Taming the Alphas: Part Three: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance

BOOK: Taming the Alphas: Part Three: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance
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Copyright © 2015 by Kate Kent

All Rights Reserved
: No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination, or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to organizations, actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

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Published by: Lil Black Dress Press

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“What the… Get your hands off of me!” I exclaimed, pulling as hard as I could to get away from the skinny man. Despite his wiry, slender physique, he was very strong. With his hand wrapped tightly around my arm I couldn’t move. Oh God! He must be a member of the WHO group trying to kidnap me, just like they’d tried to kidnap Lisa and Shelby. Breathing hard, I tried to pull away again. Why in a school that boasted close to 30,000 undergrads was there no one nearby to help me, the one moment I needed help the most?

“Let her go, Arturo. She is afraid.” The dark haired girl, Aimee, said firmly. “Beverly, we are not here to hurt you.”

As Arturo released his grip, I narrowed my eyes. “You are not here to hurt me?! He just grabbed me. What do you people want?” I demanded to know.

“We want to talk to you,” Arturo said, “and you’ve never given us a chance to.”

“Well, this is not the way to do it!” I cried, rubbing my aching arm. “Aren’t you members of the WHO group—the Werewolf Haters Organization?”

“No, we are not. I am so sorry Arturo grabbed you. Let me introduce all of us. I am Aimee,” She directed her gaze to the other dark haired girl and the skinny man. “This is Lina, and that is Arturo.”

I gave Arturo a disgusted look. “Thanks for the bruise…”

“Sorry,” he grunted.

“Ok, well tell me what this is all about then?” I snapped.

“We admire you,” Aimee said. “We heard about that nasty WHO group, so we started our own werewolf group. We want to show you that we think you, and others like you, are great!”

“You started your own werewolf group?” I cocked my brow. This was getting weirder and weirder.

“Yes, the WAG group. It stands for Werewolf Advocacy Group. But we just think of it as the Werewolves are Great group,” she smiled widely.

I looked closely at the three of them. All of them were looking at me with shiny eyes. Could they be telling the truth?

“Umm, WAG? What is that all about?”

“Our group supports equal rights for werewolves. We think werewolves are awesome. We would like to become one—just like you. We are hoping…” she paused, smiling nervously as she looked at her two friends, “we are hoping you will bite us, so we can become werewolves too.”

Oh my God! Were these people for real? They wanted me to bite them?

“What the heck!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Arturo said, “Werewolves are super cool, not to mention hot and sexy. We love them! There are a lot of members in our group. We all want to become werewolves.”

“Just wait till they find out we talked to you in person. They will be so jealous!” Aimee chimed in.

“It would be so neat to be a werewolf,” Lina added dreamily.

“I don’t know what to say,” I replied cautiously. The truth was, for once in my life I was speechless. Who would have thought that a group of people would want to become werewolves? Here they were, looking at me like I was some big celebrity or the President of the United States. All those stares and the giggling I had interpreted as hatred towards me were actually because they were excited.

“Wow, I guess that is really cool,” I said slowly. God, that sounded so lame. I felt like I should be giving a huge speech, but this had caught me so off guard.

“Can you tell us more about what it is like being a werewolf?” Aimee asked.

“Yes. We want to know everything!” said Lina.

“How do you even know I am a werewolf for sure?”

Aimee, Arturo and Lina smiled at one another. “We have a friend in the government division of Homeland Security.”

Oh boy. I had overheard Karen from the WHO group say she had a friend who worked for Homeland Security that had leaked information to her about the werewolves. It sounded like she wasn’t the only one. Just a few more leaks and the whole country would know what really happened. There was no sense launching into the “official” cover up story the government had given me to share if I was questioned because it was obvious these three knew the truth.

“Well, I really can’t discuss this. But one thing is for sure, I definitely won’t bite you. Even if I was a werewolf … and I am not saying I am, but if I was, I would wind up in jail for sure.”

“That sucks,” Aimee said. Lina’s face crumbled, heartbroken.

It was hard to believe that someone who had never been a werewolf would deliberately want to be turned into one. I mean, now as a werewoman, I couldn’t imagine going back to my former self … I have super senses, after all. But they had never experienced what I had. Before I turned, I never would have dreamed of wanting to become one.

“I’m curious—why would you all want to become werewolves?”

“Freedom—the ability to run wild and free, that would be awesome,” Aimee said wishfully.

“And it’s so hot and sexy!” Arturo added. I shook my head, trying not to laugh. Didn’t he say that before? He really seemed to be focused on the ‘hot and sexy’ aspect of being a werewolf.

“I don’t know. I think it would be fun,” Lina rubbed her face. “Everyone says it would be cool.”

“…ok...” I spoke aloud. This all seemed really weird to me, so maybe the best thing I could do was to gather all the information I could about them. “So, tell me more about your group.”

Arturo’s face lit up. “Well, I started the WAG group because I wanted all the shifters to know that we love them. The WHO is getting a lot of press for being against the werewolves, and someone needed to show support for them instead. It’s not a campus group or anything, but neither is the WHO.”

“What does the group do?”

“We have meetings and talk about what it would be like to be a werewolf.” Lina exclaimed. “I think it would be awesome!”

“We’re also staging a protest against the WHO,” Aimee added.

“And,” Arturo said, “We have talked about lobbying the government for new laws so that werewolves can’t be harassed. I mean, this is terrible the way you are being treated. Everyone should have equal rights.”

“But the government hasn’t said that werewolves exist. So way would they write laws against their harassment?”

“We are working on full disclosure from the government.” Arturo said. “It is going to happen.” He added confidently.

It was exciting to see all this support and it seemed genuine. But was it? I was anxious to talk to Dave and Todd and see what they thought. I nodded my head. “Well, I have to get going, but I will see you all around I’m sure.”

“Oh pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeee bite me,” Lina whined, “just a little bitty bite.”

Arturo gave her a harsh look. “Stop that Lina, don’t pressure her. Beverly, would you consider coming to one of our meetings? It would really help the cause. And it would be fantastic if everyone had the chance to meet you.”

I rubbed my forehead. “I don’t know guys. This is…”

“Beverly, think about the WHO group and what they are trying to do. When it eventually comes out to the world that you are werewolves, and it will, they will be asking for forced birth control, captivity … who knows what else they have planned. You will want as many people on your side as possible.”

Aimee and Lina gave me pleading looks.

What Arturo said made sense. Logically, the whole werewolf mess would come to a head one day and our existence would be revealed. The more people who recognized we could be civil, law abiding citizens, the better. “I guess I could come to a meeting.”

“That will be so awesome!” Lina yelled.

“We will let you know when the meetings are and you can come to one that works for you. Hopefully you will want to come to more than one,” Arturo added.

“Right, well I have to get going now,” I said, giving them a little wave. Todd was coming over to the apartment for drinks and dinner and the three of us planned to have a serious discussion about our relationship.

“Of course, catch you later,” Aimee responded. She, Lina, and Arturo headed towards the exit. As they went to open the door, Lina turned back towards me.

“We want to be just like you,” she called out. “We love our wolfies! We love you!”





“Todd, her big, heaving boobies were smashed right into your chest. She was rubbing up against you like a dog in heat!”

“I like Jenna as a person, not a girlfriend. I don’t want a relationship with her and I don’t want to sleep with her,” Todd said firmly.

“That’s good to know, Todd. But how do you think I felt when I saw that bitch draped all over you?” Ok, so maybe Jenna wasn’t a bitch, but she pissed me off. She knew Todd and I were in a relationship.

Todd shrugged helplessly. “Honestly Beverly, I didn’t think about it. She’s just a girl that works for me. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.”

“So you would rather hurt mine instead, Todd Becker?” I asked sharply.

“No… I…” Todd looked pretty miserable, but I needed to make it clear how much it had hurt me to see Jenna fawning all over him.

“Well, I want you to know that it really upset me to see that smug bitch with her paws on you. She knows we are dating.”

“I’m really sorry I hurt you, Beverly.” Todd grunted, "it wasn’t intentional.”

“Alright Todd, next time Jenna or some other girl puts her hands on you, please think of how
you would
feel if I let some guy other than you and Dave rub all over me.”

Todd nodded his baby blues, capturing my gaze. “Not gonna happen again, baby doll.”

I could feel myself melting. I wanted to rush over and kiss him but I had to be firm—at least for now.

Dave cleared his throat suddenly. He had been quiet as Todd and I talked, but it was obvious he had been thinking about what he wanted to say. “Todd, I owe you an apology for shutting you out after my lousy job interview.”

Todd nodded. “It’s ok man. I know you needed your alone time.”

“Yeah,” Dave lowered his head, burying his face in his hands for a moment before looking up again. His steely grey eyes were moist. “It’s been really tough looking for a job day after day. It’s hard not having a workplace to go to.” He shook his head as his gaze met mine. “And this no money thing sucks. I want to buy my beautiful woman dinners, pretty clothes and jewelry.” He glanced at Todd. “I want to treat my closest friend to a beer or a round of golf. And I can barely afford to pay rent or buy food.”

“It’s ok, Dave,” I said softly. I leaned over from my chair to where he was sitting on the couch and gave him a hug. I could feel the tension in his body as I wrapped my arms around his beefy, muscular shoulders.

Todd wrinkled his brow. “Yeah, no worries; don’t fret.”

“Todd, you’ve been so generous, using your gas driving, buying groceries, treating us to pizza and beer... It’s hard not to be able to contribute like you have.”

“Hey…” Todd raised his hand in protest, “you’d do the same for me.”

We went back and forth for a while. After talking it through, it was clear that we all wanted this threesome. We cared deeply for each other. It would just take a little time to get in the flow with one another—what things bothered us, what we didn’t mind, and all the other stuff that goes into every relationship. Of course, it was more complicated than most relationships, since we were dealing with feelings of three people instead of two. One thing was for sure: for this to work for the three of us, we would have to be open and honest about how we felt, and talk through any problems that came up. For now though, it felt really good between us. We had aired our feelings and were starting with a clean slate.

“So, you told us earlier you met some people who are in a group called WAG who want to become werewolves—what’s that all about?” Dave asked. He tapped his stomach as he reached for another slice of pizza. “Good thing I run and I can burn through this," he said, biting off a chunk of the gooey, cheesy pizza.

“Yeah, I think just transitioning into our wolf burns tons of calories.” As I said it I realized I hadn’t thought about calories in a while—ever since I’d become a shifter.
Before becoming a werewoman, I’d counted calories sometimes, but now I didn’t have to think about it. The transitioning and running helped keep me lean.

“Maybe that’s why all those members of WAG want to become werewolves.” Todd laughed, flashing his dimples. “They think it will help them get in shape! But seriously Bev, what’s going on with them?”

“It was so weird listening to them talk. I mean, who knew that there was a whole bunch of people out there that admire us and want to become werewolves? I had no idea there were people who would actually choose to become one of us if they could.”

Todd and Dave were both shaking their heads as I gave them more details on what had happened after class. “It must have creeped you out,” Todd said as he settled back down onto the couch clutching a beer and a slice of pepperoni pie.

“Yeah, it did, but it was kinda flattering also.” Now that I realized the girls’ giggles and finger pointing was because they admired me, it felt totally different than before when I’d thought they were out to get me. “It was like I was some huge celebrity or something,” I laughed. “Like I said, they want us to go to a meeting and check it out and meet the members. What do you all think?” I raised my brows at Todd and Dave.

“Maybe. I would have to think about it,” Dave said, scratching his head. “It’s almost like admitting that we are werewolves if we attend. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true Dave,” I said, disappointed. I was so curious to attend one of their meetings and see what went on. I gazed over at Todd, my blue eyed hunk. He looked pretty relaxed now, despite the heated discussion earlier.

“Do you think we should go to a WAG meeting, Todd?”

“I don’t know. I guess it could be good or bad…” Todd replied, slicking back a few strands of his sandy blonde hair. He looked especially delicious today. His hair was all tousled and the soft blue shirt he was wearing made his eyes impossibly bluer. Dave was looking hot too. As he bit into a slice of pizza, my gaze naturally gravitated to his mouth. He had big, thick lips—and knew just how to use them. Just thinking of them clamped on my nipples sent a shiver through my body. It was hard not to think about sex all the time with these two hunks.

“Look guys, I think we ought to go to one of the meetings—see what they are about. It’s important that we know more about them. Tell you what, you go to the meeting with me, I will do something for you two…”

“What will you do for us?” Dave asked, a sexy grin snaking across his lips.

“I’ll think of something. Maybe cook you all a big dinner? I make great mac ‘n cheese,” I pleaded. I really wanted them to go to a WAG meeting, but I could tell they were unlikely to go unless I pushed them.

“Well, we can discuss it more later on. I’m glad we cleared the air between the three of us about our relationship, though,” Dave replied.

“Yeah, I love being with both of you,” Todd smiled. I could feel myself melting in his gaze. “I missed you two a lot when you were in New York,” he added, his voice low and throaty.

“A little kiss for each of you is in order.” I got up from my chair and sat between both men on the sofa. I ran my lips lightly along Dave’s face. Then, I turned and ran them along Todd’s, ending in a short, sweet kiss on the lips.

“You’re such a tease, Beverly,” Dave smiled, his steely gray eyes softening. “Do you think Todd and I will be satisfied with that little, bitty kiss?”

“No, we are not at all satisfied,” Todd gave me a teasingly stern look. “We want more—much more.”

“I … I ah… What exactly do you want?”
I asked coyly. Oh, I could just guess what they both wanted, and I could feel my panties getting wet thinking about it.

Dave cleared his throat. “You know what we want, Bev. We want you—every square inch of you. We want to lick, fuck and suck every millimeter of that beautiful, tasty body of yours until you are screaming with pleasure.”

I closed my eyes for a moment as I visualized Dave and Todd, licking and fondling me. “Oh God, Dave, that sounds so delicious,” I moaned.

“You know, I just had a thought,” Dave narrowed his eyes, giving me a mischievous gaze. “How about Todd and I attend a WAG meeting with you, and in exchange you dance for us—a sexy little salsa, maybe?”

“What!” I yelled, bursting into a laugh.

“Great idea Dave,” Todd grinned at me, "come on Bev, I like the sound of that.”

“Seriously,” Dave said. “I’m kidding, we’ll go to the meeting anyway if that’s what you want. You don’t
to dance for us … but we sure would love it.”

“Oh yeah, that would be hot,” Todd swallowed as he looked me over. He tried to do it subtly, but I could see him undressing me with his eyes.

“Why don’t you two dance for me?” I replied, turning things back on them.

“Come on, Bev. There’s two of us and one of you. It makes more sense to please two over one ... besides, I have no desire to see Todd shake and shimmy naked, and I don’t think he wants to see me dancing in the buff either.”

Todd shook his head. “You got that right Dave, hell to the no!”

“Naked … who said anything about naked?” I asked, suddenly timid.

Dave gave me a naughty look. “Well, you would do a strip tease for us, wouldn’t you? We both want to see your beautiful, sweet body totally nude.”

“Well… I…”

“Don’t be shy, Bev. We’re in this for the long haul, mentally and sexually. Let’s have fun!”

“Well, if you really want me…”

I’d barely gotten the words out before Dave shouted “Oh yeah!” and Todd moaned jokingly.

“Todd Becker! Dave Barnes! You two are such horny, naughty wolves.”

The idea of dancing for these two men made me feel shy, but at the same time, it was a turn on … Then again, to be honest, the idea of them dancing for me excited me even more. Two hunky shifters, strutting their stuff for my enjoyment—mmm, that would be delicious. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head…

Dave interrupted my thoughts, turning on some sexy mood music. The two men were both grinning broadly, looking at me expectantly.

“There’s one condition!” I said, with a huge smile on my face.

“What?” They asked in unison.

“Fair is fair. You both have to be buck naked before I even start!”


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