanted was Gormahn’s gift to the Laochra, but no matter how often he took her with him, it always made her feel sick.

“Warning, remember? You promised you’d warn me.”

“I kind of like the way you grab onto me though.” He grinned at her and she shoved his chest, which only made him laugh. They looked around the room, and it was obvious someone had been there. The bed was unmade, the furniture out of place, and it felt – off.

They both searched the room, and came to the same conclusion. Alaric and Tara weren’t here anymore. The room safe had been broken open, and it lay on its side in the closet. There were some skimpy clothes in the trash, the kind Neala’s old masters would have bought for her, a broken iPod on the coffee table, but the worst item was the bullet Kiernan had found behind the toilet, streaked with blood.

“Who do you think -” Neala started to ask, staring at the tiny bullet in his hand.

“Had to be Tara. Alaric is mortal, at least from what we know, so the bullet wouldn’t be here.”

“So, whoever is after them found them here.”

“Which means they’re not here anymore.” Kiernan finished her thought, and they both sighed. It looked like their vacation was going to take a little longer to start than she had hoped.

Neala closed her eyes and took a steady breath, focusing on the scent of rain, the humming glow of Eltera’s light, and she prayed. “Eltera… where is she? Please, help us. Help us find them.”

Kiernan wrapped his arms around her from behind as they waited, and Neala could only pray further that they made it to them in time. Before Tara’s window for happiness closed.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Alaric was practically buzzing with excitement when he helped her out of the car and onto the sidewalk, and she couldn’t help but smile at him. “What is it?”

“Come on, let it be a surprise. In fact, close your eyes.” His voice was lighthearted, but the last sentence came out as a command and the pain of the bands hummed up her arms until she clamped her eyes shut. She winced, and then she heard him curse. “Fuck, I didn’t mean -”

“It’s okay, my eyes are closed. Did the bands show?”

“For a moment, but they’re gone again. Bloody hell, I didn’t mean it like that.” He sighed. “I promise I’ll be more careful with what I say, will you come with me?”

She felt his hand in hers and she nodded. They didn’t walk far, and he kept her close to his side so that she only occasionally brushed into other people. Then she heard a door open and he guided her inside, and silence surrounded them as the door shut again. There were some shuffling sounds, someone walking towards them, and then she felt Alaric’s lips against her ear.

“You can open your eyes.”

When she did her heart leapt into her throat. In front of her was the music shop, and the kind, older man who owned it – and in his hands was the violin she had played, a beautiful red bow wrapped around it. “Alaric…” she whispered, but emotion choked her.

“You said that you didn’t want it, because your next master wouldn’t let you keep it.” Alaric spoke quietly, using Japanese again so the man wouldn’t understand him. “Well, I want you to have it. I want you to have anything you want.”

“May I hear you play again?” The old man smiled and held the violin out towards her. “You play beautifully.”

Tara nodded, because words escaped her. The silk of the ribbon fell away with a single tug, and then she lifted the violin, and the old man grabbed the bow from a shelf behind him to offer it. With the first draw over the strings, she felt a lightness in her chest bubble up. The violin practically sang, expressing her feelings for her, and Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 flowed out like invisible sunshine. Music took off inside her head, and she could hear the other string instruments as if they were really there, accompanying her and lifting her up.

Her eyes closed, and she knew she was rocking as she played, as the minutes passed, and as far as she could tell the world had simply fallen away.

When she drew the last notes from the violin she opened her eyes to see Alaric watching her with an open mouth, the old man with his hands clasped tight and tears in his eyes, and then she heard muffled clapping from behind her. A gathering of people stood outside the door to the shop, watching her through the windows, and they were all applauding. Heat flooded her cheeks and Alaric leaned close to whisper, “Looks like I’m not your only fan.”

“Oh, Signora, you are truly gifted. So young to be so talented, thank you. Thank you for playing for me again.” The old man reached forward and touched her arm, squeezing lightly before he stepped back. A young boy had his face pressed against the glass, and he waved at her, a large grin across his face. With a smile she waved back, and his mother above him was beaming.

” She mouthed, pointing down to her son, and Tara turned to Alaric who just shrugged.

“Whatever you like, dolcezza, you can do whatever you like.”

“I think I’d like to play again.”

The old man clapped his hands and ran to the door, opening it so that the few people outside who wanted to listen could come in. Tara found herself and Alaric standing in the small open space in the center of the shop, with a small audience in front of them. The little boy square in the center, his brown eyes wide.

As Tara began to play again, she sank into the music, but one thing came through loud and clear. The voice of the boy. “Mamma? Mamma, I want to play violin. I want to play like

The smile on her face was real, as was the music surrounding her, and there was no mistaking the fluttering beats of the butterflies in her stomach as she glanced at Alaric. She loved him, she was sure of it, and it was a feeling she couldn’t detach or pull away from.

It was a feeling that would one day break her heart, but for now she would play, and live, and love her foolish, mortal knight.



He wasn’t sure how long they had stood there in the music shop listening to Tara play, but a crowd had gathered. It flowed out of the shop and onto the sidewalk, the door propped open by one of the observers, and everyone was as enraptured by her as he was. He scanned the faces of the others there, and not one of them looked at her like an object. They were all just amazed at how beautifully she played – and she
play beautifully.

It had been years since Luca had taken him to an opera, or a symphony, but he was sure she could play with some of the best. Of course, she could have been playing for fifty years, or a hundred. He really had no idea how many years she’d been allowed to have a violin.

I want you to have everything.

The power of that thought shook him to his core as he stared at her, her golden hair thrown over her shoulder, her feet planted on the floor so she could move with the music. She was beautiful, and smart, and so incredibly strong. To think that anyone would want to shut her down, to have her be anything other than this person – it was unthinkable.

Tara drew out the last notes of a song, letting them hang in the air, and then she relaxed and applause erupted again. When her eyes opened, she swallowed, clearly a little uncomfortable with all of the attention, but then she looked at him and smiled. It was like stepping into sunshine, and he knew that this had been the right way to pass the afternoon.

Everyone was still clapping, and she curtseyed with old world grace, and then she thanked them all in Italian before leaning over to press a kiss to the cheeks of the old shopkeeper. That man had been overjoyed when Alaric had called and reminded him of who he was and asked about the violin. That joy was even more evident on his face now, and it made him smile.

As Tara stepped towards him, others walked around the shop, picking up instruments and chatting with the old man. Alaric hoped they had done more for him than just buy a violin and the few books of music that he had grabbed while she played. Perhaps they had drawn attention to his shop, helped him for longer than the short time they’d been in it.

“Thank you, Alaric. This was a lovely surprise.” Her cheeks were pink as she smiled up at him, holding the bow and the violin in one hand by her side.

“Has anyone ever told you that you play beautifully?” He grinned as she rolled her eyes. “I’m being serious, I could listen to you and that violin for hours.”


“Absolutely. Well, I could do that and something else for
hours and hours
, but first, we need to eat.” He loved the way she laughed, bright and light, and he’d do anything to keep someone from stifling it ever again.

Their late lunch at the café was relaxed, and Tara was the most animated he’d seen her, which was why he was repeatedly ignoring the calls from Luca and the texts from Claude. She was telling him all about learning to play the violin, about how she had stolen one once from a string quartet who had played for an event at a house she was in. That she had snuck into empty rooms to play for hours on end until she’d been caught and the violin taken away.

Music had always been her escape. Her safe harbor.

Possibly her
way to distract herself from her reality.

Which was why he took them by an Apple store before heading home, and got her the largest capacity iPod they had, and a dock for her to play the music aloud for them both. The way she had hugged him in the store had made several of the employees and customers smile at them, and for a moment they were nothing more than two young people in love. Those other people had no idea that he was a killer, or that she was a cursed, practically immortal warrior.

He had also bought himself a new laptop to replace the destroyed one, and had them set it up while she chatted with one of the women that worked there about all the features of the new iPod. It was surreal to feel so normal. To feel like he was out with her on a normal errand, on a normal day, like she was his girlfriend.


It seemed like too small of a word for her. She was already the focus of everything in his life, the person who made each of his heartbeats worth living. He’d never felt anything like it. A sense of purpose to guide him without any strings attached. Keeping her safe, making her happy, was all he wanted now – and it was with a sudden clarity that he understood the couples he’d stared at in confusion and envy over the years.
was what they had felt, and it was incredible.

Tara had torn apart the package in the car and started playing with the little device, babbling excitedly about everything she’d learned about it. Ss soon as they were inside the rented apartment he handed her the new laptop and a credit card. “You know how to load it?”

She grinned up at him with her legs folded under her on the couch. “Absolutely! So… I can just get whatever I want?”

“Yes, download whatever you want, dolcezza. I need to make some calls, okay?” He leaned down and kissed her, and she rested her hand on his cheek, holding him there for a moment.

“Why do you call me dolcezza?”

“It was what I called you when we were first heading into the hotel, remember? Your foot was bleeding all over the floor, and you pretended to be drunk. Absolutely, positively astounded me with your quick thinking. I couldn’t believe you were coming along so willingly in the first place.” He couldn’t help but smile at the memory.

“Right, I’d completely forgotten.” She shrugged as if her actions hadn’t meant a thing. “What did I call you?”

“Sweetheart.” Alaric remembered the way she’d clung to him, pressing her body against his, and he’d never forgotten the way her sweet voice had called out to him through the pretend slur.

“Hmm…” A soft kiss pressed to his lips and then she leaned back. “I’ve been thinking of you as a knight, but sweetheart will work.”

“A knight?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“A very foolish, mortal knight.”

“Foolish?” Alaric laughed, feeling a little insulted.

“How else would you describe a mortal deciding he can change the will of the gods?” Tara had already leaned forward to start browsing his laptop, hooking up the iPod like she’d done it a hundred times.

He just sighed, because he couldn’t argue her point. “Touché. Let’s stick with sweetheart, alright, dolcezza?”

.” She winked at him and then he walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He’d already spent too long avoiding Luca and Claude, now he just had to decide which one he wanted to deal with first.

Luca loved him like a son and would forgive him anything, he knew that, so that meant he got to deal with Claude’s anger first.

Oh, joy

The phone was ringing as he kicked his shoes off and climbed onto the bed, propping himself up on the thin pillows near the headboard. “Well, so nice of you to call me back,” Claude’s sarcasm only sounded thicker through his French accent.

“What’s the status on her papers? I though you said they’d be done today, and it’s evening already.”

“We do quality work, Alexander, that’s why you come to me. Either way, I’ll have them ready tonight. Finishing touches and all that.” Claude paused and he could hear him dragging smoke in from his cigarette, then he exhaled. “How is the pretty little dancing queen?”

“She’s fine, but I thought you didn’t care as long as you never had to see her again.” He rubbed his temple where a headache was already forming, wondering for a moment when he’d get to sleep again.

“I was just curious. She may be a whore, but she was well-behaved in my club. Nice to my staff.”

call her a whore.” Alaric felt his temper climb, his hand clenching into a fist, and Claude’s low laugh on the other end of the line only made it worse.

“Well, well, well… sounds like you’ve been enjoying yourself with more than just a kiss. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to taste what you sell? Bad for business.”

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