Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)
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“That’s crazy! It was weeks ago, and now they will have no idea that the guns are even coming through…”

“ENOUGH!” Tank roared, his nostrils flaring. “You have no idea how they got the information in the first place. It could be from a contact within the people your delivering these guns to. I will not take chances with your life.” Tank held her arms and shook her slightly before his lips crashed down on hers.

Annie moaned, geez the man was turning into an addiction. Her hands buried themselves into his hair, and her body softened. He always seemed to do this to get his way. The way his hands clutched at her, one on her hip and the other in her hair, holding her for his invasion. It was enough to make a girl want to scream. How could he always turn her brain to mush with only a kiss, she asked

His lips slid from her mouth down to her neck, she tilted her head giving him better access, needing him like she needed air. He was her addiction, and she loved him. He nipped her shoulder then pulled away.

“Fuck, you’re killing me woman. This wasn’t supposed to turn into an argument. I had plans for tonight.” He whispered against her skin, his mouth continued to nip her.

“What plans?” Annie asked.

“Special plans, sweetheart.” Tank told her as he kissed her one last time before releasing her. She was about to question him more when he smacked her ass.

“Let’s get going.”

“Wh-what where are we going?” Annie asked, breathlessly.

“You’ll see. Now let’s go.” He took her hand and pulled her behind him out the door. The sun was coming down and the fog of desire that had surrounded her brain was clearing by the time they’d reached his bike.

“Tank where are we going?” Annie demanded.

“You’ll like it baby.” Tank said, climbing on the bike and looking at her expectantly.

She sighed, “I would have liked having multiple orgasms, too” 

Tank let out a laugh hearing her grumble about not getting to head up to bed early. Damn, he really loved this woman. She accused him of being a horny bastard, but she was just as horny. Which suited him just fine. Grinning, he felt her arms sliding around his waist, he cranked his hog, before saying, “Don’t worry baby you’ll get those, too.” Before he took off.



Annie sat in the firelight leaning on Tank. He’d brought her up to the waterfall where they’d had
their first date after they’d stopped at Aunt Mae’s for a basket. A basket that held delicious food that had already filled their bellies. She was content for the moment to watch the fireflies flying around lighting up the sky, and feel the warmth of Tank’s big body behind her. She realized sitting there that this was the most romantic date any man had ever taken her on. Not that she’d had many dates, really. It had mostly been hookups she was ashamed to say. It was hard to develop a relationship when you were constantly moving, or afraid that someone would discover your secrets.

She was glad for that for the first time in her life
, she didn’t have to worry about someone discovering her secret. Tank already knew about her deep dark, messy secret. She felt Tank’s mouth caressing her neck, and she knew that he was the reason she was glad. Meeting him, even though he made her nuts with the overprotectiveness, had been the best thing to ever happen to her. She loved him so much it hurt sometimes. She didn’t want to admit that he’d become her anchor, but he had. He’d somehow wormed his way past her defenses in a matter of weeks. And for someone like her that was not an easy feat. She still didn’t know how he’d managed it. Perhaps it was the mind numbing orgasms, and the way her who-ha jumped for joy every time it thought it might get some.

“Lift up, I have something else I want to give you, sweetheart.” Tank whispered
, helping her to sit. Annie wondered what in the world he was doing. She turned seeing him remove a package that he’d carried over with the blanket and the food. She’d forgotten about it. He handed it to her.

“Open it.” He said, looking a little worried.

Annie stared at him for a long moment, then grumbled, “This better be worth you making me get up.” Tearing the wrapping, she was stunned at what fell out. It was soft leather and it brought tears to her eyes. Was this, shit…shit. What was she supposed to do with this? She couldn’t accept this, could she? Her eyes rose to meet his. She wanted to keep this so bad her whole body ached, but could she make this promise to him. Because taking it was a promise, she knew that without him telling her. It was almost marriage that was what a patch meant. Even loving him she wasn’t sure that this was something she could commit to.

“Well?” Tank asked, looking at her. Seeing the
astonishment on her face and the tears in her eyes, he was worried. Fuck, was she not ready for this, had he misjudged her affections. No, he said stopping that train of thought. She was ready and he knew she was. Telling him that she loved him at the track the other day wasn’t a whim. She was just scared.

“Wait, before you say anything I want you to know that I love you. I will be here whenever you need me, and you might as well take it because I’m not ever letting you go.” He told her gruffly.
His hands fisted at his sides, he stared at her.

“You really think you get to make that decision for me?” She demanded.

“No, but I can follow you. It will hurt my brothers, but I won’t let you walk away without a fight, and if that means I have to follow you to the ends of the earth then I will. I love you, Annie.” Tank watched her hold the leather patch to her face, rubbing her cheek with it. A few silent tears fell from her eyes.

“Tank,” Annie whispered. Her heart ached. She wanted this, and she wasn’t going to allow her fear of what this meant to stop her from getting what she wanted. And she wanted to keep Tank.
“Okay.” She said simply making her choice, feeling the relief that flooded her. She knew when he smiled and moved towards her, with a look of love shining from his eyes that she hadn’t chosen wrong. They were good together, and she was going to enjoy every minute of that she could stand.

Tank tackled her to the blanket, making her giggle as he tickled her. He growled, “You naughty minx. You’re giving me grey hair. I thought you were going to say no.”

“It’s good for you, you big brute. Just cause you’re the big bad biker doesn’t mean you always get your way.” She laughed as he began to kiss her.

“Baby, you’re going to pay for that comment.”

“I can’t wait to see you
to make that happen.” Annie laughed, pulling his lips down to meet hers. 

“Mmm…I will enjoy proving it.” Tank whispered against her lips.

Chapter 17


Tank stood holding Annie, with his arms around her waist at Tammy’s the next morning. They were talking to Molly and Bone. Annie was laughing at Molly, she was telling a story about Racheal and Doc from yesterday. Molly had gone with her to confirm her pregnancy. She was definitely pregnant and Tiny had been over the moon excited. Racheal on the other hand had hit the doctor with a heavy right hook. Not because she was pregnant, but because he’d likened her to a dog when he talked about her being with child.

was laughing too. She’d also taken the test to see about her own fertility while she was there. Tank could tell that she was a little worried about the results to the test that would tell her why she and Bone couldn’t seem to get pregnant. Bone had told him that Doc seemed to think that it could be because of the drugs they’d given her while she was in the city. The one to prevent pregnancy sometimes caused a problem. They were too strong according to Doc. They used something that could actually damage the woman’s ability to produce any viable eggs. Although, that was rare side effect, it was still possible that they had caused this issue with Molly.

Doc didn’t think that was what had happened to Molly, but he wanted to be sure. It was mostly a precaution.
Bone was freaking out about the possibility because he knew that if that were true Molly, who wanted so badly to have a children, would be devastated. Bone didn’t like that idea outcome at all. Tank knew that anything that devastated Molly made Bone go apeshit. Not that Tank could blame him, he felt the same way for Annie.

“So, then Tin
y helped Doc off the floor, laughing. Then Racheal told Doc that he’d better get something to splint her hand with because she thought it might be broken. Tiny went a little nuts when he discovered she’d broken her hand hitting the man. So, what does that nut do? He decks him again, and he hit him so hard that he was out for two hours and has a minor concussion. They’re lucky that he didn’t refuse to monitor her pregnancy.” Molly told them laughing. Bone who sat with her on his lap, grunted.

“Served him right. You never call a woman a bitch in heat, never.” Bone chuckled.

Tank smiled grimly, yeah that had been kind of stupid, and the broken hand wasn’t the real reason he’d decked the man Tank would bet. Nope, that idiotic comment was the reason for a fist landing in his face for a second time in one day. Tank was protective, but Tiny was like a dog left alone for too long and then let off the leash. Racheal was his world, and if you threatened to even make that woman blink in distress and he was all over it.

“Wow, that’s funny. What happened with her hand?” Annie asked.

“Oh, well Stacy was there and she knew how to use the bone setter device Doc has, so she set the bone and bandaged it. That thing is pretty cool. I’d only seen one used when I was a kid and my dad broke his arm. So, it was fun to watch. It’s totally awesome that it fixes a broken bone within a day rather than having to wait like several months.” Molly told them, making Bone smile.

“Yeah, I actually hand my leg set once, after the kid…umm after an accident.” Annie finished lamely. Damn, she’d almost let it slip that she’d been kidnapped by the Jackal’s
, which would have brought up a whole host of other questions. She felt Tank stiffen around her, and she knew that had been the wrong thing to mention. He was still upset about her kidnapping. She didn’t think he’d be too happy to learn that snaky had broken her leg before he’d been forced to stop beating on her.

“Ouch, that sucks.” Molly winched in sympathy.

“Yeah, it wasn’t fun.”

Tank leaned down brushing his lips against her neck. She let him kiss her. Hearing the door behind them open she
turned watching as Tiny walked into the diner with a grim smile on his face. He looked at Tank and Bone.

“Found that information you were wanting.” Tiny told Tank who gripped her hips a bit
hard, before releasing them. Annie’s heart almost stopped thinking Tiny meant the information about her mother.

“Good, how far away are they?” Tank asked, seeming to know what the man was talking about.
That more than anything made the breath she hadn’t even realized that she was holding out in a long exhale.

About forty miles south, but it’s a general area, not an exact location.” Tiny told him.

“Okay, let me take Annie home
, and I’ll meet you at the club in a half hour.” Tank replied.

“Slim, Trick and Dog want to come too. None of us are too happy about what you told us.” Bone told him with a grim look of his own.

“I thought it might go that way. It’s good. More the merrier.”

Annie had a bad feeling about this. She wanted to ask what the hell was going on, but knowing that they wouldn’t tell her she looked at Molly
, who rolled her eyes. Yep, that about summed up how she felt about their highhandedness too, she thought.

Tank nodded at the two other men and waited impatiently for Annie to say goodbye to Molly. He wanted this finished, today. He knew what Annie had been about to say about her kidnapping. One of those bastards had broken her leg, and if he hadn’t already planned to kill the
m and anyone else who was involved in her kidnapping, that little tidbit would have made him decided to.

Annie climbed on the bike
behind him, and he headed back to their house with her arms around him. She wouldn’t understand his need to take those two men out, but he wasn’t going to allow anyone who’d hurt her to live. It just wasn’t going to happen,

He walked into the house after her planning to kiss her before heading down to the basement for supplies when she rounded on him. Her eyes were flashing fire as she demanded.

“What are you planning, Tank? If this is about me you…”

“Stop,” He barked, his eyes lit with anger. “This is not something you get a say in, understood.”

“If it’s about me, then no I don’t understand. Nor will I allow you to…”

“I’m not going to talk about this.” Tank muttered
, interrupting her. He stalked towards her jerking her into his arms, his mouth slammed onto hers with a passionate purpose. His tongue thrusting into her mouth, caressing her own. She moaned, accepting his kiss, melting into him. Her brain turned to mush and her body leaned into his. Her tongue thrusting to meet him. He growled and grabbed her ass, jerking her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He set her on the counter between the kitchen and the living room. His hands found her breasts beneath her shirt, and he plucked at her nipples.

She wanted to demand that he stop, but then again she didn’t. He was her man even if he was an idiot for trying to do this. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she jerked on his shirt pulling it and his cut off. She felt him doing the same. She let the clothing fall to the counter beside her as he did the same. His mouth took her breast, sucking
it while his hands slid to her jeans, jerking at the fastening. She was on fire, her body so wet and achy she could barely stand it. She pulled on his hair, moving him away from her breast.

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