Read Tangled Past Online

Authors: Leah Braemel

Tags: #Book/Menage

Tangled Past (16 page)

BOOK: Tangled Past
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Jackson touched his fingers to her cheek. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I am. The choice is yours.”

“Nate.” Strange how though there was no one else around to hear, they all spoke in whispers, as if they were all afraid to break the moment building between them. “Come over here.”

“No, I should…leave.”

“Nate.” Jackson sharpened his voice. “Get over here. Now.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Nate padded over to them. To Jackson’s surprise, instead of Nate unbuttoning his fly and freeing his erection, he lowered himself to his knees beside Sarah.

“Thank you.” Nate touched his lips to Sarah’s in a whisper soft kiss, then turned his head and swallowed Jackson’s cock down to the root.

“Fuck!” Jackson’s hips lifted from the chair that rocked, thumping against the wall. “Holy hell in a handbasket.”

His fingers twined through Nate’s hair, dragging him away from his now-aching cock. Releasing Nate, Jackson stood up and stepped away from them both, running his hands over his head. “That’s not what I meant. Sarah wants to suck you off as well as me, you idiot.”

His ire and surprise ebbed when he saw the need on Nate’s face. From the heat in Nate’s eyes, Jackson knew his friend was also remembering the last time either had dared touch each other. And the long months since. “Aw, shit.”

Sarah’s admission that she’d been aroused watching them that night pushed itself from where it had been flittering on the edges of his mind to front and center.

“Sarah? Remember what you admitted to me the other night?” Jackson said, careful to keep his voice quiet as he lifted her to her feet and freed her wrists. “About how you felt watching Nate and I?”

She nodded, her eyes searching his.

He let his hand drift to her behind where he squeezed her firm buttock, one of his fingers stroking the tight crevice. “Do you remember me sayin’ how I’d like to claim you here?”

She nodded again, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

“How about we fulfill both those fantasies tonight?”


Did you know Nate listens to us at night? That as he listens, he indulges in his own fantasies. That he pleasures himself in time to us?

God, Jack…been so hard…you in the next room…listening to you fuck Sarah… Wish it was me.

When she opened her eyes, they were both watching her. Waiting. For her to run screaming into the night perhaps? To condemn them? For what?

If I hadn’t seen for myself what he was doing, how you enjoyed how rough he was….
There was no denying she’d been aroused by watching them in the barn. Nor could she have missed the love on Nate’s face when he dropped to his knees beside her, or his desire when he’d taken Jackson’s cock in his mouth. Instead of being horrified the way she thought she should be, the images that her imagination conjured of the three of them tangled together were provocative. Exciting. Decadent.

“Think about it, Sarah. Two men worried about nothing other than your pleasure. Two mouths to kiss you.” Jackson’s hand dropped from her jaw to cup her breast where his thumb stroked her nipple until it ached. “Two mouths to suckle these lovely breasts.”

He ground his growing erection against her mound. “Two men inside you, filling you.”

At the same time? How would that be possible?

As if sensing her confusion, Nate stepped behind her, pressed his erection against her behind. He dipped his head beside her ear, a hint of the brandy he’d been drinking lending an exotic essence to the moment. “Imagine us fulfilling your every pleasure, Sarah. Both of us.”

Her breath was hard to draw as they undulated in rhythm against her. Her head fell back against Nate’s shoulder, her breasts pressing into Jackson’s chest.

Jackson’s head dipped, his lips skimming over her cheek. His beard rasped her neck and ear when he captured Nate’s mouth. The passion between them as they kissed drove her breath from her. It was so right, so perfect.

They were both breathing hard by the time they parted.

“Did that bother you? Watching me kiss Nate?” Jackson’s eyes may have been hidden by shadows, but she could hear the anxiety in his voice, knew how important her answer was to him.

“No,” she breathed. “It’s beautiful.”

Jackson held out one hand to her while Nate captured the other. She let them lead her upstairs. Instead of turning into the bedroom she and Jackson shared, they continued down the hall and into Nate’s bedroom.

Despite the heat of the room, she shivered as they removed her dress and let it fall to the floor in a heap.

Jackson put a hand out and stroked her cheek. “Are you afraid?”

“No.” She looked from one to the other. She wanted this, she wanted them both. “Would you think badly of me if I said I was excited?”

He closed his eyes, but not before she saw the relief in them. “You’re a remarkable woman, Sarah. I’m lucky to have found you.”

“We’re both lucky,” Nate said quietly. He leaned over and caught Sarah’s lips—a hint of Jackson clung to him still. His kiss started out light then grew both in heat and need.

At first Sarah felt awkward. Then Jackson stepped behind her, his hands cupping her breasts and pulling her back against him until she found herself trapped between the two men once again. Beneath her head, Jackson’s heart pounded, his erection pressing into the cleft of her behind, telling her he was anything but jealous. Confident in his love, she gave herself over to Nate’s bold kiss.

Jackson bent his head forward and kissed her neck. One of his hands released her breast and slipped between her and Nate until he found the juncture of her thighs. His callused fingers parted her folds, stroked her tender flesh, his movement driven by the undulations of Nate’s hips against the back of his hand.

The love shared between the three of them flooded her, removed any doubt, sent her spirit soaring. Society be damned, how could she deny the love she had for them, or theirs for her and each other?

One hand resting on Nate’s behind, Sarah hooked her left hand behind her head and stroked Jackson’s shoulder. The change forced her breasts up. Nate broke off the kiss and dropped to suckle one of her nipples, using teeth and warm tongue to excite the hard bud. Jackson turned her head toward him and captured her mouth, taking Nate’s place, his kiss demanding, his breathing harsh. She couldn’t stop her moan when Nate dropped to his knees and nuzzled her mound.

Between Jackson’s fingers and Nate’s tongue, the two men brought her to a state of bliss where only their whispers, their touches and kisses existed. They lay her on the bed, Jackson lowering his head to her breasts, suckling and teasing while Nate lapped her labia. His sideburns and beard grazed the tender inner flesh of her thighs. He dipped a finger, then two into her slit until she writhed beneath him.

Jackson rolled from the bed long enough to ditch his trousers and shirt. When he returned, he secured her hands over her head and straddled her until his cock bumped against her lips. Her body and hands held in place by Jackson’s weight and Nate’s hands on her thighs should have left her feeling trapped. Instead, she found it freeing to be able to concentrate only on pleasuring Jackson while receiving pleasure herself.

Her body shaking with need from Nate’s caresses, Sarah lifted her head and slid her lips over Jackson’s cock, over the fat head and down the shaft. Jackson’s groan as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked on his shaft heightened the sensations within her own body. When she’d confessed to Jackson her darkest secrets, she’d never imagined she could be driven to such heights of carnality. That she was even capable of giving, and receiving, such sheer passion.

Unable to contain her orgasm any longer, she bucked against Nate’s mouth. A second later, Jackson’s cock swelled, hot streams of his seed shooting over the back of her tongue in steady pulses. She swallowed, desperate not to lose a single drop of his salty essence. Her head lifted from the pillow even as he attempted to withdraw his softening cock from her mouth, her tongue lapping the final drops from its head.

Her bones had softened, and her body sank into the soft feather mattress when he moved off her. In a dreamy state, she watched when Jackson turned to Nate and ran his hands over Nate’s glistening chest. Jackson didn’t take his eyes off her, but his breathing grew ragged and shallow.

Sarah’s nipples ached, and her body heated until she was sure she was about to combust when Jackson’s skilled fingers quickly undid the buttons of Nate’s fly and freed his erection. She was fascinated at the way Jackson’s hand engulfed the heavy shaft. But Nate’s eyes widened and he stiffened, his gaze fastened on Sarah.

“Ssssh, relax. Sarah enjoyed watching us in the barn that night. She needs to see us now too.” His voice was rough as he positioned himself behind Nate, his chest tight against Nate’s back, golden skin against pale contrasting in the candlelight. “Trust me, Nate.”

“Sarah?” Still Nate resisted.

She licked her lips, still tasting Jackson’s seed on them, when he tightened his grip on Nate’s cock and stroked from the thick hair at its base to the bulbous tip.

“He’s right,” she said. “I want to watch.”

Reassured, Nate slumped against Jackson’s chest. His hand closed over Jackson’s, and the two of them quickened their strokes.

“God, I’ve missed this, Jack.” Nate groaned, his eyelids heavy under Jackson’s ministrations. The head of his cock glistened as his seed started to leak from the tip. Entranced at the play of emotions over both their faces, Sarah watched, her breathing matching Nate’s pants.

“Sarah,” Jackson said, holding her in place with his gaze alone. “I want to take Nate while he’s in you.”

It wasn’t a question, yet she knew she held the power to say no. Not that she would have— could have—denied either of them. But there were other considerations. “Aren’t you worried I may end up carrying Nate’s babe instead of yours?”

A fire flared at the back of his eyes, not of jealousy but of pride. “Not at all.”

Nate touched her ankle, the only part he could reach. He stroked the inside flesh with a gentle assurance. “If we did conceive a child tonight, I would cherish and protect him with my dying breath. The same as I would protect you and Jackson.”

“But you’d never be able to claim it as yours.”

“Not publicly, but any child you bear, mine or Jackson’s, will be loved just as deeply, no matter which of us were the father.”

“Sarah?” Jackson said. “It’s your choice.”

Heavens, it was positively wicked to consider the thought of lying with another man while her husband watched. Even more scandalous was the moisture gathering in her private places as she imagined it. But none of it mattered. “I want to do this.”

“Then come here for a moment. I’m going to need your help while I get us both ready.”

Not understanding what he needed to do to
get ready
, she rolled to her knees. Jackson curled her fingers around Nate’s cock until she learned the rhythm, and strength, he’d been using. While his cock was velvety hard like Jackson’s, his length and girth were different and it took a moment to position her hands to both their comfort.

Nate fastened his lips over a spot on her neck beneath her ear, his breath whispering over her skin in an erotic caress, his hips pumping his shaft into her hand. Using his hands and his body, he pressed her backward onto the mattress until he covered her like a blanket, his sex nestling against hers, the hair at his groin softer than Jackson’s against her mound.

A drawer opening in the table beside Nate’s bed drew Sarah’s attention to where Jackson was standing. He lifted a small jar from the drawer before closing it. Fascinated, she watched as he dipped his fingers into the jar then coated his cock with the oily cream it contained. Still holding the jar, he placed a knee on the mattress and smoothed several fingerfuls of the ointment along the crack of Nate’s backside.

Nate groaned when Jackson penetrated his rear entrance with his fingers. “Oh, God, yes.”

Against her mound, his cock hardened. A warm drop of his seed landed on her heated skin, rousing Sarah in a way she’d not thought possible.

Sarah lifted her hips, rubbing his cock along her folds, spreading her moisture until sweat dripped from his brow onto her chest. On one pass, the head of his cock slipped into her passage, and his whole body shuddered. He wasn’t as thick as Jackson, but he was slightly longer and he touched places deep inside when he slid fully into her.

She let out a gasp when he retreated slightly, the head of his cock rasping against a sensitive spot inside. “There. Right there.”

“He’s got to hold still for a moment, Sarah,” Jackson instructed as he removed his fingers and positioned his cock at the opening. “Nate, relax or this is gonna hurt.”

“Do it fast, because I’m not sure I can hold off much longer. Sarah’s so fuckin’ tight, and what you were doin’…I can’t hold back, Jack.” Nate’s voice was strangled, his eyes scrunched closed as if he were in pain.

Nate’s eyes opened wide when Jackson breached his body, then the two men held perfectly still. Though Sarah couldn’t see exactly what Jackson was doing, there was no denying the fierce look in his eyes, or the way Nate’s cock hardened inside her. No, she realized, it wasn’t pain he was in, but ecstasy.

The skin on Nate’s hips whitened as Jackson’s blunt fingers tightened their grip, and he eased back and began a slow rhythm. Each time he pulled away, Nate pulled back from her. As Jackson pressed back inside Nate’s body, Nate pressed into her pussy. In a strange way, Sarah felt as though it were Jackson fucking her instead of Nate. It took a few moments to work out a rhythm, yet they worked in a synchronicity that required no words.

Soon Nate was thrusting deep inside her, driven by Jackson behind him.

She struggled for breath with each stroke, the emotions of the evening, of lying with Nate at the same time as Jackson being forced to the background. The love they had for her and each other was clear. If she could do nothing else, she would return their love in any manner they asked. She concentrated on the sensations they aroused. The differences between Nate’s touch and Jackson’s. The sounds of the bed’s ropes creaking with each stroke, the wet sounds of flesh slapping flesh. The twin sets of deep groans above her. The spicy scent of their passion mingling on her skin.

BOOK: Tangled Past
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