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Authors: Rachel Gibson

Tangled Up in You (4 page)

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The rocket landed behind her and exploded. With her heart pounding in her ears, she straightened to peer over the railing.

Sorry about that, Louie called out.

Through the light wash of gray night, Mick Hennessy looked up and stared at her for several seconds. His dark brows lifted as if surprised to see her. Then he rocked back on his heels and laughed like the whole thing was horribly funny. The dimples denting his cheeks and the amusement in his shining blue eyes gave the illusion that he was as trustworthy and harmless as a Boy Scout. But harmless Boy Scouts wore their beige shirts buttoned and tucked into their pants. A Boy Scout didnt leave his shirt hanging open, showing off washboard abs and a lickable happy trail running down his sternum, circling his navel, and disappearing behind the waistband of his Levis. Not that she was in any danger of licking any part of him. But just because he was who he was and she was who she was didnt mean she was blind.

Louie, warn us before you set those things off, Lisa said above the noise. Maddie, come over here. Youll be safer.

Maddie tore her gaze from Micks chest and looked across the ten feet of yard at her neighbor. When it came to safety, trading her deck for theirs didnt make a bit of sense, but since staring at Micks chest was the biggest thrill shed had in weeks, she was obviously bored and sick of her own company.

She stood, grabbed her glass, and walked the short distance. She was quickly introduced to Louies daughter Sofie and her friends who lived in Boise and attended BSU but were in Truly for the weekend. She met several neighbors from farther down the beach, Tanya King, a petite blonde who looked like she hung from her heels and did crunches all day, and Suzanne Porter, whose husband Glenn and teenage son Donald were on the beach setting off fireworks. After that, she lost track of names and couldnt remember who was whom, where they lived, or how long theyd lived in town. They all blurred together except for Louies mother and his aunt Narcisa, who sat at a table wearing equally disarming scowls of disap proval and speaking to each other in rapid Basque. No way could she forget those women.

Would you like more wine? Lisa asked. Ive got Basque Red and Chablis. Or you can have beer or a Coke.

No, thanks. She held up her half-full glass and looked at it. Im a cheap date tonight. She needed to get up early and get to work, and wine tended to give her a headache.

Before I married Louie and had Pete, these Fourth of July barbeques were out of control. Lots of drunks and dangerous fireworks.

As far as Maddie could see, not a lot had changed.

The last person she was introduced to was Lisas sister-in-law, Delaney, who looked about twelve months pregnant.

Im not due until September, Delaney said as if shed read Maddies mind.

Youre joking.

No. Delaney laughed and her blond ponytail brushed her shoulder as she shook her head. Im having twin girls. She pointed toward the beach. Thats my husband, Nick, down there with Louie. Hes going to be a great dad.

As if on cue, the great dad-to-be turned and his gaze sought his wife. He was tall and unbeliev ably handsome, and the only other guy around who gave Mick Hennessy any competition whatsoever in the looks department. Then his intense gaze found his wife and the competition was over. There was just nothing sexier than a man who only had eyes for one woman. Especially when that woman looked like Buddha.

Are you okay? Nick Allegrezza called out.

For goodness sake, Delaney grumbled, then yelled, Yes.

Maybe you should sit down, Nick suggested.

She spread her arms. Im fine.

Maddies gaze slid to Mick, who knelt on one knee as he helped Travis light a flashing strobe. She wondered if he had ever looked that way at any one woman, or if he was more like his father and had eyes for a lot of women.

Fire in the hole, Louie yelled, and Maddies gaze flew to the bottle rockets whizzing upward. This time none of the rockets buzzed Maddies head and instead exploded above the lake. Relief calmed her beating heart. A few years ago, shed volunteered to be Tasered in one of her self-defense classes. She wasnt a chicken, but those flying missiles worried her.

Last week I started to have a few contractions, and the doctor said the babies are probably going to come early, Delaney said, drawing Maddies attention. Nicks totally freaking out about it, but Im not worried. Weve been through hell to have these girls. The hard part is over and everything else will be fine.

Maddie had spent her adult life trying not to get pregnant and wondered what Delaney had been through, but she didnt know her well enough to ask.

You two did go through hell. Lisa rubbed her sister-in-laws belly, then dropped her hands to her sides. But I have a feeling that having two thirteen-year-old girls in the same house at the same time is going to give new meaning to the word hell.

Not a problem. Nicks not going to let the girls out of his sight until theyre twenty-one for fear theyll run into boys like him.

Suzanne raised a glass of white wine and laughed. I never thought Nick would settle down and get married. Growing up, he was as wild as Louie was crazy.

Louie wasnt crazy, Lisa defended her husband, and her brows lowered over her blue eyes.

Everyone called him Crazy Louie for a reason, Delaney reminded her sister-in-law. He stole his first car when he was, what? Ten?

Yeah, well, Nick was right there in the passenger seat with Louie. Lisa sniffed. And he really didnt steal cars. He just borrowed them for a few hours.

Delaneys brows lowered. Are you listening to yourself?

Lisa shrugged. Its true. Besides, Nick came up with lots of bad ideas all on his own. Remember those horrid snowball fights?

Of course, but Nick doesnt have to throw things at me to get my attention these days. Delaney smiled and rested her hands on top of her big belly. Hes still a little wild sometimes, but nothing like he was in school.

Every class had at least one bad boy. Class of 1990 it was Mick Hennessy, Suzanne said. He was always in trouble. In the eighth grade, he punched Mr. Shockey in the face.

Maddie casually took a sip of her wine as if her ears hadnt perked up.

Im sure Mr. Shockey deserved it, Lisa defended Mick. He used to make us run track even when we had period cramps. Sadistic bastard.

Lisa, you were always having cramps, Delaney reminded Lisa. Even in the first grade. And I swear youd defend the devil.

Lisa shrugged. All Im saying is that considering what Mick had to deal with growing up, he turned out pretty good.

Maddie didnt know what Mick had dealt with as a child, but she could guess.

I didnt know Mick growing up, but Ive heard the stories. Tanya raised her glass and took a drink. And he turned out real good. Behind the glass, one corner of Tanyas lips lifted, leaving little doubt that she knew just how real good Mick was.

Be careful, Tanya, Mick is like his daddy, Suzanne warned. He isnt the kind of guy to stay with one woman. Last year Cinda Larson thought she had him all to herself, but he was seeing a few other women at the same time.

The difference being, Maddie thought, Mick wasnt married like his daddy had been.

I just got divorced last year. Tanya wore a strapless sundress on her tiny body, and she shrugged one bare shoulder. Im not looking for an exclusive relationship.

Maddie took a drink of her wine and made a mental note. Not that Micks relationships with women were of interest to her, personally or professionally. His and Megs personal relationships would not end up in the book any more than hers, but she was curious. Curious if their childhood had been any better than hers. From the little shed just heard, shed say no.

Suzanne moved to the rail and yelled down, Donald, make sure you point the big ones over the lake. Then she turned back and her green eyes settled on Maddie. Do you have children? she asked.

No. If she hadnt been standing next to a pregnant lady, she might have added that she didnt think shed ever want children either.

What do you do for a living?

If Maddie answered truthfully, shed open herself up to questions she wasnt so sure she wanted to answer at a Fourth of July barbeque. Not yet, and especially not with Mick and Travis walking up the beach toward her. The ends of Micks shirt slightly billowing about his chest and hips as he moved, drawing her and every other females attention to his Levis hanging low on his bare waist.

There was no doubt about it. Mick Hennessy was so blatantly all man that it hit a woman like a brick to the forehead. He was headed straight for her, and shed be lying to herself if she pretended that he wasnt hot as hell. While she had no problem lying to other people, she could never lie to herself.

F ire in the hole! Louie shouted and set off several screeching rockets, saving Maddie the effort of thinking up a half-truth or full-out lie. Four rockets flew up instead of at her head and her pulse steadied.

These rockets were a little bigger than the last and exploded in small bursts of color. Louie had broken out heavier artillery, yet still no one seemed in the least worried. No one except Maddie.

I want to stay down there, Travis grumbled as he, Mick, and Pete moved up the steps of the deck.

The big shows about to start, Mick said, and you know kids have to move where its safe.

Big show? She raised her wine and drained the glass. She wondered if Mick was going to put Tanya out of her misery and button his shirt. Sure, it had been hot earlier, but it was getting fairly nippy now.

Donald is a kid, Pete complained.

Donald is fourteen, Lisa said. If youre going to argue, you can go sit by your grandmother and Tia Narcisa.

Pete quickly plopped his behind down on the steps. Ill sit here. Travis sat next to him, but neither appeared happy about being confined to the deck.

Hey, Mick, Tanya called out to him.

He glanced up from Travis, but his gaze met Maddies. His blue eyes looked into hers for several heartbeats before he turned his attention to the petite woman on Maddies left. Hey, there, Tanya. Hows it going?

Good. I still have some Bushmills Malt 21. What are you doing after the show?

Ive got to take Travis home, then head to work, he said. Maybe some other time. He moved past them to a cooler and bent at the waist. He lifted the white lid and his shirt fell open. Naturally. Yo, Travis and Pete, he called out. Do you boys want a root beer?

As one, the two boys turned at the waist. Yeah.


Ice and water sloshed in the cooler as he grabbed two cans of Hires and lobbed them into the boys waiting hands. He pulled out a Red Bull, then closed the coolers lid.

Maddie, have you met Mick Hennessy? Lisa asked.

Out of habit, she held out her hand, Yes, weve met.

He wiped his hand on his pants, then took her fingers in his cool wet palm. Kill any mice today?

No. His thumb brushed her bare ring finger and he smiled. Intentional or not, she didnt know, but the light touch spread hot itchy little tingles to her wrist. It was the closest shed come to real sex in years. No dead mice yet, but Im hoping theyre experiencing death rattles even as we speak. She pulled her hand back before she forgot who he was and why she was in town. Once he found out, she doubted there would be any more handshakes and tingles. Not that she particularly wanted either.

Call an exterminator, Tanya said.

Maddie had called an exterminator and he couldnt get to her house for a month.

Be careful who you call, Lisa warned. Car penters and exterminators work on Miller time around here and they have a habit of just up and leaving at three oclock.

I take it three oclock is Miller time.

Pretty much. Lisas mother-in-law called her name and she grimaced. Excuse me.

Better her than me, Delaney uttered as Lisa walked away.

I could give you the number of someone who might actually arrive when he says he will. Mick popped the top to his Red Bull. And stay until the job is finished.

Have your husband or boyfriend take care of your mice problem, Tanya suggested.

She looked at Tanya and suddenly didnt get a nice neighborly vibe. The energy had changed since Mick had walked onto the deck. She wasnt sure, but she guessed that Tanya wasnt going to be her new B.F.F. Dont have a boyfriend and Ive never been married.

Never? Tanya raised a brow as if Maddie were a freak, and Maddie would have laughed if it wasnt so ridiculous.

Hard to believe, isnt it? she said. Tanya need not worry. The very last man on the planet she would ever get involved with was Mick Hennessy. Despite his nice abs and killer happy trail. Im such a great catch.

Mick chuckled and took a drink of his Red Bull. Through the darkening shadows of nightfall, she could just see the laugh lines creasing the corners of his blue eyes as he looked at her over the silver can.

She smiled back and decided it was past time to change the subject. Did you have to toss Darla out of Morts on her bare behind?

He lowered the can and sucked moisture from his bottom lip. Nah. She behaved.

Are women still tossing their panties? Delaney asked.

Not as much. Thank God. Mick shook his head and grinned, a flash of white against the dark. Believe me, tossing drunk, half-naked women from my bar isnt as fun as it sounds.

Maddie laughed. Never in a million years would she have thought shed find Mick Hennessy so utterly likable. How often does that happen? Then again, he was his fathers son.

Mick shrugged. Morts used to be a really wild place before I took over, and some people are having a hard time adjusting.

Theyve never adjusted to Jacksons Texaco taking over for Grovers Gas and Go, and that was about six years ago. Delaney drew in a breath and let it out slowly. My feet are killing me.

Fire in the hole! Louie yelled seconds before sending up another barrage. Maddie spun around and her gaze flew to the rockets soaring straight up.

Behind her, Micks deep laughter was almost drowned out by the rockets pop-pop-pops. When she turned back, hed moved to help Delaney find a chair. Tanya trailed after them and Maddie wasnt sorry to see her go. The woman had gone from perfectly pleasant to bitchy over a man, something Maddie had never understood. There were other available men on the planet, why get all uptight over one? Especially if that one had a reputation for never getting involved. For loving and leaving. Not that Maddie ever held that against anyone. She didnt understand women who got so attached so easily. After a few dates or good sex, they were in love. How did that happen? How was that even possible?

Sofie Allegrezza and her friends moved to the railing beside Maddie for a better view of her fathers fireworks show. Maddie set her glass on the railing and watched Louie load up the three big mortar tubes. Shed never needed a man in order to feel good about herself or to make her life complete. Not like her mother.

Fire in the hole. This time there was an audible whoosh seconds before the three rounds shot from tubes and exploded with three loud booms. Startled, Maddie jumped back and collided with something solid. A pair of big hands grabbed her arms as green, gold, and red bursts of fire rained down toward the lake. Sorry. She turned her head and looked up into the shadows resting on Micks face.

Not a problem. Instead of pushing her away, he held her right where shed landed. Tell me something.


He lowered his face and spoke just above her ear. If youre a great catch, why havent you been caught?

His warm breath touched the side of her head and slipped down her neck. Probably for the same reason you havent.

Which is?

You dont want to be caught.

Honey, all women want to be caught. His hands slid to her elbows, then up again, bunching her sweatshirt. All women want a white wedding, picket fence, and a baby maker.

Have you met all women?

She thought she felt him smile. Ive met my share.

So I hear.

You shouldnt believe everything you hear.

And you shouldnt believe all women want you for their own personal baby maker.

You dont want me for your own personal baby maker?

Shocking, isnt it?

He laughed. A low rumble against the side of her head. You smell good. Against her back, she felt him draw in a deep breath.

German chocolate cake.


I smell like chocolate cake body scrub.

I havent had chocolate cake in a long time. Shed been mistaken about his handshake being like the best sex shed had in years. This, his soft breath in her hair and his hands on her arms, was practically orgasmic. Which she figured made her particularly pathetic. Youre making me hungry, he said next to her ear.

For cake?

His hands slid to her shoulders, then back down to her elbows. For starters.

Uncle Mick, Travis called out as he stood. When are the town fireworks going to start?

Mick looked up. His hands tightened a fraction, then dropped to his sides. Any minute, he answered and took a step back. As if on cue, several enormous booms shook the ground and the night sky lit up with huge bursts of color. Sofie Allegrezza pushed play on her small sound system and Jimi Hendrixs sonic guitar wailed The Star Spangled Banner into the night. Forest critters scrambled for cover as around the lake fireworks exploded from the beaches, competing with the towns pyrotechnic eruptions.

Welcome to Truly. The original shock and awe.

D id you have fun, Travis?

A huge yawn came from the other side of the dark truck. Yeah. Maybe next year I can blow off bigger fireworks.

Maybe, if you stay out of trouble.

Mom said if I stay out of trouble, I can get a puppy.

Mick turned the Ram into Megs driveway and pulled to a stop next to her Ford Taurus. A dog was a good idea. A boy needed a dog. What kind of puppy?

I like black ones with white spots.

Lights burned from within the house and a single bulb lit the porch. Together they climbed out of the truck and walked up the front steps. It was close to eleven-thirty and Traviss feet were dragging. How long do you have to be good?

For one month.

The kid couldnt stay out of trouble with his mother for one week. Well, just watch your mouth and you might make it. He shoved his keys into his pants pocket and opened the door for his nephew.

Meg sat on the couch in her white nightgown and pink fuzzy robe. Tears shone in her green eyes as she looked up from something she held in her hand. A forced smile curved her lips and dread settled on Micks shoulders. It was going to be one of those nights.

Did you see the fireworks, Mom? If Travis noticed, he didnt seem bothered.

No, honey, I didnt go outside. But I heard them. She stood and Travis wrapped his arms around her waist. They were huge!

Did you behave yourself? She placed her hand on her sons head and looked over at Mick.

Yes, Travis answered, and Mick confirmed it with a nod.

Thats my good boy.

Travis looked up. Pete said maybe I could spend the night and his mom said, Some other time.

Well see. Like their mother, Meg was a beautiful woman, with smooth white skin and long black hair. And as with their mother, her moods were unpredictable as hell. Go get your pajamas on and get in bed. Ill be in to kiss you good night in a minute.

Okay, Travis said through a yawn. Good night, Uncle Mick.

Night, buddy. An almost overwhelming urge to turn away pulled at Mick and he actually took a step back. Away from what he knew was to come and toward the cool night air.

Meg watched her son leave the room, then she held out her hand and opened her palm. I found Moms wedding ring.


She took it off and left it on her nightstand before she went to the bar that night. She never took it off.

I thought you werent going to go through her things anymore.

I wasnt. She closed her hand around the ring and bit her thumbnail. It was packed away with Grandmother Loraines jewelry, and I found it when I was looking for her four leaf clover necklace. The one she used to wear all the time because it brought her luck. I wanted to wear it to work tomorrow.

God, he hated when his sister got like this. He was five years younger than Meg, but hed always felt like the older brother.

Her big green eyes looked across at him and her hand fell to her side. Was Daddy really going to leave us?

Hell, Mick didnt know. No one knew but Loch, and he was long dead. Dead and gone and in the past. Why couldnt Meg leave it alone?

Maybe because shed just turned ten a few months before the night their mother had loaded a snub-nosed .38 and emptied five chambers into Micks father and a young waitress by the name of Alice Jones. Meg remembered a hell of a lot more about that night twenty-nine years ago when their mother had killed more than Loch and his latest lover. More about the night their mother had put the short barrel into her own mouth, pulled the trigger, and killed more than herself too. Shed blown apart the lives of her two children, and Meg had never really recovered.

I dont know, Meggie. Grandmother didnt think so. But that wasnt saying anything. Loraine had always turned a blind eye and deaf ear to her own husbands and sons many affairs and offenses and later to everything Mick had done. She lived her whole life in denial. It had been easier for her to pretend everything was wonderful. Especially when it wasnt.

But Grandmother didnt live with us then. She didnt know what it was like. You didnt either. You were too little. You dont remember.

I remember enough. He raised his hands and scrubbed his face. Theyd had this conversation before and it never resolved anything. What does it matter now?

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