Tanith Lee - Claidi Journals 01 (21 page)

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Authors: Law of the Wolf Tower

BOOK: Tanith Lee - Claidi Journals 01
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Argul took my hand and shook it up and down. His armlets jangled, and for some reason we both grinned.

“Ring not too painful?” he asked.

I said, truthfully, “It feels like its part of my hand.”

And just then, dull thunder, a roar. I nearly screamed.

“Oh God. Argul—
—the city—it’s exploded—it’s on fire!” We stared. And above, the night changed color: silver, scarlet, amber, violet, gold, and white.

It was Mehmed who said, explaining, pleased, “No, Claidi. It must be a celebration. They’re letting off about two thousand fireworks.”


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