Tangled Mess (19 page)

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Authors: K.L. Middleton

BOOK: Tangled Mess
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I slugged him. “Then tell me! Make me feel proud, like I accomplished something! All I wante
d was to see you nod or give me the thumbs up. Maybe even to say ‘
good job’
, Tiffany. Instead you made me feel like a total loser. It was humiliating.”

He stepped closer.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just want to save you from-”

I shoved him back
wards. “You’re a broken record, Ransom. Look, it’s obvious that I can’t win this fight with you.”

Then let’s
fight. I’ll help you get a record deal with someone else. I have connections. I can hook you up.”

“That’s just it. I don’t
your help. I want to do this on my own. I want to know that it was my voice that landed me a record deal, not because I know you.” 

They wouldn’t sign you unless they thought you’re talented, anyway.” He stared down at me. “Come on Tiffany, let’s just pack our stuff and forget Icon. Sonia has found a way for me to get out of my contracts so that I can walk away, clean and clear. I’m going to start fresh, see if I can convince my old band members to take me back. Write my own music, make my own decisions, and get my life back.” He smiled. “I want you with me.”

really happy for you, Ransom.” I sighed. “But, I’ve invested so much in this already. Let me just finish up the contest. If I win, you can help me find a lawyer who will negotiate my contract.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“It might be.”

Ransom’s cell phone began to ring. He reached down and picked it up. “It’s Sonia. I’ve got to call her back and find
out what she’s learned from our lawyer.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. “I swear, I’ll bring condoms next time. Scout’s honor.”

I laughed. “You’d better.”

He pulled on his clothes while I grabbed my robe from the closet. When he was finished, he sat me on his knee. “I’m sorry about the judging. I swear to God, I’ve never wanted to hurt you. I’ve only wanted what was best.”

“It’s not up to you to find out what’s best for me,” I
said.  “You have to let
figure it out.”

He put his lips against my forehead and whispered. “I know.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine





Somehow, both Darren and I made it to the next round
on Icon. We were interviewed together on the show the following day, by Taylor, who acted like nothing had happened. When the interview was finished, he pulled me aside, and apologized.

“I’m so sorry
about last night,” he said quietly. “I’d been drinking and… to be honest, I really feel sick about the whole thing.”

I didn’t say anything.
Something about the look in his eyes didn’t hold true to his words.

He sighed
. “You’re not going to mention this to Remy, are you?”

I shook my head, and walked away.

Ransom snuck back to my hotel several times during th
e following week after practice. We spent most of the time in bed, and when we weren’t making love, we played cards, talked about our families, and made up lyrics for new songs.

“I had no idea that you didn’t write any of the songs on your albums,” I said, after swallowing a forkful of Lomein. “I just
assumed that since you used to write all of your old stuff back in high school, that you’d written the new stuff, too.”

I wasn’t allowed to contribute any of my stuff,” he said, tapping his pencil against the notepad.

What happened to your old

“I’m assuming it’s where I left most of it- in my old bedroom. Unless mom packed it away.”

“Speaking of
which, have you talked to Remy?”

His face darkened. “
Actually, I tried talking to her about Taylor, but as usual, she refused listen. She thinks that I hate the bastard so much, I’d make up anything.”

“Do you hate him?”

He smirked. “What do you think?”

“Well, I can’t believe
that she thinks you’re lying. Wait until the show is over and I’m actually able to talk to her. She’ll have to listen to the both of us.”

“I hope she kicks his ass to the curb,” he said. “
And I get to watch.”

Me too.”

He leaned over and kissed my nose. “
I’m liking that even more. You and me. Together.”

I smiled.

He leaned back. “If you win Icon, you’ll be traveling quite a bit.”

I shrugged.
“I know.”

“It’s not as glamorous as you may think. I mean for a guy, it’s not really that

“What’s the difference?”

He chuckled. “I don’t think I have to spell it out for you.”

I smirked. “Oh, you mean because of the partying and
loose, skanky women?”

You could say that.”

I’m sure that there are many female artists who enjoy partying and loose men while on the road.”

Just for the record, all men are loose, babe.”

My eyebrow arched
. “Is that right?”

He burst out laughing.
“But not all men are available.”

“That’s better.”

“So, have you decided if you’re going through with the song tonight?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” I asked, surprised.

He leaned forward. “Because you were thinking about quitting the show?”

I clucked my tongue.
“You just don’t give up, do you?”


“Are you going to vote ‘no’ tonight?”

“If you’re horrible, obviously I’m going to vote ‘no’.”

“I’m serious.”

His smile fell. “I’m serious too.”

I stuck my tongue out.

“Do that again,” he replied, touching his zipper.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re sick.”

He dropped his hand and sighed.
“You know how I feel about this show.”

“Yes, but, I thought you were going
to let me make my own decisions.”

“You can
, and nobody is stopping you. Speaking of decisions, I also have a very important one to consider. Now,” he stood up. “I need to make some phone calls. I’m sorry, babe, but I won’t get to see you until you’re on stage.”

“Why do the
judges get to make phone calls, but contestants aren’t allowed to make even one?”

Because, you’re contestants.”

“That’s not answering the question.”

“I don’t really have an answer.”

t’s ridiculous.”

“It’s Icon. Like I said, this is just the tip of the ice-berg. If you get chosen, you won’t be able to shave your bikini line without getting permission. Speaking of,” he smiled wickedly. “I like what you’ve done with the place.”

My cheeks turned bright pink. I’d been bored one night and had decided to give myself a ‘Brazilian’.

He leaned over and kissed me. “I love the way you blush even more.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Thank you.”

“It wasn’t a compliment.”

In my profession, it is. Speaking of which, what song are you singing tonight?”

I grinned.
“It’s a surprise.”

“Not going to tell me, huh?”

“No, and if you tell me I suck, I’m going to jump off of the stage, and kill you.”

He feigned a look of shock. “
You do know that threatening or bribing a judge is not only against the rules, but illegal?”

“If I go to jail,” I said, opening up my robe. “Will you pay me a conjugal visit?”

He dropped his phone on the floor, picked me up, and tossed me on the bed. “You wicked, wicked girl.”





“You’re up next, Tiffany.”

I stared at myself in the mirror, and felt a sense of calmness that I hadn’t felt in the last few weeks.

“You look exquisite,” remarked the makeup artist, Renee, who had a slight French accent.

Our eyes met in the mirror. “Yes. Thanks
again for not over-doing the eye-makeup.”

He smiled. “Eyes like yours look better without.”

“Thanks,” I replied, standing up.

Tonight I had on
a long red dress that tapered to my waist, showed a hint of cleavage, and flowed down to a small train. I felt like I was ready for the Oscars.

“Be careful that you don’t step on the dress,” he said, helping me spread the bottom

“I’ll try.

This time my red heels were only two inches, nothing compared the previous week
when I wobbled in the other ones.

“I’ll walk you to the stage,” he said,
lifting the back of my dress off of the floor.

“Thanks,” I replied as we were escorted towards the stairs leading to the back of the
stage. When it was my turn to take position, I started getting another panic attack.

“What’s wrong?” asked Renee, spreading out the skirt of my dress.

“Nerves,” I said, waving a hand frantically by my face, trying not to sweat.

“Just remember, you are beautiful and you sing like an angel. Nobody can take that away from you.”

I smiled. “That is so sweet, Renee.”

“Actually,” he smiled sheepishly. “I agree with the sentiment, but these words are not from me.” He
reached into his suit pocket, pulled out an envelope, and handed it to me.

I opened it up
, pulled out the piece of paper inside, and read the message.

You are beautiful and sing like an angel. Nobody can ever take that a
way from you. I love you, Taffy. I just wanted you to know.*R.

y eyes filled with tears as the realization of how much I loved
made my heart swell. Truthfully, I’d already known that I’d fallen in love with Ransom, especially during those weeks he’d stayed away. Missing him had killed me, even though it was what I’d requested. But now, to know that he also loved me. It was an incredibly awesome feeling.

I grinned stupidly.

Ransom loved me.

“Sorry,” said Renee. “I was told to memorize it, in case I couldn’t hand you the envelope. It was important to him that you knew.”

With a squeal of joy, I threw my arms around Renee and hugged him. “Thank you

He laughed as I pulled away. “Well, I
think I need to be the postman, more often.”

I wiped
a couple of tears from under my eyelashes. “Is my makeup, okay?”

He patted my shoulder.
“Are you kidding, you look beautiful.”

“Renee, get off the stage!” hollered one of the crewmen. “Vite!”

Renee saluted him, winked at me, and then scurried from the stage.

I took a deep breath.

This round, we’d been given the freedom to select a favorite love song. The song I’d chosen was the one I used to listen to as a teenager, when I’d lay in bed at night, fantasizing about Ransom. Now, it truly represented everything I felt in my heart. He was, and always had been, the man of my dreams.

As the curtain began to open,
I took another deep breath, and allowed myself to relax. 

“Tiffany!” the crowd roared
, and began to clap.

waved and smiled.

Then the familiar
music began to play. I raised the mic and directed most of my attention towards the dark silhouette of the only judge in the room that mattered.


The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling like thunder now
As I look in your eyes
I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake
'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms
When the world outside's too
Much to take
That all ends when I'm with you
Even though there may be times
It seems I'm far away
Never wonder where I am
'Cause I am always by your side
'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love
The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear
Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on
Is light years away

'Cause I am your lady
And you are my man
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can
We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love


I lowered the mic, and the audience stood up, clapping and calling out my name.

It warmed my heart.

I brushed away the tears under my lower lashes, as Taylor walked towards me, his fake smile plastered across his face. When the clapping stopped, and the lights grew brighter, I stole a glance towards Ransom, whose expression was stoic.

was amazing,” said Taylor. “I think that if Celine Dion, herself, was in the audience, she’d be giving you the thumbs up.”

“Thanks,” I replied
, my face flushed from seeing the grins and even a few tears on the audience staring back at me. Then, when I noticed a sign that said, “We love you Taffy!” and Jesse and Sinclair’s beaming smiles below it, I raised my hand to my lips, and blew them a kiss.

“Deidra,” said Taylor, turning towards the judges
. “What did you think of our ‘lady’ tonight?”

Her eyes were shining brightly.
She clasped her hands together and nodded. “Tiffany Banks. You know, you just keep getting better and better, my dear. That was superb. I don’t think you could have sung it any better. Cheers.”

“Thank you,” I said. “That means a lot.”

She tilted her head. “Well done. I know in my heart that you’ll be voted to the next round.”

“I hope so,” I replied.

Taylor spoke into his mic. “Tyrone, what about you?”

ve said it before, Tiffany Banks has the talent to go all the way. She’s beautiful, talented, and America loves her. I don’t know about you guys out there,” he looked back towards the crowd, “but when she stepped out of the shadows and opened her mouth, I wanted it to be
that she was singing to.”

Claps erupted in the crowd and I
felt my cheeks turn red as a guy in the audience howled.

Thanks, Tyrone,” I replied.

“You keep it up, girl. You’ve got what it takes.”

“I hope so.”

“Ransom,” said Taylor, his voice slightly
strained. “Are we going to get another ‘no’ from you, or has she finally proven herself to our most critical judge?”

The crowd
grew quiet.

Ransom and I stared at each other. I smiled but he didn’t return it, nor did he give
away in his expression. “Ms. Banks. I want to say that your performance tonight was crap… that it was horrible, that you should forget this contest, and walk out the door because you just don’t have what it takes to win. I would really,
love to say that.”

The crowd
began to ‘boo’ him.

He raised his voice. “
, I’d be doing you a grave injustice.” He smiled. “You blew me out of the water, and so far away, that I’m still trying to find my bearings.”

I exhaled and began to breathe again.

“I’ve never heard anything so amazingly beautiful in my entire life,” he said, his own eyes glimmering. “You deserve everything you want in life, whatever it is.
beautiful lady
deserve to go all the way, and there is really nothing else to be said.”

The crowd
stood up and clapped, chanting Ransom. He lifted his hand and waved at the audience in appreciation.

With a smile, I raised the mic to my mouth. “I disagree, Ransom. I think there is definitely more to be said.”

turned back to me and raised his eyebrows.

Taking a deep breath,
I tossed away the mic, picked up the train of my dress, and headed towards the edge of the stage, where the judges were all seated. I lowered myself down, and then ran to where Ransom sat, staring up at me in shock.

“Taffy?” he asked
, standing up. “What in the hell are you doing?”

Tears filled my eyes
. “I love you, Ransom, and I don’t care about this contest or anything else, for that matter,” I said, launching myself at him before security could stop me. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

The crowd roared in delight.

“I love you, too,” he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist when I came up for breath. “Tiffany Banks.”


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