Taming the Playboy (10 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 17

Ryan braced himself against the door jam in the kitchen.  His deep breath did nothing to calm his nerves.  The oncologist’s voice was muffled in the background as his world spun out of control.

“I’m sorry Ryan.  Your body just isn’t responding.” Dr. Lahti shuffled some papers on his desk and cussed.  “It is time to consider what you want to do.  We can look for a marrow donor or look into stem cell treatment.  But I strongly advise we stop the chemotherapy. I think we look at quality of life now.  I’m available any time.  Think about how you want to proceed.”

“Yes sir.  Thank you for calling. I will be in touch.”  Ryan ended the call and looked at the blank screen. 
It wasn’t working.  It wasn’t working
. The words echoed through his head.

“Ryan?  Everything ok?”  Layla stepped behind him and hugged him.

“Yes baby.  That was Dr. Lahti.  He just wanted to tell me about some options.  It will all be ok.”


Mark shuffled through the dark house to answer the soft knock on the door.  “Layla?  What’s the matter? Is Ryan OK?”

She hugged him and cried into his shoulder.  “I forgot my key.” 

Caleb yawned and walked up behind them.
 Seeing Layla’s tears, he grabbed her hand and pulled her gently into the house.  “Come on Lay. Tell us what’s happening.”   

followed Caleb into the living room.  One small light illuminated the hospital bed where Mark was still sleeping.  His injuries were slow to heal but he was making progress each day.  Dr. Turner sat in the chair next to the bed making notes in Mark’s chart.  Noticing Layla, she gave her a small smile and put away the paperwork. 

“He’s had three chemotherapy treatments.
  His body is destroyed.”  Layla sobbed as she fell into the couch.  “He has lost his hair and his body is swollen from the steroids.  He does nothing but sleep.  And today, Dr. Lahti called and said it isn’t working.  Nothing is helping.  What are we going to do?” 

Mark settled into the couch next to her and took her
hands.  “Lay, I am so sorry but we aren’t just giving up.  We have to have options.  What did the doctor say?” 

“He wouldn’t let me talk to him.
  He is so defeated.”  And by her body language and her voice, everyone knew Layla was defeated too. 

“What about Aria? Can’t we use her for marrow?”  Caleb rubbed his tired eyes.

“You haven’t heard?  Ryan sent her packing.  After the first chemo treatment, he was totally out of it, exhausted with fever.  Aria climbed into bed with him and started..” Layla took a breath to steady her voice.  “She was under the covers.  I can’t talk about it.”

“What?”  Caleb and Mark said in unison.

“Ryan trains so many people, some of which are celebrities.  We could get some good publicity and organize a bone marrow drive.  We can talk to the hospital and do it there in the auditorium.  We’ve done it before.”  Dr. Turner grabbed her cell phone from the table and started to dial her boss. 

“I can use our advertising department to get some interest.
  We will do everything we can, Layla.  I promise you we will not lose him.”  Caleb pulled her into his lap and she instantly relaxed.  “Ryan is the strongest person I know.  He won’t give up without a fight.  Defeated or not, he will not leave you if there is any other option at all.” 

“I have some favors I can call in with some of my clients.
  I’ll head into the office tomorrow for a few hours.  And don’t even give me a look J Dog. I will take the morning shift nurse so don’t panic.”  Mark smiled at Jena. “You are seriously cramping my style.  Just so we are clear.”

“I am looking out for your best interests.  And Mark, don’t call me J Dog.  Ever.” Jena laughed.

Layla looked at her best friends.  She would be lost without them.  She knew her sister, Sophie, was only weeks from delivering their first child and she thanked God for Mark every day.  He had not only changed Sophie’s life, but changed hers as well. 

“We have the auditorium next weekend.”
  Jena closed her phone and smiled.  “If there is a match to be found, we will find it.  Ryan is a fighter.  I may not know him that well.  But I know that to be fact.  What he needs from you is strength.  It is what he needs from all of us.  No panicking.  Just be there for him.  Treat him the same way you did before.  Don’t let this illness define him.”


Ryan awoke and reached to pull Layla toward him.  All he felt were cold sheets.  He focused on the alarm clock.  4 AM.  He checked the bathroom, the kitchen and finally the driveway.  Her car was gone.  Panic shot through his body.  It had been far too long since he had made love to her.  He had been destroyed by the chemotherapy.  He had resigned from the gym, turning his manager title over to Kevin.  He hoped to one day be able to return but his gut told him differently.

He stepped into the kitchen and poured a glass of juice.  Everything tasted of metal but he knew he had to keep his strength up.  His muscles screamed at him to use them. 

The lights in the pool were inviting and he tested the water with his toes.  Stripping his boxers, he jumped into the water.  His strokes were slow and his breathing heavy.  His cough made it impossible to put his head underwater for long.  But the warm liquid surrounded him, making him weightless.  Floating on his back, he watched the stars above him.  The rest of the world was asleep without a care in the world. 

His heart told him to fight.  He had done it before.  He had won the first battle.  But his head told him he was losing.  In the end, it was his head that won.  Tears fell down his face as he thought about what would happen to Layla, to the whole Moretti gang, even to Aria.  He felt like he didn’t have much time left.  His phone call from Dr. Lahti had told him everything he needed to know.  The chemo wasn’t working and the odds of finding a donor were slim.  Selfishly, he wished he hadn’t sent Aria away.  But his love for Layla
transcended death.  She was everything to him and if these were truly his last days, he didn’t want to spend them worrying about Aria. Or knowing Layla was upset.

“If those are tears in your eyes, wipe em.  I am not here for a pity party.”  Caleb’s voice startled Ryan from his secluded bubble.

“What the hell?  It’s four in the morning.  You scared the shit out of me, Allen.”  Ryan swam to the side of the pool and took Caleb’s hand.  He thanked God he was here because as weak as he felt, he wasn’t sure he would be able to pull himself from the pool.

“Layla came by Mark’s earlier.  She is really worried about you.  Marco is in there tucking her in.  She fell asleep talking to Jena.  Apparently these two have planned out your future, so get ready.”  Caleb patted Ryan on the back and led him into the living room.  “Bone marrow drive is set up for Saturday starting at seven.  So, take a shower at some point, get dressed and even if you feel like shit, I wan
t to see a smile on your face.”

m going to have to second that.  You need to get your ass out of bed for more than ten minutes.  I don’t care if you look like something out of the Walking Dead.  You will be there Saturday.  These girls have been planning for about five hours.  I think they woke up everyone we know.”  Mark limped toward Ryan with a smile on his face.  “I miss you.  I know this sucks.  But I have faith, even if you have lost it.”

Ryan broke.  His body trembled as he collapsed on the couch.  Mark and Caleb exchanged concerned looks before flanking him on either side.  Ryan leaned into Mark, all 220 pounds of tattooed muscle crushing Mark’s beaten body.  But Mark never grimaced.  He wrapped his arms around him
and held on.  “I don’t think I’m going to make it through this.  I’m going to leave her alone.  I will never see her walk down the aisle toward me.  I will never hold your son.  I will never know what it feels like to be a dad or a husband. I will never be able to make amends to Aria or the million other people I’ve hurt by being an asshole.  You have to promise me to take care of her.  You have to encourage her to love again and find someone who is worthy of her.  Please.”  Ryan begged.

“Listen to me.  You are not going anywhere.  We are going to stay by your side and fight for you when you can’t.  And when you think it is time to give up, we
’re going to fight harder.  This is not over.  You will do all of those things.  And if things look dark, you marry her.  You hold onto her with all you have.  You find something to live for and live damnit.”  Mark’s body shook but his eyes stayed dry.  Now was the time to be strong.  If Ryan couldn’t, he would for him.


Layla jumped awake to a crash coming from the bathroom.  With her heart lodged in her throat, she ran for the closed door.  A second crash and a growl made her stop in her tracks.  Glass shattered.  The faucet turned on and there was silence. 

“Ryan?”  Layla pushed the door open slowly.  He was slumped over the sink, blood running down the drain.  The mirror was broken and toiletries scattered around the floor.  His face blank as he watched the crimson wash away. 

Layla kept quiet.  She knew there weren’t words that would comfort him.  She turned Ryan in her arms and pulled him into her embrace.  Blood trickled from his fist, down her arm, and onto the floor.  She pulled the bath towel from the hook and wrapped his hand.  Wide eyed, he watched her every move.  “I love you, Ryan.”  She whispered.

The tears fell silently.  His hands shook.  “I need you.  Make love to me.”

It had been a few weeks since she had felt his touch.  His body weakened from illness, she had been content just holding him at night.  But tonight he needed more.  She took his good hand and led him to the bed.  He smelled of chlorine and his skin was warm.  She smiled down at him as she crawled on top of him.  He tried to switch positions but she stopped him.  “Shh, baby.  Let me make love to you.  Let me show you how much you mean to me.”

Layla pulled his boxers down his legs and threw them onto the floor.  His hands came u
p to help with her nightgown.  She moaned as he caressed her breasts.  She bit her bottom lip and straddled him.  Holding her breath, she slid down his length, taking all of him, marveling in the fullness. She rode him slowly, memorizing his face, the way he smelled, the sounds he made. 

“I love you.”  Ryan sighed. “I love you so much it hurts.”  He pushed her onto her back, climbing on top and sinking back in
to her.

He held her to his chest, kissing her neck and her jaw.  His strokes were slow and full of passion.  The friction was perfect, his body grinding against her sensitive clit, her breathing becoming frantic.  She was so wet, allowing Ryan to slide in and out with abandon.  His orgasm began in the base of his spine, warming his belly.  His pace quickened.  “Come, Lay.  I can’t hold back.”  As he filled her with hot liquid, she came apart around him, crying his name and kissing him on the nose, the cheeks and finally the mouth.  He collapsed onto her, short of breath and covered with sweat. 

“Marry me.”  Ryan whispered into her neck.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at him.  “What?”

“Marry me, Layla
Barringer.  You make the most sense in my life.  You have from the very first time I saw you. I lived a long time before you. I don’t want to live one more day without you being my wife.”

“Ryan,” her eyes filled with tears.

“I mean it.  Marry me.  Tomorrow.  I don’t want to waste any more time.”

“Yes!”  She cried as he pulled her in for a hug.  Ryan’s embrace said it all.  If he didn’t have much time left, he wanted to spend every day loving her.

Chapter 18

and Layla held hands as they walked into the Moretti living room.  Mark was watching television and Caleb was stretched out on the couch editing.  Sophie smiled at them as she walked into the room, rubbing her belly.

“I asked Layla to marry me.”


“Did you hear me?”  Ryan chuckled.

“Oh my God.”  Sophie launched herself at her sister.  “When?  How? Give me the details.”

heading out shopping now and Layla wanted to drag Soph with her.  The ring is going to have to be amazing.  You still have Lane’s number? I asked her in bed.  I don’t think it was the most romantic proposal.” Ryan chuckled but laughed harder at Mark’s response.

’s belly laugh shook his whole body.  “Romantic?  No.  But appropriate.  Absolutely.”

“Suck my big one Moretti.”

For once, your disgusting sarcasm is music to my ears.”  Mark pulled Ryan into a hug.  The heat of his skin shocked Mark back into reality.  This proposal was rushed because Ryan wasn’t sure he had a tomorrow.  “When are we doing this?”

Layla cleared her throat.  “Tomorrow?  Right away.  Can y’all help us?”

Sophie sprang to action.  “Piece of cake.  Mark, call Rich and see if he is still a notary.  He could perform the service.  Ryan, call Steve and see if he can DJ tomorrow night.  Caleb, call Kevin.  His sister owns a restaurant downtown.   We can have the service on the back patio.  We can float candles in the pool and put lights in the trees.  I am so excited
for you both.  Oh shit.  Ryan is going to be my brother.”

Layla’s smile was hesitant.  “Don’t go crazy.  I don’t have a dress
, we don’t have a marriage license and we don’t have rings.”

Sophie took Layla’s hand.  “Come with me.  I have my dress upstairs.  You can wear that.  Who knows if it will even fit once I pop this baby out.  Let’s go try it on
.  When we are done, I would be happy to go with you two to pick out the rings.”

As the girls made their way upstairs, Mark smiled at Ryan.  “We’ve got this brother.  This day will be amazing.  I promise you.  And it will be a day that Layla will never forget.”


Layla stood in the full length mirror.  The bridal gown was gorgeous.  The beaded bodice hugged her body like it was made for her.  The length was perfect on her tall frame.  She smiled as she ran her hand over the sequin at the waist.  She caught Sophie’s eye in the mirror.  “It’s gorgeous Soph.  But I can’t wear your dress.  It looks like it cost a fortune.  And then if you wear it, it won’t be new.  I can’t steal your thunder.  You and Mark have done everything for me.”  Her throat felt tight.

“Lay, you are everything to us.  And
it’s just a dress.  It can be replaced.  Your happiness can’t.  Tomorrow is about you.  And you deserve to be a princess.  And you look amazing.  Please wear it.”  Sophie watched as her attention returned to her reflection.  The joy on her face did not match her eyes.  “You can talk to me about anything.  You know that, right?”

“He’s dying.”  Layla sat on the edge of the bed.  “He is marrying me because he’s dying.  He hasn’t told me that.  But I know he has given up.  He’s going to die Soph.  What am I going to do without him?”

“Look at me.”  Sophie took her chin in her hand and forced her to make eye contact.  “He isn’t gone yet.  And that mean
s there is still a chance.  Maybe Billy Joel is right and only the good die young.  Doesn’t that mean all these assholes we hang out with will live forever?  He told Mark how much he wanted to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you.  And if that is six months or sixty years, you wake up every morning and remind him what he is living for.  Now get up and let’s plan this wedding.”


The following evening was clear and breezy.  Chairs were set up on each side of the makeshift aisle, fifty in total.  Three hundred floating candles skimmed the top of the pool and lights twinkled from the trees.  A large, white tent was set up in the corner of the yard, overlooking the Hollywood Hills.  Sophie had spent all afternoon setting up tables with simple centerpieces and greenery.  Caleb and Mark had installed a dance floor in the middle of the tables and Steve had borrowed the DJ equipment from the station and was set up and ready to lead the party.  Even Jena had helped the caterers set up the champagne fountain.    Despite the theory that Jena was there to make sure Mark didn’t overdo it, her energy had pushed them all to make the space perfect.  The sky was a blanket of stars and the warm spring breeze smelled of jasmine. 

Ryan stepped outside in a black suit and smiled.  Everything was perfect.  The space was perfect.  His friends were perfect.  His life had been perfect.  He sighed as he imagined pledging his life to Layla.  A few months ago, she had been just the brunette that had been spotted with Mark through the window of the gym.  Just days after, she had been the pretty woman he has asked to dance at Rich and Molly’s wedding.  She had taken his breath away even then.  But not even Ryan could have imagined that she would become everything to him.  He laughed as he recalled their secret rendezvous the first day she moved to Los Angeles.  They had been afraid to make it any more than that first night.  But fate had other plans and Ryan found himself inside the stock room at the night club.  He smiled remembering Mark’s reaction to the news that he was in love with Layla. 

Life hadn’t been fair for a majority of Ryan’s life.  He had been through hell and back as a child and lost so much during his first year of college with his cancer scare.  He had fought back, worked hard, achieved things no one expected and lived his life exactly how he had wanted to.  And if life had taught him anything at all, it was that Ryan West was a fighter and the path to forever may be a short one, but it was one filled with love, great friends and had been an amazing journey.

“Ryan West, married before Moretti or Allen.  I never thought I would see the day.”  Rich smiled as he patted him on the back.  “I c
ouldn’t be more proud of you.  Layla is an amazing woman.  You are a very lucky man.  And I am so glad that one of my other friends is joining me in marital bliss.”

Ryan laughed and shook his head.  Rich had gotten married months before and it was his wedding that allowed Ryan to hold Layla for this first time.

“Yes I am. I am a very lucky man.”  Ryan smiled as Caleb, Mark and Steve joined them.  “I will never be able to thank you guys enough.  I know this isn’t the ideal situation but you all treated it like it was the most important thing in the world.  I love you guys.”

“It is the most important thing in the world.  It’s your wedding.  And we are honored to stand by your side tonight.”  Caleb shook his hand and took his place next to Ryan.

The women came out one by one.  Molly led them out, followed by Sophie.  Each woman wearing a shade of purple.  As Layla stepped into the back yard, Mark took her arm and led her down the aisle.  Ryan’s breath caught.  Her hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail, curls falling around her face.  The twinkle lights in the trees reflected off her dress as she stepped toward him.  With each stride, Ryan’s grin grew wider.  Tears formed in his eyes.  She was going to be his.  She was giving herself to him completely.  Their eyes met and Layla smiled that smile that lit up his world.

The two joined hands as Rich led them through the simple ceremony that would bind them together.  They
smiled as they exchanged rings and laughed when Rich tried to lighten the mood.  When it came time for Ryan to say his vows, his hands shook and tears fell freely.  Writing their own vows had been the only option.  Their love was so much greater than any words someone else could write.

“Layla, you are my everything.  The first time I saw you, I knew you were different.  I tried so hard to deny it but I loved you the very first second I saw you outside the gym.  You have stood by my side through all of this.  And maybe I don’t deserve it.  Certainly, I don’t deserve you.  But God brought you to me when I needed you most.  And I never knew love could be like this.  Thank you for being my wife.  Thank you for loving me enough to give us a chance.  I know this is quick but I don’t know how much time I have left.  And it would be my biggest regret if I didn’t become your husband. 
Your beauty takes my breath away every day.  Your heart reminds me of all the good in the world. Thank you for loving me for the rest of my life.”

Layla wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him.  “Ryan, words aren’t enough to tell you how I feel about you.  I have loved every second of us.  And I am going to stand next to you as you beat this and we get our chance at happily ever after.  I love you like crazy.  You make me laugh and you make me cry.”  She giggled.  “No one will ever love me the way you do.  And believe me, I know how amazing that is. 
You take my breath away.  Looking at you then, I held my breath.  Looking at you now, my heart squeezes in my chest.  Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that you are beautiful.  But you are. And I am not going to love you for the rest of your life, Ryan.  I am going to love you for the rest of mine.”

As they were pronounced husband and wife, the crowd went crazy.  The love story of Ryan West and Layla Barringer had been a whirlwind.  But their love was apparent to each person that knew them. 

“Let’s dance!”  Steve yelled into the microphone and people took to the dance floor. 

Ryan held Layla close.  “Wife.”  He kissed her with all he had.  “Thank you for loving me, Mrs. West.”

“Thank you for choosing me, Mr. West.  And don’t you dare give up.  We have a long life ahead of us.  And tomorrow we WILL find you a marrow donor.  And we can start our happily ever after.”

“I feel like I can conquer everything with you by my side.”  Ryan spun his new wife around and they knew that finally, the world belonged to them.

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