Taming the Wild Highlander 04 (29 page)

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Her brothers and father had been speaking of some matter, Niall listening rapt
ly to their conversation, but all talk died when Angus asked Edana the question.

They watched her, and of course she blushed all the way to the roots of her dark red hair.

"Aye," she said softly, and sipped her mead.

He didn
't kiss her as he would have liked. Not in the tavern filled with men, many he didn't know. But he leaned close and whispered, "Think you we should have retired to the room after all?"

Again a fresh blush. She looked charming.

He hadn't made love to her in the last three days, all because her head had hurt too much. He'd tried to just pleasure her, but even that had not worked well.

He was all too willing to try again
if she was up to it this eve.

No one said a word, all the others at their table smiling at Edana.

She frowned. "Dinna let me stop your important talk," she said to her da and brothers.

We only wished to know if you felt all right," her father said, but a smile still remained.

And then we wondered why you blush so fiercely," Kayne said.

And why Angus smiles so broadly," Niall said.

Och, you would think you were a bunch of gossipy women," Edana said. And she blushed all the more.

Gildas smiled, but then spoke to Tibold, changing the subject.
"If you have already sent men to tell our cousin, McEwan, that we will be late in arriving, mayhap we should help you to escort Edana to Craigly Castle."

Nay, 'tis important you meet with McEwan. He needs our help and you shall give it," Tibold said.

Angus was curious about the business
, but didn't want to ask if Tibold wasn't interested in sharing it with him.

Drummond isna made to do it," Kayne said, sounding disgruntled.

Now Angus truly wondered what was going on.
He thought the brothers would be eager to do their father's bidding. This reminded Angus of James's sending him in search of Edana.

He is better, but he still isna entirely well. He will remain with me. Besides, he got the rest of you in trouble. God knows what he might do if he tags along further." Tibold finished his ale and motioned to the serving wench to give him more.

Huh," Kayne said in a sarcastic way. "Kiss a woman, get us all thrown into a dungeon, and now he gets out of this task. How does he ever manage? I swear he is the only one who can do such a thing—consistently."

They all glanced back at Drummond sitting at a far table,
smiling at the tavern keeper's daughter. Halwn sat across from him, smiling, shaking his head. Drummond patted his lap, indicating to the girl that she should sit there, but she leaned over and whispered in his ear, and he laughed out loud.

He is bound to get himself into more trouble," Edana said, on a sigh.

I will keep a tighter rein on him." Tibold gave her a fierce look.

Aye, but if he causes dissension at Craigly Castle, then what?" she asked.

I will ensure he stays out of trouble."

Angus wasn
't certain anyone could.

The girl soon served fish stew and brown bread and everyone quit talking to eat.

Angus liked Drummond. He was just the kind of man who livened up life in a…mostly good way. Once Angus saw that Edana had finished her meal, he said, "You look exhausted, lass. Do you need to rest?"


He helped her to stand
and she refused to look at anyone sitting at their table. The chatter died down in the tavern and all eyes were upon her again.

Oh, do talk amongst yourselves," she implored her table companions, and then she left with Angus.

e hurried her up the stairs, unsure what they were going to do, but he was just as eager to lie quietly with his new wife, if that was all she was ready for.

He glanced in Gunnolf
's direction. His friend bowed his head ever so slightly. He was watching their backs. But who posed the threat this time?

Chapter 19



Edana loved Angus. He'd been so kind and gentle while caring for her, and he'd only hinted once about being upset with her for not staying with MacRae in the forest. She had expected him to say something more about it now that she felt better. She would insist she had only his health and that of her da and brothers' in mind and would have done nothing differently if she had a chance to do it all over again. How could she have known the man riding in front of her would disappear with the torchlight she'd been following? Or that she would have veered off too much from the correct path to take?

Before she could even remove her brooch
on her brat, Angus helped her with it.

Why is it necessary that your brothers visit McEwan? And why did Kayne say what he did about Drummond getting out of the task?" Angus asked.

She laughed.
"He doesna wish to be tied down to a wife. No' yet."

of Angus's brows arched. "Their visit is about taking wives?"

One wife. She is the laird's ward. McEwan was tasked to find a husband for her. And quickly. My da said he would send his sons. If any were agreeable, the match would be made."

This McEwan. He is married?"

Nay. Da says his heart is lost to another."

Ah. And your brothers are no' happy about seeing the woman?"

None of us knows what she looks like. Not one of us has any idea how she behaves. What if she is a shrew, or…terribly shy?"

He smiled at that.

"I am no' shy," she said. "No' like that. I mean, of men, in general. What if she has a sharp tongue? Or in some other manner wouldna suit one of my brothers as a wife? She is like me, older, and no' so young. Three and twenty? She canna be choosey about a husband. But my brothers can be about a wife. I would have enjoyed seeing her since she will be like a sister to me if one of my brothers does take her to wife, but my da wouldna let me go with them."

Good thing that. If you had gone with them—"

I might have had trouble with Oppida myself. Ended up in the dungeon with my brothers also."

Angus took a
deep, settling breath. "Aye. The woman was the devil." He helped Edana out of her léine. "So why has McEwan's ward no' married yet?"

I dinna know. My da didna wish me to know anything further on the matter."

As soo
n as Angus had pulled off her chemise, he smiled, his gaze taking in every inch of her.

Her whole body heating, s
he quickly slipped under the covers of the bed and smiled back at him. "'Tis chilly."

Will you always be shy with me, wife?" Angus asked, quickly dispensing of his own clothes.

Nay, I am no' shy," she said again, hoping he would not think it was a bad trait. She couldn't help it. Not this early in their marriage, anyway.

He winked at her, grinning broadly.
He appeared not to believe a word of it, and thankfully, he seemed to enjoy that about her.

You surprise me, lass," he said, pulling the covers aside and like the rogue that he was before she'd been injured, he gave her another long, heated look before he settled gently right on top of her and pulled the covers over them.

How is that?" she asked, as his mouth kissed her throat and then he moved lower, licking her nipple.

She tensed, t
he feeling of his tongue on her, making her needs rise up with an alarming rapidness that she hadn't expected as if she'd been starved for his sensual touches when she no longer felt the ache in her head from the injury.

Are you all right?" he asked, his face anxious as he quickly stopped licking her.

Oh heavens, aye. Do you have to stop?"

He grinned most

Wait," she said, wrapping her hands around his head and lifting it to look into his lust-filled gaze. "What did you mean by I surprise you?"

You are so sweet and innocent, lass, yet your kisses…" He left the rest up to her to finish.

My kisses? What about them?"

They are no' so sweet and innocent." Before she could worry that he didna like them, he cupped her breast and kissed it. "I canna help wanting to fight the man who kissed you like that, when I wished to be the
one you bestowed such kisses on with so much ardor."

Her jaw dropped.
"The man…what man?"

He stared at her for a moment, then closed his own gaping jaw.
"Did a man no' kiss you? A lad when you were younger, mayhap?"

She shook her head.

He frowned.

And then realization dawned.
"Was I no' supposed to do it in that way? I saw Una kissing Seumas in such a manner. I thought that was what a man and woman did." She frowned. "No lad or man would come near
to kiss me."

Angus grinned, and she tho
ught her comment must have pleased him. Although she had forever and a day wished someone had kissed her in that manner before Angus had come along.

hen he slid off Edana and pulled her onto his stomach. His hands cupped her face, and he said, "Edana, you are truly precious. Kiss me like that again. Ever since you were hurt and I wished to make love to you once you were better, 'tis all I have waited for."

That is all? Just my kisses?" She was tickled.

His wicked grin said it was not.

At first they were kissing, all tongues and lips, his fingers combing through her hair, her hands on the sides of his whiskery face, her thumbs stroking him. She felt oddly intrigued as she lay atop him instead of buried by the virile, muscular strength of him. She didn't feel in charge of their lovemaking like this. The experience was just…different. Any moment, she expected him to move her onto her back and climb on top of her in his male dominant and possessive way, but he seemed to enjoy having her atop him, the way he was fondling her breasts, eyeing them with interest, his eyes half lidded, a small smile curving his lips.

She felt his hard staff pressing against her belly and moved against it, just slightly, earning a groan from him.

She'd learned which groans meant she was stirring his male need, and which meant he was in pain. Well, mayhap he was in pain, but more of a sweet pain requiring release.

Sit up," he said, his voice hoarse.

aybe she had been wrong, and she had hurt him with her weight moving against him. She had never been in this position before, after all. When she tried to move off him to sit up, he seized her arms so quickly, she nearly squeaked. "What is wrong?"

He laughed.
"You must stay on top of me. To see if you enjoy this as much, we are trying a new way to find pleasure, lass."

You are tired of the
way?" She feared he became bored too easily. They hadn't even made love to each other long enough for the other approach to have become old—to her way of thinking. What would happen when he tired of the new way? What in heaven's name would he think of next?

Nay, lass, I will make love to you in any manner your heart desires. But you will have to try them first to know which you like best, aye? Unless you are too shy as of yet."

I am no' shy." She sat then, making him groan again. Maybe she sat up too suddenly. But as soon as the covers dropped from her back, she realized she was sitting on him, naked, exposed to his ravenous gaze, the

She could not change her mind at that point, not wishing t
o prove his words were true. Wanting to see if this was a way of making love that would appeal, she waited for him to do something.

He pulled
her down again, only part way and he kissed her mouth, his hands stroking her breasts. She realized when he wasn't resting on top of her, his hands were freer to fondle her. She liked this new way and didn't feel as exposed when she leaned over him like this. But she did feel naughty as she kneeled against the mattress, her feminine folds spread open to him just waiting for him to fill her, instead of him lying between her legs, covering her until he entered her. With her breasts swinging free, she felt carefree and impish.

One of his large hands moved from her breast
, and he stroked between her legs, touching that part of her that was wet and achy for his touch. She hadn't meant to, but she moved against his fingers, wanting him to stroke faster. She wasn't able to say a word as the need grew deep inside her like a wave growing, and she felt as though she would break.

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