Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel)
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I stared at him wide eyed. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. So we’ll say it’s a 50/50 shot. So that means that you may end up marrying the girl. If that happens you are more than welcome to stay here and finish school. Your mother will help with the baby so both of you can still graduate. After
that, I can see if my brother can get you a job down there. You know Grand- mère would love to see you again and would help with babysitting. Or you can stay here and go to college. That choice is yours.”

I swallowed trying to keep the multitude of emotions flooding me at bay. A
small lump formed in my throat. I coughed in an attempt to dislodge it. “I don’t know what to say.”

“That’s okay, son. If you need to, just let it out. Keeping things bottled up is not good for you.” He got up and walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll be in the kitchen with your mother if you want to come talk to us.”

I know it’s not manly of me but after the door shut, I stayed in there and cried. I cried over losing Roxy, over the possibility of being a father and everything that entailed. Over my parents accepting that and making such a huge offer. When I finished I left his office and was greeted with hugs from the twins. Charles patted my back. Beau motioned for me to follow him outside.

We walked around the pool for a few minutes in silence. “You going to be okay?”

“I don’t know.” I said honestly. “She’s my everything. I knew it when I first saw her. I know that if I can’t be with her now. We will be together when we graduate.”

“Do you think she’ll wait for you?”

A slice of pain ripped through my heart. “Gawd, I hope so.”


Science class felt like heaven. I sat there next to her with her hand in mine while Dr. Sloan droned on about our carbon footprint and how each one of us is affecting the earth. I brought her hand to my lips. “Drez will meet you at your locker after class.”

She smiled at me before a twinge of uncertainty flickered in her eyes. “Do you know anything about him?”

“Not much really. I know he owes Beau a huge favor. So Beau cashed it in on bringing you to Frank’s each day until your dad relents or….”
My eyes lowered to her stomach.

She blushed profusely. “Oh.”

“Why do you ask?” Now she really had my curiosity up.

She let go of my hand and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear
as she bit her lip. “She’ll kill me if she found out I told you. So you have to promise not to say anything to her.”

“I promise.”

“Marie has a crush on him.” She rambled out. “Jess told us a bunch of stuff about him and I’m just concerned that if it’s true your sister might get hurt.”

“Okay. I’ll ask Beau about him. Just a question. How much stuff did Jess tell you about us that wasn’t true?” I touched her chin rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip.

“Oh almost everything. The only thing that was true was you guys stick up for your own.” She laughed and grabbed my hand away from her face. “I’m still working on that collage for your mom. I already have everyone but Charles finished. I still need to get a good picture of him. So when we go to lunch I’ll try to quickly draw him out. Since I don’t have a phone right now to grab a quick pic.”

I let out a faint whistle. “Yeah, I didn’t know he was going to do that. So Saturday night I sent you a message. Damn did I get a hateful one in return.”

“I can imagine. He fumed the rest of that day. Sunday he took my laptop, car keys from me, and he spent most of the Monday on the phone with his mother. I thought for sure that he’d try to make me move up there. Mom hasn’t spoken one word to him since you guys left. Not that I blame her. You should have heard the crap he said to us.”

My lips tightened to a thin line. “I did. I was on my way back to your room to try to… I don’t know. Stop him. That’s when he pushed me into the living room and threw the lamp at me.”

“Sorry about that.” She reached over and caressed my cheek.

I captured her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Don’t be. I’m lucky he didn’t beat the shit out of me.” The bell rang startling us both. I gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t forget Drez will meet you at your locker. I’ll see you in a few, mon cœur.”


Chapter Sixteen



I watched him walk away with a smile on my face. I gathered my things and headed to my locker. So I get to meet the infamous Marcus Dresden the bad boy with the face of an angel.
Somehow, I really don’t doubt the rumors about him. No one can fake getting into that much trouble. I sighed, opened my locker placing my books inside and grabbed my bag. I quickly shoved my sketchpad in it and my history book. A familiar hand placed itself next to my head.

“So I heard that you and Luke are broken up?” Bus purred in my ear sending a wave of nausea course through my body.

“Really? And just who told you that bullshit?” I snapped at him slamming my locker.

“Doesn’t matter. Not like it did before anyway.” He slithered up beside me and grabbed the base of my neck. He sniffed my hair and chuckled. “I can’t wait to get you on my list. Popping your cherry is so going to be worth the wait. I might even invite Luke to watch.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and jerked my head away from him unfortunately ripping some hair out in the process. “You’re too late for that. I’ve been getting a piece of him for weeks now and damn is he good.”

“Roxy?” I turned around to see the fallen angel leaning against the locker behind me with his arms crossed over his chest amplifying his muscles in the tight black t-shirt. The tattoo of a gothic angel on his left arm undulated as he shifted his arm causing it to appear to flap its wings. His dark dirty blonde hair framed a face set in stone as he glared over my head. Those startling pale grey eyes looked like chips of ice as he sized Bus up.

“Oh hey. Ready to go?” I glared at Bus who just stood there sputtering and stalked off with Marcus trailing behind me.

“Was he bothering you?” Marcus asked in his clipped English accent. His shaggy hair waved in the breeze. The security guard from earlier shied away from us when he noticed who was walking with me.

“Yeah. He’s been trying to get me in that book of his. The bastard just can’t seem to take no for an answer.” I flung my bag over my shoulder and slowed down to walk at the same pace as him.

“Oh. That explains it. Well, as long as I’m doing this for Beau I’ll run as much interference as possible for you. I’d hate to see a little thing like you getting hurt by a git like him.” He opened the Charger door for me and waited for me to get in.

I thanked him as I got in. “So how do you know Beau?”

He revved the engine causing the seats to vibrate at the power under the hood. “Auto shop last year, when I moved here during the middle of the school year he did me a solid. He’s a pretty good friend to have.”

I tensed as we sped off so fast the tires barked against the pavement. “Oh.” I swallowed my fear. “Yeah, the whole family is pretty cool.”

“Haven’t met the others yet.” His eyes flicked up to the rearview
mirror then back to the road. “They do seem pretty close.”

I laughed. “Yeah they are. It took me by surprise being an only kid and then
being exposed to them. They love pulling pranks on each other.”

“I’d say so.”

When we pulled into Frank’s I saw Jess and Marie’s eyes widen when they saw the car. Beau and Charles sat next to them at a small table. Luke stood by the table with a smile on his face. As Marcus parked the car and turned it off, I jumped out and ran over to Luke jumping in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. His fingers dug into my ass as he supported my weight.

“Get a room you two!” Charles laughed and threw a fry at us.

I leaned back and unwrapped myself from him. “Sorry.” I licked my bottom lip as I savored his taste.

“Don’t be, chèr.” Luke took a seat and pulled me on his lap. “I’ve already ordered you something to eat. Grilled chicken with light lettuce, no tomato and honey mustard and a root beer float to drink.”

“Thank you.” I nuzzled his neck causing him to shift a bit under me and groan silently.

Beau clapped Marcus on the back. “Thanks for doing this, Drez.
That’s Charles and Luke is with Roxy. This is my sister Marie and our friend Jess.”

“A pleasure to meet you.
It’s not a problem. I’m glad I could help. You are aware that Bus is harassing her?” He took a seat beside a very flushed Marie.

“Still?” Charles sighed and shook his head. “Luke, frère, you are going to have to kick his ass or something. This is getting absurd.”

“He cornered her at her locker a few minutes ago and told her that he couldn’t wait to…. How did he put it? Oh yes pop her cherry and he might even let Luke watch.” Marcus, excuse me Drez, snatched a fry off Marie’s tray and continued. “She said that he was a little too late for that. That she’d been getting a piece of him for weeks and…” He smirked those grey eyes shimmered like mercury. “…Damn was he good.”

“Well he is.” I muttered which caused Jess to cackle.

Marie smacked Drez’s hand when he tried to snatch another fry. “Get your own.”

His eyes widened in surprise before his expression turned
suggestive as he stared into her eyes. “Would if I could, pet, but I’m a little short on funds today.”

He grabbed another fry and just as he was about to pop it in his mouth. She grabbed it from him and got nose to nose with him. “Dat’s no’ my problem,
Shug.” She leaned back and ate the fry leaving him in a state of shock.

I looked over at Jess who sat there wide-eyed then back to Marie and Drez. Marie was pretending to ignore him. I could tell she was having a hard time doing so. Every time she reached for some of her fries or her
drink, her hand would tremble a bit. He was talking to Beau but every now and then, his granite eyes would flitter over to Marie and just watch her.

“Hey, why don’t we get him some food since he is helping us see each other?” I whispered to Luke who still held me on his lap, one of his hands rested on my knee.

He shrugged in indifference. “That’s up to you, love. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.”

“Drez, want a burger? My treat for keeping that stupid imitation bacon away from me.” I asked digging into my bag for my money.

“Imitation bacon?” He asked in utter confusion.

“Security guards. Jess and I started calling them that when we found out a few of them flunked out of law enforcement training. You know cops are called pigs. Pig is where we get bacon. Hence imitation bacon.” I explained pulling out a twenty from the bottom of my messenger bag. That’s another thing
, dad took my credit card away from me.

Charles laughed so hard he snorted out the milkshake he was drinking. That caused
everyone else to laugh harder.

Drez shook his head at me. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine really.”

I raised my eyebrow at him and looked him over. Yes, he was attractive but once you look past that. You could see faint circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. His t-shirt was rumpled and had a small stain on the collar. His jeans were a bit dirty. He honestly looked like he hadn’t had a decent meal or shower in weeks. I shook my head at him. “Puh-lease. I’m getting you a burger and fries. I will not take no for an answer. Now is there anything you will not eat on it?”

“No.” He mumbled his eyes downcast.

“Good.” I pressed the intercom and ordered a double cheese with the works, large fry and a soda.

“You’re a bossy bit of goods aren’t you?” He stared at me uncertainty in his eyes.

Luke chuckled sending a heady rush of desire through my veins as he kissed my neck. “You have no idea.”


The next few weeks went in the same manner. I’d meet up with Luke in the restroom during first period. We would kiss and just hold each other for a few minutes before heading back to class. During
Science, we’d talk and tell each other how our night went. Drez would meet me at my locker keeping the security guards and Bus away from me then drive me to Frank’s every day for lunch. Where one of us would make sure, he had something to eat then I’d talk with Luke in the next few classes until I had to get on the bus.

Christie had apparently found a new boyfriend. Every morning I’d see her drag him into the janitor’s closet. She had stopped leaving notes for me and calling me whore. Thank god. Bus though was still lurking around. He hasn’t talked to me since my revelation that day but I’ve seen his car around my neighborhood when I would get off the bus. At least I think it’s his car. He also just s
tares at me in between classes.

When I’d get
home, I’d grab something to eat and then go straight to my room ignoring my father in his attempts to talk to me. My mother had just started talking to him again. Given it was only monosyllabic responses but it was a start. At least my dad had moved out of the guest bedroom and back into the room they shared.

One Saturday morning, I stood at the canvas smiling at the completed painting. I had finally finished the piece for Eva. Beau’s image sat at the top of the canvas glaring. On his left was Luke with his short hair smiling with his dimple showing. Marie was on the other side, her hair down and topaz eyes twinkling. Charles sat in between them laughing with his head thrown back. The twins were in the corners Dev to the left looking up shyly and Remi smirking on the right.

I cleaned off my brush and draped a sheet over it. Now I just had to get it framed and figure out a way to give it to her. I walked out of my makeshift studio and saw both of my parents standing in the middle of the room.

I looked at mom. “What’s up?”

My father shoved a paper bag at me. “It has been long enough for us to find out. Go take the test and leave it on the counter.”

“Oh.” I gasped. I had forgotten all about that. I hesitantly grabbed the bag and walked to my bathroom mentally counting back the days to my last period. After that disastrous
Saturday, I had stopped taking the pill. Only because I had completely forgotten about it and dad had my phone and my reminder was on it.

I opened the bag and saw the box in there. Swallowing loudly I grabbed it and tore off the top. I pulled out the directions and cringed. I was supposed
to do what now? Gross. After peeing on the stick, I placed it on the counter and scrubbed my hands. I stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the couch.

“Seven minutes.” I muttered to them. My mom sat down beside me and grabbed my hand gently patting it.

My father paced my room running a hand through his hair. “If you are you are going to your grandmother’s until you have the baby. Then you will give it up for adoption.”

My eyes widened in horror. I clenched my jaw and snarled at him. “No.”

He stopped his pacing and glared at me in shock. “What?”

“I will not be hidden at your mother’s house like some dirty little secret and I will never give away a part of me.” I spat out closing my eyes in anguish. I can’t believe I had forgotten about this.

My mother sighed heavily. “Why don’t we wait until the results are done? Then we can discuss what to do. I don’t want either of you saying anything right now that you will regret.”

I nodded my head in agreement and squeezed her hand. My father groaned and looked at the clock. I swear it was the longest seven minutes of my life.




I was stretched out on the couch in the living room half asleep with a sick Dev curled up on me when the gate intercom buzzed. I opened an eye and looked at Charles. “Can you get that I can’t really move right now?”

He looked up from his homework and whispered. “Sure.”

I closed my eye and dozed off again. I vaguely heard the front door open and my father talking to someone. The harsh tones and stomping footsteps must have awakened Dev. He stirred with a groan of discomfort ramming his elbow into my rib. “Luke what’s going on?” He croaked.

“Shh, don’t move or you are going to get sick again. I don’t know, squirt.” I rubbed his back in an attempt to get him settled down.

He wiggled his way off me and stumbled when he stood up. “I’m okay. I jus’ wanna go ta my room ‘n sleep.”

“Okay, do you want me to help you there?” I asked standing up beside him keeping my hand at his back in case he fell over.

“Pwease.” He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.

“Of course.” I gently picked him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck and placed his head on my shoulder. We headed to the foot of the stairs that’s when I saw Charles and Beau listening at my father’s office door down the hall. I raised a hand at them to get their attention and mouthed
‘What’s going on?’

Beau waved me away. I mentally shrugged and carried Dev up to his room. After helping him change into his pajamas, I covered him up and exited his room quietly closing his door. When I turned away from the
door, I saw my mother standing at the top of the stairs.

“How’s he doing?” She asked glancing back down the steps.

“He’s tired but at least he’s keeping things down now. How’s Remi?” I asked nodding toward her bedroom door walking toward her.

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